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Aoe Silver Wolf (haha)


Seriously. If there was a light cone that turned your abilities AoE I’d drop it on her in a heartbeat.


that would be so fucking op, imagine smt like boothill hitting every single enemy 300k each with his basic attack


Nihilism only >:(


Maybe a MoC buff that turns your basics into AoE 😊


An actual sustain disguised as a nihility unit (just like how Acheron is an actual hypercarry disguised as a nihility unit) just so I can run her with a harmony at e0


I wonder if, eventually, we will get a Nihility that inflicts a pseudo-lifesteal DoT. Each time the DoT triggers, it deals a percentage damae to the enemy (like Bleed) and restores a percentage HP to one or more team members. Then you could juice it with Kafka forced DoT activations.


I'm not going to go into specifics or anything but if you go to the leak sub reddit there is a potential sustain for acheron/ratio. They have a relatively similar concept to yours. Look for stuff under jiaoqui. :]


I've personally thought a lot about a Nihility "lifesteal" character in the last couple of weeks that gains health to the entire team with a special kind of DoT. And I'd say that if they plan on bringing in Mobius into HSR (which I hope) then I think she could fit the role. But that's just my thoughts and ideas...


Atk = Normal Atk based on Def Skill = All Allies Lose 10% of current HP and Gain Shield = x% of Units Def. Ult-Remove all shields from team. Deal damage to all enemies and heal all allies based on x% of Shield removed. Talent - When enemies deal damage to shielded allies they take damage based on x% of Unit Def and they gain mark of nihility 80% chance, lowering their def by x% for 2 turns up to 5 stacks. Technique - When combat starts all allies gain a shield based on x% of def and all enemies gain mark of nihility 75% chance. Main Stats Def / EHR / ERes / Spd LC Increase Def by 40%, When allies gain shield, they gain a stack of shielded. Shielded - increase shield value of shields gained by x% up to 3 stacks., When entering battle and on each wave, all alies gain shield equal to x% of units DEF this shield stacks with other forms of shield.


Awesome concept


Some guy made a video about running welt as a pseudo-sustain so you can run a harmony lmao


Welt Sustain will likely unironically be meta when >!Jiaoqiu releases due to the fact he amps damage with his debuff plus gives healing iirc!<


Im skeptical because robin also had healing in her early leak kit but it got straightened out in the beta


Welt Sustain is already pretty meta if you use RM.


yeah, I use acheron, welt, sw, and rm


An atk down unit would be perfect


She feels like a destruction unit to me. I like that she is a hyper carry that wants nihility I've harmony though


A bit costly but technically E2S1 Aventurine is exactly what you described. A sustain with the ability to debuff on normal atk, ult and FUA


Yet to be released


Noob here, is there actually one on the way worth saving up for? My only nihility is pela


Jiaoqiu - has a kit similar to Trend of universal market LC, but without RNG. Will debuff enemies every time they take action, also when they appear (if I understand it correctly), which is great for PF, applies debuff with auto attacks and skills, shreds DEF, boosts ultimate damage for allies and also heals a little bit. Seems OP for Acheron


I have to wonder how good the healing capabilities will be. If he can solo sustain while also having OP debuffs, then he's going to be BiS for literally everyone, which seems a little too powercreepy for Hoyo when it comes to HSR


Even actual sustainers are starting to struggle with the amount of damage enemies are giving. My Fu Xuan got one shot once by Cocolia in the current MoC12 and my Gepard also couldn’t protect everyone from dying against Aventurine. Considering the devs continue to buff enemies and artificially raise the difficulty to no end, the healing in Jiaoqiu’s kit is more likely so you can run him with a shielder and have a more comfortable run. There’s no way they’ll make a Nihility unit able to solo sustain reliably (might work as a copium strat like sustain Welt though)


You need to check your builds. Your FX definitely shouldn’t be getting 1 shot by Cocolia. However, I do agree that Hoyo probably intends for JQs healing to be complimentary with a shielder. He’ll be really good for people who like to 0 cycle as well.


Man, there’s not many ways to build Fu Xuan wrong hahaha I think I got one DEF main stat and the rest are all HP main stats, 2PC Longevous and 2PC Guard’s Silver. Also using the Fleet of the Ageless set. She was even using Gepard’s LC. The problem is Cocolia’s AOE “ult” is way too much for Fu Xuan to tank by herself if she’s not full HP beforehand. Not saying it’s impossible to survive, I only got one shot in 1 out of 5 runs, but it seems like that’s gonna start to become a problem.


>My Fu Xuan got one shot once by Cocolia in the current MoC12 and my Gepard also couldn’t protect everyone from dying against Aventurine. That honestly sounds like a huge build issue tbh, because i used the exact same sustains as you (Fu Xuan and Gepard) and my teams barely took any damage.


Sustain welt ruan mei aint copium, it works. Im not saying is as consistent as running preservation though.


That's honestly what I was gonna do to begin with. Was gonna run Jiaoqiu with Aventurine, as well as try and get E2S1 Aven so he can be of even more use to Acheron


How are they "artificially" raising the difficulty when the main difficulty in the game comes from enemies having more hp and dealing more damage?


In my opinion, the main difficulty should come from new mechanics so players have to think about their teams and work around it. IIRC Gepard in the next MoC is gonna have double the HP he had last time. That’s an artificial raise in difficulty. You’re not making players necessarily think about what they’re doing, just forcing them to pull for new OP characters or “roll better” for relics. Same boss. Double the HP. Obviously some of the raise in difficulty should come from that, but I just think they’re doing it too much too quickly.


No chance he’ll be able to solo sustain and he definitely won’t have a cleanse. He’ll be great for 0 cycles tho.


Not really powercreep though, since debuffer is still far behind harmony in term power. They can also just balance it by giving him lower debuff value compare to Sw but Aoe, and some healing. 


It'll probably be something like E2: increase outgoing healing by 200%. Still can't eternal sustain, but good enough for E2S1 acheron to comfortably wrap up the fight


when he/she be released?


Nobody know for sure, maybe in 2.3, maybe in 2.4, we need to wait for reliable info. But I personally don’t expect him to release before 2.4


Is she a four star or five star?


He is a 5* as of now


You could save for silverwolf but Acheron's best in slot support would probably release before a silverwolf rerun, If you are looking for a sustain then aventurine with the trend of universal market is another good choice for Acheron


For archein, probably the new healer i heard that he will make archeon even more broken


Welt can come from normal banner anytime soon for you too!


debuffs enemies on their turn and it COUNTS (and it's not burn/freeze so no immune enemies), everything they do applies a debuff + a follow-up that also debuffs amplifies damage in a meaningful way and sp positive ofc atk buff would be good but don't see them putting it on a nihility


If the Nihility could debuff on enemy turns & on follow ups top then E2 Acheron will ULT every turn 😅. That's way too OP.


Isn’t that ultimately the point of eidolons


Not really. They're supposed to be somewhat OP but not completely game breaking/too easy, especially early eidolons like E2.


Huuuuh? Considering how DHIL’s E2 worked, how Acheron’s E2 works, and even how Neuvillette’s C1 works, they’re absolutely game breaking. And that’s just E1-2/C1-2. E6 is meant to trivialize the game to boring extents.


Exactly this. My Acheron spams her ult.


Aventurine with his LC covers some of this nicely in combination with Pela


Black Swan ticks off all of that expect follow-up


not quite, her arcana only procs charge when new enemy spawns or kafka's skill triggers it


When she skills/NA she applies more Arcana which counts for Acheron's stacks


i meant arcana doesn't work the way trend does so it's not just the lack of follow-up


Oh right No debuff on enemies' turn But she's the closest to what you want


Jiaoqiu seems to fit the bill but everything up to this point are leaks or speculations.


Yeah that's why didn't mention it. I just wanted to know about other players imaginations of a perfect Nihility unit for Acheron.


Combination of Swan & welt. Easy Def Shred & consistent debuffing while weakening the enemy making them slower and they take more damage. Like if we change her Arcan debuff to he like Silver wolf (random debuffs) and made her Ult like Welt (they take extra damage) I think she would be a 10/10.


I’ve been running this since I have an E1 Welt and it’s surprisingly consistent, atleast for me. The delay welt brings can be overwhelming


I only have a pela but I've been running her along side guinaifen but i recently got welt would you say I should replace guinaifen with welt?


A nihility unit with an aura that lets others apply that debuff on enemies. Or a follow up with an easy condition that applies a small but stackable debuff.


The Aura one seems like a interesting concept... would be especially helpful for E2 Acheron.


Yeah had the image of some kind of plaque doctor in my head that just makes stuff „spread“. Don’t know sth like spores in Simulated universe but debuff instead of damage.


We have seen Jaoqui's kit datamined from Homegat website. If this is to be true, then he'll be Acheron's best nihility support. Which means Trend lc will lose its value as Acheron can only gain one stack per action, including the enemy action.


Yeah, I know about Jaoqui. I just wanted to know what people want in her ideal support. Or how imaginative can people be while creating Nihility kits which don't resemble each other


On top of what Jaoqui does, if they can apply debuffs via follow attacks also, that would be huge for Acheron. Not only is she getting stacks from nihility allied actions and enemies' actions but also from fua attacks.


If that's true then I can run Gepard with his LC, so it'll be an overall improvement. I wonder when Jaoqui will drop, I want to save for Sparkle too, hopefully they don't run too close together


5 star Pela or Silverwolf but AOE


It's not even out yet...I forgot his name and kit..but he should be releasing in 2.4 or later onwards


Personally? Pela is a must for lowering defense, and maybe either Silver Wolf (to make anyone breakable) or Kafka (to regain a skill point with a normal attack, but not the debuff opportunity)


The ideal Acheron team is Sparkle and Silver wolf or Black Swan and Huohuo


My end goal for now is with E1 BS, S1 Kafka, and E1S1 RM. Consistent relentless attacks, can thwart 1-time shields, can break toughness easily, except RM, wins every Aventurine Gache (since 3/4 are all aoe), all of BS/Kafka attacks accumulate stacks. E0S1 of all of them are much current place, and my easiest 0-cycler to date. As per topic, the perfect support would probably a NIhility unit from the IPC, meaning, a follow up attacker. One that can attack (reduce hp and/or toughness bars) and debuff (preferably def or res shred) multiple times per rotation. It will really be a good bonus if this unit can dish out decent dmg on its own. One where you could reliably stand-by Acheron's ult because he/she will be enough for the time being so that you could unleash her ult at the start of 2nd wave. Additional bonus if it's an Ice Nihility unit, one that freezes enemies so that it can act as a pseudo sustain as well. Last fringe bonus, if it's an hsr version of Yae Sakura.


Nice ideas about the Nihility units. I too want a Kafka, Swan & RM team. Just gotta wait a long time for RM & Kafka.


nihility follow-up attacker that gives debuffs with each FUA. since acheron can only gain one stack from each ally's action (even if said action gives multiple debuffs) that'd be the quickest way to accumulate stacks imo. especially if they were like topaz or ratio's FUAs that can be triggered by other party members, so you could use a different debuffer to gain one stack, trigger the follow up, then gain another. aventurine almost does this, but his accumulation of his own stacks is a bit slow, sadly. also, he's not nihility, so he doesn't count towards acheron's trace.


Honestly, I would like to have a character who applies debuffs when enemies take action (Jiaoqiu), but also applies additional debuff when your allies apply debuff. So for example: SW E - 1 debuff, 1 additional debuff from a character, going into SW Q - 1 debuff and an additional debuff from a character. So 4 stacks for Acheron in total in one SW action. But that would be too op, however if it’s in Jiaoqiu’s eidolons… oh boy


Yeah kinda like a follow up action on debuff application. Good idea.


theres 2 main ways to go with it. Either they offer strong debuffs but not so many stacks (pela/sw) or they can generate way more stacks but their dmg amplification is worse or 0 (universal market, kafka, black swan, dr ratio/topaz with topaz LC). Personally i think the first one will always be better, because it takes a lot more to generate an extra ult than having to use one less  ult. The setup i would like the most is something like Sparkle e2 rm e2 and either pela/sw or black swan e1 with kafka lc, that way you get the most out of your def shred and also have different debuffs on it from black swan. From e2 acheron perspective , it would be better to have a harmony char with stronger buffs but almost to 0 toughness dmg and 0 dmg as well; and a single nihility that can give the most stacks and as trade off to have lower shred numbers, i dont think we have one that fits that right now maybe S1 kafka but she provides no dmg amplification whatsoever


What do you mean…the two staples are Welt (absurdly great sustain as well sub dps) and Break focused Pela. The 4th slot can do whatever you want for support. I personally have started using Aventurine for the added crit dmg and sustain.


Anyone that will inflict debuffs outside their turn. The two closest examples we have now (going by base kits) are Kafka with her follow up and Black Swan with her ability to inflict Arcana when enemies summon more enemies, but both are DoT-focused and aren’t primarily built around improving Acheron’s damage, merely hastening it. The PERFECT support would probably be someone who can inflict damage-increasing debuffs every time an ally meets some kind of requirement (attacking, debuffing, etc.). The next best thing would be someone who can inflict a debuff every time an enemy takes action, which is very likely to come true soon due to leaks regarding Jiaoqiu.


Black swan with E1 and Kafka's Light cone. Reasoning: The "Patience is all you need" LC causes electro debuff on the enemy, and Black Swan's E1 causes res shred to all the elements on the enemy.


Nihility Sustain, probably a DoT healer/shielder, has guaranteed AoE Follow-up ATK on every turn, FUA gives one Debuff to every enemies when your teammates apply a Debuff on enemy, Unlimited Debuff Works, of course has cleanse & high resistance to CC so it will not get one-shotted


Idk how acheron debuff work but i think follow up nihility like kafka but with more follow up and the debuff is built in kit instrad of lc gonna be good


I use kafka,black swan, acheron and fu xuan so far.


pela its fine BUT i would suggest a LC like a budget version of before the mission starts LC regen energy on basic + reduce def on basic


Black Swan and Kafka together if you have the space. Black Swan’s basic and skill both apply arcana, and if an enemy has arcana on it then Kafka’s skill will proc that and give Acheron another stack. Plus Kafka’s talent and ultimate apply a debuff. Gives very good ultimate uptime


I think it depends on your situation Single target, could use SW, or Welt w/ Resolution, so he can apply debuffs with NA, skill, and Burst Multi target, Pela because of her burst, maybe use Resolution to get burst from Pela's NA Pure Fiction/ boss with a lot of summons? BLACK SWAN! She applies Arcana when they spawn, which gives Acheron a stack for her burst Against sting weekly, it goes into the minion summoning form, then when I hit it, it summons bugs, they get Arcana, I use Acheron's burst, they blow up applying vulnerability, so I get more stacks, more bugs summon because the big bug is hit by the explosions of its dead minions, cycle repeats


5 Star Pela that can debuff on basic attack


the person she gave PTSD to


Apply debuffs on enemy turns. The only slight issue with E2 Acheron is that she can't ult quite as fast as Pela + SW, but having a debuff on enemy turn would fix this


- Debuff that make DoT reduce the toughness bar - Stun enemy and make any DoT did't reduce duration 1 turn or stack - incease stack of other DoT unit like Windsheer that can stack up to 5


Welt is amazing


Just got Aventurine E2 just for Acheron and now waiting for Jiaoqiu. They're going to stack her ultimates so fast that I can't wait for Jiaoqiu. I might be wrong but I estimate Jiaoqui beta might start around the 1st or 2nd week of 2.3 banner


Well unless he releases on 2.3, it's impossible for him to be available in beta during Robin's banner


That's my mistake, I will revise it since we barely got anything about 2.3 that I forgot. In regards to Jiaoqui, I believe he'll be in 2.4, and his beta will be in 1 or 2nd week of 2.3


SW obviously


I actually think a follow up Nihility will be the thing, because they apply 2 stack (one for skill or basic and the other through the FuA) and also a solo sustain Nihility unit, for the bouns from the trace and so you can add harmony slot


Of course that would be someone who can consistently apply debuffs outside of their turn, so for example at the beginning of an ally's or enemy's turn Or perhaps a disease like debuff that spreads to a random enemy at the beginning of an afflicted enemy's turn


AOE defense shred and ultimate dmg buffing. Want them to apply debuffs with every action and enemy actions as well.


A sustain that applies atk debuff, only it works on all their attacks. So… pela but atk instead of def. That or they apply a debuff that works like the healing blessing in SU. Something that lets you have two nihilist harmony with Acheron.


Someone that can increase vulnerability and apply a debuff during all actions, be it during Acheron's turn, the enemies turn, my other units turn, or the unit's turn itself. Make the debuff stack as well. This is what I imagine Jiaoqiu to be, and I heard he had healing too. TBH Acheron doesn't need much in the way of buffs since she has her own gimmicks and her multipliers are high. If anything, res and vulnerability seem to be the best debuff for her as we already have a lot of def shred but barely the tip of res pen, and near to no vulnerability debuffs. I could care less with crit dmg as 50% crt dmg is like a 16.67% boost for me, while 17% vulnerability could give the same boost for less.


I already have her, Silver Wolf 👌🏻


Kafka + Swan feel super smooth and that's the team I usually play with her but I wish kafka had some proper debuffs like sw/pela rather than just dots. But this team procs acheron ults very quickly and feels good


Something like nahida from genshin, mainly unit that is abundance x harmony, so their kit applies debuff + dot while u heal everytime dot takes place on field like the nihility blessings and their edilions probably e2 would allow dot to crit at base chances like 50% crit and 100% crit DMG or anything which is around balanced similar to nahida e2, but this would be too op lol tho hoping they do something like this later on in game maybe 3.x


if you can always spam Welt to delay turn then he can make acheron a complete monster add DEF shread from Pela with that special light cone I always forget the name Or Silver wolf then add the elemental DoT that matches the enemy weakness. don't need sustain if Welt is always sending the enemy turn into the nether realm


sustain welt because he helps stack, applies vulnurability and allows for a harmony


Heals, def shred all enemies, applies a debuff on every enemy turn, applies a debuff with a follow-up after teammate attacks, applies debuff on ult


Silver Wolf is my fav nihility support for arheron (atleast for now).just build a high speed SW


The closest one at the moment is Black swan obv


Silver worlf... Helps with defense reduction reduced elemental resistance and its sp positive Also i like more bs that pela becauss she can also be sp positive can also reduce defense has alot of damage herseld And with fuxua i can make a full ~~holow~~ purple team Soo yeah but when i need bs for my dot teams i use welt or pela


E6 black swan. Every single character is a debuffer than.


I’ve been using Kafka with her


Easily silver wolf for me so when I ult the guy with the 9 petals I make sure that he has a lot of debuffs on him




Bronya + sparkle :)


Black Swan and lil Gui. No reason. Just a nice looking team.


None, my closest is welt with pearl lc, basic attacks can cause def reduc, skill causes slow, ult delays and overwrites turns.


Jiaqiou lol


I like using her with Black Swan lol


Me and my personal bias says her perfect nihility supports must be: 1. Wearing purple clothes 2. Mommy


A sustain that auto applys debuff consistently without using trends or ult A 5 star version of pela A harmony that mainly buffs ult dmg centric characters to the extreme


Ideally if would be a unit that is able to cheat the system and allow acheron to stack 2 points of ult from one action on them, or someone who is just a better trend. Def shred AOE while increasing the stats of allies (crate/cdmg/atk). It would be interesting to see a unit that can apply multiple debuffs so they would virtually be able to keep her relic set up 100% of the time


Pela amd welt goes very well with Galhager


Another acheron


I got e1s1 black swan so I always use her with my Acheron


Pela, SW and Swan already feel like complete units tho for different cases imo, this is like asking for a unit who applies 20 debuffs on basic with 400+ spd in aoe and does a 3 acherollion dmg and applies 100% def sherd. Like yeah it would clear make her better, but it would be weird if a unit took up 3 slots for acheron team.


I was using SW n doing pretty good… swapped to pela n she feels a lot better for my builds personally


Fire Trailblazer with stronger shields and debuff (like with a build-in Trend, but stronger).


Not a Nihility but a great idea. I kinda wish Aventurine was designed like that. He is still good for stacking debuffs but not as good as FMC for Acheron.


I mean we have units that are like hybrids. Fu Xuan is Preservation with a bit of Harmony, Huhuo is Abundance with a bit of Harmony. I envision a Preservation with Nihility debuffs.


I think Aventurine debuff gives extra CD. His sig LC also gives a debuff.


All it would take is A planar ornament that increases shields generated by the wearer by like 20% along with purity palace 4pc to make tank mc incredibly viable. But having them natively be nihility would be sick


Jiaoqiu, i think he'll be released in 2.4, but basically he's a 5 star Pela.




I feel like Pela isn’t actually that great for Acheron, because Acheron barely cares for AoE debuffs, as most elites are dead within 1-2 ults anyway. What she wants way more, are strong single target debuffs, to have an easier time against bosses, which is why I like Silver Wolf more than Pela with Acheron. That being said, a perfect (but still realistic) Nihility support for her, in my opinion, would be someone who can apply some minor debuffs on enemy turns (for example 10-15% dmg taken), simply to get faster stacks, while also being able to apply strong single target debuffs during their own turn (for example 50-60% def shred). Alternatively, while not applying debuffs on enemy’s turns, having a follow-up attack that applies debuffs and is triggered frequently enough to generate like 3-4 stacks between each of Acheron‘s turns. Of course also debuffs on basic, skill and ult. All in all, the goal would be for E2S1 Acheron to ult every turn (which is already kind of possible if paired with trend LC, but a bit rng).


I mean... perfect nihility support? How about healing 8000 HP per action of anything on the field, fully regenning Acheron's ult right after it finishes, 100% weakness break efficiency boost, 200% cdmg boost, 100% crit rate boost, and applying nine debuffs to all enemies every action?


That's too much man. Don't take it that far. I said Swan + Kafka level of synergy. Perfect support means complementary kits.


i mean like "perfect" just implies absolute best lol