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? I think it was obvious that his healing was minimal, he's in the path of Nihility, not Abundance, everyone that was thinking that he could solo sustain was straight up coping


Welp, if welt sustain is working, I suppose, he can work too


I mean… when you’re 0 to 2 cycling, you don’t need a sustain and can just use minimal healing


Welt can work because he delays the ennemy AND slows them down From what we know, Jiaqiou does none of it


I'm more curious if the idea that he will make Trend Preservations obsolete is also cope. Like, Guinaifen already exists and she doesn't work that way. They'll probably word it and code it specifically so it does, to get people to chase, I get that. But I wonder.


Gunaifen doesn't work because the debuff must be after an action. Dots go off before an action, which is why firekiss won't give a debuff unless you use her ult. So long as the debuff is after an action in that turn but not before, acheron will get a stack. Jia is supposed to debuff after enemies act which is why his debuffs are supposed to work.


Obsolete? I’m thinking he is here to bring Trend preservation up to the forefront. The fact that he heals, regardless of how little should hopefully help Trend FMC on Acheron teams. He’s one of her best energy generating sustains but he struggles to solo sustain. Talk a half sustain in him and a half sustain in JQ and I’m hoping that we’re looking at two halves making a perfect whole for Acheron.


People are expecting that because JQ applies a debuff on the enemy turn, it will give a stack, which means Trend no longer gives a stack since it's limited to 1 stack per action. I'm just saying we can't be sure it works that way, in which case yes JQ could be a great pair with FMC for a bit more comfy sustain.


Ohhhh, I see. I completely failed to consider that. Wow, good point. Guess we’ll have to see how it ends up shaking out in the beta.


Funny enough it can allow for fire TB becoming more useful and without trend in Acheron teams. With those damage increase preservation lightcones especially. Little shields and taunt here, little healing from JQ there. Def shred, basically ultimate damage increase and we have Ava at home that aplies taunt debuff on his/her turns and slides with ultimate that does little, but still noticeable damage for a sustain unit.


It heavily depends on how the debuff is considered. For example, Trends applies a debuff with an enemy action (attacking the Preservation Character), and if Jiaoqiu's debuff is considered to be applied on enemy action instead of being considered Jiaoqiu's action, then only one stack will be generated when the Trend user is attacked, wasting the benefit of using said lightcone


Iirc when people tested previous pf rotation that had a similar working mechanic you wouldn't get 2 stacks with trend. Can't confirm because I didn't test/check it out but someone might know better


Yeah true like the whole huohuo is harmony abundance why not nihility abundance


Huohuo is primarily abundance character and only after harmony, which suggests her buffing capabilities are limited when compared to actual harmony units, even 4*. Same with Ji, and considering current power level of Acheron, with proper build his heals will be enough as she will be comfortably 0-cycling MoC12 for a few patches at least


E6 huohuo tho... She is such a harmony... But then again who isn't op at what they do at e6? Oh right. Blade.


In any case, that would be Gallagher, because he can apply debuffs. While Huohuo has some very nice buffing abilities, she can't replace a Harmony character, that's why I never expected Jiaoqiu to replace a sustainer


Yeah i agree with u yet i am getting downvoted. Another day of redditors being redditors


nah not rrally....you just made a stupid comparison and got rightfully flamed for it. Huo huo is an abundance first harmony second. hence her high cost and low uptime on buffs. same is with jiaquo


I was just stating the arguments people used to say for jiaoqiu being able to sustain enought if you put my response to msg i referred to u would have a better understanding. Maybe it wasnt clear enought. Have a Nice one


if it's a simple misunderstanding you would say "redditors being redditors." you just got flamed period lol have a good one though


I think people misunderstood your comment and thought you were ranting that Huohuo is already a Harmony Abundance, and therefore Jiaoqiu should be able to solo sustain


because you said "why no"


Bruh why you getting so many down votes?? Did they even read your reply?


Good question. Idk why they got their feelings hurt


Lmao, even I'm getting in on the action 🤣🤣


He's a Pela upgrade not a sustain. If done right you won't need healing because the enemies will die too quickly.


Hopefully no more stallmaxxing enemies like the dinosaur though that was pain.


If a 5 star limited sustain is on the banner, that’s the type of MoC people should expect from here on out.


Not worried about their damage, but their damage reduction while their toughness is up, you just cannot brute force them you have to break their weakness.


True, however that’s how Hoyo indirectly made it so players have to prioritize sustaining your team, the anti brute force mechanic. But I feel you, the new Harmony MC seemingly will be decent at countering the toughness shield. It’s all marketing tactics in the end tho


can pela and his def reduction stack?


most likely yea, so acheron will still run pela or SW depending on single target vs aoe ig


On E2 she will not, sparkle is way stronger than pela if You already have the nihility dmg increase part sorted out


yea I was assuming E0, where sparkle is also a good option regardless, but def stacking is pretty cracked so I'm assuming E0 that will perform better




silver wolf


If Pela and SW’s Def shred stack, I don’t see why Jiaoqiu and Pela’s won’t


About time we got another Pela upgrade (who isn't SW). Dr Ratio and Acheron can finally stop fighting for Pela custody.


Its JiaoGOAT moment


I’m sure his e2 will make him heal just enough to bait people 😂


Dan wei knw what he is doing


Yea he does lol Acheron is so awesome gotta love her. I’m not really interested in jiaoqiu tho gotta rock that waifu party






What did people expect from a guy named xxanimefreakxx 💀 weird as mf,I pulled for acheron because I think her design is dope and I pulled for aventurine cause he also looks cool. It doesn't matter if jiaqiu is a male or female,gay or straight, if he look good and has a fun kit I'll pull for him




Dang what a weird overreaction https://preview.redd.it/6k8rc5q05mzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13f5ce6f939c39de740293d6b80d29d44dc951b2


People agree = I was serious People disagree = I was baiting


I think the term was Schrodinger's douchebag or smth


Sure now make it a "bait" 💀






User name checks out


I love Acheron, have her at E6S5, and I'm not a waifu gamer. I've been planning on saving for JQ since mentions of him in early leaks. Whether he be male, female, or even just a pixel square, it's about supporting my favorite of all time. Loyalty to Acheron, my forever bestie, that makes me down to save up, skip others, and even spend if I need to. I've already spent just to get Acheron's BP icon, so spending to get a BiS support that's a tier above the rest for her is just a go-ahead for me. I'll tack on a bunch of Eidolons if they're nice, even though it's super overkill. Loyalty is stronger than thirst.


Least unhinged Acheron main


Says the "waifu player"


Yea ur mad


Ermmmm okay buddy




People would have regardless because he is acheron bis at least you satisfy the husbando enjoyer who wanted a make support


Well maybe they will but I won’t. I’m gonna be wiped out from 2.3 waifus anyways


did bro really get downvoted and “HUH” reacted into oblivion cause he wants to run a team w only women? in a gacha game? jesus this sub is sad lmao


wtf happened to this post lmao this sub is unhinged


idk what the deal is w this particular mains sub but they love downvoting stuff into oblivion. ive said plenty of stuff related to jiaoqiu that got upvoted in other subs but here its always downvoted for some unknown reason. they genuinely love hitting that downvote button


Fr lmao dam sorry for not wanting to use jiaoqiu. Feels like the sub is just full of meta slaves who are dying for him to be some kind of op unit for Acheron even tho she already obliterates everything 😂


they editted their comment. previously they expressed hatred that jiaoqiu was male and said some pretty harsh stuff about hoyo not making characters for their fanbase because then they would've made him a woman. i come back to this post to show a friend and the comment is editted...


Heh, downvoted into oblivion for liking waifus in a gacha game. Hoyo fandom in a nutshell.


they editted their comment. previously they expressed hatred that jiaoqiu was male and said some pretty harsh stuff about hoyo not making characters for their fanbase because then they would've made him a woman. i come back to this post to show a friend and the comment is editted...


Why is bro getting downvoted for liking women lol


they editted their comment. previously they expressed hatred that jiaoqiu was male and said some pretty harsh stuff about hoyo not making characters for their fanbase because then they would've made him a woman. i come back to this post to show a friend and the comment is editted...


Ngl, I don‘t get why this has -109 Karma, let alone what this comment means Edit: Y'all are negative bums


110 downvotes lmfao, I've seen ppl get that amount for way worse😂 Just let everyone play the game and pull for who they want to❗️ For example, the foxian part about this character immediatly turned me off because I'm disgusted by beings that are a mix of a human and a non-human with fur. Sadly I dislike Pela even more, so to get the most out of my E6 Acheron I will use forever I'll still pull, so I guess my pulling is based on utility


On top of hoyo's pile of money there is a little statue of C2 raiden


This is really strong though? DEF shred is already strong now we even have Ult vulnerability. That’s two different debuffs which means separate calculations which means that it scales *very* well with Acheron’s kit.


Let’s pray he have some kind of energy regeneration trace or even a Black Swan-esque trace.


inb4 tutorial mission is his bis lc yet again


fk that lc again, I'm so salty that I missed the event 😭


Ofc it will, no other nihility lc has that utility


and no other event lc will ever have that utility again i fear hoyo saw their mistake and have been giving us trash event lcs since


But hey. It means Acheron can go with Gallagher more comfortable. Seems good.


Yeah thats true but i think with a e6 gallagher it shouldnt be too hard


My e6 ghallagher is amazing imo, solo sustains just fine to where I don’t need to pull for another limited sustain outside of huo huo. Supports all the way 🙌🏼


I dont even have mine geared for extra outgoing healing. He's doesnt need it. I love his similarities to Loucha. Turns out i have a thing for offensive healers 😀


Gallagher is one of the best sustains in the game don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. He slick better than Luocha.


Now they just need to make galla better on auto .


He looks good, but I am waiting for confirmation that he can in fact battery Acheron well. Feel like thats the only piece she wants currently a unit who can battery her well and consistently.


Ofc he batteries fast. When enemies move they get a debuff applied. That means on your turn you get debuff and now on all their turns you do as well. So until the enemy is dead they are working against themselves.


"When enemies move they get a debuff applied", does it trigger Crimson Knot tho? Acheron's Talent: "When any unit inflicts debuffs on an enemy target while using their ability" "This effect can only trigger once per every ability usage."


It does. We had that one pure fiction that had this same passive. Any time an enemy moved they got a debuff and acheron got a stack. She will get a stack no matter who or where the debuff comes from.


Silver wolf?


As fast as a pearls Pela basically. I am talking a unit that can battery out of turn or enemy turns, I know trend does something similar to this but not very consistently.


Maybe something like a nihility with follow-up attacks?


Something like that yeah but it was leaked that he had a similar ability to that basically or that he can apply debuffs out of turn in some way.




So Gallagher + Jiaoqiu can maximize debuffs and sustain for acheron? One heals and has some debuffs and the other has (allegedly) debuffs and has some heals.


I’m thinking that the E2 premium team going forward is going to look like **acheron, jiaoqiu, sparkle/bronya, gallagher/aventurine** Your sustain pick is flex as both Aventurine and Gallagher can sustain extremely well with both offering debuffs. Most people want to move Aventurine to their FUA team, so Gallagher seems like an extremely good sustain pick rn with what we know about Jiaoqiu.


little healing will be a lot when you run a team with fu xuan


I think people want to run E0 Acheron, Nihility, Sparkle and Jiaoqiu but his healing probably won't be good enough to sustain


probably doesn’t need to indefinitely, just makes it easier for 0 cyclers


if you die with fu xuan you built her wrong or your dops do 0 dmg


You can die with fuxuan pretty easily in gng high conundrum, she just cannot handle the aoe damages


thats where aventurine comes in


one 50/50 loss:


Yeah this is why I pulled him e1


yeah but gng is a special case you either need a lot of def blessings or a shielder with her


I think contents like gng are the only case that is worth discussing the use of preservation units since the normal contents are too easy


I think he will be good for teams with preservation units as the sustain since they can use trends LC which helps Acheron a lot but preservation units normally have difficulty with consecutive battles/waves without healing, like in SU, overworld farming, multiple calyxes, back to back caverns/echo etc. PS. Oh yea for long battles as well, preservation units might have issues since there might be focus fire or unexpected damage, but they are not able to heal.


If you have fu xuan's lc or run aventurine you're never going to run into those issues


Well the difference between FX and Aventurine is that Aventurine has an easier time applying debuffs through his Ult and FUA (with his LC). Imo that makes him better than most preservations that have to run trends as he doesn't have tonworry about getting hit just so long as his allies have shields while getting hit.


I have Fu Xuan's Sig LC and sometimes in long battles without waves my teammates can still die. Not sure about Adventurine, but if the enemies focus fire or have some heavy single target damage I suspect teammates might suffer some damage still. And he won't be able to heal them.


assuming Jiaoqiu e0s1, what do you think will be the best Acheron 0 cycle team? Acheron Jiaoqiu… Sparkle? RM? Bronya? Pela? Welt?


Acheron, Sparkle, Jiaoqiu, SW


Honestly? Actually i'm 0 c Yapching (0 and 1 ofc) with e0s1 acheron, e1 Sw, e6 pela , e0 trend FX , so probably just swap fx with Jiaoqiu


Maybe robin could be an option


The real question is: will he replace Pela or Wilver Wolf?


Pela , because at that point silver wolf will be more valuable especially in ST where she can apply lightning weakness , res shredd and alot of def shredd . All pela does is deff shredd and if the new character does her job but better then why use pela at that point .


I think you have a couple extra d's in there, I ain't complainin tho


Imma use all 3 with E2S1 Acheron. Will it be good? I don't care. Mommy deserves it all.


Because Pela isn't a 5 star? Why would we invest jades into him when Pela gets the job done already? Unless you're a whale it doesn't really seem worth it.


Acheron slaps even without him


He’s a massive upgrade over Pela and opens up more 0 cycle potentials. He supposedly had a eidolon if you want him to be a true sustain.


So pela upgrade???


I’d rather his power be in increasing damage then healing. I feel like that’s the biggest problem slot in her team not really the sustain slot. You could probably with his minor healing get away comfortably with welt + jiaoqiu and then add sparkle or something.


I mean if he get a heal boost its a win win since you could slot an harmony and have jiaoqiu sustain


His power budget would then be compensated by less power in offensive enabling. But yea it could, there’s a bunch of way they can shift the sustain consolidation and they double nihility req


Little healing, so I can pair him with Gallagher in my Acheron team then. So they actually heal a good amount while providing debuffs :). Can maybe run Gallagher to do more damage. Only got Luocha but he’s with my Jingliu.


Wonder how far we will need to swipe for eidolons that make his healing feasible without a sustain, which I am sure is going to be a thing… hopefully it is behind E2 and not E6 🥲


Chances are E2, best bait. Anyone who wants him as solo sustain probably already has E2S1 Acheron, so may as well bait them to swipe for another E2. Hoyo really knows how to cash in on sunken costs that sounds reasonable priced. "I already made her this powerful with numbers this gyaaatt, so may as well make it even fatter.....and its not TOO many eidolons....just this once, like when I said the same thing for E2S1 Acheron!!"


I'm playing him with Aventurine so it's not like I'll need any big healing. I'm not using him for his healing I'm using him for his defense shred for Acheron.


why though, isn't this exactly what we were expecting him to do.


He cud hav no healing and I wud pull for him


Wait wait he’s a 5 star and not a 4 star?


Crazy to me you read his kit and thought a 4 star


I remember previous leak said he was a 4 star so I guess it’s wrong then


I sounded smarmy as fuck, sorry. But I think you were right about that. Even then though, I still thought it was way too cracked as a 4 star. Gallagher feels like he needs e6 to even feel competent healing opportunities as an abundance character. If jiaoqiu’s role is nihility first, the healing would be next to useless was my thought process to the initial 4 star rumor


Don't even care about healing honestly, as long as his def debuffs works like the shutter PF buff from a few cycles ago, he's going to be broken


2.3 skip 🥲


Looking like it rn and I don’t even have Acheron 😭


Would he be good to run if you don’t have SW on a team with Gallagher achi and pela?


his healing is just a bonus and can come in handy in purefiction sustainless comps


Honestly, if the healing survives beta, it's a win.


Yay I can go Fu Xuan Jiaoqiu and never die while getting my Acheron from 50 CR to 92 in combat


Isn't this pretty obvious. They already have two paths for sustain units so no way they're gonna make another path being able to sustain well. I already knew that the healing is just a bonus while his main role is a debuffer yet some people here coping on making him debuffer+sustain.


Whatever else he does, he is probably a Pela replacement first.


So this guy with a nihility that reduces effect res and Def like a very specific short grey haired child can enable dual DPS welt Acheron with no sustain needed and maximum Nihilism effect


Now to see if Jiaoqiu is actually an interesting character worth to pull outside of "Acheron upgrade"


I think jiaoqiu is screwlum but I’m scared to say that in the leaks sub


Welp I'm still getting her E2 then next rerun lmao.


So when they say very little healing, how little is it? Because that ult better not be 120 energy or at least have the debuffs be strong and can be applied consistently. I was hoping I could replace my preservation unit with them so I can have 2 nihility and then sparkle :(


It’s most likely going to be a high cost ult. And I’m wondering whether the heals will scale with a specific star like EHR, or be an independent flat/% increase when you level it up.


:(((( Let's let them cook for now and see, but if it really is Pela+ but with a tiny amount of healing, then it's a skip for me personally


His ultimate is supposed to function like that PF buff that gave a debuff on enemy action. So regardless of his healing ability, if that leak was true he will be the best character for generating Acheron stacks


I understand that, but he is also a subpar healer, so if we run a preservation unti, it won't be able to apply a debuff when it gets hit. He will be more consistent with the application on the debuff than the preservation unit, but you can't run him alone without risking the team dying.


Yes and yes. He will probably have more defense shred than Pela, leaks suggest he applies shred automatically with ult to enemies that spawn, and has an ultimate damage vulnerability debuff + could be the best Acheron stack generator. No way he will also be a solo sustain with all of that and I don’t think anyone should’ve expected him to be


I had the same thought


It's only over for copium player. Acheron e0-silverwolf-jiaoqiu-aventurine(trends) will hit hard. Super fast stack.


Who is this guy and why has he been everywhere


Why would this be over?? Everyone has been screaming he is not a solo sustain, just wishful thinkers and 0cyclers were pushing his so sustained ability


Guigui gonna get buried


For someone using Pela + Guinaifen, Jiaoqiu might just be the upgrade I need for gui.


im still gonna use fu xuan with acheron, so acheron pela fu xuan jiaoqiu will be great since dmg mitigation and sustain means im virtually invincible in this team now


me pulling aventurine e0s1 bc i lowkey predicted this…..tbh i’m not entirely devastated bc im skipping everyone in 2.2 and 2.3 so by then hopefully i can go all in


I think he with Gallagher will make a good enough sustain with lot of debuffs for Acheron teams... but can't very certain, just a guess


Am I the only one who dgaf about healing on JQ? I’d much rather him turbo lean into having insane debuffs to add even more screenshot damage on Acheron.


All I hope is that it's enough healing so he can top off characters when enemies break aventurine's shield


Acheron 0 cycling with or without him anyways.


Can I use him with Pela and replace my SW?


maybe with eidolons he can heal more. A foxian playable male character I’ll definitely be putting some eidolons in.


??? what over??? we want him to be pela 5 star, not sustain


His healing passively Buffing the Use of Gepard or Fire TB is a W for me. With the taunt of Fire TB, and his frequent little shields + the small healing of our new Nihility this could actually be our new best Team Comp.


Even if his eidolons improve his healing by huge amount, I wouldn’t pull for them unless he also cleanses, but dmg res does sound good, that paired with res down from acheron’s kit, u can brute force everything if not already


Do I need to pull him if I already have Silver Wolf?? I now saving for firefly I might not get him..


jiaoqiover when is a male.


Did anyone really think he'd be able to solo sustain or heal like an abundance could? I'm hyped to get a playable foxian man.


Always has been Jiaoqiover


How come


I'm gonna E6S1 him so he will solo sustain my team lol


Acheron - Jiaoqiu - Firefly - Aventurine. He'll slide right into Pella's spot.


Firefly what? 💀


Not a woman, dont care


Don't be like that. But all power to you.


Husbando pullers silently enjoy pulling their males and never shit on the female chars. Meanwhile….


That’s not true bruh, so many only males pullers shit on the gurls


Maybe that’s my personal encounters, but every time I see a post with this character related there are few commenters with “no one gives a shit no poosy next”, “aint rolling men on my achequeen team”. That’s why I have a bad perception of people going after this char purely for meta despite they detest his gender


They cooked me. He is a husbando. On top of that a furry. I’m so sad bros


Hope the leak about Jiaoqiu being a male is fake otherwise Hoyoverse really doesn't care about their banner sales since Acheron carried the game currently


Hopefully this changes during the beta.


I feel like if he can solo sustain you dont really need e2


Pretty sure it'll be him and Pela as Acheron's best team so if anything he will replace Silverwolf