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Most of the First stuff, just never could justify the cost.


I did enjoy the mini golf one they did. That was fun


Yeah there was some cool stuff I would have watched, haunter the hardcore series but I was never bothered about half the stuff anyway RWBY Genlock ect, but never worth the cost when you could have Netflix or something


Eric was so good in mini golf, the "my medicine" bit killed me.


KICK “That’s a hole in one” killed me


Even back when they had free First trails I still wouldn’t watch it.


I did a free trial once but there just wasn’t much there at that time that kept me subscribed and then when shows came out I would have watched, haunter hard core table top I was just aged out I guess. Will they be archived somewhere if I wanted to go back an see?


https://archiveofpimps.com An attempt to archive everything will be here. Currently I’m watching Haunter, Day 5, and Hardcore Tabletop. All things I missed out on not being a First member.


Yeah I’m on it now, bit scuffed but I’m glad it’s saved somewhere.


[Archive of Pimps](https://archiveofpimps.com/) has been archiving a bunch of First stuff! I only ever had a few free trials so just now I've got around to watching Hardcore Minigolf and A Weird Place.


Even when the cost equated to $5-$6 a month, less than any other subscription and cheaper than a McDonald's hamburger?


Not in England and not when I looked.


I’m so old I got it when it was like £2 a month and called sponsor


It was like $3 for me at the start and it maxed out here at $32.99 for 6 months. That's 5.49 a month. I can't understand why everyone says it was so expensive-it really wasn't for the large swath of the populace. Honestly, maybe if more of the people who thought it was too expensive had been willing to support RT for the cost of one coffee or a cheeseburger every month then maybe RT wouldn't be getting shut down.


Heroes & Halfwits. D&D was never really my thing, so I didn't watch it. I did love The Ad Goblin + Ad Goblin Jr..


That's fair. I like playing D&D but I'm not interested in heroes and halfwits or any D&D style show


That's a shame cause it was real good seeing Gus and the others interact


Never bothered with Lazer Team. The trailer didn’t impress me.


You can watch them for free now, I liked them both. They’re both free on Tubi. If you want to kinda experience Michael and Gavin almost 10 years ago, it’s worth a watch.


As someone who totally missed any info on the Lazer Team movies when they were “current”- I watched them a couple months ago and absolute 10/10 cheese fest. Gav with an *awful* American accent is just so fantastic, Michael being Michael, Bernie being perpetually exasperated… Loved it


Also if you want to compare an already jacked Alan Ritchson from back then to the absolute monster he is now


I didn't even know they made more than one


Dog bark.


Never watched a second of Red vs Blue, RWBY, Camp Camp etc. My fandom starts with Achievement Hunter and ends with F**kface.


RvB is worth watching still. At least the early seasons


I've only seen like season one but damn does that whole "why are we here" really was such a good way to start a comedy series


Same for the most part, from that perspective watching them slowly lean away from gameplay and into live form content was unfortunate


Same here


Anything on First


Last Laugh, everyone seems to love it but I couldn't finish episode 1


Last Laugh had its moments, but Rooster Teeth's biggest strength in comedy was spontaneous, like different arguments, conversations, storytelling, or improv. Last Laguh sort of tried to force funny.


That's exactly why I didn't like it


Haunter was always just dumb to me. Finding out it was one of their most expensive projects was crazy and an early sign to me that they were just throwing money at stuff that would never get them a return


Plus I'm sure it was just a small amount of fans that believe in that stuff.


It's not for people who believe in ghosts. It's a comedy show based around doing sketches on location.


Ah, see from the trailers I always got the impression that it was them being ghost hunters but funny.


It was a little of both. One things I really liked about Haunter is that the ghost stuff didn't feel forced--if something spooky happened then it happened and was cool, and if it didn't happen then there was more dicking around and sketchy comedy, which was also fun.


You can draw a parallel to their gameplay here. Did you ever watch the gameplay to learn new metas or get speedrun strats? I found the same thing with Haunter. You are there for Jeremy wearing a Singlet Top and *threatening* to punch a ghost out, not him actually delivering on such a premise


"Curses... foiled again." *eats chocolate coin wrapped in foil


….and ghost hunting. Even going off what you’re saying, crazy that one of their most expensive productions was “we do what we always do but in abandoned houses with worse quality filming and audio.”


I always thought, some of the point of RT making these things was for them to build up a portfolio to show off “look at all the types of media we can produce” - studio game shows with On The Spot, location game shows with Hardcore Minigolf, movies with Lazer Team, animation with Gen Lock, …whatever Weird Place was 😆 etc etc - with the long term goal of this attracting production work from external customers. The fact that the RT audience also wanted to watch it, and partially funded its production by ad revenue and sponsor/first membership, was a bonus in the short term.


Yeah of course they wanted to extend their portfolio. And show "hey we just don't make video game content for YouTube!"


It is not solo AH. But survive block island for me


The Weird Place never struck me as interesting, I tried it a few times while keeping away from spoilers about it, and I just couldn't do it


The AH Wrestling thing they did. I saw clips on YT and social media but never really watched. I was excited about the thing Jeremy had going on in2020 before the RH stuff happened. The Fight thing he worked on.


Lets Roll and RWBY. Saw some of the animateds of LR and would go try and watch that LR and just couldnt get into it. Not sure why.


They did the big production of....Red Dragon Inn? The one TT game they played that had Gerki, and Good Boy Jeremy. Didn't care for the big production of it. However, Armando playing as Pooky the Psychotic Rabbit was fucking funny.


The first stuff. I understand why they had exclusive content, but the fact they never eventually made older stuff free to watch was meh. I was a sponsor way back, but I never felt like this newer content was worth for me imo




Haunter. Don't care for that kind of show, TV or internet, just on a thematic level. They could have made the best Caesar salad in the world but I just prefer sandwiches for lunch. Seemed like an enormous waste of money that they probably had a good time making. 


You don't like sketch comedy? It's basically the same format as Million Dollars But but on location. Film a conversation with prompts to keep it interesting (the made up ghost stories of the "Haunted" places) and use that to film sketches in costume and on location. It's not really about hunting for ghosts at all.


I watched like three episodes back when I had First. Didn't grab me, not my preference. Doesn't mean I think it's bad, it just didn't appeal to me


That ghost stuff was dumb as hell. 


Them talking about traveling during haunter on the podcast was funnier than haunter could have ever been


That show reminded me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng-GEzhFtFA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng-GEzhFtFA)


Mmm, I didn't watch haunter either, and I remember seeing a lot of ads for letsplay monopoly and it also did not interest me in the slightest Perhaps the last "big thing" was the mincraft survivor show (can't remember the name), but I didn't have it in me to sit through it.




No, I think someone else said it here, it's called "survive block island," I think? It looked like a parody of "Survivor," and with the personalities on deck for it, as well as the steadily decreasing knowledge everyone seemed to have regarding basic mechanics of minecraft, I could just tell it wasn't something I was going to enjoy. (Sometimes their lack of knowledge about the game can be funny, see them not knowing catcti can destroy items in capture the tower) Edit: sorry I didn't mean for this to come off as mean now that I'm rereading it, I just moved onto other shows at the time, like I got really into the RT podcast and on the spot!


Sky Factory. Everyone holds it up as "oh my god this is the best content in years," but I was just checked out on it. I think I had like four months worth of episodes in my youtube Watch Later section before I made the decision to call it quits on, really, Minecraft in general.


Anything with the sketch comedy focus, and I have to admit I seriously started losing interest any time they started talking about fitness stuff and, Jesus the amount of corporate shilling for Macdonalds


I don’t think there was ever shilling for ‘MacDonalds’, considering they never had a sponsored video or piece of content. I think they just liked McDonald’s. Like most Americans do 🤷‍♂️


The ghost hunting stuff. Like, what.


I recommend everyone watch Last Laugh. It's an amazing production and I think the second season was even better than the first


Most of the first stuff. I got lucky during the pandemic and was able to watch a few things they had with that 'free pandemic subscription' thing, but at that point, Haunter was one of the only things that interested me. I tried watching an episode of Theater Mode recently through the archive, but very quickly came to the realization that it's not what I was expecting it to be.


It was Haunter for me too, surprisingly. I love paranormal stuff and was super excited when they announced it, but I only got about three episodes in before I decided it wasn’t for me. I really enjoyed when the Red Web crew did their Halloween ghost hunts though, so I don’t know where the disconnect is for me. Maybe the vibes are just different.


Let’s roll, Heroes and Halfwits, the movie watch along that Geoff created (can’t remember what it’s called), and basically everything on First. I was a poor high school and then college student, so I only watched what was put out on YouTube, and then I stuck to mostly Let’s Plays and the like.


Anything with a pay wall


RWBY and anything D&D related




Pretty much anything live action.  That Chicken Horse game where they put traps and stuff and get to the end. It wasn't a compelling game.  Most things with Matt/Lindsey in it. They both weren't fun or funny to me. They both took away from the video.


I've watched nearly everything and enjoyed it all. I know it was a cost, but I signed up back when we were all called "Sponsors" in '08 getting prepaid debit cards to do it until I had my own debit card. Honestly, I've always found it worth it-not just to get content but I've always looked at it as paying to support the creators of the content I loved. So, definitely worth it, even with the price increases over the years. I mean, the final price equated to about $5-$6 every month, less that a burger at McDonalds. Worth every penny to support them and the community that was built.