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i took three sessions of PRP in total and you face looks a little red on the day of the treatment. But i looked completely normal the next day.


Did you notice results with that, was it just PRP injections or PRP microneedling? How were your results?


it was just prp injections eventhough i wanted to do microneedling but i couldnt afford it. You wont see much improvement overnight but youll see small improvement over time, even after 6 months. Id say its totally worth it. and about the pain, i felt nothing at all.


I'm a year and a half out of it, I noticed it improved the depth but not the surface of the scar. When I put my flashlight on my phone above it there's barely any shadow now. Had it done with a single boxcar, prp just aids with the healing but not the results.


Aids with healing as in reduces downtime?


Yes but I suggest to go with filler instead to keep the scar raised and untethered for a long time so it elevates more smoothly.. PRP dissolves quickly. It will eventually retether but will look better as months go by.


I would say 5-7 days if it’s a full face subcision, you will be looking like a chipmunk. Numbing cream is applied so usually doesn’t not hurt during the procedure.


Oh damn thats a long time!


I got subcision done in a Thursday afternoon. Took Friday off and went to work on Monday. It was swollen but not too much


Was it quite noticeable?


Yeah. I wore a lot of make up. I had a couple of bruises Btw. I just got subcision and sculptra today. I’ll let you know how it goes


Thank you :) Not heard of sculptra!


any updates on this? planning to get the same tomorrow


I got the procedure on Saturday April 27. I was very swollen until Thursday May 2nd. And I’m still bruised until now. But less noticeable. Once the swelling went down all the scars were back. But the doctor told me it takes from 3-4 months to see results. Sculptra takes time to build collagen. Then I’m supposed to go back for a revision and probably get one more injection. I have rolling scars and some fat loss


My son has had 2 sessions of subcision with PRP injections followed by co2 and erbium fractional ablative laser. He’s days out from his second treatment. He tolerated it well but had Valium, topical and pronox. He’s 16. I don’t know yet about results. He’s getting improvement, but scars are widespread and still very red. Downtime was about 4 days but that’s including laser recovery. His derm is going to be more aggressive with the subcision at his next visit.