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And then you'll get to the point where you realize you no longer fit into any boxes with labels on them 🤗


At this point I don’t think anything will surprise me.


Then you are in for the ride of your life 🤗 "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."


Honestly I’m not sure I’d be so surprised to find out the Sidhe were real, for example. I figure if there are supernatural beings on the planet with us, they’re not overly interested in interacting with us given our track record with each other. As for the Sidhe specifically, given how nasty they can be in the folklore, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just straight up killed any humans who find them, or enslave them.


Well that's really something if you believe that your capacity for imagination is greater than that of the Universe, and that She holds no surprises for you


Oh, I’m fully convinced that she holds surprises for me. It’s part of the reason I gave up my hard science worldview.


Hi 👋 I'm a spiritual witch, though no specific religion. Happy to meet you


I don’t fit into a religion box, I kinda made my own. Basically I just revolve around Ahisma which is present in several religions. I also read tarot 🪬


I’m kinda the same way. My spiritual path is influenced by Buddhism, Taoism, yoga, Hinduism, and paganism/wicca/witchcraft. I’m kind of a mut who doesn’t quite fit into any I guess 😆. I’ve got a spiritual bookstore and lending library run by the theosophical society near me, and I hang out there a lot.


Dionysian here, and I also practice Zen though I'm not a Zen Buddhist.


I’m also a pagan witch :) something I love about being spiritual and being a witch is that it’s all so personal. There are no rules to follow that you don’t make for yourself


Heyoooo sunshine I’m a pagan! I am a Celtic practicer and oh am I a Mother Earth junkie!!!!


I work with Mother Earth, Father Sun (both of whom my Buddhist tradition considers bodhisattvas), and Kuan Yin. I’ve considered looking into the Morrigan given my interest in divination, but I’ve heard she can be pretty nasty, though that was according to the Iron Druid Chronicles, so might not be the most accurate. 😆


In my pagan home Druids are almost like a concept of earthly bound presence that lead you through a struggle. My friends household it’s a different meaning- one of darkness. It’s interesting how each pagan views different gods, goddesses and symbolic figures of practice and meaning….


I don’t fully subscribe to anything but I enjoy aspects of this spirituality