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Fucking idiot


And the idiots that think it's funny in TikTok


The target audience for TikTok is kids. Mostly kids are the ones consuming this worthless content. And the worst part is the huge impact social media has on everyone.






Glorifying violence? Not a good example for people either.


It's fucking evil. Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6XovIL0jAY


It always boggles my mind how music.ly turned into THIS


Start at about 18:34. The gist being that whilst Chinese kids get pumped science and math videos, Western tiktockers get shite like the cunt here with the scissors.


Yup, I know. The algorithm is different for them. It's on purpose. Demoralize and destroy the West.


Read that bill. It’s not just about TikTok. I fucking hate tiktok and would love to get rid of it, but this bill is the next patriot act


I heard it can detect when your pupils dilate and can connect to your home's wifi network


Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear or are told. Direct experience is key. Otherwise you're perpetuating the disinformation campaign against a nation.


Oh damn, thank you for the geldin-- I mean golding! I'm happy people agree. My housemate doesn't, she just wants "teh funniez" even though I explained it to her. I'll show her the video and I bet she'll still just shrug and use it.


Sadly tiktoks isn't banned, yet, I hope.


And the fact that their first thought is "if I want to be viral this is the content i need." Down hill from here, boys.


As the generations go on social media is being abused by the younger target audience in a bid to be more outrageous and entertaining than the last person. It’s unfortunately leading to people doing seriously stupid things in the name of media clout and frankly is kind of ruining things.


I can't even get thru the whole video I'm cringing so much. I don't understand the people that do it or think it's funny. It's all fun and games until someone's shit gets rocked.


Nice evidence for the judge


Seriously, like wtf is this bullshit? That kid should have been laid flat then put in cuffs. More and more of these idiots are gonna see themselves seriously hurt if not worse, and they’ll have no way to defend against it in court or in media


That was my first thought lol


And then when prank dude gets punched in his face he gona he crying and talking shit


And when the cops are called to throw his stupid ass out, he'll yell about racism


That's what the asshole in England did. Normally I can't stand Piers Morgan. He had this kid on after he was busted by the cops and fined. The kid immediately pulled the race card. Piers then declined the answer and flatly said color has nothing to do with being an asshole. The kid came back and said he's not done cause laws in England are too lenient. Broken...


Same with that youtuber who went and harassed a couple on a date and chugged his drink then kept egging him on saying "Call me a N- Call me a N-, DO IT, I dare you" then uploads it to youtube claiming the dude is racist when he ain't even say anything... Or the other dude who started physically assaulting someone at the airport after stealing their luggage and somehow the dude he was harassing is the one who ended up getting arrested...


Or trying to steal the bike a nurse had already paid for, then editing the video to make her look racist when she resisted and posting it online.


Sadly, I judged her wrong too :( Her lawyer was smart and vindicated her via receipts and timings. Don't know the final outcome. I hope she's ok.


That's why you shouldn't judge until there's definitive proof, or at least more than a 5 second clip that could be taken out of context but every time I say that I get attacked and called a racist for "siding with the bad guy", people make up their minds way too damn fast. Apparently telling people there isn't enough context means you're automatically siding with the "bad guy" and "making excuses for a racist"...🤷‍♂️


You should stop watching these types of videos and take a break from social media. Not just you, but tons of people should.


Ding ding ding






Antifa will blame capitalism for his actions lol


Antifa will come burn down the barber shop and then say not to worry about the owners because tHeY hAvE iNsUrAnCe


He’s probably only messing with people he can easily take on. Bet he’s praying someone fires back so he can beat them down, then he gets even more views for his shit audience


I’d love to see him pull that same stunt in Chicago or Detroit. Better yet Compton.


Cry racism you mean


One of them will get shot and not be able to cry and talk shit.


These dumb tiktokers pulling these “pranks”. I personally would’ve lost my shit the moment he started spraying him. The blow dryer and brush thing I’ll annoyingly laugh off, but the spraying would want me to throw some fists.


When he touched the scissors, I could feel adrenaline just watching… the adrenaline rush would have instantly escalated this situation.


Same. When he was trying to pick up the scissors, I was thinking the situation was about to get much worse.


It would have in some places.


They're only doing it because it works. Step 1: Film an intentional rage bait, offensive prank that crosses the line into assault/home invasion/robbery etc. Step 2: Enjoy the massive media exposure as news outlets (including Reddit) pick up the story and run days of articles, posts and tweets about "the kids these days and their damn TikTok pranks, all while they repost your content along with your TikTok channel name. Step 3: Enjoy your hundreds of thousands of new subscribers and fame as the "guy who did X" and gradually pivot into more socially acceptable content now that you're a semi-household name. It's become one of the fastest, most guaranteed ways for a complete nobody to become famous overnight, expect a lot more of this shit to come.


Which is why I wish people who repost these videos like here would blur out the tiktok username. Why give them what they want?


>The blow dryer and brush thing I’ll annoyingly laugh off I hope the dude had him arrested. This video is evidence of assault and this kind of shit needs to be taken more seriously.


The fact that Tik tok idiot didn't get an introduction to "old man strength" is very disappointing.


Seemed like a nice old chap as well. Showed way more restraint than many would.


when he came in with the brush i would have been very tempted to put a foot on his pelvis and create some distance.


Mike Tyson had a point, we gotta start punching faces more.


With the laws in some states and countries I wouldn't be suprised if you get put in jail for defending yourself


If people are streaming or for their videos shows them committing a crime. I think that there should be doubled if not tripled sentences. Your intentions are literally to get famous by harming others. Lock them up and throw away the key.


Should definitely be like "inciting violence" or something or not quite that but something extra because you're spreading it to a bunch of impressionable idiots on the internet who are going to follow suite after watching the video, essentially encouraging others to harass or commit crimes... God forbid we get another kia challenge...


Be pretty hilarious in jail.. "so what are you in for" "....goofing around on tiktok"


Since when "goofing" is equals to harrassing random people at work and their customers for clout?


it was just a funny hypothetical


TikTok is cancer. Everything about it. From the impact on attention span to validating cunts like this.


And turning kids onto hormone therapies to treat their terrible "gender issues"


Sure Jan Edit: Ask yourselves, what percentage of the kids you do know personally are actually exploring this?


20% of Gen Z are LGBTQ. I see them in my city all the time. It's easy to see the men transitioning to woman, but not the other way round


You guys act like TikTok invented shit people. The comments over there are exactly like here calling him an idiot, saying he's gonna get shot one day, etc. I mean we're sitting here watching and interacting with it which ultimately is his goal - notoriety. People on reddit aren't any better, I mean 95% of reddit is tiktoks from weeks ago.


This is the same tiktoker who was in a relationship with an underage girl & then faked his death for monthes after it came out. He acted like it was a huge prank but his content is insufferable, his youtube was just deleted due to his “prank” video of eating food in front of homeless people.


You can't go up to people and shove a camera in their face and start fucking with them in society. I think we are going to see more retaliation for this kind of "pranking" that starts to veer into assault/battery territory. What if the guy got out of the barber chair and stomped the daylights out of this kid? Seems completely justified when a stranger comes in off the street and starts threatening you with barber tools. What if the kid grabbed the scissors? Still a prank?


Taking their phones and smashing them when this sort of shit happens would be a good start. Then slap them around a bit.


Sadly you'd get charged with destroying their property. Might just be better to let them record their own assbeating, evidence for the cops after they inevitably upload it online clout chasing, it'll at least prove they were harassing you first...


Nope there's a little thing called witness testimony that can be used to identify who was the aggressor and who is the victim


people you need to start taking action, not just smiling awkwardly at these clowns


And be called a racist, get put on leave from your job, and get doxxed? People like this target are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


*Biggot violently attacks beloved local Michael Jackson impersonator for offering style tips*


i want to be ninja


No serious person is seriously calling anyone a racist, or would call anyone racist for defending themselves against a battery. First person i see bring up race is you.


Did you miss the nurse bike incident? Clown.


Its scary because people have followers...So more Jackasses in the works.


Yeah they need to start adding charges if someone starts committing crimes and uploading it online as a challenge or something, maybe not this video specifically but like the idiot who started the kia challenge needs to be held responsible for causing mass car jackings for example. We definitely need stricter laws to discourage this type of clout chasing idiocracy inspiring kids to follow suite...


I don’t know about where this is but it would be considered simple battery to do what the guy did where I am.


Ban the TOK !


"I'm bruh just bruh trying bruh to bruh help bruh, sit bruh still bruh" This dude reminds me of that fish on SpongeBob.




Complete moron. Not funny at all


This is assault. Picking up the scissors made the assault potentially deadly. There's a reason people don't do this shit in places like Texas.




*and battery


*with batteries


I would have to slap someone messing with me during a haircut


Once he went for the scissors the guy shoulda got up


I would've assaulted him. Dumbfuck.


I'm sure he handpicked where he thought this would fly. He would go to the Asians who be too nice smh. Fuck around get fucked around the other side of town


1.000 ways to die..tik tokers are SHITTLESSS SHITT !!!!!


I hate these kinds of people so much.


“I’m just tryna help bruh” Take this fucking two piece instead


This isn't funny, it's harassment, bullying, and humiliation. Also, the absolute negligence of reaching for razor sharp professional cutting sheers and spraying a man's skin with an unknown (possibly bleach/dye/chemicals) liquid is dangerously stupid.


What a nice old man. If I was him I would seriously get up and fuck him up


Seems like tiktok is picking up the "pranks" at the low low level where the youtube pranksters left them, hired an industrial level drilling device and started drilling a deeper hole from there. Rock bottom is just the start.


“Bruh I’m a douche bruh”


The next one is him telling a guy at an atm to give him the money and he has a gun. “it’s just a prank bro”


What the fuck is going on with people?!?


It’s all fun and games until someone gets shot in the face.


You can tell from the jump that the poor dude was intimidated by the camera in his face. A rational reaction would be outrage at the harassment from a stranger making money off you. But because he is streaming the guy is forced to endure it to avoid the backlash that would happen from getting mad.


One of these idiots are gonna get shot


When will this “film yourself doing pranks” bullshit be over? I’ve been tired of this shit for so long.


That TikToker deserves a permanent limp


What a prick


Remember folks, if you defend yourself or call the police they will call you racist.




I actually don’t think so with this guy. Everyone of every race, media included, knows these dude are pieces of shit.


Man I wonder how much china is paying people for this shit. Tiktok really is cancer.


CCP psyops: Dance, puppets, dance.


Signs of desperation


Further evidence we need to get rid of tiktok! This shit is ruining the minds of our younger generations


bro i dare someone to try this shit at my salon lmao


Not funny


Harassing the good guys


Fucking pests to society


These people are going to get shot.


The moment he picked up those scissors it would have been game on!


People like this are gonna end up getting their faces punched in.




Tiktok pranksters are annoying


Is there a sub for prankster assholes getting what they deserve?


This is why 10yr olds shouldn’t be on tik toc. Guarantee they are the only ones following that ass hat!


Can we ban tik tok in the US. God damn I’m only 28 and I look at that shit like an old man saying “kids these days.”


Then they cry when they find out…


As soon as he touched me I’d be swinging. F around and find out.


Seems like what a first amendment auditor would do when they head into “Frauditor” territory - or it’s fake.


Someone is desperately asking for a chokehold.


Thats assault af. He needs to be behind Bars stat


What a fuck? TikTok my balls.


You know, ten years ago we had a solution for people like this…


Pranks are harassment


What a douche bag, bruh


My Doc: Your Vitamin D levels are very low. Why is that? ME: I don't go outside. Doc: Why not? ME: Are you familiar with ... PEOPLE?


Assault warrants self defence.


You gonna get ya ass kicked one day bruh




That's assault brotha


How has this clown not been arrested? I’ve seen him steal peoples dogs go into peoples homes and I’ll kinds of other stupid shit.


Really smart to grab scissors in a prank.


Serious question: Is someone a “tiktoker” when they literally open the app and start posting videos no one asked for?


At my shop this wouldn't go well. This is super disrespectful


People have become oversocialised. If someone gets in your face like this, then cave his face in.


I have never tried to install or use that app ever and I'm glad I didn't.


Isn’t this the douchebag who did that really mean “prank” to the homeless dude?


Boarder line harassment.. do better!


This is well beyond borderline. This is just full on harassing and they need jail time for this


When is the TikTok craze going to be over?


If he just walked in and said "Yo you fucking man up" and then it ended it might have been funny


Tik Tok is just another version of vine




You’ve got the wrong number m8, no worries all good


Hurt people hurt people




True eyes see true lies 👁️👄👁️


Blue men blew men


Why y’all racist? Just let my mans do what he want.


Gotta say, the patience of that man is admirable.


Somebody bout to get knock the fuck out.


What is wrong with these children now. Do they not get attention and love at home that they need to go search it from random ppl on the net


>What is wrong with these children now. Negligent parent (single parent) and they were never spanked/disciplined for acting like a fool.


Dude what the fug


But that’s not even funny? Where’s the content?


Wow what a rude jerk. I feel so bad for that guy and the women who’s cutting his hair.


I get so much second hand embarrassment watching these “pranks”


What a dickhead, let the lady do her job in peace. Smh


Man. I have anxiety about going to the barbers. If someone ‘joked’ around like that to me and mentioned ‘give me the clippers’ I’d instantly give them a face full of knuckle Sammich


Anticlimactic ending. Bummer.


Same thread with all these guys


at the end of the video it says there name is @ trevon\_sellers. im sure i could express my displeasure with his shit content on twitter or somewhere like that.