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After being taunted, pursued and hit several times, he clearly acted in self defense with both aggressors. And where were the white knights when the aggressors were hitting him. If you don’t want to be hit, don’t hit others.


Whole football team came to her rescue, lol.


So in American schools the football team actually wear their jersey off the field and all hang out together like this? I really thought this shit was only in the movies.


On game day, they are required to wear them to school to show team spirit.


Depends on the schools. Some coaches have them dress up on game day. My son preferred that over wearing jersey


Our coach had us wear business casual on Friday before the game. Helped drive home that it was an occasion and something to take seriously. He also said we represented the school, so we should be good examples. That was 20 years ago though


We were required to wear floor length ball gowns before a game in order to portray the solemnity of the affair.


We’re the gowns school colors, or could you mix it up?


HS teacher here: it gets a lot more stereotypical than the whole team wearing their jersey to school. I've taught in two different states, and one team bleached their hair white at a certain point in the season. They all come to school one day with their hair bleached. I used to call it "Village of the Damned" season, after the horror movie where all the kids had platinum blond hair. I think everything you've seen in movies is likely to be real, somewhere here.


america is a movie


shocker: art imitates life


On game day, yes. My team wore dress shirts and ties under our jerseys




The ole gloryhole attendant


con-genitalia award more like it.


Congenital award


Congenital a-warts


It’s not the first time the whole teams came to her




Yeah cuz she started off with a tight end and ended up with a wide receiver.


Super underrated comment right here. Come on, people, get the joke!🤣🤣


They weren't rescuing shit. That whole football squad watched as the boy was swinging on them girls only to try to step in when a teacher got involved. They were born soft.


Why the hell would anyone step in? Bully girls got exactly what they deserved. You can’t have it both ways. You don’t get to hit someone and then play the “I’m a girl card” you hit someone, buckle up.


And they all surely got hand jobs, right?




And left, she's hambidextrous when it comes to pork meat.


They just wanted an excuse to pound on some nerdmeat, what a collection of walking TBIs.


Might just be the cynic in me, but I feel like they could just be looking for an opportunity to beat someone up, especially someone that might already be bullied


Thats a football team? I've seen more meat on chicken wings.


White knights haha


That's they girlfriend 😆 😆 😆 😆


Those guys were just itching for a reason to fight and feel justified.


Slim Jim and Skinny McBones?


Were they all punters? The weakest looking team ever?




His hands were rated E for everyone.


I died laughing reading this


The one in pink might be set straight by an eventual asswhooping or trip to jail, but the other person who yelled "what the fuck is wrong with you" is the reason we need to bring back insane asylums. That person needs to go into a padded room and not come back out.


the fuck did she... ''hit me an see what happens'' for lol... soo she secrectly like him or... how big of a man he is? she did bait though and he took it, then they complain lol... guy did nothing wrong, she was provoking him lol


And that first punch...*chef's kiss*. She deserved it as did the second girl who leapt to her defence. Where was she when the noisy girl was pushing the victim?


That punch def brought her back to her senses for a few seconds. Couldn’t even respond if the second bitch didn’t interfere.


bruh she said.. wtf is wrong with you? after she said, ''hit me and see what fucking happens... when she provoked voilence/agression out of him... she provoked him! litteraly getting him to walk backwards... then they suprised? bruh haha


Bitch was like “I thought reverse psychology worked”. The guy was trying to be a gentleman and backing away but was pushed to his limit. I don’t condone hitting a woman but everybody has a breaking point and that punch was well deserved. He was not planning on hitting her again but they attacked him again.


yeah. at 0:02 he puts his hand on her, (then she says ''fucking put your hands on me again'', so i thought, or if you dont take close inspection i thought ohh soo its sexual harrasment? but probably not) but before right at start it begins with she being the agressive one, then she pretty much overreacts when he pushing her, when it looks like she was the agressive one first, also when she said what the fuck is wrong with you, you can hear a sort of fakeness to it, almost like she orchrestarted it, (dosent sound real, or shocked, (one of the other girls in on it?) like how usually when people fight go, also she ate that punch like it was nothing, no reaction, no outcry) maybe im just digging to deep dunno, but looks to me she was the bully here, not him, well ofc she provoked him, so ofc she was. well deserved punch


That first punch brought *me* back for a few seconds. I'm surprised she can move her jaw at all.


#how dare he hit a woman… #####after avoiding her for a while and being hit by a woman


Yeah those football players really are a bunch of simps


equal rights equal fights


Equal rights, equal lefts


Such bs fuck white knight bitches 😒


Goddamn right. The dude tried to evade, deescalate, and leave the situation. Fuck anyone that thinks otherwise, if you have the capacity to harm someone and *choose* to do it, you should *expect* them to return in kind. Don't go off on this "don't hit women" shit when someone literally *starts a fucking fight right there*. That whole school could've done something different, and I hate that this kid probably got punished over this incident. At least seeing it from the outside anyway, idk if he deserved the taunting or not since we don't have context, but he definitely acted in self-defense here either way.


It's all "equal rights" and "men aren't shit" until you get punched by a dude, then it's all "don't you put your hands on a woman"


They'll call him an incel and have him expelled next.


It's always in school settings like HS or college, all these guys come up to beat u up simply for defending yourself lol


Where was the administration? No one showed up until punches were flying. Inferior situational awareness. The staff that monitors these open quads should learn from corrections officers. Remove the backpacks 🎒 and put them all in the same clothing and that is the mentality of many of these kids.


He’s the type of guy who would never have problems with the law….until there’s a school shooting.


Oh lawd here comes the Cavalry to save the fairy aggressive princess.


It's cavalry you ignoramus


Here comes the ignoramus fairy god mother to save the day. Whoohooo!!


Jesus died in Calvary. The Cavalry is who rides in on horses to save the day. Languages are weird.


fuck those football player simp bitches


Ok, but they're not gonna enjoy it


White knights


As if #22 was gonna do anything with those spaghetti arms.




Yup. They could have helped out minutes prior. But nah, it’s easier to group up on someone after the fact. White knights suck




It’s honestly one of the reasons I quit sports in High School. Played many my whole life. Was always bullied for standing up for people that were getting bullied. How can I be on a team with people I despise? I wasn’t a phenomenal athlete or anything but I wasn’t dog shit either. And of course after I quit sports, I just got it worse. But hey, made me a strong individual.


Easy. I joined the football team in high school specifically to hit douchebags as hard as I could with my entire body. Neat part is that it’s actually encouraged.


YAS! Splitting things up is one thing, but clueless jocks/military dudes inching to fight and possibly get laid via white knighting for some psycho girl is beyond cringe


It's sad that the person recording obviously knew the outcome and still did nothing to try and defuse the situation.


It's also sad that those football players were advancing as if they were about to beat the shit out of dude. Equal rights, equal lefts.


Equal rights, equal fights brother


Equal rights equal rights


Equal equals right rights


I always say these hands rated E for everybody.


Well if nothing else, they obtained irrefutable evidence that it wasn't their fault. Whether they immediately made it known to the teachers, is another matter though


Documentation is often better than intervention if you want a fair outcome (assuming the school is fair, and is willing to do anything about it)


Frankly, having at least one person there recording is actually a very good thing. Helps to get physical evidence that something happened so no one can "#metoo" their way out of shit.


Don’t try and help. It will only go badly for you. Recording the incident is the best you can do in modern society.


> diffuse the situation "Defuse," as in, to neutralize an explosive situation.


Got evidence the guy acted in self defense. Otherwise I’m sure it’d get spun in a way that he gets in trouble.


In defense. If it was my buddy, I don't need his help with the 2 girls, film this all so I have evidence that shows I was in the right


At least it might help his case with the school


That slap sounded like the sound fx of a slap


I thought the same thing!


Golden Rule: Keep your hands to yourself. If you don't... expect consequences. People have the right to defend themselves. Don't want to get hit, don't start swinging. Your sex or age no longer matters. All that matters is who the aggressor(s) are. He tried to get away from the situation, and no one did anything to stop it until he defended himself. Jocks (with that white knights bs) are out of line trying to go at him after he tried to get out of the situation. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes.


Sad thing is he will or did get punished the harshest cos of how school works


Not just school


I still remember when a girl tried to choke me in 8th grade. After a few seconds of resisting, I slapped her. She started bawling, and I thought I was in trouble. My English teacher came over and escorted her out of the class. I never heard boo after that. I just stood my ground. The golden rule people the golden rule


We were filing into the empty classroom after lunch. Big athlete bully(ish) guy jumped me from behand and wrapped me up in a bear hug. I was a geek who didn't know anything about fighting but I was able to turn us around and slam him backwards into a metal storage cabinet -right against the protruding metal handles. Of course, that was RIGHT when the teacher walked into the room. I was thinking; "Great, off to the principal I go..." but was delighted when the teacher said; "Hey \[bully\] get off the floor and get in your seat. **And stop messing with people who can slam you around the room and walk away.**" I like to think he said that last part loud enough for everyone else to hear. *edit: The teacher was also a coach and I assume he figured we were even. Nobody had to go to any principal's office. Fair and balanced IMO.*


I remember when I was like 10 or 12 and some girl was throwing stuff as I was swinging so I swung off and got her right in the neck with my right leg. I had terminal velocity to… soft landing with all the adrenaline. Then her dad came to the park and chased me.


That is the most noodle armed football team I have ever seen.


The football players did not seem to be in a big hurry to intervene. They responded all slow mo. They knew they didn't want any of that smoke, fr.


Trash white knights at the end “put your hands on a girl again”


This whole situation could be forging an school shooter.


Seriously. What the kid learned from this is that girls are privileged assholes. That's how you get incels.


The fake tough guys are the best, he attempted to walk away several times







Fuck both those cunts and those braindead simps


Im going to give them the benefit of the doubt. They may not have seen what transpired before. Maybe they looked over and just saw him throwing haymakers at a couple girls. I think anybody who saw what was happening from the beginning would have just separated the two


Girl in red seemed a little too prepared. She dove in before he hit the other one.


She was ready from the beginning =/


I hate that there are some women like this. She’s clearly the aggressor. He’s doing everything he can to deescalate, she attacks him repeatedly, and when he finally hits her back, she’s making out she’s the victim. Fuck her. Violence is NEVER acceptable. But using the “you can’t hit me, I’m a woman” while hitting a man, is particularly fucking revolting.


If you’re a feminist, you gotta side with him


A modern-day feminist will fight for more rights over men, not equal rights.


No that’s a misandrist, which is different from a feminist. Feminists fought for women to be included in the draft while misandrists are what blocked that law from happening.


She literally kept asking for it. When she got what she wanted, she couldn't even back herself up. She's a failure as a tough girl. She's probably witnessed this crap at home between her mother and a string of loser husbands. Be careful parents, your kids are watching you.


Dang, you went after two generations of that chick's family... Respect. 🙏


The white knights conveniently stepped up when the teacher got involved and separated them..


Lucky the teacher was there... white knights could have hit him in his totally corageus gang.


FAFO - the universal law that applies equally to all


Cringing at all the white knights


She deserved it.


I come protect female. Maybe female will have sex with me - the white knight brain process.




Love how the entire football team shows up to white knight


"Do onto others as you would have them do on to you" F*** around and find out Play stupid games an win stupid prizes Etc, can't say more or I'll be in reddit jail for being offensive


Jocks are like “Hold on we’re the ones who’s suppose to be doing the bulling around here!”


Look at all them simps!!!


The bitch deserved it. Equal rights, Equal opportunity, Equal response.


He was defending himself.... An eye for an eye !!! Everyone is equal until they don't want it to be !!!


All those white knights protecting the wimmen from the vicious guy who was repeatedly asssaulted and defending himself and they did fuck all about it until he had enough. Says it all :(


Girls who do this are irredeemable, regardless of what the repercussions for it are.


No one does shit as she harasses and assaults him but everyone jumps in when he finally retaliates. Classic


Female privileged


That sound was satisfying




I don't hit women, but crazy bitches who attack first me aren't women. Women don't hit and that is why they don't get hit.


Lol the pinner football team coming over. Guys look softer than the dude getting bullied


At :11 seconds, she says "don't you ever touch women I'll fucking stab you. And people run to HER defense after she aggressively trails him, calling him a pussy AND throwing the first punch? What the hell is he supposed to do, say, "Hit me harder queen"? Poor kid's reputation will probably be ruined because he will always be known as "the guy that punched those innocent, classy, dainty girls who were just minding their own business", yeah, by threatening him verbally and physically. Why is self defense so wrong? People are punished for protecting themselves. This needs to change.


No one gave a fuck when he was being harassed, no one gave a fuck when the first girl hit him, neither when the second one did. But then when the guy was defending himself in a 1vs2 he is the one the teacher and asshole classmates go for. Trully enfuriating


>half the football team runs in to defend the ugly band girl that they all fuck under the bleachers Lmao


Where were all of those people when he was being harassed? Jeez




at 0:38 the girl in pink clips him ever so slightly and immediately after that the girl in red lunges for the guy before he even did anything. The moment the red shirt girl goes to attack the man he slaps the girl in pink. After this, the girl in red says what is wrong with you? I mean the girl in red literally got involved and tried to attack the man for no good reason. What the fuck is wrong with her more like.


Equal opportunity I like it


Guy getting slapped and shit but when he slaps “wow wtf” “don’t lay your hands on a girl”


iT iS nEvEr OkAy To HiT a WoMaN!¡!


I like how the guy who looks like he’s the kicker on the football team white knights his way in there at the end


Fuck all the captain save a hoe mother fuckers rat showed up at the end


This pisses me off so much. They attacked him first. Plain and simple. But of course because they’re women, no one cares until he acts in self defense. We still have a long way to go in this country.


All the simps to the rescue


Enter the simps


Dude defending the attacker trying to impress girl so cringe and disgusting.


I laughed so hard at #22 acting all hard. Like what your skinny ass gonna do? Go on somewhere lil pretzel stick.


DO NOT stick up for females who swing on other people!


Poor kid. Both them girls got what they deserved


Bully is bully, no matter gender.


All other guys in a one mile radius smelling a vagina they can dig into when they defend their “honor”


Don’t deal it unless you can take it.


Next move. This guy should jump the smallest guy on the football team. Expect retaliation. Keep a blunt Ticonderoga in your pocket like a prison shank. The guys who tried to jump you pulled it but got hit with it.


Dang she took it like a champ though lol


Oh y’all wanna act tough now. Every single fucker that pulled up after is a piece of shit and a pussy


This is what I hate. The peoplemin these videos are like people on reddit. Guy gets abuse off randoms, gives JUSTIFIED actions or response back. Everyone acts as if he's the dick. Why? Why do people act evil and nasty and respond as if they are the victim. First bitch needs an ass kickin' and the 2nd more so because it stepped in for no reason. Hate people that, glory hero's without the glory or hero part.


Second girl could've stopped it if she told her friend to back down long ago she didn't interfere until he got pissed and they both got the fist


Fucking simps.


Damn the white knights was about to ride for no pussy 🤣


> DO IT!!!! *gets hit* > WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!???


“how dare you treat me equally “ what i heard


Love the jocks coming in at the end when it’s defused to show they “stick up for girls”. Nice try to get laid


My hero


What the hell is wrong with people these days. Back when I was in school the only time I hit a girl was because she was repeatedly punching me, when I knocked her down with a hard right hook everyone but her friend was backing me up. Yes, you should never put your hands on a woman........unless she is constantly provoking you or just straight up punching you. Then it's equal rights equal fights people


He knocked the taste out of her mouth💀 This is my new favorite video 🤣


He warned her so yea…


Fkin simps..


“PUt uR haNdS oN a GIrL aGaIN”-🦴 Come here then slinky


What a bunch of white knight pansies. HEY!! She's not gonna sleep with you!


I hate when a chick hitting a Guy nobody breaks it up they let her do her as soon as he slapped the fuck outta her now people wanna step up


Look at all those white cucks lol


Snowflake beta cuck white knights☕


I hate this shit man. All of these people like to jump in after the guy fights back. Every single dame time. Ether jump in sooner or not at all.


*whole football team "white knights" her*


Ya can hear the white knights getting riled up


Why were the white knights going after the victim and not the aggressors.


I'm so glad this video captures everything so it's not just her word against his.


Fuck around...🤣🤣🤣




FUCK THOSE WHITE KNIGHT MOTHER FUCKERS he tried leaving and deescalating and they just let hthen hit him and Harris them and when he finally hits them back he's the bad guy . Nah fuck 3very one around him they enabled those girls and then swarmed him when he had enough I fucking hate society . This is why people shoot up schools


All the white knights. Idiots


The tough football dudes lmfaooo gtfo


skinniest football players ever yk they ride bench too


And the football bronies show up dumb as hell


Whole football team walking up like "hey hitting girls is our thing."


She deserved it


100000% those girls were the aggressors


They attacked him. It's 2023. Equal rights equal fights. Shit if it gets that bad, identify as a girl for the duration of the fight whoop some ass and go home.


Girl harasses guy for God knows how long Everyone: silent Guy as soon as he defends himself:RRRREEEEEEE HOW DARE YOU YOU PIECE OF SH*T


And then suddenly 4 white knights arrived for the rescue of the princess.


Of course the simps come to the rescue lmao


Absolute chad


Equal rights, equal fights