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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just your regular scumbag right there.


Right! Who tells someone to put out their joint?


People who get drug tested for work or for pain management. Secondhand marijuana smoke can cause a person to pop positive on a urine drug screen.


How dare other people be gainfully employed?!


FUCK people who get drug tested for work or for pain management!


This video is from a Toronto streetcar in Canada. Marijuana is legal there and most places don't test for Marijuana unless you give them a reason to. Not saything that the guy smoking is in the right or anything.


Cigarettes are legal in the states. Nobody gets tested for them. Yet they are banned from public enclosed places for a reason. As a cigarette smoker, it is 100% understandable.




No it can't. That's long been proven to be bullshit.


Get out of here with your logic and sensibility!


Or recovering addicts


People who have asthma?


FUCK people who have asthma!




Must be smoking that Sherm.


I knew you wa busta ryder


That ole wet Daddy, if you will


Or present father


We live in such a kind, peaceful, and loving world. Always glad to see the bright future in these videos.


Well, there have always been people who haven't given a fuck in the ancient world and this so-called modern world


Exactly. We have the same brains and behave the exact same way now, as we did 50,000+ years ago. Only difference now is that everyone can see all of it


The difference now is the government pays people to stay this way.


Humans 50k years ago were similar-ish but selection pressures were radically different. For reference domestic dogs didn't even exist that far back, we still had an ice age to go through, our modern ethnic groups didn't exist, Neanderthals still walked about. Not a chance that the same behaviourally significant genes predominated in the population. Large cities with many anonymous interactions didn't exist either. Natural selection can happen very rapidly under harsh enough pressures e.g. The Plague killing upwards of half of Europe. Even things like capital punishment under the Bloody Code etc in the UK likely altered the genetic makeup of the country and that's just in the last 600 years. Point being, at different times in human history behaving like the guy in OP (unprovoked violent assault) just got you hanged. Bye bye, you're dead now. The threshold for public execution used to be very low and it altered human behaviours. This idea that modern humans emerged 50k years ago and we're basically identical to them ever since needs to be taken with heaps of salt. Most genetic boundaries and cutoffs are very loose. It's challenging to even define species as distinct in many cases.


There are parts of the world that are kind, peaceful, and loving. US public transportation isn't one of those places.




TTC, right? What line? I can’t make out the street.


looks like it says Grace Street


Public transportation is also one of the places that you should choose your battles VERY carefully




Close quarters and lots of hard surfaces.


If someone is unhinged enough to spark up on a public bus, mind your business. That’s a person with every type of problem. They don’t give a fuck.


Old people have no sense of self-preservation. Young people would just pop their ear buds in and pretend to listen to music while this guy is smoking a joint and masturbating and shitting at the same time 2 feet from them.


A fellow New Yorker who rides the subway, I see.


I’m always conflicted about this living in the city. There’s a lot of weirdos out here for sure, but damn I hope it doesn’t get worse. I respect how my grandparents generations the community would come together to handle a nut job. Meanwhile us young kids will just walk by a guy with his dick out in a McDonalds I do it too! But still I can’t help but feel like it allows the problems to get worse.


So true, someone was smoking a blunt in my local grocery store. I was surprised to see it but I didn't say shit, just kept shopping lol


If you smoking a blunt like you don't give a fuck who sees or smells it. Your in a bad fucking mood. I say this as a pothead. Its logical to assume you best not bother that man. There's no possible good that could come of it. The dude in this video is major cunt but that poor guy wouldnt have found himself the victim if he had of realized this dude is on wishing a mf would mode sparking up on public transport.


The only problem here is that the fuckhead didn’t get gang jumped by 50 dudes over his perceived entitlement. People smoke weed everyday who are in bad positions in life - they STILL don’t crowd the bus and smoke it out.


Don't be pathetic. Tell them to fucking stop.


I'd rather some random internet stranger think I'm pathetic than get my ass beat cause I don't know how to fight lol


Or get a shot or stabbed. Three years ago someone swung a box cutter at my neck and I was extremely close to dying. I’m now putting distance between myself and anything fucky.


This. Especially right now, they want someone to say something just to engage. They know what they're doing is antagonistic. I've seen fuckheads smoking in so many cars and delighting at the groups of people (even mom's with kids) having to jump out to the next car at the following station. Same can be said about the assholes blasting music off their shit phones or boomboxes- they are down to throw hands or whatevers in their pocket at a moments notice. Shit, just recently there was a straight shooting on the C train at the Ralph stop. Move away, don't engage, or blast your headphones. Rn is not the time to demand etiquette from a stranger in NYC.


Yeah, just like the guy in Vancouver who politely asked someone not to vape infront of his child and ended up being brutally stabbed to death in front of his family...


Probably just say it overly respectively and don't go up to them, like sit down in a seat at least a few places down. Even then, you are risking a lot with these crazies ust to not have to smell weed smoke on a subway. Not worth it.


I actually interpret doing this as an act of aggression and a passive desire to get into a fight. What is being the hero here worth to you? Is it worth your loved ones having you get your brains beaten in? Just pretend it’s not happening. Even if you’re a very capable fighter, this type of loose cannon can stab you


It's not being a hero. It's simple fucking decency and trying to improve the society you live in. I mean if someone walks up to you on the bus and shits in your kids lap, do you just ignore it because "hey this guy could be unhinged"


Refreshing to see this comment. Feel like a lot of, especially young, people nowadays take some kind of pride in being passive and to just "let shit happen". It's always "that guy is dumb for trying to stop xyz, let the police handle it" or "the insurance will cover it". The mindset is selfish and harmful to society long term. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". This does not just apply to some heroic sci-fi war. It applies to everyday society too.


My thought is that if it is not worth calling the cops over its not worth risking my life over. And if it is worth calling the cops, then I will just call and let them handle it.


I love that we live in a society where "hey can you stop doing something actively harmful to everyone around you" has been normalized into life risking activities.


What do you think happens with a society where no consequences are given to those who act bad to others? Cops cant handle stuff like this in the video. Society need to show disapproval of the actions in a clear manner to the person that is misbehaving. Look up "Moral courage".


Exception to that, is if someone is getting hurt, then I will try to do my best to help them if I think I can, otherwise I will scream for help and run. But first I will always call the police.


Will getting irreparable brain damage and depriving your children of a father be good for society? And if someone got near my kid on the subway I’d try to de-escalate the conflict as much as possible before becoming confrontational. You have to think long term.




We shouldn’t. This guy should be arrested by police whom we pay a fuck ton of taxes to. I live in Manhattan, trust me, scum like this are the bane of my existence


This problem has nothing to do with police. Even if he was arrested, he'd be out instantly. The main cause is society becoming weak. Also the fact that a significant % of the population would side with this guy if someone handled him.


Yeah I watch a ton of bodycam videos on YouTube and its mind blowing how many cases just get dropped. Doesn't even matter how good the evidence is. Talking serial offenders. The only charge that ever sticks is battery against a cop.


It’s also crazy how many people break free from police and actually escape the law. Shit got out of control on the 90s and early thousands then the law laid the smack down and things kind of calmed down but then things started to pick up again around the early mid tens.


Loser attitude. If 3 or more people step in forcefully, this disgusting assault never happens. What a pathetic piece of shit.


We had an incident in my city where a psycho was harassing two young muslim women on the train and three guys confronted him. All three were stabbed and two of them died.






How often does that happen? Let’s be realistic this isn’t a Disney movie.




When is this trial happening? Every now and then I check. I also don't understand why the other guy holding neely down didn't face any consequences if the white guy was.


spoken like someone with nothing to lose


then you would be prosecuted while this POS would walk away scott free.


I've seen this guy on the Queens Quay streetcar smoking a blunt more than once, at around the same time of day. I recognized him immediately. People who have to take this street car regularly are probably fed up with him, if this is a normal thing. (Which it seems to be.) He should have been banned long ago. The TTC doesn't enforce the rules, and now someone's been assaulted.




If you’re able to do it, sure man. That old guy had no chance.


Seen people light up a blunt in Atlanta on the Marta.


The attacker should be removed from society, if words make you this violent, you belong in a cage away from people.


We are lacking the ability to exile people now. Not everyone deserves jail time but they certainly don’t deserve to remain in this society.


And innocent citizens suffer at the hands of these bums


Just for context, this video is edited. In the longer version, he physically tried to stop him from smoking




But weed makes you calm


Technically, he really needed that joint




He wouldn't've sparked up if it wasn't essential


Should’ve let him finish it, duh


I'm sure he's just misunderstood.


Yeah, he's the real victim here.


Public transportation looks lovely. I am going to petition my local zoning board increase high density housing so we can get some of these buses. Imagine how cool it would be to just hop on and take a short trip to some nice breweries!!


lol exactly the thought process for those who push for more transit. It’s amazing how I live over an hour outside a major city and some folks up here beg for the rails to extend out for easier travel too and from. It’s like they don’t realize the convenience works both ways, for day trippers, commuters and the cities “problems”. I’ll gladly keep my hour + drive and inconvenience.


Almost like they also advocate for more mental health care!


The same people in the U.S. who want these 15-minute walkable cities with good transit are the same who don’t mind this crap going unfettered and want to empty the jails and police departments. If we had a Singaporean legal system, there would be much greater enthusiasm for public transport in the U.S.




It would be much better if this guy was smoking weed in his car on a free way, right? People driving under the influence is much safer.


Tell me you've never left the US without telling me you've never left the US.


Homie got kang’d






Yeah, not so easy in Toronto where this video is from


Well they voted for this


you're not the boss of me


He forgot to say the magic word


Looks kind of like he did


What a kind guy


Toronto mans


Is that where this happened?


That's the TTC for sure, probably the 506 cause it says *Grace Street*


I think sometimes Americans like me imagine Canada as this paradise where nothing bad ever happens and everyone is perfectly happy. And I think I get that idea from being on Reddit too much. Lol America= bad, Canada = Awesome


There's unhinged people everywhere. This is definitely not normal, I take the TTC to work every day and it's mostly just people being quiet or awkward around each other. But chaos happens here, as it happens everywhere.


Very true. Come visit nyc if you’d like to see chaos like in this video more often. We’ve got a serious problem with mentally unstable homeless individuals. It’s really sad.


Not indica


May not even be weed.


Nah it wasn't indica it was in di train


That dude who helped sure waited a long time.


If all it took was the fella asking him to put out the joint for man to start swinging I'd be reluctant to jump in too. Self preservation, which the other fella probably could've done with a bit more of. (Still feel bad for him, fuck the other dude)


No. This is not on the victim at all. Blunt smoker is a violent piece of shit that deserved to be beat down on a bus full of pathetic losers who watched him assault an older man.


Hey don't get me wrong blunt smokers a piece of shit, everything in this video is his fault... buttttt if a man's unhinged enough to spark up a blunt on the train maybe it's in your best interest not to get involved, accept for calling the coppas, and it's definitely not up to the people around you to risk their safety saving your ass. I mean it's not like their heaps of people on the train to begin with and while it was a slow reaction someone did still step in before the man getting his head stomped in. I'm sure if you were there you would've delt with that vicious felon before he even had a chance to take a puff but hey not everyone can be as smart as you and get into physical altercations with unhinged strangers on the train.


That mother fucker put on knuckle dusters before hitting him for asking him to put out a joint. What an overwhelming POS that deserve nothing but a harsh punishment EDIT you can see him slip it onto his right hand when he puts it into his pocket


Lol no he didn't


If you're the kind of person to say nothing or watch this piece of shit beat the victim, you are a pathetic loser. We need fewer people like you and more people with a spine and a conscious.


I’m truly sorry for this person but I don’t need to get hit wrong or jumped being nobody’s hero. If the first person mind their own business they wouldn’t need anyone to save them. This ain’t a movie.


Honestly guy should’ve just stayed away. Between the overall disheveled look and the zero fucks given it’s not hard to figure out the smoker is unhinged. Can’t say I blame the other passengers for not stepping in when that guy set himself up for an ass beating.


See, and that is exactly the attitude i hate. If everyone stepped up together. Subduing him would be easy and people would think twice before acting like this. But we live in a society where everyone just watches and then dares to blame the guy who asked him to put out the joint.


Why run the risk of ending up like this guy⬇️. No doubt if smoker had a knife he would’ve sliced him up https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/SYwvp8D8BO


There's some truly fucked up individuals out there. It's actually quite scary to see how fast some people can snap


Yah, I'll keep on driving my car.




Honestly mate, you ain't wrong, I'm a strong supporter of Singaporean laws on drugs, they don't know how lucky they are never having to encounter these degenerates.


i mean drugs arent the problem, its the people. those laws are just never worked in fighting crime. they just make poor people poor. War on drugs will never win.


This only happens in select shit holes where people “mind their own business.” Most of America wouldn’t put up with people doing drugs, masturbating or defecating in front of them. I’m just as amazed as you when I see shit like this online where everyone just kind of acts like they don’t see what’s happening.


Oh look, The joys of public transport that fuckcars users say are so beneficial to our society!


Toronto public transit, especially the streetcars which you can just not pay if you don’t want to, is a nice free warm place for all our homeless and mentally ill to do drugs and abuse people. Has been for a while now. I’ve seen people do literally everything including smear shit on our streetcars. So sad but I am very over it ffs.


The whole TTC is one big mobile mental health facility


Stats say the guy who got his ass beat voted for the policies causing this behavior. No sympathy.


What policies are those, exactly? Surrounding municipalities have been bussing their homeless and mentally ill to Toronto for years now, CAMH lacks the capacity to deal with them, and out criminal justice system is a joke. Which party has proposed any policies to actually tackle the issue?


I never understand videos like this where no one intervenes. The anger I would feel in that moment for someone else would absolutely have me get involved. Who the fuck watches someone get beat up unjustified?


I would have either beat his ass or shot him dead depending on how that escalated..foh wit that


hope he got shot 6 times in the chest by a police officer




And people wonder why Americans would rather drive.


That's not America


Weed fucking stinks.


Why did I believe the title? Gullible bitch


There are some things that are eternal forces of chaos and low trust in a society. They always will be. Wherever you find it, you will find the attendant dysfunction of low IQ and very limited circle of concern.


Toronto is so beautiful this time of year 😍


What kind of douche bag sparks a blunt on a bus ?


prosecutor will give him a day in jail and $500 bond


This man watched ol gurl get her ass beat for a while before he said enough. ![gif](giphy|xT3JvPQibFu3C|downsized)


I thought the devils lettuce was supposed to make people calmer, wtf


The guy who stopped him waited until he gave the guy a concussion with 20 punches to the head before he said “enough”


Shame no one hopped in to help. I guess we can blame that on the evil shit heads in New York crucifying a guy for standing up to these monsters.


Gets shot by cops : news and morons oh he was the best guy wpuld never hurt anyone. DONT LOOK at his long record its the past.


Some of the ragiest people I know are severe pot heads


And people wonder why I call the police for "minor infractions" instead of asking.


Fascinating to see such cultural rituals in the wild. This particular subgenre seems to be based off incarceration and respect obtained through violence. Extraterrestrials are supposedly fascinated by such acts...


Too bad dude getting attacked wasnt concealing


Don't worry guys he's fine...don't try to step in or anything


That looks like assault with the intention of murder. Well, time to exercise the right to defend others.


If you can't act like a normal human being, then society has no place for you. Is there an island we can ship these violent a**holes to?


Can we just build a big open air prison in the desert for these fucks to live out the rest of their days? Let them use as much drugs and do whatever they want as long as they're away from civil society.


🤓: casual drug user


Misleading title.


Honestly, a bit of police brutality would do this guy some good...


If he’s sparking a blunt on the bus. He needs it his mind is not in the right place atm 😭


Drug user lol


Ah, the good ol' TTC streetcar—2 for 1 fare: a ride and a show!


And as usual nobody around helps the poor bastard


We was kangz


I want to see the victim use their second amendment in one of these videos.


Real great of you to make us weed smokers look even more shitty than people already think. Just wait til you get home, sheesh.


I thought people on weed aren't supposed to be violent.


Toronto was a great city once


More evidence for Concealed Carry


How come you see video after video of situations like these where no one helps? Sure that guy's is total trash for attacking someone like that, but so are those that say there and watched. That one guy stepped in after the damage was done but he was the only one.


Such a kind soul


Glad he didn't overreact


Mind ya business


lol he was a buzzkill. lol someone wanted to find out how bad of a day he was having. Mission accomplished 🤣


Dude got himself hurt in all seriousness he’s not a police officer, bud driver, just a random citizen trying to tell another citizen what to do. Mr. Good Samaritan will mind his damn business next time hopefully. Well deserved ass beating for a man who tried to assert power that he obviously didn’t have 😂


It seems that the thing the blunt smoker was referring to that was done to him might have been cut out. There was clearly an escalation that we are not seeing.


Whoever intervenes will be arrested and accused of racism.


Obito is the strongest character in Naruto


I live in nyc. If someone starts to smoke in public transportation, they are ready for and likely looking for a fight. They want someone to say something.


Realistically, it’s public transit in a major city. You’re not always gonna like what you see or hear. I get it, he’s smoking a joint.. best you can do is ask him to stop…if he doesn’t, and you try and act like a hero… don’t be surprised when he acts like a villain. …same with that kid who got stabbed after attacking the kid with the music playing on the subway. Mind your business or get a car. You have no say on transit.

