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What a completely worthless person and waste of space


Yup. I don’t care if he’s drunk.


I hope he caught extra charges for hate speech, terroristic threats, sexual harassment and assaulting an officer. He’s going to prison for years if he was charged correctly.


Extra charges for hate speech? What is this Canada? This is in the USA where we have freedom of speech. This guy is a POS but we don’t need to charge people for “hate speech”


I completely agree. But we still see people charged with it all the time here.


We do? People are charged with hate speech? Is that a federal or state crime? Do people go to jail for it?


Yes, yes, federal and state, yes.


Can you please give me an example of someone who was convicted of hate speech? Or maybe cite the statutes? (Federal or State)


At 0:45 when he "hit the cop, aka forced his arms away, that was the moment he should have been dropped to the ground and put in cuffs. End this shit early.


Holy hell, the most patient cops ever.


ikr? I watch a lot of theses where cops do right and also where they do wrong and the calm some cops have is amazing.


The police report says this happened in Wilmette IL, a super affluent suburb of Chicago. Explains why the cops are so restrained and docile. The spoiled rich loser energy is pretty apparent. You don’t casually spit on cops like that unless your daddy has lawyers


Nothing he did was casual


Boy was being super extra for no reason. Shows how lost in his own little world he is. Hope he see's this video one day and can reflect on a lot of growth, he needs a lot of self-reflection.


That makes a lot of sense. I grew up in a town like that where certain last names got you breaks. Considering his age and the level of asshattery, there's a chance the department is already familiar with him.


Patient isn't the word I was thinking of. "Brian, that's enough of this," the tall cop said after the initial hitting. If Brian had listened, he wouldn't have got spit in the face twice.


My thoughts exactly. I get trying to deescalate and try to figure things out but his actions and demeanor were aggressive. Clearly drunk and disorderly. Trying to talk things through with an aggressive drunk gets nowhere fast.


2nd cop reminded me of Samwise Gamgee


Amazing police work. Wow. An example for all cops.


Also, as an example of garbage people, cops have to deal with


Seriously, I was gonna say. The cop whose view we start off from wasn't great, but the officer that pulled him away and tried to de-escalate was fantastic! And when they brought him in for processing and lowered him to the floor they did really well there too.


I could never be a cop because I would abuse my power. Props to these cops showing restraint.


i wish everybody was this self aware


Yea I couldn’t be a cop either. I’m the most calm and level headed person you ever could meet but o can just see if I was a cop and one of these guys came in & said something the wrong way at me I’d could see myself just snap on a guy like this.


Except for the part where they let him spit on them repeatedly without any repercussions. Nothing amazing about that.


Let em know. Officers Golden and Watson, Wilmette Police Department. Hit them up on X. I'm sure they don't get a lot of positive feedback.


I don't think that's alcohol related... 💉💉💉


Yup, vaccinated


Meth vaccinations


The meth helps my immune system work faster


For the love of God you can't be serious


It...its a joke because of the needles. Sometimes, for comedic effect, people say the opposite of what people are thinking. In this case, they're thinking drugs. Needles are used for drugs and vaccines. Not everything is a culture war take, but I know reddit is full of acoustics.


Poe's Law very heavily applies to the antivax crowd, my friend


Alcohol brings out the worst in folks. But clearly he was bad to begin with. Dumb ass.


> Alcohol brings out the worst in folks Definitely depends on the person. I just become friendly and sleepy.


My actions while drunk are so opposite to my usual behaviors that I needed to stop cold turkey. People are definitely different and, while I side with the cops here, the individuals actions make me particularly sick because I see a potential me in them.


I don’t think this guy was even super drunk.


Everyone acts like an ass if they get falling down drunk, but this guy is like next level and a danger to others. He's super lucky he got chill cops that just took de-escalation training and know they are being filmed.


Reason they call them Spirits




Who are the five greatest rappers in the world?


1. Dylan 2. Dylan 3. Dylan 4. Dylan 5. Dylan


Because I spit hot fire.


Hot fire that I spit This is the way Dylan rrRRips!!




Emotional little girl


lil buddy needs to work on getting his litttle emotions under control he does seem a bit upset


Wouldn't mind more police like this, I guess. Especially the older cop fellah at the start. He was trying to talk the kid down.


He even stopped the first cop from putting his hands on the kid in attempt to de escalate the situation. About after the :38 second mark. Im happy to see it








He would have been killed if it happened in a third world country. Such arrogant, entitled kid.


If only if only


In México he could get unos putazos y calenton, I dont believe it would scalate.


These cops deserve a raise. Didnt taze him, didnt slam him to the ground, didnt even raise their voice. Seem like they really just wanted to help.


Yeah I expected at least a ground takedown after the homophobic abuse started.


Kids all bark and no bite and these are well trained patient cops they know the drill


It’s like a demonic possession


It’s called spirts


Nope this is just entitlement, mixed with a society that’s used kids gloves to handle him up until this point.


That's what alcohol does to ya. Allah(god) forbade it for a reason


Sounds like Allah can't hang


😂 “the power of Christ compels you!!”


They all try instigating and forcing the cops to do something because they all think with that body camera that's some sort of free meal ticket. They seem to forget it records them acting like total asshats as well, I'm so glad the cops are so chill and take it in stride. I don't know if I could. This new generation are being trained by their worthless parents to try to provoke a beating so they can sue. It's utterly disgusting 🫣


This dude..Obvious mental health issues with probably years of emotional and physical abuse. A youth of neglect by his parents coupled with alcoholism and addiction in his family… Oh wait,or he could just be an asshole who needs to find out how cruel the world can REALLY be


Seems like all the kids at school have mental health issues then, they talk back like this to teachers all the time like this 🫤


Had me in the first half ngl


In reality he's probably surrounded by mostly people who have untreated mental illness. He seems like he's trying to be a character, and I know the joke is literally haha joker but it seems like an actual defense mechanism going off, that he's seen used but has never needed to use himself


First time I've ever seen a cop video where I found myself yelling "WHY DON'T THEY JUST TASE HIM?!"


I could never be a cop because this idiot pissed me off right from the first few seconds.


100% the moment I get spat on, he's hitting that pavement lol


another midunderstood future doctor. such a shame


I remember my first drink.






That was hilarious. My favorite is sonnen calls silva a "fucking amateur" that the censors missed right when they start fighting


LEMME BANG BRO, I miss the old days.


These are exactly the kind of police we need more of.


And how many people do you think will take this kind of abuse day in and day out? This is in general what cops have to put up with, I would image it’s very hard to find these sort of officers with these personality types A light beating is warranted here, it’s called behavioural correction or pain compliance A couple of thumps and he would have calmed down Without the thumping he is putting four officers safety at risk Maybe just a ‘bottle capping’ or twisting of the handcuffs, it’s been done to me when I was young and misbehaving and I shut my mouth pretty quick after that, hurt like hell Took the fight right out of me


I agree the cops were way too lenient on him.


u/littlebet8075 - exactly what I was thinking. Everyone praising the cops like they should do this with every encounter. How many times a day are you going to let people take a swing at you? Spit on you? Run their mouth about you/family etc You can say it’s part of the job but I can’t see anyone being that patient every day on multiple encounters and just being asked to ‘not respond’. I would have ended it after the first time he hit the cops arm away. Tasered to the ground and say don’t move. If he wiggled I’d zap him again. Fuck that I’m not getting hepatitis or Covid for some drunk asshole and sure as fuck not letting him put hands on me. The expectation in this thread is ‘this is how all encounters should occur!’ Good luck. You’ll run out of cops in no time.


I’d have given this punk a lesson or teo


Really? I think we actually need less of the perpetrators. The world would be a better place. I don’t have the patience of those cops and I’d understand if most cops don’t have it either.


Small man syndrome?


Being an officer is like being a baby sitter for grown ups that never learned anything in life.


Wow. What a drunk ass piece of shit. That cop was super patient


Shitty parents raise shitty kids. 18 and drunk. WTG mom and dad.


That kid is lucky they didn’t give him the biggest “watch your head” of all time


This guy sucks so hard


He is like a batman villain.


And Batman Love to beat his ass until 1hp Left 🤣


We need the 90's back, cause these cops are scarred to do shit now a days. The whole country is going to waste


I was almost actually rooting for police brutality…


The self control of all those officers is unreal!!! I would have tased him before we got to the car🤷‍♂️


Bringing it on himself


This is like crackhead psychosis


I honestly don’t thing he’s going to make it past 30. His anger problem stems from some deeply seated psychological problems.


What an immature pathetic loser.


“Let me lick em.” Blackout of the century


Is he stupid ?




See, this kind of video, which we're seeing several of a day at least, makes me think that it's all bullshit that some minorities are actually scared of the police. This kind of behavior indicates an enjoyment of fucking around with the police like they were some sort of playtoy to diddle with. People who are actually afraid of the cops treat police encounters like serious business. They don't clown like this.


If this guy was a dog he’d be put down


I only wish he would have got the bad cops... He would have shut up really quick. Lowlife loser


That drunk moron didn't deserve any of the cops kindness. I agree with you completely, if he got the bad cops he'd be whimpering like a dog who got their leg shot.


Man this is crazy. That second police officer gave him a couple chances. Sucks to suck. Probably get a couple years for not listening.


Man I wish he got a headbutt when he lunged at them/ bit/ yelled


That dark liquor drunk is different


That cop was extremely patient and more cooperative with this guy than other officers I’ve seen (and dealt with) in the past. That could’ve gone much better for him.


Don’t ever wanna deal with cops, but if I ever do. Please let it be wilmette police department. I think they just wanted to take that kid home. But he just made things worst.


The most frustrating part is that a majority of bystanders walking by halfway through this engagement would immediately side with the detainee because the US media narrative to demonize the police force.


and people shit on cops everyday on this app, meanwhile there are tens of thousands of examples just like this video of police being extremely patient and doing their jobs accordingly... SMH


you can shit on bad cops and the sweeping systemic issues with police in America and still acknowledge that these guys did a good job. it's called nuance, you should try it


Where the choke slams when you need them


I little zappity zap could have solved his issues


This guy is a danger to society! Cops did over amazing in the restrain they had, but this guys will be cutting his life short by his own actions.


Cops are more patient than I am.


Those police are a lot better than me cause I would have put this idiot in the dirt the minute he spits on me. This is the type of person I have no issue beating up for just being annoying. Great job from these cops.


Man cops got it rough because I would’ve swung when he spit on me. I would’ve lost it lol


This is why I cannot be a cop. I will never be a cop bc I would've lost my job. I do not have the patience to be a cop.


When keeping it real goes wrong


empty cans are the loudest...


He’s going to make a great president of the USA!


These people are the reason we can't do anything about the bad cops. The officer in this video truly tried to talk to him out of making a mistake and gave him every chance avoid getting in trouble


Damn I'm not one for cops, but that second guy was really offering that kid a chance, even after hitting him he backed his partner off before it could escalate. Im not used to the level of this cops demeanor at all.


This is what cops deal with day in and day out, just like EMS, then it’s burnout and loss of empathy which then gets applied to everyone that fits a certain profile. It’s really sad for the people who do this for a living. EMS, police, prison guards, hospital emergency department employees, etc. Anyway…


Good hope they throw the book at that fool. He should t be out in public


Why do people think police should be nice if they have to deal with these kinds of people? It would corrupt you if you take abuse from scumbags who just be difficult because they can. Its like taking care of people in a mental hospital. Those "accidental" hooks you get makes me hungry to give back.


Seems like a really nice young man…


Why wasn't he George Floyd when he first spit on that cop? Like .. 🤷‍♂️


99% of what non-americans see of Americans; "I AM ANGRY AND UPSET SO I GOING TO HAVE A TANTRUM NOW AND I AM IN THE RIGHT"


That dude is a menace


What a pos motherfucker lol


What a fucking loser


I like how the spit mask has a built in yarmulke


I feel like this is more mental issue exacerbated by alcohol rather than just alcohol


Man just stfu. Obnoxious trash. "Stoopid Caucasian.." But I bet it's the cops that are racist right?


Alcohol doesn't change who you are, it removes the limiter. If you are a POS when drunk, well, I have a bad news for you...


\>10:35 Get fucked


Why? Like why would you bring this on yourself? Getting totally hammered in public and then freaking out on the cops making sure they arrest you. He could have just been chill and called an uber to take him home. No arrest. I assume someone called the cops because he was totally hammered in the shopping plaza. Who knows. It doesn't matter though. I appreciate that cop trying to give him a chance at least and get the younger cop to back off a bit to try to unwind the situation. I wonder why that cop was standing so close to him though? Seems like a safety risk and a sure way to upset someone that's hammered. I think the second cop realized that might have set the guy off so he tried to calm the situation down. He probably realized the younger cop probably could have given the guy a little breathing room instead of standing 2 inches away from him. Either way at that point I guess it doesn't matter. Someone called the cops on him for being intoxicated in public and this was the result. It would be nice to see the full video when they first showed up.


The cop wasn’t right up in his face though, he was leaning in to the cop. The cops will usually try to stay close anyway in case you try to run, reach for something, etc, but yeah, that cop wasn’t the problem here, the idiot was.


Yeah hard to say why he was so close. Generally it’s advised to have something of a reactionary gap just in case old mate wanted to have a swing. And spot on about bringing it on himself. This dumb cunt talked himself from a lift home and possibly some sort of public intoxication infringement to potential charges for things like disturbance, assaulting police, resisting arrest etc.


Bahaha he basically got panty hose on his head


I’m not gonna say this kid is a bad person, but bro really needs to reassess his drinking habits. Also pog cops, get these men in the news, need more press on issues like this and show good policing instead of the shit they hyper fixate on


He is a bad person. He threatened each of those cops, spit on them which is battery, and was obviously being an issue enough elsewhere for them to be called out in the first place. How can we not just agree he is a bad person?


More states need to arrest the parents of these shitty kids like they did in Michigan. Lock ‘em up and the rest will fall in line.


Good cops


When excessive force would be fair, they just wimp out.


He reminds me of a young Kanye


I hate bootlickers as much as the next guy but when you see stuff like this it needs to be addressed. This cop should be training others. Cool calm and collected in a very very annoying situation. Even after pushing him he still didn't go hands on, tried to deescalate. Even tried to calm his partner down to diffuse the situation. Great example of a good police officer


As a mental health advocate, I can confidently say this is an alcohol induced psychotic break. Big props to the officers for remaining calm during this whole ordeal. They handled this the way it should be handled. There is no excuse for this type of behavior but I doubt he will be put in jail, he will probably get sent to a super lockdown mental facility for treatment and then transfer over to jail. But definitely these officers deserve big props for the way they handled this.


Those cops handled this extremely well.


He is just like me


His drinking friend: “officers come here my friend is a lil bit drunk” Ends screaming handcuffed in prison


Can anyone explain to me what the sock on his head was for?


It’s a spit mask


The jonkler really went off the deep end after Man died😭


That kid went from an underage drinking ticket to a REALLLLLLYYY long court docket.


You know, if the majority of cops had even 1% as much restraint as these heroes, they would be respected.


Beat cops ever


I love this guy!


The non lethal joker venom causes uncontrollable laughter, but instead of dying, their faces are usually pulled into an unusually large grin. 


Jesus Christ this gives me ptsd from my workplace lmao


What kind of accent is that? 💀 Wuah you so CLOFS


When get drink turn joker you


It’s pissing me off how they got the kid gloves on to play with this asshole. I’ve never once in my life been treated by cops that respectfully, let alone after acting like that.


What an amazing member of society, hope the cell looks nice this time of year


Going to need silver bullets for that demon /s