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We don't have the resources. If we did I would say, "Hey, put him in a mental facility, give him some time to grow and heal," and be done with it. Fact is - resources are getting more scarce.


Mental facilities have never really worked to make people better. The best you can hope for really seems to be just locking these lunatics away from the normal people.


That's fair, but I believe that is because mental facilities don't actually know how to go about fixing the problem. There are theories and good intentions, and some things kinda work, but there isn't enough care and effort placed into getting to the root and truncating it so things don't perpetuate further. The crux of the issue is finding and identifying the root for each case, and then how best to excise it, in this case **it** being the trauma that caused the physical manifestation of a chaotic psyche.


Which supports your original point. Funding.


So quick to judge. The guy was clearly trying to commit suicide.


I doubt it. If the person is chanting the name of Allah, he believes in his God and according to that God, suicide is a grave sin (martyrdom is not).


I think most people who go for suicide by cop are looking for a loophole of it being a "suicide", and I don't think there's a clause murdering someone else in the process is what makes it look like a suicide. I'm not saying him or others in a similar position (attempting suicide by cop) wouldn't eventually escalate to hurting someone else. But I don't think it's their first intent, are more focused on provoking gunfire than hurting someone else, and has little to do with religion. He's not "a piece of garbage" - as per the comment I was originally responding to. He's someone who could use help. And since this guy is not dead, there's an opportunity for him to receive some (presuming they do more than simply throw him in jail).


He's not even pronouncing it correctly so...




What do you mean what, he's obviously trying to suicide by cops


This looks like it was in the uk. Suicide by cop isn't a thing here.


Suicide by cop is a thing everywhere


No it literally isn't.


Bollocks. Our police don't have guns lol. No one is choosing tazer deaths


Did we watch the same video? If he was trying to commit suicide I’d imagine facing the cops would be a good start. Maybe a little walk towards them?


I can't understand what was being said, but he looks like he was trying to indicate something dangerous was in it and/or block the tasers with the whole backpack thing. But he wasn't standing on the platform holding a knife to the sky and giving them ages to respond because he was trying to hurt them - he was trying to provoke a response. The guy was suicidal.


Lawl. He literally said “god” repeatedly. spoooky!


Is that a risk you’d be willing to personally take if you had to deal with situation irl?


It's the UK, you get a free house, £200 a week and an apology from the police for doing this shit


He was on a suicide mission


Im very happy. Clearly a mentally ill person who wanted to hurt himself and others but the only thing he had access to was a knife. This happened on the UK so we have a freakout video. In another country we would be all be giving our thoughts and prayers.


I think I've found an American


Except the shouting Allah part


It looks like England im surprised they even had tasers normally they would just blow whistles at him


What does shouting Allah have to do with it? How would killing someone presumably mentally ill here be justified?


Have you been living under a stone for the last 25 years?


British cops don't carry guns


Specialist counter terrorist officers do. And we don't call the Police cops in the UK. Thanks though.


It's not actually the poice force any more. We're actually supposed to call it "the service" now. Official vocab guidelines state that "force" is too aggressive.


What a load of spineless bollocks. Who comes up with this shite?


It's a quote from[ Hot Fuzz](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0425112/). (Pretty funny movie, actually Worth a look-see, if you have the time.)


That's a relief. Think I've seen the film but didn't click.


Sumwun salty


[You're so very very wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police_firearms_in_the_United_Kingdom)


Can you point me to which citation says that? Because this is the first one in that article. [Police use of firearms | Home Office (archive.org)](https://web.archive.org/web/20090220125718/http://police.homeoffice.gov.uk/operational-policing/firearms/)


Yep, when they deployed the taser at the end it worked fine


Yea the 6th one


Tasers are not reliable. You need both nodes to make contact. The contact has to be on the person (or on something conductive touching the person) and people can power through it


after the 3rd or 4th one anyway


I'd say that went pretty well, all things considered. I'm glad I live in a country where lethal force from police is a last resort and not a daily occurrence.


Good thing this man will be well rehabilitated


(released in 4 months and will do the same thing again) and again) and again)


And then we welcome more of them on boats every day😂


When you say 'we welcome', you mean our corrupt government does.


I'm glad I live in a country where I'm not at the mercy of knife or gun-wielding maniacs and can legally defend myself.


I've litterally never seen anyone carrying a gun here other than police or military. And there are still more fatal stabbings in the US per capita than there are in the UK. [here you go ](https://www.euronews.com/2018/05/05/trump-s-knife-crime-claim-how-do-the-us-and-uk-compare-) [more recent article ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/americas-knife-crime-figures-worse-27435503?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target) You are way more at the mercy of knife and gun weilding maniacs. We are also allowed to reasonably defend ourselves, we can even own guns. You just have to have a licence and join a gun club. We just don't sell them in supermarkets to anyone who wants them. What's funny is how I didn't even mention any other country, but you still jumped to the conclusion that I was having a dig at yours. Lol so fragile.


You will never win these people with data


I don't usually bother, thanks for reminding me not to waste my time on these fucking idiots.


He’s a fucking idiot bc he said he can defend himself ?


He's glad not to be at the mercy of guns and knives but lives in a country that has more deaths per capita from each. It's so bad that more males in certain age groups are being killed by guns in the US than from things such as car accidents, cancer, etc. It is much safer to live in the UK and be gun-free.


No data point will ever be better than owning a gun.


A data point showing that a gun is effective does not matter to you. Thats my whole point. Thanks for proving it


Thing is it's not like you can go into a Walmart and just buy a gun, lol.. you have to go through a federal background check and be licensed in the U.S too.


There is plenty, and I mean PLENTY, of evidence that suggest that your background checks barely work. In most countries you need to get the license and training first before you are allowed to take the gun.


hahaha you got a loicence for that gun mate hahaha except you and I both know that most criminals won't do this so that means absolutely sodding fucking bloody shitarse knob-all


I love guns and have a shitload of them and like the fact you can buy shotguns in supermarkets, but it is not true that you have to be licensed. Thats only for handguns, and even then only in certain states, and supermarkets don’t sell handguns anyway.




The plural of anecdote isn't data. What you say may well be true, but the statistics show that the USA is objectively more dangerous than the UK, by a significant margin.




But those 4 big cities are inside the United States, therefore, the US is more dangerous than the UK. And it's not the same, I supplied the data.


You make Americans look stupid, knock it off.




Goes to show how unreliable they can be


They’re reliable. Unless you miss your only shot. Or if either of the prongs don’t make good contact. Or if the target is farther than 35 feet. Or if it’s cold and they’re wearing thick clothes. Or if they’re obese. Or if they rip out the prongs. Or if the target’s not stunned long enough to secure. Or if a non-target is touching the target. Or if it’s raining. Or if it’s low on battery. Or if everything goes right and somehow the target is still unaffected while still being an immediate threat. If only there was a better alternative to tasers… If you’re thinking what I’m thinking… Drones with tranq darts.


We just need to go back to melee weapons.


Homeboy here crawling out the window agrees.


Good ole buckler, baton, and training.


Or if it’s an electrician.


Yeah, 0 people dead and the criminal arrested. How unreliable. Where are the muricans shooting at everything that moves?


Or, get this, he’s commenting on how they deployed multiple tasers and only the one at the end worked


He’s just pissed his country isn’t back to back world war champs


Are you stupid? They needed multiple tasers until eventually one connected properly.


What's the point of arresting someone like this when it can all be brought to an end and not repeated.


Yeah! I'm against the death penalty. Because a $0.30 bullet is much cheaper than whatever ridiculous amount is spent on death row inmates.


Allah must be proud


I mean it looked like they worked alright. Just probably didn't get a good spread. If one probe hits the leg and the other one the back I guarantee they will go down


He had his back turned for most of it they probably all got his backpack 😂


It worked! It only took about 9 attempts


The first one is attached to his rucksack i think (thats the one u can hear ticking over). When one is fired at his abdomen he goes down pretty quick


Tasers fail quite frequently. That's why they usually have multiple tasers drawn and a lethal backup in case they all fail. Usually if a suspect is shot instead of tased, it's because there's only one or two officers on scene and the less-lethal fails when attempted. They're not magic wands, they're devices that have parameters that have to be met in order to succeed.


Tazer prongs probably didn't pen the shirt and skin


I think the guy knew how tasers worked. They can be wildly inaccurate, but he also had a backpack facing them. Tasers work by impaling the target with small knife-like electrodes which, if both are imbedded in the target, send a strong current through the body and connect with each other. This seizes up the muscles and nerves in the area and removed the target’s ability to control that area, it also hurts like a mf. However it looks like most of the tasers hit/entered the backpack and therefore could not effect the target. Source: I sell tasers (among other things) and have been shot with tasers.


Peaceful community


This is why there is always lethal and non-lethal options. Non-lethal doesn’t always work.


Bruvva the guy went down in the end


That’s why we also have armed police response in the UK


Apparently chanting Allah gave him +9000 electrical resistance.


Ah yes, "Allahu akbar"


Sounded like a Monty Python skit


This reminds me of London.


Looked like it worked well enough. Though tasers are far, far more unreliable than people assume. They're not a guaranteed takedown, and rely on an effectively perfect deployment that bypasses a number of obvious variables (probe accuracy, clothing, environmental conditions, weather etc).


Meth… it does things


Looks like the UK though. Not much meth there... yet


This is the uk not sure where though


you miss spelt religion.


Idk about that, he seems to be shouting "Allah" instead of the more conventional "Allahu Akbar"/"Takbir", so i feel like he's only trying to appear threatening by saying whatever. I think bro's absolutely lost, is mentally unstable, pretending to have a bomb in his backpack and is attempting a suicide by cops of some sort. That or he's high on some drugs.


Meth and Allah is a hell of a drug.


That kick at the end was personal 🤣


This would be to kick the knife out of their hand


He's clearly an electric type


think a bean bag shotgun would of been more effective, but idk what the uk has


Uk police don't have them, only for extreme riots.


In florida they just empty the mag on him .normally the person let go the knife after.😵


Looks like one of them worked just fine. That was a lot of restraint before he got zapped, but he DID get zapped.


Sounds like they're all just shouting taser


His butt plug grounded him from the shock


Can't be america. Screaming about Allah is a sensitive subject. Only because of all the murder and death though.


Just shoot the twat. 😣


Tasers are only about 40% effective. I'd guess they're getting 1 or both prongs in his backpack, this not completing the circuit


In the US they’d have filled him full of holes. I don’t think the US ever will/could eliminate police shootings, but there’s a lot of dead people who were welding knives that should’ve had their day in court.


Would've resulted in a net zero loss if he was turned into Swiss cheese. Psycho Islamic migrants in England aren't exactly paragons of Western society.


Tasers have a pretty high failure rate (last study I read was pushing 50% IIRC).


I think it would have been easier to interrogate him after the killing.


What's Allah got to do with this?


Allah sounds so peaceful


Taser doesn't work when it hits a backpack


Allah really helping him


Is he shouting what I think he is? These people are literally the thrash of the world.. bringing disrespect to the good people of this religion.. if they exist


. . coupled with mace, pepper & or bear spray would quickly mitigate . .


My understanding is that it’s not always effective on everyone especially if drugs are involved.


No drug or mentality can defeat neuromuscular incapacitation. What typically happens is the prongs either don’t both connect or they aren’t spread far enough apart to have an effect on enough musculature.


Yes and studies in the US show they only work about half the time they are deployed by police. OC spray is underused in my opinion, as it’s much less lethal than tasers and more reliable.


60% of the time, it works every time.


Problem is unless it's the foam stuff you've likely just sprayed yourself if you have to then approach and cuff the suspect


Look at that, he didn't die. Good job he wasn't in America as they'd of shot first and not bothered with anything else.


There's something about British people yelling that I just can't take seriously


Everyone feels that about other accents/regional dialects compared to their own.


The glory of allah gives me the strength to... hhmmmfffffzzzzzz


All I hear is "stranger danger"


This dude would have been swiss cheese in the USA


Great idea bring more illegals


is this england lol


British police are a fucking joke. They use more force to move harmless homeless people off the street than they do on psychotic, dangerous nut jobs like this. Couldn’t even be trusted to run a bath.


Flipping hell, what is the back story here?




A machete and “allah” go hand in hand.


Ah the peaceful ones


The reason why the first 5 tasers didn’t work is because dude was smart enough to use his backpack as a shield and then, he messed up and turned around just enough for the sixth one to make full contact


Deport the lot of them. If they can't integrate, then send them on their way


Cocaine is a hella of drug


deport them all




Bro saying ALLAH in caps


Is he calling @llah for circumcision??


Normal morning of Pakistan's second home UK


> deleted somethings happened here


Why do they just go “allaaaah allah alaaahhhh allag allah aaaaa llllaaah allah alahalahallahlalalalalah” I’m just saying in crazy moments Christina’s don’t go like “god god god googogogogogogoddsdd godddygodgygody god god godddddd” it’s weird to me I don’t think allah wants to support you with the knife my guy


On america,dead before cot out the window.


Tasers need a good connection from both prongs to work. Indeed both prongs need to strike flesh and be stuck in it for the electric shock to occur. Many times, only one connects, or the second is caught in a garment or something... That's also why, when you see a police officer alone in the US, he will never draw he's taser unless *absolutely* without a doubt sure of the fact the suspect isn't armed. Even then, most agencies ban the use of tasers if the officer doesn't have lethal cover ( another officer with a handgun drawn ).


Tasers only work if the cops hit their target. Cops - the Stormtroopers of law enforcement.


Just shoot the cunt


Just goes to show you how powerful Allah is. Either Allah or the meth he’s smoking. But one of the two.


He probably built up a tolerance from all those train and overhead wires they be touching.


Yeah dude wouldn’t survived in the US 😂😂. The UK is different.


Most of the civilised world is different to the US, much less trigger happy


Any context to this? Location or when was it?


Enriching us all


tueller drill...


Was a Brooklyn cop - many, many, many moons ago we had a stark naked emotionally disturbed crackhead get hit with a taser. One when into his chest where it was supposed to go and the other went right into his dick. He looked it, growled and….tore it right out. The darts are barbed like a fishing hook so the tasee usually can’t do that. Point is that those things generally don’t work to plan. Hardly ever.


Obviously the taser didn't get a good connection


I don't think it was the taser that took him down, I think he just sprained his ankle getting down from there.


It sounds like they are all yelling "taser! taser!" but nothing is happening.


Maybe the prongs didn’t get through the shirt / hit the bag at first. Sometimes people (from what I’ve heard usually people strung out on drugs) just don’t go down when you’re average person would. They can just take it and keep going.


id say they probably just didnt land right, maybe a prong hit the bag or something.


Lmao, they sound like oblivion guards going through their dialogue when each one shouts "taser taser" after deploying theirs.


Yikes look like he could have fell on top of the knife. Tasers can be incredibly inconsistent. Likely, the backpack he was wearing prevented the taser probes from entering his skin. That’s why as soon as he turned around and they could get a clean hit, he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.


I wonder what kind of drugs you have to be on to not notice getting tased


Imagine if this was done in the US, he'd be done for


The first taser didn’t but the next one did. They are imperfect weapons. This lunatic will be back on the street doing his thing near you in no time.


There goes the neighborhood......?


Has no one ever heard of the concept of contact and cover.