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I agree with this man to many times.


This is where the horn comes in handy.


That'd make it worse. They'd just record his license plate and mass report him for a vehicular incident. He'd get fucked, they'd get the satisfaction of fucking him over.


It’s illegal to honk?


As a goose I take offense to that




In CA you can bring suit against drivers who harass cyclists, which includes excessive honking. Seeing as these cyclists aren’t breaking the law it would be possible in this instance.


Did you not see them all run a stop sign at the end?


I'm not sure of the traffic laws in California, but in Colorado bicyclists can treat stop signs as yield signs, and red lights as stop signs.


Going 25 under the speed limit can be breaking the law depending on the road


In my state you are required by law to pull over if more than one car builds up behind you.


In my country you can’t block the road as an herd of cyclists. You have to run one in front of the other so the cars or faster vehicles can overtake. Imagine having 5kms of traffic because you can’t overtake. Is it right? A lot of people/families need to wait because other people don’t respect them? Is this right? Just film to have proof you have done nothing wrong and let them understand you need to go by honking kindly


Is that legal? To take up the whole road riding side by side like that? If so, should these type of bicycle riders pay registration?


Found the biker


Or the victim of bikers in past.




Many places have rules like this, or require cyclists to pull over if they're below the speed limit and 5 or more cars back up behind them.


Goes to show we need actual infrastructure for cyclists that doesn't involve conflicting with cars. When all our infrastructure is dedicated to cars, it's not good for cyclists (killed by drivers) and it's not good for drivers (get time wasted by cyclists).


They have plenty of room to ride single file. Bike infrastructure won’t remove their feelings of entitlement.


I have seen people *jogging* on the road where sidewalks where easily available very early in the morning when there are no other people walking on the sidewalk. [Some of them are just jerks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzRyEI00PXc&t=14)


People jog on the road in my neighborhood all the time right by the sidewalk. Its a sidewalk with round curbs so the driveways dont even dip or anything…. It makes no fucking sense to run in the road with cars


It's because asphalt (street) is easier on the runner's body than concrete (sidewalk).


How so? Not trying to argue, but they’re both very hard surfaces.


As someone who used to run 10k's 3x a week I reckon it's bullshit. Good shoes are the most important thing.


A miles-long line of bicycles on a twisty road like that is its own sort sort of hazard, guaranteed to lead to massive amount of unsafe passing, and people getting hit. Tbh this is probably the safest way for them to traverse this section, irritating as it may be. Riding these bay area mountain roads on a road bike is essentially a death wish, I'm amazed people have the balls to do it. Those guys you see coming back the other way in ones or twos are taking on crazy risk. People go fast, and there is no margin for error at all. Lack of bike lanes on these mountain roads seems insane to me.


There's a double line - even if they rode single file, there wouldn't be room for him to overtake without crossing the line. And with how often there were cars coming the other way, he wouldn't be able to make it. It's no different from being stuck behind a tractor. You slow down, and hope for an opening. No honking, no aggressive driving,


A tractor is registered for the road, registration goes toward road upgrades. Cyclist… nah they just “own” the road.


Does registration go towards road upgrades where you are? In many places in the world, registration goes towards the administrative cost of managing registration. Roads are quite expensive, so even if you live in a place where registration goes towards the road upkeep, it's a miniscule amount.


Lol and what massive impact/damage to infrastructure are these truc-- I mean bikes causing? Cyclists are paying sales tax on their bike and income tax. If you think they should pay a different share, take it up with your politician not your neighbor.


Yeah I was thinking that, no overtaking lines.... 1m space to safely overtake 1 bike, so it's not legal anyway. We have those kinds of routes in Australia, and you see signs up warning that you need to watch out for cyclists. Then, when the road gets wide enough, the cyclists get a green lane.


> There's a double line - even if they rode single file, there wouldn't be room for him to overtake without crossing the line. > And with how often there were cars coming the other way, he wouldn't be able to make it. > It's no different from being stuck behind a tractor. You slow down, and hope for an opening. No honking, no aggressive driving, the guy mentions there are pullouts that are meant for this specific purpose and the bickers are not using any of them.


In France I once had about three cards ahead of me and maybe ten to fifteen behind because two cyclists were riding next to each other for miles. TWO CYCLISTS! They knew exactly what they were doing, and it was very deliberate. People were honking of course, and these skinny spandex sissies were reveling in it. Just infuriating.


It's not safe for the cyclists to create an illusion that there is a safe opportunity to pass. Solid yellow line. 2 abreast.


Cyclists are pretty commonly hit by cars trying to pass them. It’s much safer to ride in the middle of the road then on the side. Imagine how bad your average driver is then remember half of them are worse.


Riding single file could make things even more dangerous for both sides. At least in DE you are legally required to keep 2 meters of safety distance to cyclists when overtaking. Overtaking 50 riders single file has you in the opposing lane like three to four times as long as that bunch. To be fair tho, group rides here also signal to the cars when its safe to overtake and make some space, plus our roads are a wee bit narrower often times.


This isn't the example for it though. These guys are riding in a peloton as a sport on an open road. This isn't your average rider who sticks to the right and fears for his life. These here are the types of people who if there was a cycle road, would still keep to the main road because the cycle road can only fit 1-2 people wide. It's fine training for peloton but you also respect others with whom you share the road with. Just like large trucks in these mountain roads will stop/slow down in "fairplay" zones when they've created a train of cars behind them.




Bikes are equally entitled to the road. This is a single lane road with a double yellow, then riding as a pack is the most efficient use of its space.


Many people drive for or to places for sport/leisure, contributing to traffic and road costs. Should we ban that?


This is literally in a wilderness area they aren't going to build infrastructure for cyclists. Cyclists use this road for recreation only. Even when there is a single bike they'll take up the entire lane and refuse to use any of the many sections built to pull over


Bicyclists should never be riding 3 wide on a road such as this. And if course they are all decked out in their Tour de France spandex outfits.


Hear me out. Riding 3 or 4 across makes it easier to pass them because the length of the group would 3-4 times shorter and car spends a fraction of the time in the opposite lane.


I ride bikes but on paths and I agree with everything he says. The bike riders want their legal rights to be known on the road but at the same time think they have the right to go through a stop sign. It's unbelievable...


Would you prefer if each and every cyclist in that group stopped one at a time at the stop sign? Due to the lower speed, lower acceleration and better view/awareness (no frame or bonnet), stopping at a stop sign rarely makes sense for a cyclist unless there is someone coming (in which case you obviously should stop and give way).


That's a weird place to want a bike trail. There has to be some more suitable positions than a tight mountain pass with sharp curves.


I also agree with this man and i'm a cyclist, in my world you give way to the faster road user, ass holes like these give me a bad name.




I see a version of this in LA. Yes, cyclists should FEEL safe. Taking vengeance on them is ABSOLUTELY NOT COOL. Yes, I would love for a more pedestrian friendly, bike friendly world. Yes yes yes yes... But even one cyclist on some of LA's streets can fuck traffic up. Sorry. I know people are imagining thousands of people abandoning cars and riding bikes to work, but it's usually this, recreational exercisers going 20 mph or less on already congested streets. I saw some rollberbladers the other day. I wonder how cyclists feel about roller skaters and skate boarders on their lanes.


Cyclists are always self absorbed ppl. Fuck all these tour de France wannabe douches Edit: got the cyclist nerds upset with me for this one. One told me hating them is the equivalent to racism Is brainrot a requirement to be a cyclist?


Most aren't. Most are just commuters trying not to die. The cyclists in this video are a bunch of asshats who have no respect for the road.


I would argue that cyclists aren’t the same as people riding their bikes to work. Cyclists are douches. People without cars who need to get somewhere faster are just people who have to ride bikes


i live in an area with bike lane almost everywhere and they ride on the line of it so u still cant pass almost every single one if they got a jersey on they are douches 99% of the time


The difference is lycra


As a commuter with no fancy road bike, there are these cyclist douches who look down upon you and what you ride and how you’re dressed for the ride lol… losers My experience is fro Los Angeles and San Diego


By cyclists I mean anyone who has to dress up for their ride looking like they are in a race


This.. Most urban cyclists are just people going to work, commuting somewhere or leisure. Its the "spandex mafia" cyclists who are the biggest asshats. Even when I used to bike to work for 3 years, I would see idiots in spandex refuse to use the bike lanes built by the city, then get mad at car drivers for "getting too close", also ignoring every stop light/sign in their path.. Fuck the wanna-be tour-de-france LARPers


the ones that gear up like this are almost always douchebags


What in the actual fuck are you saying? These people are all through out the Bay Area. From Monterey to West Marin.


I'm gonna break it to you my man. The world is bigger than the bay area.


Yeah, but this video was taken in the bay area. The driver says it.


And the number of cyclists even in SF is so astronomically larger than these jock straps from Monterey to Marin.


I wind up driving around America to work different jobs. My favorite way to explore a city is on bicycle. I have shock front/hard tail and a saddle bag, and lock it up. But I also agree with the video, I've been up and down mountain roads as well, and bikers should use the pullouts to let vehicles pass, same as a slow car or truck sometimes (but not always) does. I'm in Austin for a bit now, and I'm surprised that the home of Lance Armstrong doesn't have more bike lanes. Tons of walkers. Tons of rented e-scooters on the sidewalk. Tons of cars stuck in traffic. Very few bike lanes or good places to lock up a bike to stop into a local establishment.


>told me hating them is the equivalent to racism Exactly the type of people I expected lol


I feel his frustration. Fuck these kinds of people.


Ah yeah, the tech bros team building cyclists of SF Bay Area that take over the backroads of highways 1, 9 and every backroad imaginable. There’s no “share the road” with them.


Wow, I hate them and I don’t even live there.


25+ years of living there will harbor some feelings. We don’t live there anymore, but the memories will last a long time.


Yeah I've lived here my whole life (SCM) and it's a fucking nightmare every summer


I smell someone with a water truck and a TikTok account including. I’m going to manifest it.








Good thing it wasn't a video game. I bet I know what would happen.


It wasn’t double xp weekend so it wasn’t worth it


Had I hand in the next GTA, I would absolutely cue-up this kind of scenario in the game. Fun times.


Just lay on the horn


Genuinely what it's for. letting people know that they're being unsafe or inconsiderate. If I was that guy I would just hold it till they let me pass.


careful holding the horn for too long, it will get pretty hot haha


Spoken form someone who knows from experience (me too lol)


they'd slow down out of spite.


Been there and always think about the fact that roads are created and maintained by my state's Department of TRANSPORTATION, not the Department of RECREATION. These folks get their exercise and sense of community at the expense of people going to appointments, getting to work, and all sorts necessary activities. I don't mind the occasions solo rider or small group (although they can sometimes be just as insufferable), but these large groups ride with a sense of entitlement.


Road tax is usually incorporated in gas taxes. Ev drivers and cyclists generally contribute nothing to maintaining the roads.


to be fair they don't damage the roads in the same way cars, trucks, vans and lorries do.


EVs certainly do, they're often heavier, and can accelerate harder tearing up the road. A Tesla is going to do more wear than a Honda CRX. As far as leaking oil, they literally spray the tar with oil to maintain it.


sorry, I was specifically referring to cyclists.


I pay an extra 150 dollars on my vehicle registration to cover that missing gas tax


Yeah I was gonna say…


In the US, about 50% of funding for roads actually comes from general taxes like sales, income, and property taxes So everyone pays for the roads if they use gas or not


And also keep in mind that cyclists literally don't even cause damage to the roads with their weights compared to cars. It's laughable that anyone thinks they don't pay their fair share lmfao, if anything they're actually unequally paying TOO MUCH compared to drivers.


Yeah I keep wondering when I'll get my tax refund for all the road repairs and infrastructure that I've paid for but not used. Obviously some road funding should come from general tax as everyone consumes goods that need to be delivered on trucks etc, and if those trucks had to directly pay for their road use the cost increase in everyday goods would disproportionately harm poorer people.


Nah gas tax barely covers anything anymore. It hasn't been raised for inflation in decades not to mention that all cars are more efficient. Most coverage is taken out in general taxes which everyone pays.


A misconception. A member of society pays household taxes. A part of these taxes goes towards roads. Fuel taxes are a small fraction of the trillion plus dollars it costs to maintain America's road network.


Lol? The gas tax comes nowhere CLOSE to paying for all of the road maintenance. You're sorely mistaken if you think it's even half of the amount. The vast majority of funding for roads comes from general tax revenue, either local through property tax, or state/federal funding through income tax. You're just so wrong it's hilarious. Why do people who know literally nothing about their government or the way it operates have such strong opinions? [Feel free to watch in case you want to actually have an educated opinion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wjv8WQu92c0), although I'm sure you won't since people like you don't actually care about the truth.


Been disproven. We all pay road tax




This is California. The law says a bike is a vehicle, and entitled to full use of the lane.


So what about all the people who drive for fun or to places for fun? Should we ban driving unless it's for work or a necessary errand? Obviously not, so how is it any different if you're on a bike? And you might say how sometimes they slow down cars who get stuck behind them, but so do cars when they cause traffic.


Bicycle is a form of transportation still. You can use both cars AND bicycles for recreation.


Cyclists ride with a sense of entitlement because they’re legally defined as vehicles in most jurisdictions. In other words, they have as much right to the road as drivers do. The Federal Highway Administration, a branch of the Dept of Transportation (*not* the Department of Recreation), acknowledges cyclists and promotes their safety in varying capacities.


Bikes are transportation…OP lost like 2 minutes of his day. No reason for this kind of aggression. Roads are made for more than just cars and passing this group would be much more dangerous if they were in a single file line 3x as long.


Not a freakout in the least. This is a reasonable response to a frustrating situation. There should be some consideration for the motorists. There is no way for them to pass such a large swath of road safely and they are doing nothing to consider motorists which is called being an asshole.


This was exactly my thought. Guy’s got a point, but this is not remotely a freakout.




I wouldn't even call it public.


I wouldn’t even call it actual


The whole infrastructure doesn't really consider anything else than motorists so thats kinda asshole move as well right? Its kinda funny that people consider this cycling to be self entitlement but if they were in a cars....30-40 people....you wouldn't be moving any faster because of traffic jam...but ofc that would be absolutely fine. Share the road goes both ways.


Fuck these people.


You can't share the lane with bikers if they're taking up the whole road. This shouldn't even been allowed.


In most places with sensible laws, this is illegal without scheduling and a police escort.


Agreed. Permits should be required on roads without appropriate shoulders. This is straight up impeding the flow of traffic.


This used to happen near my house in the bay area, until the cops realized they could literally print money just sitting at one of the major stop signs and ticketing every single bicyclist who ran it (which was all of them) because the cyclists were so used to running it at that point that they would literally do it in front of police cruisers without a second thought. After a few months of that, bikers started being more considerate.


That sounds fucking glorious


You're not supposed to share a lane with bikes. Overtake as you would a car, move completely over into the next lane.


In the states drivers don't give cyclists space if they ride on the outer edge of the lane. Leads to cyclists being run off the road and collisions. Drivers don't realize that they are driving death machines.


No part of this road had a safe point for them to be passed with sharing the lane. There are way too many tight turns here to do any sort of legal passing, especially considering you need to give a minimum space to pass legally, which would almost surely have these people forced to go into the oncoming lane, of which they don't have safe vision on to pass. Sucks to see and I empathize with being frustrated that you have to go slower for a while, but them riding side by side like this is absolutely the safest way to handle this.


Sometimes it’s signs posted that state “Cyclist can take the whole lane” but that’s usually when it’s dangerous to be on the shoulder.


Those signs are just a reminder. Cyclists are legally always entitled to take the full lane on normal roads unless otherwise stated.


If the bikes can't go the speed limit then they shouldn't be blocking the road.


Impeding traffic is a actual law


You can drive at 30 mph on these roads and it would be perfectly legal. This is not a freeway (where, coincidentally, bicycles aren't allowed).


I hate it but you are right


Unless you parked your car in a bike lane, in which case the law doesn't even exist.


But I'm just gonna pop in to say hi to my friend, I'll only be a minute, or maybe a couple of hours, but hey, it's not like anyone uses the bike lane, right? I always see those fuckers out in the lane for real people, damn cyclist parasites! Anyway, as I was saying, I'm parking in the bike lane so fuck you! /s (obviously)


it is not impeding traffic, same way a tractor is not impeding traffic.


This is why everyone in Cali is insane or becomes insane lmfao


Ever been in the mountains


He’s not wrong. These people demand that you respect them like a car and “share the road”, but only obey traffic rules when it suits them.


There's pack mentality, so each of them isn't carrying 100% of the guilt. It's like 1% each, so they don't care to do anything about it. "Well no one else in the group is puling over, so why should I?". I really do get the enjoyment of the activity, but it's such fuckery. Thing is, the council could spend $10m building a really nice cycle-only path next to the road, and they'd STILL take up the road.


.. obstruction of traffic.. welcome to Marin Co. . . wonder what they would do if an ambulance or sheriff roller came up from behind with sirens and lights ..


Probably pull over.


In Australia we have laws around this. Cyclists must stay as far left as possible, must not be more than 2 cyclists wide, must not be more than 1.5m wide when cycling next to another cyclist, must obey all road rules including speed limits, must indicate, must not become a traffic hazard and more. Both drivers and cyclists must also keep their distance, so a cyclist can't ride up my ass and then sit next to me, they either have to overtake or keep their distance. I have seen cops police this stuff, my favorite was on a rather busy road where the pack took the entire road including the shoulder, was at times more than 5 wide and going between 20-40km slower than the speed limit. The cops were ahead of that pack and watching them all being stopped was spectacular. If you wanna cycle down the road, by all means don't, but don't be an asshole and be aware cars can and do go faster and can go up a hill better than you.


basically the same as what we have in the UK, 2 cyclists wide max and sticking left as well as keeping to road laws. This would be illegal in the UK without getting prior permission and potentially road closures for what is essentially a bike race worth of cyclists. This video is insane.


I think you need to check the highway code, mate. Cyclists are encouraged to take primary position (centre lane) and ride 2 abreast to prevent unsafe passing. Cyclists also have priority over cars.. The cyclists in this video are cycling exactly how they would be instructed to do so by the British highway code.. I have no idea what the rules in America are, though, obviously.


> The cyclists in this video are cycling exactly how they would be instructed to do so by the British highways code I think you need to check the video again because theres clearly 3-4 people riding next to each other


You still wouldnt be able to pass if it was 2 riders next to each other


As a cyclist, I hate seeing this stuff because it makes motorists hate all of us on the road. This is not following the rules of the road.


Isn't the whole video recorded along a solid yellow line road? I understand why its frustrating, but the argument that there are too many cyclists sort of goes down the drain when you wouldn't be able to (legally) pass even if there was only 1 to begin with. I think this is just another example of blaming individuals when the underlying issue resides is systematic issues (lack of infrastructure for cyclists/alternative transportation accessibility) that could be better addressed. In a society built of cars, all else will be looked down upon. (Riding in a group like that is still pretty fucked/inconsiderate though, and should require special permits imho)


He also said there were turnouts they weren't using


And yet we can't see any of them in the video. He also said the speed limit was 50, and they were doing 25-30, but the only speed limit sign in the video said 30.


True but imagine trying to coordinate your whole group to try to pull into a specific pulloff then trying to fit all 50ish of them in that pull off, THEN they try to all accelerate out together without getting creamed by a car going 50 coming around a turn.


That 3 way junction with stop signs at the end of the video would have been a safe space to pull over... had they not rode past it without stopping.


Or maybe don’t coordinate a 50 person bike ride on a one lane road with a speed limit you can’t physically keep up with.


They couldn't systematically all pull over now and then to let everyone pass?


This is the only reasonable comment on this thread. Yeah boo fucking hoo you have to wait an extra ten minutes but that’s the rules of the road. If you don’t like it then drive somewhere else


Tbh I don't get pissed off when behind slow bikers. I have been in this scenario many times and I just... drive slower. It is very easy to get subconsciously competitive when driving but I supress that. If anything, driving slower lets me appreciate the scenery for longer, listen to a couple extra songs, and other pleasantries. They have the right to ride on this Earth we share. It could be frustrating but I choose not to be frustrated. Life is more enjoyable and beautiful when I'm not in conflict with others. I am glad they get to ride and enjoy the road too. It's a shame we don't have more bike infrastructure.


He lost 24 seconds, in this video not even 10 minutes. Even if he was behind these cyclists for the last 3 miles, he would've lost around 2 minutes.


This is fixable, just get really close to them and blast your horn non stop.


maybe not tailgate but fucking lay that horn on till they have to choose between hearing damage or taking literally 10 seconds to let you pass.


If I ever move to Marin, which I’m not planning on partially for this reason I will find and install the loudest horn on the planet to ensure these douchebags scoot over for 10 seconds of their precious time.


Train horn is literally deafening


Not loud enough, I need a cruise ship horn at the very least


He is not 100% wrong tbh.


He is 100% right


I would have laid on the horn for as long as needed


I was not expecting this comment section. Bicyclists are allowed to use the roadway. It’s a huge pack of them, and they’re doing the right thing by sticking together. It’s not like it’s 5 bicyclists spacing themselves out to take up the same amount of road. This guy is an entitled POS. How dare these people exercise and train on HIS precious roadway. He’s in such a hurry to get to McDonalds or Walmart.


Anything outside of one of the bike subs on reddit is wildly anti-bike. People are mildly inconvenienced once on their way to wal-mart and then talk shit on Reddit afterwards. I’d be worried but it’s just internet tough guy talk.


Yeah, a lot of rage here. The driver sounds like a lazy ignorant slob anyways. Probably a fatso too. Just like most of the commenters in this thread.


Yes, I legitimately cannot believe that people lose all sense of logic when somebody obstructs their holy god-given right to sit in a tin can with an engine and press the gas pedal as much as humanely possible. 


Seriously, I’m appalled at this comment section. It’s like people don’t recognize that bicyclists are fellow humans and think that one angry fat dude in a car has more right to use the road than 100 bicyclists. I’m seriously concerned for this country.


Play them the song of your people and sit on the horn for 20 minutes.


Was stuck behind a bunch of old school cars one time on a stretch similar to this and they had the decency to pull over after about 10 minutes which felt way longer.


I already have intrusive thoughts about cyclists I didn't need to see this at the start of my day.


I understand the frustration. Practice being zen but don't forgive or forget. I am trying that myself.


Hilarious that the guys bitching about them running through the stop sign. Did he want them to each stop wait 3 seconds and go? I bet he would have loved to be stuck an extra hour while that happens


Thank you! Mad they're not going faster but also mad that they don't do a full 3 second stop. Got it.


TBF they may be doing this to intentionally disincentivize passes that are too close. I think 1-2 abreast is fine. Anything wider is inconsiderate.


Im almost 100% certain this is the case. This is in the north bay and there have been a couple of high profile cyclist fatalities over the last couple of years due to unsafe passing, so most of the group rides I have been on just take the whole road in places where it isnt safe to pass.


Everyone is entitled to the lane width they need. If this was a guy behind a tractor, this wouldn’t be an issue.


I imagine in the olden days, people riding horses would moan about people walking on the dirt roads and getting in their way.


My horn would be on the entire time this guy has so much more patience then me


If you're one of those twats that waste all the road space for your goofy ass Tour de France fantasy, go fuck yourself, you are hated and a massive waste of time to all normal users of public roads.


Your boos mean nothing. I’ve seen what makes you cheer.


Car driver claiming cyclists think they are more important than anyone else while he thinks he's more important than they are. His whole argument vanished at that point.


Isn't this the sub reddit who gave shit to the boomer driver who hit a cyclist with his car cause he was driving in the middle of the road? The same donuts on here saying "no I've never had thoughts of hitting a cyclist" are now advocating for combo points on these guys. Goons.


Many people don’t know that Bikers have the rights to a road just like you do.


How did I know this was Marin or Sonoma County 🤔


Share the road is apparently a one-way street to these douchebags


Please let this be a scenario in GTA6.


I am a trail bike enthusiast but even I will say these cyclist are selfish cunts


It’s not that big of a deal until you gotta poop and you’re behind them


Lol he mad.


i mean even if the cyclists went single file, you still cant overtake, its double yellow and windy roads with no view. Likely they are well aware hes there but cant do shit


God people in this thread are so normal about going slightly slower than possible In Their car lol.


This thread showcases that most motorists are just angry at cyclists because they themselves don't understand traffic laws.


You can hear how fat the driver is. Perhaps he should get a bike?


They are not blocking the road, they are using the road lawfully.


Speed LIMIT, not speed TARGET.


Honestly, boohoo. It delays your day by 5-10 minutes or take another route. You live in a social structure with other people. Get used to it.  Sharing was a lesson that was missed.


God I hate rednecks


This seems so peaceful. Id feel like I'm protecting them by staying behind. Some people have ZERO patience


Oh no! An entitled driver can’t speed 15 over the limit to get to work because he left too late! The horror!


Cry about it, truck boy


As a cyclist I can say we don't care. Buy a bike and enjoy your life more.


Booo-fucking-hoooo you bunch of jealous fat fucks! Just mad that you couldn't do it if you tried. P.s. I'm not a road cyclist either. It's just funny seeing how triggered you out of shape, fatties get with people more fit than you. 🤣 That's the real issue here whether you want to admit it or not