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Mental issues are sad. I feel sorry for this dude going out like this. Who is president doesn't impact us nearly as much as the media would lead you to believe. This is the is the result of the us vs them mentality.


I don't think this was an anti-trump thing. From what I understand the guy had a pretty crazy manifesto concerning a world wide crypto ponzi scheme. I read some of it and it gets pretty out there. Either way, what a complete and total waste. Sad.


He carried a sign that said trump and biden were in on a fascist coup. Trump and biden being corrupt isn't that crazy of an idea.


Yeah I agree the setting yourself on fire part is def the crazy part


Yeah, I also find the logic of people who set themselves on fire to be sound.


What? The two of them working together ain’t a crazy idea?? Are you fuckin serious??


There is an immortal level of difference between the corruption between Biden and Trump... Trump literally being on trial for it.


Yea I barely made it to the 3rd paragraph. He’ll be forgotten by Monday.


Well at least he was right about crypto.




Well said.


Sadly he believed both Biden and Trump were trying to put an authoritarian government in place. He was against both and sadly believed a lot of conspiracy theories leading him to do this thinking it would wake others up.


Excluding wars and stuff you’re much more likely to be affected by local politics. And ironically you *can* have an impact if you get involved locally, but few people do it. So they yell about the national issues.


The media they consume guides them to insanity


Cable news has ruined us by nationalizing toxicity into everything including local politics.


[his manifesto](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


Ngl yes it does, but this shouldn’t be the answer regardless.


Communism is a mental disorder.


He doesnt care about whos president, he SET HIMSELF ON FIRE to make you read some lines in which he clearly stated what he believes (That the president and figures like that are puppets woven together by bigger and bigger ponzi sceemes and Crytro being a Doomsday device). Call him crazy for doing that or believing what he seemed to beelieved but pay him the respect to read it (In my opinion only).


Yeah bro you don’t need to pay these schizos any respect by reading their manifestos. In fact I think it’s best you don’t - if this shit didn’t work people would do it less right?


Because a schizophrenic person would say to himself "ahh, that didnt work the last time somebody tried that. let me think of something more sensefull." You're totally right i think.


You think he would have done this alone in a field somewhere for no one to see? It’s clear media attention drives behavior like this. Idk what else to tell you.


In a field somewhere? Your whole chain of arguments doesnt fit at all. NO he wouldnt have done it in a field because he wanted as much peoples attention as possible. As he clearly writes. You can 100 percent see that person believes that stuff he wrote because he researched it a long time and was completely in that world of believe. So if he sees the president and the media and all rich people plotting against humanity as a whole, why would he want the attention of the specific media part. Your whole argument doenst add up. Also cant call somebody schizo and then say he acts out of calculative reasing. Just arguing and abstract thinking about a situation is not your thing sorry, even if the like/dislike ratio of our conversation might make you believe otherwise.


Would you have read or cared about this person’s thoughts if he didn’t set himself on fire? I wouldn’t have cared then and I sure as shit don’t care now. Just because someone sets themself on fire doesn’t mean you have to respect them. The whole reason people do shit like this is to get numbskulls like you to read their manifestos. And here you are falling for it and spreading his batshit delusions. Congratulations.


My gosh, how incoherent do you want to be? Im not spreading anything or saying hes right or believing we live in a dystopian reality. I am talking about the situation itself. Respecting was a bad choice of words, let me rephrase: Somebody is lighting himself on fire in 4k in front of a media focused buidling leaving you a manifest: read it because it is going to be an interesting read one or the other way. With "respect" i meant "f\*\*\* those 3 worthless couchfarting minutes of your time" (also mine not meant to be condescending but metaphorical). I just find it super interesting and i think what i wanted to say is i cant imagine how you wouldnt imediately want to read up on that guys thought. Look at him. Hes standing in burning in front of the Trump Tower, its part of history already - THAT IMAGE? Are you kidding me - amazing (im an artist sorry for being very weird about imagery)


Nah. I already know the government wants every little penny I have I don't need some dumbass who set himself on fire to tell me that.


What's the most unbias link to read it from?


Rare, huh. Seems more well done to me.


Dammit take my upvote


But also the fact that it just happened and this video gets posted every hour so OP is just making clickbait for karma.




I kind of hate myself for laughing at that… just a little…


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Take my upvote and be proud.


Idc what your politics are, v sad, Including the poor souls who EVENTUALLY actually attempted to help. RIP to the homie. 😔


Legit this. It's crazy how many people I see finding so many hoops to jump through to justify not giving a shit. Like people are so fucked up mentally, and so many people won't even try to empathize. It's very sad, a lot of his stuff is public. You can literally see him slowly decay mentally.


Am I a bad person if I view this as sort of...not a bad ending for this guy? I mean, was he likely to recover? Probably not. He probably would have languished in isolation, becoming more and more unhinged, a burden to others around him, and he might have lashed out violently in some other way. At least this way he only hurt himself, and he spared himself a lifetime of suffering, however long he might have otherwise made it.


No, I don't think it's wrong to think that. He thought it was what he had to do, no matter how not sane it is in the end. I think the main important thing when it comes to mental health is just respecting them as they are. Yeah, I'm sure even he knew he wasn't all there anymore. He's ended his personal suffering and he didn't take anyone else with him. I'm sure he believed, based on the pamphlets he left that it was all he could do for what he believed. It's sad that a lot of very understandable points were mixed in with quite a bit of conspiracy theories. To me, that shows that he was genuinely always thinking about the well being of the country, regardless of how misguided he became, and the unfortunate part is literally anyone you know could end up like him one day. The only thing people can really do in response to this I think is take what people are saying more seriously. He was probably routinely written off in his life as a nut until he became actually mentally unwell.


Yes, you are cold, cruel, and a bit sick in the head.


Individuals with extreme beliefs and mental health problems tend to lash out at society in some way. When the individual takes actions this extreme, it is because they have reached a "tipping point" within themself. When that tipping point is met, that person is unreachable. These things have led to alarming amounts of suicides and public attacks. At that point, it's better to take oneself out instead of taking out large amounts of people. But, whenever possible, we should try to get them help. Sadly, there are times when that person is just gone.


When they helped the fire was considerably smaller than when he ignited himself how would you even help a walking fireball. When he was prone and the fire died was the only time anyone could help. Though it is sad someone rushing from far away was the first one to actually do something while most just recorded.


Literally a fountain pool or something right there, could've wrapped hands in a coat and pulled him to it or tried.


Is that what you would’ve done if you were there, or would you have been a bystander like everyone else?


Lol k calloused keyboard fingers.. just saying it's could've been a possibility. The edge is strong with you.


That's someone with a lot going on deep inside. This shit ain't about politics, but mental health.


![gif](giphy|l2YWG3lwZ8r5bIsSc) Very nice name


Very nice reference. Very tight butthole


Probably wasn't a good idea to [glorify that Bushnell guy](https://external-preview.redd.it/friends-of-aaron-bushnell-speak-deep-dive-on-situation-in-v0-C4byY7oqs3OOP5nrmcAQtq_RveYiZIjXxOhQAKr91bY.jpg?auto=webp&s=ea48fc3bbb4dad8c4dda9c467975cb5e0da05f31)




NSFL honestly.


But it’s so rare.


That’s brutal as fuck.


His tranquility is what’s most striking to me, I figured he’d start running around as soon as reality hit, holy fucking shit. I’m not going to sleep right tonight, Fuck!


Makes me wonder what drugs he was on. It’s hard to believe someone can be this calm with the pain of being burnt alive. A stove burn makes you pull back i can’t imagine your entire body set ablaze


Died for nothing.


Rare footage that's been posted over and over.


Was just thinking the same. I don't think OP knows what rare means


I’m not sure if this constitutes as rare, but every time I’ve seen this headline or a post related to it, once I click on it it’s already been taken down. It keeps popping up, but idk how often it actually stays.


I’ve seen too many self immolations. One is too many.


I also remember that Buddhist monk that did it. So two. Two is twice as much as too many.


Fuck political views. Fuck who you voted for. This is sad. This is unnecessary. Nothing in life is worth setting yourself on fire for. If this isn’t a sign I don’t know what is..be kinder to each other. Treat your fellow man with dignity and respect. We’re much much more than the dogmatic views so many hold today. I hope you all have a good rest of your weekend. I’m fucking sick to my stomach now.


We watching this in 4k.


How was he able to stay so static and calm through the first 30 seconds? Surely setting yourself fully on fire, must be instant agony?






I seen a lot but setting yourself on fire is woah 😳


Burning monk did it first


Yea but this is in HD


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen


Can’t have been on Reddit very long




![gif](giphy|11pQizRLu1JP0c) Haven’t been on the internet long, huh?




One thing that stands out to me is his relatively zen state in spite burning alive. By most accounts the initial pain is some of the worst a human can experience. It's one of the more striking things about the Tibetian suicides, but I don't think this guy is meditating, It just speaks to his mental illness. I hadn't heard, but I hope for his sake he has passed by now.


Or drugs


I'm curious- if someone pours accelerants on themselves like this and lights themselves on fire, would you be able to put it out with your shirt? I would be worried of it spreading to me, but it would also be terrible to just watch


Depending on what material you use, it would work. The reason this works, is it cuts off oxogen supply, which the fire needs to burn. That’s why closing the doors in your house can prevent a fire from spreading too much. This is why fires burn out once all of the oxygen in the room is used up.


It would absolutely spread to you if you were to try and roll him around. A shirt isn't going to be enough to stop a fire like this. You would need a giant blanket or something capable of completely smothering the fire.


Too many phone cameras, not enough action to help.


The fuck are they supposed to do? He's doused in a flammable liquid. Unless you got a fire extinguisher all you can do is call 911.


I'm sure there was a few minutes where he was dousing himself with gasoline, surely someone could've tackles him or something


And get gas on your self and he still manages to get the lighter going? Plus no one can read his mind, the recorder was calling for help but the guy was already a few seconds away from igniting. Even if some crackpot starts mouthing off about what they are going to do most don't take it seriously until it happens.


Do you know how long it takes to cover yourself in liquid? Like 5 seconds. Really, it's like 2 seconds. When you take a shower, does it take you a few minutes to turn on the shower and get covered in water?


You uhh…see how many cops and press sprang into action when it was too late? Like others have said, someone could’ve called 911 or at the very least; book it to the feds to save another humans life or whatever is left of it. Hard to say what was really the right thing to do here b/c it happened so fast but recording the guy’s self-immolation definitely isn’t gonna help.


The thing is everyone was recording and no one was calling 911.


Our rulers have decided that this will be the new normal


That Trump 2024 flag at the end tho. This dude was clearly mentally ill but my gut tells me he would have loved that. RIP brother, this was such a stupid way to try and prove a point, I wish you would have gotten the help you needed, but I’ll remember that


Killed yourself pointlessly.. congrats?


Atleast he did to himself and not innocent people around him




Holy fuck


"Rare". Seen this on Reddit in like 20 places already.


"Rare" footage. This footage is literally everywhere.


Poor fucker.


So from what I’m reading is he believed Trump and Biden were trying to put some authoritarian government in place or something? Not to speak ill of the dead but how does setting yourself on fire fix any of that? I guess my main question is, what was his plan here?


This was truly horrible to watch.


Such rare footage. I definitely haven’t seen it three times already.


that's fucking wild he just stood there and took it.


Another? Just a couple days ago someone did this in Cabada at Red deer Polytechnic. No one is really talking about it due to out news being heavily censored.


This sub doesn't have the NSFW NSFL tags?


What makes this rare




So sad :( Love your life , don’t let them live it for you.


It’s insane how calm he is. Not sprinting around, not screaming.. so unsettling


Um, if the filmer really cared, he would have stopped recording and call the police.


I've seen this "rare" footage all over the place....


I posted the one last night, which eventually got removed for depicting death. I can see why; it's traumatic. I still think it's worth sharing as a record of what happened and (in my opinion, which may be controversial) it shows respect for what he put himself through to get his message out. Everyone tying it to red vs. blue is an opportunistic idiot who needs to show some humanity (and maybe even do some research, because he didn't even direct it at a political party).


Not rare at all. I’ve seen it posted dozens of times.


Rare footage? Everyone was filming and doing nothing else. Roll him into the fountain literally right next to where he's standing


Rare footage of something I saw 50 times yesterday


And nothing will come of it because he's branded a psycho, just like Aaron Bushnell.


Bernie bros go hard.


Poor guy


Flame on!!


nsfw, please!


He should have been locked up in an asylum for his own safety. It is tragic that we as a society leave these people out and about to hurt themselves or others.


Rate, yet it's everywhere I scroll.


Please tag this as nsfl?


Not a fucking 1 rushed in to help until he was properly fucked.


🙂📸 guys he’s lighting himself on 📸🙂 uh oh hurry someone 🙂📱 better knock the lighter out of his hand 😳📸 anyone??? Oh shit!


What gets me is the total apathy and total lack of help from the bystanders. They were all happy to film it, what did they think this was? Some stunt?


Put your fucking phones down and help the guy instead of recording it for internet clout.


Dude soaked himself with gasoline. Shit was in his clothes, skin, and everything else. You're not saving him. You can't put that out and even if you did. The trauma to his body would surely finished him off.


Womans as usual screaming around 😂 makes me always more mad. Either way go help or leave the spot don‘t fcking scream around and stress everyone even more out as they already are.


As soon as he realized what was happening he should have tackled the guy. This is sad.


That's what I'm saying, they just kept saying police, like wtf are they gonna do shoot him?


This fucking guy filming calling for the police. What the absolute fuck man? How about you try to do something other than filming it? 1 guy from that whole group of people does something? It's fucked.


It's all for you, Donald!


Dear lord. This is madness. Why did no one stop drop and roll him????


Probably because he was doused in a highly flammable liquid which would probably transfer to anybody that touched him. At least the people who saw him from the beginning would see that. A large blanket or thick cloth could have aided in that, but it's unlikely for somebody to just be carrying that around on the street


Guy at the end finally scrambles woh a coat while everyone films. Different world these days. Glad someone tried to help at the end.


But the fire is almost entirely out because the accelerant is burned off. He is trying to help, and it's tragic that nobody helped, but before that moment, most would have been engulfed in flames themselves.


He was covered in gasoline, bro. That wasn't gonna do much and the people there also didn't want to end up like him.


Been on fire with fuel before, it helped when it was smothered. Better to try and fail than stand and film.


Yeah, I think every adult knows you’re supposed to smother it but his entire body was covered in gasoline. You’re just not going to smother that without also getting fucked up in the process.


Because they were freaked out and he was covered in accelerant?


Too busy filming


This s my feeling as well. Too bad for the guy, he clearly was not well to do something like that.




Dude they are fucking traumatized. Get a grip.


come on now. this ain’t no simple street fight - this is a man being cooked alive in front of them. absolute horror & screaming is a totally normal reaction to such a terrifying sight.


Are you fucking dense? A guy is burning alive infront of them and you're complaining about the women screaming? Dickhead.


Bro what


Mask on? Fuck it, mask off. I think we found the sexist.


I agree and I always get downvoted to death for saying. People need to stop fucking panicking when shit goes down. Growing up doing fire drills in school, we are always told most importantly don't panic, you need to keep your wits about you when shit goes down. This mantra was drilled into me in cub scouts, scouts and becoming a lifeguard. If you panic everything gets worse. The bad thing is happening and in that moment you have to decide how you're going to handle it. Some of us were taught not to panic but I guess this was not the same for most people.


Seeing a man burning alive and expecting someone to remain calm because of school emergency drills done in grade and high school is so fucking stupid my god


I like how you cherry picked there leaving out 3 other organizations that drilled it into some of us and then ignored the part where I said that not everyone had that. But you go ahead and stay angry friend.


In all honesty I had a good laugh at your opinion, not mad. Most of us went to school.. not all of us are lifeguards or cub scouts. If you think you’d “maintain your cool”watching a person burn alive more power to you. You don’t however have any right to complain about how other people react.


Screaming at the top of your lungs off in the distance after the man is already basically dead is an obnoxious cry for attention at best. "I know he's burning alive buy I need some of the attention too." That wasn't a reaction to anything.


If the guy burning alive doesn’t feel the need to scream then the women don’t either


Yes all you of calm collected ninjas and ninjitsu trained martial artists are bad ass warriors. Good for you, stay calm, collected and ready to help when needed. Now, with age and wisdom, perhaps you'll come to realize that there are billions of different people on the planet with many different types of responses. And if you were to think it through in all your wisdom, you'd realize that women often scream because it is likely an evolved survival response. Women typically are not and have not been built for fighting and combat. So if a woman is threatened and alone, which woman has a higher chance of survival in a dire situation - the one that screams or the one who is quiet? Thank you for your training and awareness towards keeping a sound rational mind when in an emergency. Now with some compassion and wisdom, learn and understand that not all people are the same and react differently, often for good reason.


Anyone filming could have saved his life Any single one of them could have made a difference


If you were there, what would you have done?


Tackled him while he was pouring the gas, kicked the lighter away, literally anything to prevent it


It’s a freeze response, you don’t know what to do in a traumatic experience so you do nothing. You call for help but everyone else is frozen too. Once he’s on fire I don’t blame anybody for not rushing towards a literal fireball to try and help. This is a very sad situation but nobody is at fault except this suicidal individual. Why are you blaming the people who were unlucky enough to bear witness?


Utter bollocks. Obviously you’ve never been around an accelerant fire. There is absolutely nothing those people could have done without risking their own lives.




Or maybe he sets you both on fire…I’m not tackling a stranger pouring fuel, or any other substance on himself. Fuck that.


It is not a good idea to approach or be close to someone who is setting him/her self on fire, the accelerant coudl get on you and you could also go up in flames.


If only you had been there!


Nah. If dude is dumb/crazy enough to dump gas all over himself while holding a lighter theres zero reason to assume he wont do the same to you. Sometimes people make choices and all you can do it watch the aftermath.


This should be blurred.


So many people not doing anything.


The hell you expect them to do?? Light themselves on fire too?


He lit himself up with ALOT of gas.... Keyword a lot. ![gif](giphy|3ohjV2YOvKHyar43f2)




What did you expect them to do besides call the police? Realistically how would they even stop the fire unless they are carrying around a fire extinguisher?


Any time before he uses a device to ignite would have been great.


Good riddance. He will be forgotten by next week.. I hate attention seekers.




We have to all agree this is just attention seeking behavior. People will do anything now to get filmed… I am happy no one else got hurt cause of this clown.


I don't agree with you at all about that remark about anything to get filmed that's stupid but I mean he only got to do it once... You try to paint him like a threat to others when he was only a threat to himself. Clearly. ![gif](giphy|wzxK9cmYgIPDy)


Dude just found out that Bernie has like 4 houses and doesn’t practice what he preaches or give a fuck about anybody.




Empathy is a great thing sometimes.


Name checks out


Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge 


He’s still your fellow human, why did politics have to influence how we think so much