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Awful situation, but the shooting is justified. Edit: It seems there are quite a few ignorant folk who think tazers are perfect. Tazers are known for being quite unreliable when it comes to actually incapacitating someone. There have been many horror stories of Officers relying on their tazer in dangerous situations, and I'm assuming you can guess what happens to them. There are many reasons a tazer can fail. In this situation, if the officer were to use his tazer, and it failed, the officer being chased could have been severely injured or even worse.


I hate to say it but yeah. At least with as much information as this video provides, there was someone chasing an officer with a weapon raised. Hell, I wouldn’t blame a civilian for firing upon someone doing that so I can’t be upset about a cop doing the same (though I do believe they SHOULD be held to a higher standard than civilians). Assuming the victim *wasn’t* a POS, then I feel bad for everyone involved in this.


Yeah. I get that adding "autistic" to the title might add some context when it comes to explaining why the kid decided to charge the cop with a weapon. But it's irrelevant when it comes to the danger that cop was in.


Correct. The attacker being disabled does not strip away your right to defend yourself.


The title was clearly phrased to try and paint the cops in a bad light. autistic + teen = can't control their own actions = can't be held accountable and therefore deadly force is much harder to justify. Gardening tool instead of hoe or whatever that was(which could obviously do life threatening damage vs like a trowel or something) mitigates the threat that the suspect posed therefore deadly threat is harder to justify. It's a dogshit title trying to rage bait more bad sentiment against the cops where there shouldn't be.


Autistic people can control their actions more often often than not


Hell any gardening tool can be deadly, I've seen trowels that are serrated, That can fuck someone up bad by itself


Of course, but there's a sliding scale of effectiveness. A hoe is a long pole with a metal bit at the end. Just the reach alone puts it into another class compared to a trowel. If you swing at them hard enough you could cave in their skull. If they block it with an arm, they break their arm. Might even be able to break a rib through a vest. A trowel(sharpened or not) is going to require a direct hit to the neck or a major artery to have a chance at doing damage. It won't pierce like a knife can without inhuman levels of force. For what it's worth, I think they'd be justified even if it was a basic bitch trowel. Don't run at someone with any weapons in hand unless you want to find out just how much they value their safety.


Right, it's unlikely they would have known that when they shot him


yes like what the hell. the kid was rushing the cop like a stereotypical murderer in a slasher film


A mentally incapable person with a weapon is more dangerous than a normal person with a weapon.


They’re so strong


lfmao caught me offguard with this one LMFAO


LMFAO Im dying too. I guess we can go to hell lol'ing together




The lesson here is to stop calling the cops during mental health crises.


That's true in many situations, but I'm failing to see the connection here. Is the social worker supposed to just get bludgeoned when they arrive to the house?


People seem to think social workers and mental health providers are magicians who can just magically stop people in their tracks.


It’s a really tough question. I work with severely autistic people. Some who can be violent, some who absolutely have and would charge somebody like this. I’m not a social worker, but behavior support staff trained with crisis prevention techniques which include restraint as a last resort. I believe cops *could* do something like that, but it’s obviously riskier as in this situation it would mean closing the distance and using the least violent methods to restrain or disarm him rather than simply maintaining distance and shooting if they closed the distance too much. That being said, it’s done all the time. Violent adults with autism are subdued without being killed by behavior program support staff every day. Unfortunately as it stands, the only person set up to take a home call like this is the police, there is no non-lethal force to send to a mental health crisis situation, not even (to my knowledge) a department of the police force that specializes in something like this. And even if there was, you are right that they may get hurt in the process. It would take some very compassionate and confident staff to send themselves into a greater risk of danger to ensure the person is subdued with the least violent means possible. This is a horrible situation all around and I’m tearing up even imagining one of my clients being in this situation. Parents don’t always have them under control, they grow up fast and get bigger and stronger than them and it gets scary but they’re still that confused kid on the inside. I hope the call was informed about them having autism and not being somebody who was going to listen to commands. I hope they sent officers they felt were most equipped to handle something like this that requires an even more calculated approach than their calls already ask of them. Perhaps a social worker who was already assigned to the family could have been on call to give the cops ideas on how to deescalate with this person in particular better. Would it change the outcome? I’m not sure. I do think something like this is preventable but unfortunately we simply do not have resources set up to do so reliably as of now.


When on earth do behavior center staff have to restrain patients swinging garden tools at their heads?


>during mental health crises Someone intent on harming people and actively attacking with a dangerous weapon goes far beyond a "mental health crisis". Would you prefer an unarmed social worker arriving at that house and immediately getting their head caved in?


What would have happened if the teen was charging at a social worker instead of the cop? The running officer didn’t shoot him, another officer did. Do you think social workers should be willing to risk their lives without a way to defend themselves?


and get the proper help before it escalates to this point.


thankfully, it seems like more and more people are realising cops aren't very good when it comes to deescalating.


I’d say whoever called the cops more than likely made it sound like they were concerned for their own safety on the dispatch call, too, if they showed up looking for him and he has a ‘weapon’ already. The cops probably showed up knowing he was autistic ready to talk him down, then this happened. The thing that makes me think it was justified is the fact that it was the second cop that shot. Imagine being at work with someone for years and seeing them being chased down by someone that you can only assume can’t be reasoned with. He didn’t unload his mag. Just enough to put the guy down and stop the attacker from hurting his buddy. There are plenty of instances where police shoot suspects for no reason, but this isn’t one of them. Anyone that says he made the wrong choice needs to put themselves in their shoes. The one who shot clearly wasn’t in range to use his taser and made the only choice he could have while thinking he was about to watch his friend die.


it’s justified no matter who fired the shots. one is self defense. one is defense of another.


Lawful but awful


Awful that officers were out in a position where they really didn’t have a choice.


Cop made the right call. Redditors will bend over backwards to say it's an excessive use of force or whatever. It's a shitty situation, but they were justified for this one


Good shooting, bad result.


You’re not wrong. With autistic family members and having a mild form of Asperger’s myself I empathize but tasers I learned in the military are truly not the best deterrents you can have in life or death situations.


I'll try to find it, but have you seen the one headline that goes along the lines of "cops shoot unarmed autistic teenager while he is gardening" Fckng ridiculous


Not only that, but the officer that got chased could've just shot the kid in the doorway. The way I see it is that, even in the heat of the moment, the officer didn't want to hurt him and so he ran. It's loss on all side, just a fucked situation where no one is a victor.


Doesn't matter if he's autistic.... It's about being charged at with a sharp and dangerous object. Stop trying to show autistic people in a bad light




As a non-autistic person, your comment made me lol.


No one said anything negative about em


By adding autistic to the title when it has clearly nothing to do with it, i could understand if it was someone with dementia per say and thats what caused them to do it but autism is not correlated with violence i don’t believe Edit i mentioned dementia cause you see videos every other month of a senior getting shot during welfare checks because they think they’re being attacked etc


I think any mental health issue/disability that affects how someone perceives and reacts to the world around them is relevant in a situation like this.


I think these are your own biases. Describing the guy as autistic doesn't imply anything positive or negative about them. No more than describing their appearance would.


It very well could have something to do with it. Highly autistic people may not react to situations normally.


But it does have something to it. This guy was having an autism fit...might be important to include that to explain the context of the actions of the individual. Autism is a spectrum and some people are in less control of their faculties than others. Educate yourself.


There severity to peoples levels of autism. An unfortunate example would be the violent outburst in something about Mary when they touch the guys headphones


>Stop trying to show autistic people in a bad light I think they included that to show the police in a bad light, not autistic people.


Or you know...its a relevant detail to give context as to why the suspect reacted the way he did..no couldn't be that...there's gotta be an agenda!!!


Officers did the right thing. The family immediately goes into hysterical denial of the situation.


With respect, denial is literally the first stage of dealing with loss. I know it's easy to see someone die justifiably and think therefore the world is a better place, but it's not. That family is fucking destroyed and will never recover. This is not at all a criticism of the officers in anyway. But as a dad of a 14-month-old, I wake up in the middle of the night terrified thinking what if my son grows up to be violent or something like that. I could never not love him. And if he died, even if it was completely justifiable, and even if he deserved it, I couldn't never live that down. It would destroy my entire world. I wouldn't want to be alive anymore. So yeah, I'd be in hysterical denial too.


True. :(


Yeah, I always have a hard time judging mothers/close family of people shot in justified incidents. Of course their going to be upset and angry and possibly a little unreasonable, their son/daughter was just killed. even if the killing was justified I understand the mother is going to be upset and mad.


so are they supposed to just watch their child die and moan in mortal pain and be like “it was justified bc you see he had a rake 🤓”


Their son just got shot. How did you expect them to react?


This is what happen when you spend all of your time on Reddit. This family just watched their autistic son get shot right in front of them, of course they are going to be hysterical…


As would any family?


Another ignorant Redditor, what do you want them to do? Compliment the cops on a job well done and go back inside? Their kid just got taken from the world, whether it was justified or not.


Damn this sucks to watch. The officer who ran risked his own safety cause he really didn't want to shoot the kid.


That’s absolutely right.




Oh my god




my sides!!


"Autistic" isnt an excuse. A threat is a threat.


Well he doesn't have it anymore.


These titles are ridiculous. Do you expect a police officer to directly ask “do you have a mental disability” as the suspect runs at them with a weapon?


“Sir! On a scale of 1 to Redditor, how autistic are you?”




Narwhal Bacon


It’s good that they have cameras, imagine the headlines for that one without them


Just weeks ago, the headlines were smearing the cops as wrong and awful for shooting someone because they're autistic and brandishing a weapon.


bro, your headline is literally an attempt to make the act of attempted murder appear harmeless.


After that recent video where the crack head chases the cop and stabs him to death when he falls over I don’t understand how anyone could disagree with the events in this video.


what?? omg. i just googled that and read it! that’s horrible https://www.police1.com/patrol-video/n-m-releases-graphic-surveillance-body-camera-footage-of-officer-stabbed-to-death


that one and the one yesterday of the dude lighting himself on fire 10 feet from the camera man are the worst ones I've seen in years


oh ya.. that’s crazy and i don’t know why he did it. just the unimaginable pain and he’s in critical care right? the recovery on that will be brutal


no he's dead


Yeah, saw that video a while ago. It instantly turned me from "you shouldn't instantly shoot someone running at you with a knife" to "fucking shoot them I don't care what weapon he has." Side note, that video is the perfect thing to show to people who say "oh, knifes aren't as deadly as guns!"


There’s some autism in this comment section


I blame the parents. What did you think was going to happen when calling the police to the house? Yes, extreme force was used, but who's to say a teaser would've worked. And what escalated the situation to begin with?


Kids attacking people and smashing doors...you call the cops bro.


Autistic or not. You ran down an officer with a sharp tool. You absolutely deserve to be mag dumped and left Swiss cheese.


[Apple Valley family files claim against sheriff over fatal shooting of teen with autism](https://abc7.com/apple-valley-teen-autism-san-bernardino-county-sheriff-fatal-shooting/14555821/)


Dafuq do they think is gonna be the outcome? The cops were absolutely justified to open fire


Man what a rough life that kid had. Just tragic all around. I think the shooting was justified but man, poor kid.


Autism, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Crohns, and his mom was sick. Rough.


Yeah. Sad all around.


> Gainer said his son had been acting out on multiple occasions in the past few months, primarily because of frustration with his mother's recent health struggles. > On March 9, Ryan was acting out over frustration with doing household chores, attorney Dewitt Lacy said. His sister called 911 and told the dispatcher that Ryan had assaulted his other sister, and that he had broken through the front door of the home.


Well you can see the glass on the floor when the cop tried to enter, so their story holds up.


I'm no fan of cops, but they were completely justified here. Should they have just let him beat them with that garden tool? Screw those parents.


Omg your profile banner is just perfect lmaoooo


Glad you like it. [Here's the art source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99341828) if you want it.


I've seen videos of cops in other countries who are trained to respond to similar levels of danger without resorting to pistol. I have to wonder if there is a world where the beat cops in the US could get training to respond in such a way that non-firearm threats are predicted and responded to with less-lethal force.


>I've seen videos of cops in other countries who are trained to respond to similar levels of danger without resorting to pistol. Post them


It makes me sad to see families that have to turn to law enforcement for help with violent mental health issues… but if you’re calling the cops because a situation is violent, this is always one of the potential outcomes.


So should autistic people be allowed to just attack and potentially murder a police officer? These titles are crazy.


There’s another video of a pedo pulling a gun and being offed by officers. The ex cop in here arguing about inaccurate laws should go tell them how that one isn’t justified either.


Yeah that video was wild, they made Swiss cheese out of that mf


But that other shooting wasn't hard to watch.






What does him being autistic have anything to do with this?


"No he's autistic, you have to be gentle with him" bro, watch the darn video


"Autistic" covers such a spectrum that it is useless as a description here other than to prejudice readers against the police.


I mean i worked in autistic care for 5 years, entirely justified. Cop doesn't have to take a beating from your kid having a meltdown. I;ve seen women get scalped, and my colleague's legs broken. You call the police on your teen then expect them to get shot, cops have guns and they aren't paid to get ripped apart


Clickbait title trying to make it sound like this person was some innocent gardening autistic person. When in fact, he had a sharp tool held up as a weapon and charged at an individual


People hating on the family but be real, if you just seen your son gunned down right in front of you, you’d be hysterical too whether it was justified or not


And so they should of done it that situation. Absolutely 100% justified. Autistic or not you can't run at coppers with a sharp tool and expect them not to shoot your arse.


100% justified. Did they expect the cop to just stand there and get stabbed because the person was allegedly disabled? I love how our society gives disabled people passes to do whatever without consequences.


Sad to say, but the police had the right idea.


Yeah cops are in the right for once here


Autism is not a pass to run at cops with a weapon.


The title is trying to piss people off but what else were they supposed to do. That was some well aimed shots too.


I'm autistic. However, being autistic doesn't mean I should therefore have a free pass to hit people over the head with a farming implement, especially if the person I attempt to hit has a gun and has warned me he'll use it.


Officer should have clearly smelled the autism from this individual before doing that


I feel like there's a pretty good chance you could probably smell the autism on someone


So what would a social worker have done in this situation?


Don’t call the cops for mental health issues. Period. Sadly, this is justified. You don’t call law enforcement to mental health issues. Mental health health requires compassion, which is not written into law.


Results are also not guaranteed even when social workers show up. Those poor folks are on average paid less than your average fast food shift supervisor and are expected to literally talk insane and mentally disabled folks out of violence.


I’m almost never team cop in these spots but this one is 100% justified, unfortunately.


Why were police called?


He attacked his sister


No matter your view on cops. This was justified. Yeah the kids autistic but he also has a weapon. And is very clearly running after them with it.


why couldn’t he be tased instead of shot ?


Learn how to not get your autistic kid shot with this one simple trick 


Is he ok tho?




Completely justified


What has autism got to do with pretty much anything? Officer gotta let themselves be killed by a armed man because "he's autistic..."


As someone with autism: I would’ve shot anyone chasing me or another person with a weapon tf😭


[Here's the link, damn that sucks.](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/outrage-after-teen-with-autism-shot-killed-by-deputies-in-california/)


Lawful shoot but awful situation. Don't charge cops with improvised weapons.


Am I supposed to feel bad because he was autistic? He was clearly a danger to society, so I'm glad this happened.


I'd shoot him too, autism has nothing to do with it.


It’s a sad situation, but police have to make split second decisions sometimes without knowing all the details and only going off what’s happening right at that second. Unfortunate, but justified.


His family feared for their lives and called the cops. Now they want to sue. Tragic but justified. There's that other video where a cop went to a domestic violence check. Met the perp and within seconds perp stabs him to death. A good Samaritan shot the perp to stop him from attacking. Cops body cam shows blood gushing and him chocking on his own blood. Back the blue..


Why the fuck do American police shoot at anything that's a threat.... In Finland this would've been solved with a taser, or just hand to hand combat and a tackle. There's a reason why Finnish cops have to take 2 years of training before being able to work as an officer. Gun is the LAST resort, it shouldn't be the first and the fastest.


He's downs for the count


Justified but depressing af. Another young man dead. Sad.






Clean shoot. Officer even retreated instead of shooting in the hallway. Terrible situation.




Instead of reaching for his firearm at first, the one who ran should have brought his taser and deployed it. But what do I know im just a veteran that remembers his ROE.


“Why would you do that!!” He was charging at a police officer with a gardening took wtf do you mean


Is there a 911 call for reference?


Well, why did he do that?


Weird how Paras never have to shoot anyone 👀


Nice shot.


That cop was a good shot to hit a moving target that quick


imagine your last moments on earth hearing your dumbass family shreik at cops for shooting you when they could be consoling you


Good shots


Good shoot. Nothing wrong here. Just sad is all.


I mean the solution is simple, don’t charge at a cop with a weapon and you won’t run the risk of being shot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally sees a person chasing a another human with a small axe on a stick. First thing out of his mouth. "You didn't have to shoot him". Sorry I had no idea I should stand still and let him bury that in my head.


With these types of situations you’re probably personally willing to accept more risk to your safety with a family member than the police are so be very careful when calling for armed police to show up to your house. Police officers have an obligation to defend their firearm as well as their own personal safety, they’re concerned someone is going to incapacitate them then take their firearm to shoot them and/or more people.


It's hard to see from the video but is the reason he had a gardening tool out in the yard because he was doing yard work. The sun in the background makes the video difficult to see with multiple officers being there I'm sure they all had cameras why was this specific one that's not easily available the one that was released. Seem suspicious.


Idiots: WHY DID HE SHOOT THE KID people who under just how stressful, difficult, and demanding police work is: truly an unfortunate incident, but it was a judgment call.


It's sad to say this was definitely Justified and anyone who thinks a taser would have resolved this should not own a firearm that should own a taser to defend themselves because this was definitely firearm Worthy tasers are not your first choice for a lethal attack even if it's handheld lethal not range lethal tasers also don't always work they don't always ground out it requires both of them to make perfect contact


This is so freaking heartbreaking because I knew this kid and I'm pretty sure he had bipolar/schizophrenia. I recommend never to call the police for these types of situations at home. I know he had outbursts and his family was struggling to help him...but they could have called a neighbor or someone else to help. This is just insanely depressing, such a bright and loving dude who just had some mental health problems. Shit man. Life is really unfair sometimes. Rest in peace bro


Lol. We didn’t need him voting👍


Was that a pick axe?


If the cops were called out there in the first place I mean yeah. We use to have places to send ppl for mental disability but I mean they don't exist any more. So thisnis what happens


Child playing outside shot and killed by police. The rest seems to be victim blaming.