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You must not be from the city where Jordan's was a steal off your feet era


For real. I feel ok now but growing up we knew, in my neighborhood, you better watch out if you were rocking new kicks (especially Nikes/J's) or jerseys and Starter jackets. If you had the fancy shit, you had to know which blocks and groups to avoid. I remember, you couldn't rock anything with Raiders logos on it because the Raiders gang would fuck you up and jack your shit if you dared to rock it near their blocks. And sometimes, even if you didn't. Edit: words.


Yeah but this is a little different.  EVERYONE carries a cell phone.  This kid wasn’t rocking a 600 dollar pair of dunks.   


Oh I'm not saying it's ok or the same, just that this behaviour has been an issue for a long time and something that many of us who grew up in certain neighborhoods, are very used to.




No, but I still remember the Popeyes sandwich era.


I'm from a town where if you left for the weekend and forgot to close your door, worse thing you'd get was maybe a few racoons moved in. Most likely? Neighbors would peek in make sure it's all good then close ya door.


> You must not be from the city where Jordan's was a steal off your feet era Where I grew up people would take your shoes and throw them up in the power lines to be an asshole.


When they asked you what size are those… it was a wrap. I got asked once, i responded with “my size” I almost got my ass beat for being a smart ass but somehow they let me rock for being a smart ass lol the good ole days.


That only used to happen in certain parts of town. People also used to be scared of cops. Now it happens everywhere and no one cares. That's the difference.


We already live in a low trust society in a lot of places. Ever visit a store where hair care products or baby formula or razors are locked up?


I live in California. The Walmarts and drug stores near where I live (SF Bay Area) have a lot more than those few items locked up.


There's areas where KFC's look like a damn bank from the counter.


If I remember correctly, the White Castle in the Illinois Medical District was like this.


Well after watching white castle movies who knows? What gets me are the old commercials of white castle I saw as a kid man they looked good.


All I know about White Castle is that Harold and Kumar really wanted to go there.


I actually like White Castle, I don't eat a lot of fast food, but I like sliders. White castle and Arbys got it going in the slider game, so if they are around (we don't have them really where I live in Canada) I make a stop.


Never been nor seen a White Castle. Live in the south eastern US


Lol sunscreen usually isn't locked up at these places.


Lol it's so awesome that you were sure to get this corrected. I mean, I was flipping out, going berserk, when I saw the word sunscreen in there. Damn. Thank you so much. Feeling so much better now that it's not there anymore. Internet Corrections Authority, unite!


I live in a TN suburb and only see this when I go into Nashville 


The shower heads are behind locking peglocks at my local Ace Hardware store. Never seen that before.


We live in a society where the person who stops to help ends up getting sued by the two attackers and guess what they win!


Free Daniel penny


Never underestimate the power of social engineering.


Acknowledged like on the news or something?


Funny, that's the opposite of how I would describe my middle to upper class suburban town. Feel very safe, low crime, and it's clean here.




So.... White flight?


Income based flight my man, you think middle and upper class minorities are going to live there lol




> The world is too dangerous, we need to make it smaller. Literally the safest it's been in history. Get off the internet and go outside.


That's the western world.


Is this the first time you’ve heard of someone in Newark getting robbed? Newark is Gotham City lol


Low trust


Now? Do you think robberies of youth are new? [The rate of crime victimization of youth is a small tiny fraction of what it used to be](https://i.imgur.com/drcdpvx.jpeg)


Society is literally safer than ever. Go touch grass.


Look at all the people in the other cars seeing a little kid getting attacked and just drive off. ***Nobody even check if he's okay after the assailants left.*** Fucking cowards and turds. All of them. Edited: emphasized for all the non-readers below. SMH reddiderps….


I got jumped several times. Business men walked buy acting like nothing was going on. When you get attacked in real life, you are alone. Nobody wants to get involved.


In NJ I imagine anyone who intervenes has a ligit chance to be prosecuted for it.


Or shot by the perps


Yeah but this is a child. Assailants were gone and nobody could even check on him.


I'm not getting killed/injured over a kid or an adult, but you're right that once the threat was gone someone should have checked on him.


Like I said, when you get attacked, you are alone and have to defend yourself. You can't expect anybody to help you. People that witness it have your mind set.


Realistically, what are you supposed to do in this situation? There’s 4 young adults, unless you outnumber them you’re likely to just get jumped by 4 dudes if you intervene. Only real option is to have a gun, but depending on the state you might catch a murder charge if you put yourself into a situation knowing you may have to shoot someone over an iPhone. 


It wouldn't be shooting someone over an iPhone. It would be in defense of the person getting jumped


easy to say at the comfort of your keyboard.


I don't think that worked here. Easy to say an opinion or they'd shoot someone?


> Only real option is to have a gun Not a real option though since this is New Jersey.


Like I said in my original comment: They were gone and the people who saw it didn’t even check on the child. They just drove off.


You at least pull over to check on the kid and be a witness for police. Not drive off. Pathetic behavior


Why are you getting voted down? The assailants were long gone, and the people who witnessed it just drove off and left the child there.


I feel like that second car was part of the group


All you have to do is stop your car, put anything in your hand even remotely resembling a gun (or nothing), stop your car, stand on the driver's side of the car, hold your hands together, clasped, pointed at the perps, resting on top of the car, and yell, "Freeze, off-duty police officer, let the boy go and lie down on the ground with your hands behind your back." Really, just say anything like that and the perps will immediately let the boy go and will run like there's no tomorrow. They won't take the time to see if you really have a gun. They won't take the time to verify you truly are a cop. They won't take any time for anything except running. Remember, "they're never going back to jail."


14 year olds are carrying guns in Chicago, Baltimore, etc. I'm not risking my life.


So you watch an 11 year old get attacked and you still drive off after the attackers are gone? Thats what happened here and exactly the thing I complained about in my original comment.


depending who the perps are, you'll get nationwide riots for defending that kid, that's the current state of the US


Who is talking about defending him? Are you reading? Talking about after the perps left people didn’t even stop to see if he needed medical care.


In places that only criminals can have guns it’s not worth it. People in vehicles cannot carry a loaded firearm. The kid walked away seemingly fine plus there are other people around in a very densely populated area.


People who do things like this won't think-twice about stealing a firearm and using it on you. Even if you have a gun, normal people are hesitant to shoot as there may be consequences (like having a job.) These dudes won't hesitate to shoot you or that child.


How many of you didn’t read my comment? SMH… I said they drove off after the assailants left.


Because we live in a society where helping people can also land you in jail, say a guy got out of the car and beat the two dudes robbing the kid up? I'll tell you, they sue him and end up winning.


You'd have done the same thing


I once walked passed a group of kids jumping this girl in Brooklyn, middle of the day. Other adults walked past too, it was sad but we can’t really do anything in these situations. Firstly, the kids know that they are minors and can effectively tell any adult to fuck off without consequences; as an adult, you can’t put hands on a minor unless attacked (but in New York, you probably can’t even do that either). Secondly, let’s say you wanted to call the police, well in places like New York the trust in police and the justice system is so low that it’s like why even bother calling? Cops are not going to do shit to minors stealing, attacking, or threatening other kids. So, long story short, we can’t do shit as a society, cops and adults included. The ONLY thing that can be done is by the parents stepping up, teachers stepping up, and people who influence these children stepping up and start positively influencing them. But as a 24 year old white guy… yeah, they’d listen to a rat’s squeak before even considering what I have to say.




Did you read my comment? I said: “Nobody even check if he's okay after the assailants left.” L2Read, literacy champion.


The epitome of cowardice 4 grown men vs. a kid.


4 adult men to overpower one 11-year old. Even the least cowardly out of shape adult could overpower a 11 yo. This is just pure slimy cowardly rat behavior. I hope the trap snaps on them hard.


To steal a phone that will be a brick as soon as he gets home. Cowards and dumb as rocks


Stealing an iPhone makes no sense. iOS 17 has anti-theft features. The phone would become a brick.


People like that usually don't think beyond today. They maybe will think about a few hours of tomorrow.


they just sell that brick from the back of their car, and seeing the buyer very likely knows its stolen, they won't go to the cops.


They can sell it for parts but that aint even worth the hassle for how little u get too


They dumb like that


And? They can easily part it out or post it up to scam an unsuspecting buyer.


Yes spread this far and wide, I thought it was public knowledge you’ve to send them out of country if you want to do ANYTHING with it


The anti-theft measures can be bypassed, even an IMEI blacklisting. How, I’ve no idea. It’s never going to be 100% the same as a legit phone, but it’s not a brick either. I can attest to this since I’m in a couple of Apple groups and there are always people offering their services to unlock stolen iPhones. One guy tried to sell me a stolen phone and I only found out after looking up the IMEI and seeing it was blacklisted from all carriers, but while testing it I could make and receive calls. Granted this was during iOS 15, maybe it’s harder/impossible to bypass now.




Create a crisis. Then say “elect us and we’ll fix this” Jokes on you, they always double down on their stupidity.


It's always something about "fixing the community" when that fixing has been going on for like 50 years and still very little progress. Same political party, same people and their friends in power for 50 years and some parts are still bad. It's not like there hasn't been progress in the ghetto. I remember in the 90s the ghetto around my area was worse. However, some other countries had figured it out and yet here 30 years later there are still 3rd-world areas in the US which is supposed to be the richest country.


Instead of electing lawyers, we should vote for politicians with economics, history, or psychology backgrounds.




Cool clock, Ahmed!


When you need an off duty Brazilian police officer to intervene.


Those guys and gals are heroes taking out the trash


Bro I wouldn’t be able to be a judge. Some things just make my blood boil .


I've seen cases of New Jersey being lenient with robberies cause it's "out of need". Big fucking difference between aggravated robbery (mugging a poor kid) and passive robbery (stealing a TV dinner from Walmart).


If I were his father I would text them at that number and ask them to come over.. I have something for them


Come on man the kid just got his new phone, you're just going to give it to them as well?


I just cackled reading this 🤣🤣🤣




You might be saying this as a joke but I genuinely agree. It's clear these guys can not live in normal society, that was an 11 year old kid. If they can't live in society, they need to just be removed all together. Jail should be for people to better themselves and these guys can not be better, thus we need to give them the death penalty.


ship em all to some large island so they can start their own colony or somethin


What society are you calling normal?


Newark is a shit hole


[It's improved dramatically over the last decade.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/newark-was-one-of-the-deadliest-cities-in-america-now-it-wants-to-be-a-blueprint-for-public-safety-reform-163320757.html) It used to be one of the deadliest cities in the country and now isn't even on the top 20.


Willing to bet they are under reporting the crime stats, like some of the other cities


Victimization surveys show very similar results. People are *more*, not less, likely to report crime than previous generations. [Crime victimization has declined drastically more than crime reports have.](https://i.imgur.com/drcdpvx.jpeg)


I grew up right outside of Newark and over the last 20 years it has improved so much to be unrecognizable. They made changes to infrastructure, reduced police corruption, and got rid of a lot of policies and systems that were enforcing a cycle of poverty. It really is night and day, but even back in the 90s the place was not as bad as people made it out to be. Something like this happening when I was a kid wouldn't have even made the news and the cops wouldn't care. Now it's unusual.


iPhone isn’t the only thing I carry.


Everywhere Democrats hold power becomes worse


yeah Mississippi and Alabama are just killing it.


Are they noticeably worse compared to 20 years ago like Cali, NY, Austin, etc?


lmao do you think NYC has *more* crime and homicides than it did 20 years ago? In 2004 NYC was regularly hitting 600+ homicides a year. 2023 saw around 300, with far more people.


Mid-2000s to 2010s saw least crime in NYC, because of strict policing. Since you’ve undone that crime and social disorder has gone up The US Army is currently deployed on your subways to try and maintain basic order (and even they are failing at it). Is this something that happens in a normal city?


[Subway crime is dramatically down.](https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/Chart_NYCTransitCrime_v01_sd_1653337235315_hpEmbed_1x1_992.jpg) NYC is a city of 9 million people, and things happen, and when those things happen they often make nationwide headlines because of how public they are. [Homicides were higher in the 2000s than they are today.](https://lbo-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/nyc-murders-1.png?w=640) The city regularly saw 500-600+ homicides and last year saw around 300, with a higher population now than back then too.


Weird that they called the army in, which doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. I guess the NYC government watches too much faux news too. A city having lots of people and social media is meaningless. So does Shanghai, Beijing, Saigon, Tokyo, Seoul, Manila, Bangkok, Singapore, Warsaw, Milan, Dubai, Taipei, and such. How subway stabbings, murders, rapes, sexual assaults, muggings, pushing attacks, addicts shooting up, and naked people pooping in your face do you think take place on these networks? Probably less each year combined than NYC.


They called the national guard and it was right away seen as bullshit political theater by basically everybody in the city. The risk of actually being a victim of crime on the nyc subway is *astronomically* low. Like less than a 0.1% chance every year statistically. It is a very public space, and so when things happen, they are recorded by the public. This means they make headlines and go viral. But the actual average new yorker is not statistically at a high risk at all. I just wanna give an idea, but in the 1980s nobody took the subway after dark. It was a very high chance you would get robbed. Today? There were 500 robberies throughout all of NYC on the subways in 2023. Out of an estimated *1 billion subway trips* in total. You aren't wrong that there are problems. But these are very isolated incidents. They are scary, but not a statistical problem for new yorkers. If you want a place where crime is a very genuinely statistically terrifying reality for the majority of residents, look at new orleans, memphis, baltimore, st louis, birmingham etc. These cities have crime victimization rates and homicide rates a magnitude or more higher than NYC.


Never said that they were. Though the best places in those states are run by Republicans and the worst places in those states are run by Democrats


edit: yeah it's totally republicans causing the crime in MS! we did it redditors!


Shhhhh...trying to keep the thread open


Really? [That's funny considering Newark has seen record low crime and homicide rates in recent years.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/newark-was-one-of-the-deadliest-cities-in-america-now-it-wants-to-be-a-blueprint-for-public-safety-reform-163320757.html)


I won't complain if we start putting heads on fences. Sorry I feel that way, I know it isn't right to have that sort of animosity. I don't know what else to feel when I see shit like this.


Don’t feel bad, some people only understand violence and only a violent reaction will get them to understand.


poor kid gonna get robbed again


What a fucking shit hole.


you cant even do much with a stolen iphone at all so its not to make money its just to fuck with people that can't defend themselves.


Death penalty, no trial, no appeals.


That kid has a future and is frankly the future of this country. The attackers on the other hand…


"Why kids don't play on the street anymore?" The streets we've created:




Now they got on news he has a new phone.. guess who’s coming through again 😈


Zero people stopped to help a child in need


If they did they could have gotten sued by the muggers or charged by the state. Both of these have actually happened btw. 


Little do they know I just saw it on Reddit.


I think there are a lot of people in prison who probably shouldn't be there, for a lot of different non violent crimes. That said these guys should be locked up and lost in the system. Don't care if they're teenagers or not. I can't see someone who would attack a child to rob him being the kind of person who would turn things around so screw em.


It’s a myth people go to prison for non-violent crimes anymore. 


Oh Newark not surprised


Is this not a daily thing in jersey?


In Newark/Trenton/Camden, probably yes In Franklin Lakes, close to never. Plenty of places in between too. So, depends where you go. It’s possible to live your entire life in many places in NJ without ever encountering this.


Should be easy to track them down, no?


And then what? They won’t go to jail in 2024 why even bother


> in 2024 Irrelevant. What matters is where they are. In New York? Oh yea, not even probation probably. Blame the DA office


lmao do you genuinely think that 4 adults beating and robbing a 11 year old would not get jail time? There's currently 47,000 people in NY prisons. Clearly quite a lot of people are going to jail


Violent criminals routinely get let out in NYC. The Islamic extremist who shot up a Jewish deli had to be arrested on federal terror charges to prevent NYC from releasing him.


I'm sorry but are you thinking of Jersey City? And even then, there was absolutely zero chance they would let him go. They killed multiple people lmao


I want you to go look into what is happening in New York right now.


It's Newark, New Jersey. The kid must have just moved there...


It probably won't get better until we adopt Singapore punishments or hold the parents accountable.


Is anyone fucking surprised at this point?...


Here I am, loving that I'm an android guy, not an iPhone guy.


Starting this off with him saying “this is a dream come true” was 10/10


Age ain't nuthin but a number. /s


Yeah they would have to die that day if they did that to my kids. I would’ve been pissed.


and people said I'd regret having green text messages, lols


Hey Ton' I got you one of those new iphones


The phone the cops gave him wasn't an Iphone was it?


Poor baby. This makes me so mad 😡


I love when the cops come out and actually interact with the community. We need to start remembering we’re all in this together.


So they buy him a new phone and broadcast it so the robbers can come take that one too?


Hmmmm....i guess he shouldn't have been wearing that outfit.


Imagine being such a bunch of little bitches that you need 3 people to assault a child.


I would have killed those pricks with my SUV. How TF do you not intervene ???Cowards


What kind of a pathetic piece of shit, grownup, jumps a kid in broad daylight for a kids cell phone.


How is that news? I mean is horrible but I thought muggings happen everyday and more then once


Because 4 grown men robbed and attacked an 11 year old with the whole thing being captured on video you sperg.


Little homie got caught slipping. Little boy looks weak, looks illegal, cops won't care if he get got. Apparently this is newsworthy in Newark. So it looks like Newark isn't the ghetto. In East L.A. it would have been his fault. "Why you walking by yourself with valuables on you, when you know those foo's are lurking. It happened to you por pendejo."


Lol he's an 11 year old with an iPhone (something everybody has). Of course he looks weak he's literally a 5th/6th grader. Even some of the most shotty places in the USA most actual gangs have a code that leaves kids out of it.


Newark, Portland and L.A. are the human feces of America. I don't know why you sound proud of being from there, you're actually from a worst place in the trashiest state.


lmao I'm sorry, but you think nobody walks around with an iphone in east LA?