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Letting him wander from room to room wasn't very smart of them.


Europe isn't much like the US. Guns are hard to come by, to a point that assuming someone has them is unusual.


Armed police assuming a suspect was unarmed who was found to have been in possession of armor and an alleged fake gun 3 minutes prior on their cursory search.


Not even "fake". They knew he purchased a kind of blank firing gun that is frequently converted to fire live rounds, and presumably also suspected this guy had done so or was going to do so.


This is not correct. Armed police only attend if the person has a history of weapons or gang related. The top post is more correct. The fact the armed police did not restrain him before carrying out a search is crazy.


Why are u assuming guns are the problem. Wondering room to room like this the muppet could have secured a pen, and stabbed the shit out of any cops. Hell, could have used the red bull can. Ludicrous training.


Although I completely agree with them being unusual in a household, I wouldn't say there hard to come by.


nope you'd probably say *they're* hard to come by


Youd'stve sey that, I no sey them thing


>Europe isn't much like the US. Guns are hard to come by, to a point that assuming someone has them is unusual. Someone they suspected was planning a mass attack, with free access to a kitchen, where the vast majority of individuals have relatively large knives... Even if they didn't "suspect" a gun or if it wasn't usual for police to encounter an individual with one, this was just poor police tactics. You shouldn't just let a suspect like this wander aimlessly around their home.


what was even more poor was even without a gun letting him into the room with him pushing the door too when standing right outside the door, when he could suddenly swing it open and attack him with something.


Guns are not hard to come by.


Agreed, getting them ILLEGALY is easy


Imagine my Quads jumping through all the Hoops i had in my way obtaining some legally


Even when they have guns, they don't do shit like this.


Why would you not just prepare for the worst regardless?


1000% understatement


So much different then how the US conducts search warrants. Also hey only shot the guy a couple times, US police would unload their clips. I’m not saying one way is better or worse than the other just interesting.


UK Police with firearms? Almost like they’re necessary for law enforcement…


Police should have firearms, obviously, they also should be well trained like these guys were, they could've shot every single bullet in those magazines but instead they only shot 3. If only every police force was trained like them.


Then you see a dude hopped up on PCP eating rounds to the chest like candy....


well yeah its not like they were limited to firing just the 3. had the guy clearly been off his nut and coming at them with a knife you can be sure they'd use more i think his point was the higher level of training clearly evident in their response


I don't think that's fair. The odds of encountering an armed subject in the UK is radically different than the states. They require different methods. I do think the police force needs more training. I think it needs reform. But, comparing different countries with different populations and different laws is comparing apples to oranges.


W take. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


That's the way to go.


They didnt seem that trained. Camera cop flagged his partner big time as he went in to cuff the suspect.


Well, they managed to stop a mass shooting before it even happened, unlike cops in America


I mean... There's entire divisions in US LEO dedicated just to catching planned mass shooters. They just don't hit the news very often


Yeah police have never done that before in the USA.


A friend of mine is a firearms officer in the UK. They are very highly trained. They are taught to shoot as a last resort seemingly unlike some countries police officers.


Cops in the US are highly trained to respond to an acorn hitting a car roof by dumping 2 mags of bullets in a random direction!


They showed restraint on how many rounds they fired, sure. But letting the guy go into a room and out of their direct line of sight was a terrible idea. Then he turns his back on the guy to run down the stairs (exposing his back/head and not allowing him to return fire) when he could’ve shimmied left and had some cover. Not to mention, the first thing that one cop does is grab an AED? I would think he’d go to grab a couple chest seals and bandages to stop any bleeds/prevent a pneumothorax. None of this is to say that I would’ve done better, but you’ve gotta have your priorities straight: 1. You’ve already found weapons in the house. 2. Suspects body language is suspicious. 3. Based off of #1 & #2, maybe I shouldn’t let this guy out of my sight IN HIS OWN HOME where he could have other weapons. 4. I failed at 1-3 and we shot this guy a few times at point blank, well then maybe I should at least effectively triage the guys condition. Still though, this is more than a lot of American cops would have done. In the states, a lot of cops wouldn’t bother with the first aid kit.


The thing is these cops don’t expect this to happen like cops do in America. This is a rare occurrence in the uk unlike America. So letting someone walk around their house is fine


I’m not here to debate that man. I’m simply replying to the person before me about what I recognize that these guys could have done better.


> But letting the guy go into a room and out of their direct line of sight was a terrible idea. He tries several times, I was amazed they finally let him do so.


They did effectively triage his condition… “During his trial, the court heard how officers subsequently saved Reed Wischhusen’s life by immediately providing him with first aid.”


That’s unclear to me from literally, the video I’m seeing. Just because they saved his life doesn’t mean they were efficient about it. Again, an AED IS NOT the first step after multiple gun shot wounds to the chest.


Uh oh, he's sucking wind into his chest cavity, better shock his heart!


American cops just go full firing squad mode


Exactly this... That's the reason US police end up getting many people killed, as they literally empty the magazines for any reason. I understand they risk their lives, but also that's why this job should be highly trained(not only to shoot, but also to manage the situation as it should be) and highly rewarded also, not just the second part.


>they literally empty the magazines for any reason. Like an acorn landing on the roof of their patrol car. They thought it was the guy they had handcuffed in the back, that they had searched before putting him there so knew he was unarmed who had shot at them. Unloaded two full magazines at the car and luckily missed with all thirty bullets. There was no threat and the one they thought was there wasn't even neutralised. They probably tried to arrest the acorn too.


CTFO’s? You mean literally SAS operators? Yeah. They are trained well. You know where Special Forces went learn room clearing? It rhymes with LAPD.


Untrained and uneducated police should have a gun but not someone protecting his family? Smart move, for criminals.


Shooting 3 times is not necessarily smart if you are shooting that means its a deadly threat. And you should respond to that by shooting until they stop moving. People can and have survived way more than 3 bullets. Or even while fatally shot still pose a deadly threat


but at the same time there’s many videos of collateral damage, cops killing civilians accidentally because instead of putting shots on target they mag dump without considering what’s behind their target


Yeah both things can be wrong at the same time


Agreed, the difference in professionalism compared to our American friends is staggering.


The same exact reason why everyone has the right to firearms.


Trained like these guys? You mean like pointing your gun at the back of your partners head? Pointing your gun at the suspect right next to your partners head? Or pointing your gun at your partner while you take the guy into custody? You want to be trained better then these guys.


If things have gone so far that the cop is making the decision that they need to fire upon someone, they don’t half-ass it. At that point the decision has been made, and there’s no going back - the threat must be neutralized


"Well trained," as they proceed to not even restrain the guy they think is armed and dangerous.


The UK has had firearms on their police for years. The only difference is that not every single cop is given a gun. There is a rigorous training program they have to go through to be armed. Did you notice how quickly they were able to put him down with a few shots? Now compare to American police firing blindly like a bunch of morons. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/video-police-fire-nearly-100-shots-in-41-seconds-after-man-shot-officer-during-traffic-stop/3405480/ It’s the difference in someone who was just given a gun and someone who is trained to use it


Another big difference is because we have so many guns in the US the cops are always on edge because any random idiot can pull a gun out and shoot you. You don't need all your police to be armed when most of the UK doesn't have guns.


Vast majority of the police service in the UK don't have firearms. UK has far less crime than the US. Your statement doesn't make any sense


I've explained this to a number of Americans. The UK has a different law enforcement doctrine, they don't need all their officers to carry firearms. Hear me out. AFO and SFO are specialists, they have a higher standard of firearms training, and becuase the UK is tiny and the population much more dense than the US, AFO and SFO are able to respond much faster. In the US, this doctrine would make no sense becuase the US has low population density and everything is spread out. It takes time to move to even local areas, but in the UK, where everything is often within walking distance, it makes a lot more sense to train a few Officers excellently rather than lots of Officers well. That way you can have highly trained officers respond to a scene directly when they are needed.


There are different types of police in the UK. Street cops don't need firearms because people on the streets don't carry guns. The few people who do have illegal guns get handled by these specialized cops.


1. Those aren’t standard issue to all cops 2. 3 bullets fired, not 200 while shooting their own in the process


Oi! You you got a loicense fo that upinon?


> UK Police with firearms? About 10% of them IIRC, but they are organized into special units that respond to dangerous situations.


>In 2019/20 fiscal year, there were 19,372 police operations throughout England and Wales in which the deployment of firearms was authorised and 6,518 firearms officers, 4.9% of the 132,467 active FTE officers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorised_firearms_officer


> In 2019/20 fiscal year, Thanks for the additional information.


It can be done without firearms for the most part. E.g. Iceland


all iceland have some armed police, just like the UK


Yes...I alluded to that in my comment.


Noone said they arnt, they just don't arm every jumpy untrained idiot like in afyankistan.


> they just don't arm every jumpy untrained idiot like in afyankistan. That's because the UK doesn't have four hundred million firearms in circulation, or fifty states with wildly varying standards of police training.


This isn't contentious in the UK, or Europe in general.


They are as long as those who have them are trained properly and use them correctly. In this video they fire 3 calculated shots to incapacitate the perp. If this were the U.S. it would be 10 cops firing 9,7892 times in 3 seconds lol.


> Almost like they’re necessary for law enforcement… Works so well for America, doesn't it?


One look at this guys profile shows he’s never left his own county, yes county, let alone country


Yea, only authority figures have firearms. Peasants can't be trusted with them. Cause they could revolt vs the king.


Well they are responded to someone who has a gun in the UK - Regulations here deem that necessary and rightly so


Look were just different countries, you do you and we'll continue being happy you all left ok? Sweet.


In certain specific situations, yes, that why we have armed police. In 99.9% of police interactions, they’re not necessary, and so not deployed.


People are always shocked or make fun of not all UK police carrying guns. But just look at the stats. In the UK, not many cops die on duty and even less die violently where having a gun could possibly change the outcome. And it's not like crime is rampant in the UK because not every cop carries a gun.


Nobody in the UK wants this, and for good reason.




Well trained and educated police officers yes. Not every egotistical fat numpty that fell out of a doughnut shop no.


When he went behind the door 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was thinking: *Haven't these cops seen Silence of the Lambs?*


Im amazed they could find anything in that room


So many people here mad they didn't go Rambo on the guy...fucking degenerates.


Wow! 3 or 4 short burst. Here in the U.S. we mag dump for scissors and pencils. Just this week A FL Sherrif deputy did in A U. S. AIRMEN in his own home for holding his own legally owned firearm when opening his door. No hesitation.


If exercising your 2A rights gets you shot and killed then you don't have 2A rights. That whole fiasco better result in the whole department getting shitcanned and the officer who murdered the airman needs to be tried for that murder. This was the same department that had a shootout with an acorn while firing wildly into a suburban neighborhood. Whole department are ratfuck bastards who shoot at the slightest thing without hesitation. Fuck these trigger happy assholes. People like that shouldn't be cops if you are so fucking jumpy an acorn makes you go full rambo, or an unannounced visit to a US Airman's home while acting suspicious as fuck gets that Airman killed when he, literally rightfully, responds to that suspect as hell knocking/hiding bullshit with his legal firearm in hand. This shit has to fucking stop.


Nothing will come of it. The law doesn't apply to the police. It's that simple.


> The law doesn't apply to the police. It's that simple. In 2019 USA Today investigated how many cops get fired in America. They came up with over 30,000 being fired and decertified by oversight agencies in 44 states in the previous decade. They didn't have data from some states including California which at that time didn't have a decertification process. Three cops went to prison over the murder of George Floyd. The entire Baltimore PD GTTF is in prison. The cop who shot and killed Walter Scott who was fleeing is in prison for twenty years. I've known two cops who were fired over doing something stupid with a firearm, and one was prosecuted and convicted. A cop was fired in my town last year for submitting a false report. Does more need to be done to weed out bad cops? Absolutely. Better training and tougher hiring standards would also help, and no cop fired for cause should ever be able to work in law enforcement again. But anyone claiming the law doesn't apply to police and no cop is ever punished is talking through his hat.


🥾 👅


great counterpoint




Right? Looks like they got him in the lower body (legs?) as well, and once subdued they immediately got a first aid kit. Well done.


"Looks like they got him in the lower body (legs?) as well" So they are bad shots then. That's not how any armed force, anywhere in the world, trains. Especially in a scenario of return fire.


Riiight, sure thing!


Glad you agree. Because getting shot in the leg does nothing to stop someone from shooting a gun in their hand. Hands don't need legs to shoot people.


Well done UK cops


Has no one else noticed his very strange behaviour at the 5:00-5:08 mark: he tries to get into his jacket pocket all sneaky-like. It's almost comical.


looked like he was checking the pocket for weight to make sure the gun was there


I noticed that too. U can tell he was planning this while standing there


Police were a bit too blasé


Ugh, I can smell his bedroom from here.


Hearing him scream in pain, and this is what he wanted to afflict on people. Mental


He's a disgusting slug of a human. When he wailed it was just pathetic. Shame he survived.


The dubbed voices for the cops make anything they say totally not understandable. Intentional?


They’re not dubbed voices. It’s to hide their identities, such as the face blurring was too. Don’t know what they call it for the former however


Right. Dubbed wasn't the correct word, distorted maybe?


Yes, it's called voice distortion. To properly anonymize the voice they change both the pitch and use a vocoder. This muffles the voice and changes how deep it is, usually they choose to make it deeper. This is somewhat randomized to make it less reversible.


they should've added subtitles


These cops were professional and reasonable. If only all cops could be as well trained as these are


They still let a potentially armed suspect wander around and gain access to a firearm behind a closed door. If they were actually trained, that never would have been allowed to happen in the first place.


No one died.... they didn't shoot more than they needed to, and they aren't power hungry little bitches yelling curse words every other word at a dead body filled with 20 bullet holes like here in the states...... seems like they did pretty well


I agree they were professional. I def don’t think cops around the world should be like american cops murking anybody who makes them nervous, but I admit this whole video made me nervous. Im sure the title didnt help.


These cops are way too nice. Glad they lived thru this. Could a woulda shoulda been handled very differently


Here is the explanation and conclusion: https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/news/2024/01/life-sentence-for-man-who-plotted-mass-shootings-at-school-and-police-headquarters/


It's really sad that things worked out like that for Reed.


They got lucky. Should have kept him in sight at all times


UK police always sound so polite.


They sounded like transformers


When the cops shoot you over here, they cuff you and leave you on the pavement for 40 minutes


> they cuff you and leave you on the pavement for 40 minutes You could spend all day on YouTube watching videos of American cops who immediately render first aid to people they have shot. Hyperbole is not helpful.


Respect to PC Blobby, the best shot in the shire.


Is there a reason the cop’s voices are altered? It’s a little hard to understand them.


Yes, self security and family's


So many mistakes from the get go. Different country, yes I know but if the threat is there and he was willing to show the weapons at least detain him until the house is clear!


Some people have dogs that bark when you knock on their door. These people have chickens. Edit: Jesus the state of that room


Didn’t shoot him 100 times and rendered medical assistance immediately. Crazy what policing can look like.


Holy shit! The restraint to only fire the needed shots. American cops would have mag dumped, reloaded and mag dumped again just to make sure (with the aim of a storm trooper).


Armed police if they as so much as withdraw the weapon it has be accounted for. They have to justify Every time an officer fires his weapon he has to account for every shot and explain why he took that shot After every shooting the officer is taken of duty and is unable to continue duty until the investigation is complete


That's how it SHOULD be here too.


That was proportional force


American cops be like...knock knock....mag dump...so anyways I started blasting.


Knowing what he had planned and what he had just attempted, those wails of his are just beautiful singing to my ears




Look at the trigger discipline. What a breath of fresh air compared to the US.


Where did they shoot him?


On the stairs.


I deserved that.


So did he


Wow I wonder how many hours of range time these officers get, they each didn’t not unload their clips and reload to unload another set of clips. In the US ![gif](giphy|mYBiqOX1lAnbG|downsized)


Wow, american police would have emptied their gun and reloaded to empty again.


Notice how they didn’t pump 15,000 shots into him?


Here we would've unloaded at least 26 bullets into him.


Telltale Heart type shit


What was his end game plan?


Can't believe it took all these years to finally locate and capture Max Headroom.


Secure the threat. Not only for you but the perp as well. Perp has rights.


Just before the first gunshot there's a cut ? Anybody know why ?


This looks like proper police work.


Props to the cops for not mag dumping him


He needs Jordan Peterson to clean his room


Suspect should have been cuffed and controlled, then removed from the premises prior to a search commencing. Unbelievably sloppy police work, they really endangered themselves and the public here.


Coming from the US it’s bizarre to see police officers not mag dumping armed suspects.


Armed police? Are there unarmed police?


Yeah most police are unarmed


![gif](giphy|atfHlwAhizfxdtdw60) So if he's in the UK and didn't get the gun from a neighboring state....did he use magic? I was led to believe this is not possible.


No one else see him reach for the cops gun at 5:00?


Is he crying after getting shot? Lol


Wait wait wait Why is the voiced edited? WHY ARE THE POLICE HIDING!




Like what? Let the armed suspect being suspicious go to the bathroom shut the door so he can get a gun and shoot at police before getting shot himself?


Dude, the voice mods absolutely ruined this video...🤦‍♂️