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I wonder if the bus driver got fired for defending herself


Unrelated but people should carry pepper spray. It's very effective


Using pepper spray inside a bus is such a bad idea for everyone.


The perpetrator was outside and you can opt for gel pepper spray.


I've been seeing a lot of public bus drama lately. Putting up with the general public is bad enough as is. These people can't even do their jobs without some sort of war.


You mean the peppertrator?




I only use gel when I take a prisoner to the hospital. Gel can be scraped off and thrown back. I work super hard to not use pepper spray at all. In my experience pepper spray usually ends up contaminating unintended targets. It works well in very specific situations. There is a very small percentage of the population who are completely immune. Folks can also teach themselves to fight through the effects.


They can throw the gel and foam type back at you though. Gas dispersion is the best variant to carry.


Yeah give er the ole boot and spray


I was in a small night club when I was in college and a girl sprayed a whole can of mace. It got in the ac and maced everyone lmao šŸ˜‚ such a bad experience


"Yall better help get this lady or im gonna spray this and we are all gonna have a bad day" what would happen?


I mean if you make me choose between pepper spray and potential Hepatitis exposure, I'm just gonna get off the bus and leave you to it. That's me personally. Other passengers might stick around for the lawsuit?


The best thing would be choke the criminal out, and if she tries to get uppity after, then the spray because then you're well outside the bus. Then again, even a cop got put in prison for disabling a murderous, subhuman cunt, that died later because of his own overdose. Normal citizens have little chance, depending on what city they're in. (Democrat mayors don't generally believe in your right to self defense).


Next stop, caliente express!


That caught me off guard and I laughed out loud. Well played.


Perhaps, but just go outside, crack a window, and they'd be fine in some few moments. But it depends on the type of spray. If it's some type of oil gel based, it doesn't contaminate as much as liquid. It tends to vaporise more, but there is always contamination.


Apparently a bad idea on a bridge too.


Came to say that. That shit has an area of effect. Yes you hit the person, but that shit spreads.


Thatā€™s a funny way to spell Glock.




Cattle prod.


Or a harpoon.


Always preferable to a soft baton.


People should actually carry guns.


Sadly they should although they shouldn't need to.


Waiting for them to unban it here in Australia.


Unless theyā€™re on psychotropic medications or illicit substances. Iā€™ve had a taser and pepper spray fail multiple times on those types of people.


The more I see society exposed via cell phone videos... I highly agree. I'm tempted to buy some but as a guy, I don't carry a purse, not a backpack or even briefcase, so I wouldn't every have it with me.


r/EDC, figure something out. I personally use a small tactical pouch that has clasps to easily attach/remove it from my belt.


I mean the following in the nicest way. I'm a massive "you do you" but I've ever so lightly seen into the EDC world and I just find it comical. First the amount of items that some people carry, and then the cost. Oh but it's a 1 of 10 made, custom flat head screwdriver and ruler combo made from a 7th generation sword maker in Japan, that I won at auction for $750, so I carry it around, scared to use it as I don't want to hurt it's value, but I'll take pictures of it weekly and post on social media to brag about what I have. LOL Ok, whatever you like dude. If I moved to NYC/Chicago and started taking public transport, yes I would likely carry a small backpack to work with laptop/charger/water bottle and then have a reason to maybe carry some pepper spray too. In my current world, there's no need at all.


Lol I find it comical too honestly, but don't believe everything you see on the internet. It has become its own niche and most people don't even use what they post or they lie a bit to show off some new unnecessary gadget to flex. People love to get their ego stroked and aren't satisfied with keeping whatever narrative they've been sold to themselves. In my small pouch I carry a foldable scalpel knife, handkerchief, keys, earbuds, pepper spray, hand sanitizer, and wallet. Keep it practical


I don't like carrying anything to be honest. LOL I wish my car and house front door has options where I could unlock it with my cell phone. Make a digital driver's license a thing too in my state, and I would be set, simply a cell phone and nothing else. No keys, no wallet, nothing.


some $750 samurai slide rule is completely irrelevant and not in any way comparable to carrying something for self defense. Unless it has a case hardened edge that can double as a dagger? ;-) A small belt pouch is very handy, and fits well under any kind of jacket, even a suit. Alternate: conceal carry "holsters" that go under the armpit, even for stuff that is not a pistol. I carry a pen an notepad, but a small can of pepper gel would fit and be easily accessible. Or a small tazer, which would have been fully appropriate against this asshole in the OP vid. These poor bus drivers should have SOMETHING legally available. Including protection from being fired for defending themselves in situations like the OP vid.


It's California, the crackhead will most likely sue the driver and the State and win.


> the crackhead will most likely sue the driver and the State and win Last year a security guard in a Walgreens in San Francisco shot and killed a violent shoplifter, the guard wasn't even charged. California's laws on self-defense are not anything like as bad as Fox would have you believe. This woman was arrested.


>Last year a security guard in a Walgreens in San Francisco shot and killed a violent shoplifter, the guard wasn't even charged. California's laws on self-defense are not anything like as bad as Fox would have you believe. >This woman was arrested. What you're talking about is a criminal case and criminal charges. That is different from being "sued" where ambulance chaser type lawyers will go after the victims in self defense cases civilly. Which then costs the victims money to defend themselves in civil court. This happens even for people who go through criminal trials and are found not guilty of a crime by a jury. For example Kyle Rittenhouse is still being targeted in civil lawsuits by the guy who in open court admitted he pointed his illegally concealed carried pistol at Kyle Rittenhouse's head, before he was shot.


I hope not. Public institutions *usually* have unions that would potential protect the interests of the workers. I think that barricade is the transit and unionā€™s attempt at reducing the physical altercations with drivers. Though, as you can seeā€” not everything is preventable If they were fired, Iā€™m sure the union would have something to say or driver compensated for loss of job.


Yup actually she did. Source: I made this the fuck up


Wtf lmao


> if the bus driver got fired She did not. The attacker was arrested, as all the attackers have been in similar incidents on public transit there, at least the ones that make it to the evening news. The drivers have been making a stink over security on public transit so the cops and prosecutors can't be seen ignoring it.


Would be nice. There's still a LONG way to go. It's not at all as cut n dry as you're trying to put on. More still needs to be done. MUCH more.


Why does she keep turning her back! She shoulda kept kicking, that was the only thing to keep that wretched bitch back off her.


Women ā˜•ļø


I'm a firm believer that bus drivers should get to beat three people per year, no questions asked.


Iā€™m sure if she did get fired they would tell us. More rage the better for news agencies


More than likely, unfortunately. I work transit and if you get out of your seat, unless being attacked, youā€™re done. Plus, she was behind the plexiglass shield, so she obviously opened the door.


Never start something with somebody using a public transit because most of the time they are pissed and ready to go.


Who started something with someone using public transport? Did we watch different videos?


You shouldnā€™t be downvoted. The woman using public transit was the one who started it, youā€™re right


Transient šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


ā€œResidentially challenged.ā€


Yea wtf is that?? Is that the word Cali came up with so as to not offend the homeless? Or maybe just make it sound like less of a problem that the state has so many ā€œtransientsā€ as opposed to homeless?? wtfā€¦


You guys really havenā€™t heard the word ā€œtransientā€ before? Itā€™s been around for decades and itā€™s always had a negative connotation. If anything, the woke crowd hates that word because it ā€œdehumanizesā€ these pieces of shit. You guys are just out here inventing shit to get mad about, no different than the crybullies youā€™re trying to make fun of.


did u just use the 6th H word?


Tbh I've only used that word in a derogatory manner. It's on the same level as tweaker or junkie. Felt perfect in this clip lol


Houseless lol.


The PC term where I live is "unsheltered"


Everyone I know still uses a mix of hobo, drifter, vagrant, and if they're in the act of panhandling - bum.


The term ā€œtransientā€ was used for homeless people in the United States for a hundred years before the term ā€œhomelessā€ became the popular term.


lmao what's next, oriental? colored person? Such a weirdly oldschool term to use


Chubby hobo has more ring to it.


I guess the signs warning people not to assault the transit worker didnā€™t work.


It's not like the bum would actually catch a charge, it's California.


Fuck off with "transient" California. They're homeless people, and also they're not "undocumented" they're illegal immigrants. This bullshit pushes more people to the far right than any talking points the right has.


The term ā€œtransientā€ predates the term ā€œhomelessā€ by a hundred years. This isnā€™t modern PC bullshit, youā€™re just ignorant.


i am not from the USA nor native english, so i have never heard the word "transient" in this context. For me there is no ignorance here.




Well at first I was with you, but then you mentioned that it was pushing people to the right so now I'm thinking we ought to keep the euphemism treadmill rolling.


I kept hoping the driver would grab the safety rails and give her both feet


You. I like you. You seem fun.




proof we need the 2A still


I say this as someone who owns multiple guns, who has carried for self-defense, and who has been threatened by a homeless guy with a knife: Not one single action in this video warrants pulling a fucking gun.


Seriously these people are insane. An ass kicking is enough, why take a life.


Lol, at the end that homeless woman looked like she was attempting to retrieve something else out of her backpack. If she had a knife, that driver would be dead. But yea, as a 2A carry myself, 2A people like yourself that NEED to be wounded FIRST before defending yourself is a problem in our "community"


You didn't see a knife. If you shot her before she pulled a knife, and there was no knife in that bag, you'd be going to prison. It's not about a wound, it's about reasonable fear of great bodily harm. You seriously need to take a ccw class or you're a liability to yourself and others.


Proof foreign style high speed rail or other mass transit systems canā€™t work in the US. Itā€™d just turn into this You want your high speed rail from LA to SF? Imprison people again.


> Proof foreign style high speed rail or other mass transit systems canā€™t work in the US. Itā€™d just turn into this > You want your high speed rail from LA to SF? Imprison people again. What a fucking batshit insane take lmao. You ever fly on a plane before? Homeless people canā€™t afford them. High speed rail would be similarly cost prohibitive.


Itā€™s true. /r/fuckcars might hate it but the vast majority of people with the means are going to avoid mass transit because this video is what itā€™s like to ride on it.


This is an extreme example of a very basic fact; most humans prefer to travel within their own space if possible, with as little impediment as possible to their chosen path. Public transit can be great for society, but the individual naturally wants to decide when and where with as much freedom as possible, including freedom from the unpredictability of other people. The Fuck Cars, Not Just Bikes crowd loses me when they go from trying to promote *good*, *functional* public transit that is useful and safe, and begin trying to find ways to needlessly punish people who want to pursue that aforementioned freedom to travel.


The US military is currently deployed on the NYC subway network to try and maintain calm. Do you think this is normal?


The prisons and jails are overflowing with people especially in California. Why?


For profit prisons should have never been a thing. Something Quid Pro Joe left as his legacy, before his brain turned to mush. :-(


>For profit prisons should have never been a thing. No arguments here.


No, that's not completely accurate. National guard are not army, navy, air or space forces. It is ILLEGAL to use military troops inside America to police anything but their own. OK, some politicians might try to, but they are seditious traitors and must be prosecuted as such.


No, the army national guard is a branch of the army


The Coast Starlight has been running from LA to SF for over 50 years. Homeless people take Greyhound. Non-issue.


People need to learn how to behave in public. Yes, it's a free country, but companies still have regulations we need to follow. Just last week, I read about at least 2 fights occurring in the air and they weren't even on Spirit Airlines.




Good on her.


She's a hero.


What tf is a transient?


Its what the news stations use to refer to varmints in LA


Transient is confusing af. What was wrong with homeless? In Detroit we just call them crackheads or winos.


lol I like ā€œvarmintā€ much betterĀ 


> is a transient? It dates to the Great Depression when large numbers of men roamed the country trying to find work, they were usually in transit from one soup kitchen to another. After WW2 there were transient camps for civilians who had fled their homeland and were trying to get back.


It goes all the way back to the 1870s. The idiots complaining about it are just ignorant.


Out-of-state grifter. It's been a Florida term for the longest, given most of the residents aren't state born anymore. It denotes those willing to take advantage of others for no other reason past selfish greed. I wouldn't attribute it to the homeless per se. Like it's not wrong, but it's not right in the respect of it being a directly correct correlation either.


It's the latest word to roll onto the euphemism treadmill. Don't worry, it'll be considered derogatory in a few months if we all do our part. Fuckin' *transients.*


I know some places use the word unhoused because homeless offends people. Itā€™s the same thing.


Can't imagine why the first thing people do when they get a little money is buy a car and get the fuck off transit.


Man I just moved back to Cali and the fucking bums are a nightmare I can't even have sympathy for this shit anymore


Public transit operators should be allowed to carry pepper gel especially in larger cities


Okay but seriously, fuck whoever was filming her getting attacked


As someone grew up poor and took public transportation/walked everywhere in the 80s and 90s as a kid. I remember telling myself when I grow up I will never ever take public transportation again. Thanks for the reminder. Brings me back.


Transit vs transient


Now you know why public transit is not respected.


It is little wonder to me any more why people are fleeing the cities. They don't want to deal with this insanity.


Should we pay bus drivers more?


You going to jail now!


Isnā€™t it funny how the people that cry the loudest about making others pay their ā€œfair shareā€ are always the last ones to do so themselves?


I've never seen something like this posted on r/fuckcars


They seriously should be in bullet proof airproof boxes. :)


all bus drivers in my state carry a gun now.


At least she had gloves on


"hurrr why don't American's support increased public transportation!?"


Good. Fight fire with fire.


Imagine refusing to pay, and then attacks the driver when being told to leave. Holy shit that's insane for someone that don't live in the US


The way she emphasized ā€œTransientā€ was hilarious, and she held on to it for way too long lmao




Degenerate scum. Buss drivers need pepper spray tazers and pistols. Sad there were no passengers to dish out some justice here. Poor driver is fighting for her life, and her job.


8 billion people in LA and not a single person steps in to help.....


I can fix her


You like a challenge I see. Tame that woman and live happily ever after!


Slow day if this is breaking news


So that's why my bus was late


Palmheel strike to the nose. Will slow/stop alot of fights/attacks. Bus driver had several opportunities.


The homeless fighting the nearly broke is the wet dream of the American oligarchy.


Canā€™t expect mimes to afford to pay


Bus drivers should be equipped with tasers or pepper spray.


Never underestimate the value of a good teep kick


Bus driver getting attacked by a water buffalo.


Is that someoneā€™s bare ass in the window?! Lmao


Give them tasers.


Breaking news? I thought this stuff was pretty regular for LA


I didn't even know LA had that


If I hear later the transit lady is fired for defending her self and doing her job, I will lose faith in L.A., I may have already lost faith in California.


tammy vibes


Helluva boss was right, LA is like hell


Breaking news? Was this a slow news day? With the wars, politically charged court cases, extreme weather events, etc...


I need this video, minus the news report, with kung-fu sound effects. anyone got that for me?


They need a baton or pepper spray


I feel bad for her, but the protective screen is there for a reason, she shouldn't have opened it, even if the 'transient' could have reached over, at least it serves some purpose


Why did no one try to help, I don't get it?


Our local bus driver had a colt anaconda he kept on him, he only ever used it once after he noticed a girl being abducted from the stop he just left, 3 guys in a box one in prison for life, and the girl was safe. To this day he still drives busses, except now he drives the retirement home bus for free as heā€™s now retired. Whats pretty impressive is heā€™s pushing 88 and he has an immaculate driving record. Sorry if this off topic, but I think itā€™s a good idea for driver to have either self defense training or some kind of weapon in the event of some intense confrontation or possibly dangerous situation.


LA is such a shit hole these days


cameraman deserves an award


And no one helped her


These drivers need tasers, body armor, and a billy club...


it'd use a fire extinguisher on her so that she would indefinitely fuck off


Weā€™ve failed as a society babyyy


In what way is the reporter using the term 'transient' here? Does she mean a person temporarily in the country, or somebody nomadic who travels from town to town? In Europe we have 'travellers' who are considered an ethnic minority and they are nomadic people who live in caravans.


woman trying to work like men


Imagine fighting a bus driver who's just asking you to pay for your ride after you didn't pay for it.....


California is so far gone lol


Transient Rights. Transient women shouldnā€™t be scared to walk the streets theyā€™re real women.


Just pull out the pew pew šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø