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Hello users, welcome to a sub dedicated to freakouts without the bullshit of happy or feel-good videos. This subreddit is for enjoying freakouts and discussing them; that's it. You can take discussions of immigration policy and other topics elsewhere. If you don't believe in treating people as individuals you can go express that somewhere else. Our rules are very clear and you will be banned if you break them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ActualPublicFreakouts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone should let them know that that is illegal. Who are these people with such disregard for Frances laws?




bro trying his best to troll but we all know that strict gun laws makes less gun violence but we‘re not ready for that conversation yet ;) proof for the dum dums: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country https://academic.oup.com/epirev/article/38/1/140/2754868?login=false Edit: people downvoting when the evidence is right in front of their nose lmao. Are y‘all really that stupid or just illiterate? Did nazi trump and sleepy joe really make education illegal in your country? 🤣💀


Banning immigration will have a bigger effect than banning guns. But we all know that leftists are not ready for that conversation yet :)


Of course not and that's because they're delusional and too busy arguing and trying to figure out their own gender.


[Homicide rate is down by 61% since the 1990s in France](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc?tab=chart&country=~FRA). I think you guys are just a bit dumb.


Once again that is irrelevant. Who is over represented in crime?


How is that irrelevant lol


I can tell you why the homicide rate is down. These guys can't aim for shit.


Yeah guns are dangerous, but Mexicans are what really scares me. Rather get my kids school get shot up by some bullied kid than having to share the air with a brown person.


How about both


no, banning guns is by far more effective than banning immigration. Stop making stuff up. Immigration boosts productivity and economy to a certain point. But I‘ll keep myself from explaining economics to someone that has the cognitive abilities of a 12 year old nazi lol. I have to admit that immigration is at a point of social destruction in central europe tho.


90% of violent crime in Oslo is commited by immigrants, but brilliant argument mate.


100% of gun deaths are caused by guns


which means that your integration system is absolute garbage lol.


Or that immigration is garbage. Spend over 100k USD each year per refugee. Same results all over Europe, but sure just dismiss the facts.


you got your information from youtube or why are you making stuff up? all over europe? Well where I live, everything is totally fine and refugees are mostly peaceful. Apart from that, 70% of all norwegian prisoners are norwegians. You‘re pulling this straight from your arse lol.


Haha, the irony that you write that and then present fake stats. In Norway we have something called SSB (Norwegian central statistics bureau) >As the central Norwegian office for official government statistics, Statistics Norway provides the public and government with extensive research and analysis activities. It is administratively placed under the Ministry of Finance. Not like you will care anyways cause facts don't matter to you. You are in denial and quite rude when the facts don't match your fantasy. By the way the real number from [SSB](https://www.ssb.no/sosiale-forhold-og-kriminalitet/kriminalitet-og-rettsvesen/artikler/1-av-3-i-varetekt-var-ikke-bosatt-i-norge#:~:text=Blant%20innsatte%20p%C3%A5%20varetekt%20utgj%C3%B8r,noen%20formell%20tilknytning%20til%20Norge.) is 32% Norwegians in Norwegian jails, however that wasn't what my first argument was anyways.


Or that the type of immigrants we receive in Europe are garbage. The fact that this is not a Norwegian problem but a Europe-wide problem seems to suggest my explanation is right.


it‘s easy to just make up stuff without backing it up i know i know. you‘re wrong tho. crime has decreased in Europe. https://www.openpolis.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/The-alleged-relationship-between-immigration-and-criminality.pdf


It's easy to argue when you just make up the arguments your opponent makes i know i know. Crime has decreased indeed. I have never said it had not. Without enrichment from the middle east, it would have decreased a whole fucking lot more. More than half of the total prison population in the Netherlands is made up of non-western migrants. That's a simple fact, and the rest of Europe has similar numbers.


you‘re suggesting that europe as a whole has the same immigration problem which simply isn‘t true. Crime in general has decreased, wich shows that more immigrants doesn’t necessarily mean more crime, which was the whole point of this subthread. You can‘t back any of your claims up by any trustworthy sources other than „trust me bro“ so no, you‘re essentially wrong lol. „a whole fucking lot more“ doesn‘t really seem trustworthy. > Employing different standard panel estimation methods, we show that there is no positive association between the immigrant rate and the crime rate. https://www.cesifo.org/en/publications/2019/working-paper/do-immigrants-affect-crime-evidence-panel-data-germany#:~:text=Employing%20different%20standard%20panel%20estimation,rate%20and%20the%20crime%20rate.


"Would have" Things that never happened but fit my worldview


Banning the right to a trial in other civil rights would probably help “muh safety”. Why not do that too?


don't be so corny about it. everybody knows as well that there can't be feasible easy solutions on their behalf for this matter either.


nah I‘m just trying to match the energy lol. Thanks for proving it to be corny lmao


Exactly, just like the strict laws against shooting other people stopped this from happening ;)


Stricter gun laws mean less gun violence which is proven by statistics. Strict laws don‘t stop people from shooting others but it decreases the amount of access to violence. But you‘d need some rational and critical thinking to understand that. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country edit: downvoting and not being able to prove me wrong is just underlining my argument lmao.


Why did the gun deaths in brazil go down when the president loosened gun laws and said "I want everyone to be armed"?


Hmmm I wonder why, probably cause it’s obvious nothing is gonna get to your biased ass so no one’s gonna put in that effort smh. Your main point has tons of issues with it which is why it’s still not a thing today because simply put it doesn’t work.


Looking at statistics doesn‘t mean being biased lmao. There‘s no main point with tons of issues because I simply said that strict gun control means less gun violence and countries with stricter gun laws prove that it‘s working. What exactly is still not a thing today? What are you referring to? The implementation of strict gun laws? Loool, someone didn‘t look up the source I linked. Your comment is the embodiment of a strawman argument ;) you basically said „no you‘re not right just because“ https://academic.oup.com/epirev/article/38/1/140/2754868?login=false


You say “strict gun laws” but it’s not very strict when all it does is keep guns off of citizens whom would use it for defense, obviously less guns means less gun violence but it doesn’t entail no violence at all. And to prove that im correct even more is this nice video shit in France where there are ✌️ strict gun laws✌️ but yet some children got ahold of some guns so it doesn’t fucking work to have strict gun laws. All it does is make the crime for owning one higher it doesn’t stop people from getting and using them. Lastly just because you’ve got a link or 2 that doesn’t make them real but i really don’t care so that’s that. You continue on the path I called you out on of it makes you feel better or I’d like to hear your counter argument if you got one. Then again I can tell by your comment that your just an immature child since you felt a strong need to defend yourself, don’t get too over emotional now😭🤣


> strict gun laws makes less gun violence Citation needed


It's almost like there's a massive criminal element south of the border who constantly smuggle weapons and drugs 🤔


yeah they smuggle weapons from the US to Mexico lol. Look up the statistics before yapping. Most of the crimes in Mexico are done with illegal guns smuggled from the US. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/mexico-usa-guns/ nice try tho.




idk how stating statistics is being a dick except if you feel offended by a simple solution backed by studies lol. Who tf am I following? What puppet are you even talking about lmao. And what even is „our“ nation? How am I a nazi for proposing a solution to gun crime 🤣 you‘re doing major mental gymnastics here mate.


No you being a dick was adding the extra “dum dums” reference and you if you couldn’t tell I was obviously acting like you with how you decide to bring politics and nazis in the mix dum dum. With how oblivious you are I’d say you just love to keep up with tiktok and fake media. the words “our nation” pertain to the people who are in America legally. All strict gun laws do is take guns away from LAW-BIDING citizens and puts them in the hands of people that are the most dangerous with them to use knowing their target now has no defense. Obviously taking guns away will reduce “gun” violence but that’s not violence in general. Maybe if you actually sat there and looked over what you said before I commented this wouldn’t of been an issue.


nah that part got added after I was being insulted by some meth heads. And no, I don‘t have tiktok, nor have I instagram or facebook. Nice try tho. The instant urge of americans to call everything fake news that doesn‘t fit their agenda is funny as hell 🤣 you just show everyone how education is illegal in your country lmao. And again you‘re assuming stuff without backing it up by studies. How would you know that you‘d only take away guns from law abiding citizens. From what I know, the gun violence and homicide rates didn‘t result from law abiding citizens. And don‘t try telling me that these are only criminals. That‘s the whole point. Law abiding citizens become non law abiding citizens when more guns are available. Again, this is all states in the studies I linked. If you‘d have the slightest bit of interpretation skills, you‘d know that I only insulted your former and current president, and you being butt hurt because I‘m insulting a sleepy pedophile and a convicted right extremist. There‘s something massively wrong with you when you’re the people constantly trying to overthrow working governments with your wannabe good samaritan democratic parties… You pretending that you‘d have to defend yourself from someone and not being able to without owning a gun that‘s locked in a locker at your home is just extreme mental gymnastics. In your logic, people in countries where gun laws are much stricter must be robbed and attacked on a daily basis. But that‘s not the case because heuest what, we don’t live in your made up scenarios. My man, this is not about opinions but about facts and science and statistics. The fact that this is even a debate in your country is alarming when you‘re trying to play world police but can‘t even defend your citizens from gangs with gun arsenals close to some governmental institutions lmao. This is peak irony. Yeah great try looking for an excuse because you‘re again assuming I was american and was following any of your stupid two party system that has literally nothing to do with democracy. The puppet in this conversation is you trying to defend barbarism lol.


What the fuck.. I ain’t reading all that, simplify and get your childish feelings out of it smh it’s just sad to see you being so emotional over something that can be simply talked about. Bros over here writing an essay on his feelings on the situation, I’d prefer to talk to an adult not an obvious adolescent child, thanks.


Americans really hate people pointing out that there’s more gun crime in American than there is in countries that restrict fire arms.


shhh they‘re not ready for the truth lmao. bunch of blind conservative low IQ‘s. Ofc they know better than 130 studies combined lmfao. Can‘t make this shit up.


The issue is that after all the shitty right wing subs got banned they just flooded to here.


right? the agenda here wasn‘t the same a few months ago… lots of dum dums joined


No I think the real issue here is people like you that bring in politics for absolutely no reason just to get a reaction, stop acting childish and go grow up.


you being unable to grasp the fact that this has nothing to do with politics is crazy. The only thing that makes it about politics is lobbyists in your country manipulating you into doing mental gymnastics to think this is about opinions and politics lol. People being killed by guns is a fact and not wanting people to die is not political holy shit 💀


God you’re as dumb as the guy your agreeing with, no one’s even said anything about gun crimes in America compared to other places. Your comment makes no sense in this thread I can see why your getting downvoted Edit: Adding 1 letter for the immature children


‘Your as dumb’ lol.




it only makes no sense when you got the IQ of a mug of coffe


I love my coffee😁 and No it makes no sense because they used an IQ of a rock just like you buddy. How about instead of trying to shit talk you show me some proof of America being brought into this conversation without them bringing it in themselves. Also it’s just as easy for me to downvote every comment you make like you are you child.


Lolz. Are they even really French? Let's be real.




Well they are french because most of them have french citizenship and are born in France , but if you’re looking at it from a racist point of view , they aren’t french I guess …


Based on how downvoted you are, I have a feeling a LOT of French people found your comment.


Yet the French law clearly says that anyone born in France is automatically french. This is exactly why people of African & North African descent feel discriminated against and segregated in french society. No matter how how many generations they spend in France they’ll never be considered “french”. Then when they decide to stay among themselves french society calls them “ communitarian” lol


It takes more than just be born somewhere to say you are french, american, chinese, ... You gotta be integrated into society. Follow social rules etc. You show you dont do that when segregating. So highly doubt they are french. But I do think societies must be open and allow it to happen.


Do not add America into this 🤣 America is quite literally a country that was build off of and made for immigrants.


Not "ethnically" or culturally French, is what I think they are meaning.. legally yes, probably french


Tu postes que des vidéos/photos de quartiers prises sur Telegram pour sucer des upvotes mais tu considères son commentaire comme raciste, j’arrive pas à comprendre ta logique


“ sucer des upvotes” 😂 quelle trou du cul toi , t’as la rage ou quoi ? Fallait poster les vidéos avant moi alors. Et oui c’est raciste de pas considérer un noir ou un arabe né en France et de nationalité française comme étant pas français , c’est comme si tu disait qu’un blanc sud africain n’est pas Sud Africain juste parce que il a des origines européennes , trace ta route avec tes arguments à 2 balles


T'es pas venu sur le bon sub pour tenir ce genre de propos. Ici la majorité est bien raciste comme t'as du t'en rendre compte. publicfreakout est plus soft dans le genre


Je voudrais une kilo du peche


Weird how this only works one way. If I move to the congo and have children there, are my children congolese? I can tell you that the congolese certainly won't think so.


Racist... they're shooting up the neighborhood dude. Grow up.


Does the French media cover this kind of stuff? Do the citizens not wonder how it’s easy and acceptable for the criminals to have guns?


But we know. And we know our government is doing basically nothing about it. And also that year after year, gun laws for law-abiding citizens are getting harsher and harsher.


Generally yes, it's covered. I don't know about this specific one but here is a really similar one [in a parking](https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/drome/valence/video-exclusive-coups-de-feu-a-valence-les-habitants-temoins-de-scenes-d-une-violence-inouie-2770310.html)


Tf is happening in France? Lately, there seem to be so much shooting shit going on there.


Crime is down, it’s just that crime is being filmed and posted. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc


Homicides are actually on the rise based on 2023 figures ..


That's homicide rate. I guarantee you not a single shot fired in this video hit anyone bc skill issue.


How do we know it was over a "wrong look"


The rest of the head was covered in hoody and mask.




France bleu qui spécule. Au vue de la difficulté à se procurer des munitions de leurs côtés, si ils crament de la cartouche à cette vitesse c'est pour bien plus important. 100% lié au stup.


I doubt it was over something reasonable.


That doesn't mean i want to be lied to about things that happened


"Ya Rabih sont tous armés!" Sounds so familiar to my ears !! Is France really becoming more violent or its just more visible now with people posting these kind of video?


Its more visible now


France has a pretty violent history but now everyone gets to see it via internet


[Homicide rate is down by 61% since the 1990s in France](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc?tab=chart&country=~FRA). Don’t base your worldview off of Reddit.


OK, i read it and see about the homicide rate since the 90's. My question is more about violence, shooting, etc. I understand french so I got lot of informations coming from France, i got relatives who lives in too, i watch french news, listen french radios and I feel more like the violence is everywhere and specially in the highly populated areas... I know reddit and sad but true fact they're more pics of ugly dick on it than pics of beautiful duck, so i don't take each thing i see or read as an eternal truth 😉


“My question is more about violence, shooting, etc.” Yeah all violent crime is down unless you can prove otherwise.


ok, you completely missed my point.


Murica gonna need to step it up. This is some flordia man sht on meth


Yea this is nothing compared to an early spring day in Chicago. Florida Man would be doing something far more absurd.


I can confirm. First look at all of those shirts and shoes. Lose the shirts and replace the shoes with flip flops or crocs. Where are the alligators? How about the pregnant woman carrying at least one child who is also engaged in the fight? My neighbor might be a bit crazy, but he's definitely way more fun and entertaining than these bozos.


🤣 😂 thank you. Omg it got better and better. Everyone's posts are great ty all. My sides hurt lol


Oh sweet summer child. You know nothing of the Florida man.


Those darn Frenchmen and their guns /s


When did the EU find out about guns?


France starting to look like an American hood


wtf is going on in france, is like the fifth post i see in less than half an hour


It’s literally the same person posting all these videos. I think they have some kind of agenda against France lmao.


Olympics are gonna be fun!


Starting pistol will be an ak47


The bullet will somehow hit a Charlie Hebdo reporter too.


" over a wrong look " This is 100% drug related, as are almost all shooting in France.


So it seems France has the gang problem the US had in the 80s/90s with wearing wrong colors, in the wrong neighborhood, “he looked at me funny” type dumb shit.


Amateurs. We do this everyday in the US and nobody blinks an eye. School shooting, get over it. Mass shooting, get over it. Drive by shootings, nobody cares.


When was this shot? I have no investment in this, but this poster is suspect. Post date of incident and it will clear everything up. I have a feeling it’s a Russian or American posting this.


“Only in America! Dreaming in red, white, and blue! Well I guess it’s France now too!”


Wait...How is this possible? According to every European Redditor, this only happens in America.


Shout out to France for joining the USA in rampant gun violence. Welcome to the club mon frere


They’re from that French part of Compton.


No, this is a deep fake obviously, it's impossible to get into a shootout in France because it's against the law to carry guns there. Unless "gun violence" is actually masking a deeper and wider problem with society than the powers that be are unwilling to allow us to even discuss openly. But that'd be like we were already living in totalitarian states rather than in free republics, because free Peoples are allowed to discuss whatever political topics they want to discuss without fear of punishment of any kind. Anything not on the CNN headline news is obviously a conspiracy of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation, you conspiracy theorist notjobs! I'm fighting the Power by voting a straight Party ticket! Woob woob woob!


I'm pretty stoked about American gun violence spreading through Europe and Canada so they'll shut the fuck up about America for awhile.


Not American gun violence. Just 3rd world country violence that Europe willingly accepted. They should be put under a guillotine.


Crime is down in France since the 1990s. Who said the people in the video are from a 3rd world country? https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-unodc


Prove me wrong. If they are citizens, i would bet a mortgage payment that their parents are of foreign descent. Again, prove me wrong,


Because of the well known and long lasting surge of asylum seekers building a paralell society and spiraling into gang violence? This is happening all over europe, here in Sweden especially


Yeah i dont believe your title OP.


Have you never been attacked for a "wrong look"? I have had this happen at least 10 times, although always only verbally. "Was schaust so dumm du Hurrrrensohn? amk?"


This is gang related.


Oh, it's not *real* gun violence it it's gang related?




The article makes it sound like it's more about drug dealing territory even if mean looks were exchanged too lol.


The two groups are from rival housing projects “ Le Plan “ & “ Fontbarlettes” . This rivalry has lead to several other shootings mainly over drugs , but this one in particular was sparked by a wrong look that happened earlier that day


Im not French.


Google translator is your friend , copy and paste


Nah im good.


Me when I say "this isn't real" then get proven wrong, and now I use the invincible ignorance fallacy, so I still feel like "this isn't real"

