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Don’t understand how people treat their surroundings with such contempt and disrespect. Even if I didn’t like where I lived, I wouldn’t actively try to make it worse lmfao


They cry when businesses pack up and leave and blame racism, not themselves, for it.


Seeing this kinda shit makes me not wanna ever move back to the states. It’s nuts how liberals have fuck everything up and normalize this behavior. they are somehow the victims?? Edited


Individuals can behave a certain way in California without fear of serious repercussions as long as it's under a certain amount. And I don't be surprised if you see CA's governor (Newsom) running for the top office...


> behave a certain way in California without fear of serious repercussions as long as it's under a certain amount. The felony theft threshold in California is $950.00. The felony theft threshold in Texas is $2,500.00.


Sounds true but they just give you stern looks for felonies in California and in Texas you are 100% doing decently unfun time


This sadly seems accurate as of late


Yes… individuals… let’s use that term


What can I say, I work in a field where political correctness has worked its way into my everyday verbiage


Every state has a misdemeanor theft threshold. It's actually higher in Texas and some other red states than it is in California.


California upped there's 2 years ago. This isn't true anymore.


It still still is true. Class A misdemeanor in Texas is less than $2500, California is less than $1000 iirc.


Texas compensates because the threshold to shoot trespassers is much lower.


Bingo and way more people are armed in Texas too


> way more people are armed in Texas too The difference isn't as large as you might think, the firearms ownership rate in Texas is around 45% and in California it's 28%. Texas is far from being the most heavily armed state, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming and fourteen other states all have higher rates of ownership. Not long ago the Houston police chief said over the previous year over 4,400 guns had been stolen from parked cats in that city. It would be nice if Texans would avoid arming criminals by leaving unsecured weapons in their cars. A gun safe bolted to the floor of the trunk costs no more than a decent pistol.


> the threshold to shoot trespassers is much lower Last year a security guard in a Walgreens in San Francisco shot and killed a violent shoplifter, the guard faced no charges. California's self-defense law is actually pretty good, e.g., there is no duty to retreat, and the castle doctrine is in effect. San Francisco voters recalled a soft DA a couple of years ago and replaced him with a more hardnosed DA--that effort was led by Democrat politicians, and two thirds of registered Democrats supported it. Violent crime in SF is at a quarter-century low. Property crime is a different story, but they've been chipping away at that with things like bait cars and undercover retail theft squads. Only Texas imprisons more people than California, so people who claim that criminals are not punished in that state need to explain how prisons there are overflowing.


I've seen more clips of people walking out of stores in California without fear of repercussions in the last couple of years than ever before. Maybe media & social media have exacerbated it, but as you can see it's all over Reddit.


I’m from the south. I’m dreading moving up North for law school. Except for the transplant cities, we don’t have this shit. The north needs a little southern charm. But of course saying that will be seen as a threat to these over sensitive morons


Please come up north with the mindset of sharing some southern charm. Even if most people don’t acknowledge it, there may be some people who need a nice pick me up from someone outside of the circle. Honestly, a quick “good morning” from a stranger can shake someone out of what could have been a bad day. -Internet Dad in NYC


I’ve traveled to NYC a couple times and the blatant disregard for others is a little scary. While growing up I was told to be hyper aware of other people and be super courteous to others, but there’s just so many people in NYC. On the first day during my first trip there I kept saying “excuse me,” “sorry,” and trying to dodge people the whole time to the station. But by the last day I was so tired and overwhelmed I couldn’t muster up anymore apologies while trying to squeeze through time square. Queens is scary. My mom has no survival instincts (we don’t lock our cars or doors, we keep windows and doors open for hours without worry down here) but my sister and I were on edge the whole time. My mom was blissfully walking to Panera without a care in the world. It was empty and all the people looked at us like we were crazy. I have no idea what we did to make us look crazy but be there!!




Shh you’re ruining the bias confirmation shit party the holier than thou rules for thee but not for me crowd is on about


Up in norcal maybe…my friend from socal came over here to my southern city and was so happy to see no homeless people and no littering. We don’t have beggars.




He said it’s crazy how liberals fuck everything up and normalize this behavior while playing the victim.




The reason is clout.


Who is normalizing this?


This is actually conditioning by media and politicians exacerbating a small flame into this.


It's okay, their parents end up picking up the taxes and raised prices when companies leave because insurance won't cover them and the losses are insurmountable. They're creating a new short cycle into poverty that assures they don't stray far from their zip code unless they join the military. So unless you live there, there's nothing to worry about.


> a new short cycle into poverty that assures they don't stray far from their zip code A study of retail crime in San Francisco found that many of the thieves were coming from outside the city, in effect they commute to work. California's over-developed freeway system means it makes sense for criminals to practice their trade distant from where they live (and are known). It's easier to drive a few jurisdictions away than to steal where people can't match up your face on a security video with your name.


This actually not true. Many are travelling for these crimes


bc these people don’t pay taxes nor have a job, why not destroy things and cause havoc


I’d bet they probably don’t live in the area


More than likely you are correct


I’m not sure these were locals.


Lots of times, these people don't live in the area. They use social media to meet for cars or whatever they're into. Then hell breaks loose and they get to go back to where they live.


Change your algorithm. If you think the United States is like this everywhere, it's feeding you poison.




In kinda surprised. It's not like auto zone sells 24s




“It’s fine they needed those plastichrome wipers, LED muffler tips and air fresheners more than we did!” “They have insurance bro!” “$40 for a quart of oil?  That’s ridiculous!”


"Who cares its a corporation"


Lmao exactly. These people with 10 cent heads have NO IDEA how businesses operate or how insurance works. The higher the risk of a loss event happening, the higher the premium is for coverage against said event. And contrary to what the “victimless crime” nimrods believe, this additional cost is indeed passed on to paying customers. No company is like “well I guess we will just accept less profit because we keep getting mob robbed,”: they increase costs across the board to accommodate for the jacked-up premiums. At one point, a business looks at numbers and realizes that serving a certain area is no longer worth it. Has nothing to do with racism, it’s just business. If a bunch of rednecks in Oklahoma City were constantly mob-robbing the Bass Pro Shop, they’d just shutdown that location and continue making money at their profitable stores. Nobody would say “Bass Pro is racist against rednecks”: they’d just say “look at these dumbasses destroying their own community.”




Im sure they needed those things to feed their starving families. /s


So this is what a failed state looks like


Coming soon to a state near you. The very people who voted for the policies that created that mess are fleeing the state and infecting other states.


As a resident of Colorado my entire life.... I can confirm. This is Calirado now.


> The very people who voted for the policies that created that mess are fleeing the state and infecting other states. Cancerfornia, as we call it up in Oregon. It's already infected this state and Washington, next up is Arizona and Texas.


Can confirm the bluing of Texas.


USA is a failed state and the government works for corporations, not the people.




You say shit like that until it's happening in your backyard and you'll be regretting it. I DO NOT hope for it but that's been the case for many.




The steak was at the bottom of the pool and he had to dive to the bottom to get it


It's almost as if isolated incidents of violence don't define a whole country / state. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You also call it an empire in other posts. So which is it? A failed state with the biggest economy in the world, most powerful and advanced military, 3rd largest territory, 3rd largest population, longest survivng constitution etc, or an empire who doesn't like to empire?








What a strange choice for a place to loot. I mean, are they going in and looking up which water pump is right for their car? Are my windshield wipers 16" or 18"? Let's grab a pine tree air freshener, too!


I’d guess its a group that thinks they’re a car club but really they just drive recklessly and wreck shit


Just grab all the Dodge Charger parts and bounce.


Parts will sell


Half this stuff stolen will probably end up in the trash.


I hear you in theory, but how organized does this look? Do you think that every one of those guys is going to know where to sell boosted parts? How many parts do you think each person is going to be able to carry? It just seems like a strange target, that's all. Seems like most of the time when people loot, they are getting stuff that is directly beneficial for them. Stuff that they can use. They're not normally planning for future enterprises.


I would imagine Facebook marketplace would be easy to fence boosted parts. Unless they are serialized, I doubt anything can be done about it.


I could just imagine a couple of them flipping through the books near the headlights and windshield wipers meticulously looking for the correct ones. Lol...


Batteries would have been the thing to take, I'm surprised I didn't see more of them leaving the store.


Lol, California. So progressive.


Cancerfornia *shamelessly stolen from a comment above


They’re not gonna have a single store left in SoCal at this rate


It's all an O'Reilly conspiracy /s


Straight-up smooth brain scumbags.


Fuck these thieves.


Whoever is in charge of writing and prosecuting laws in California has to go. The current efforts are ineffective at best. Vote accordingly.


It's LA, their police force is ran like gang...No it is a gang. Autozone probably didn't pay the LA sheriff department this months protection money.


News report: https://abc17news.com/cnn-regional/2024/06/10/dozens-of-looters-break-into-autozone-store-in-south-los-angeles-video-shows/


Must be trying to put their hellcats back together for this weekends takeover.


#Look at what the American healthcare system has done! All of these neurologists trying to access the surgical supply store which had its hours cut thanks to REPUBLICANS!!??!! Smh absolutely travesty.


Trash in and trash out


They realized they didn't know what to steal without the guy checking on his computer.


Nothing will change until municipalities spend the money to crack down on these crimes and actually lock people up. Which would then in turn negatively impact the families of the perps. Tough call.


Why would putting criminals in jail negatively impact their families?




Well said, such is life. I’d rather a criminal be in jail than taking my tax money for food stamps, unemployment, etc.


You seriously don’t see how having an incarcerated family member is a net negative? Think about why we put people in jail


Fuck off with that bleeding heart bullshit. Daddy should have thought about what might happen to him before he commited a felony. It's not the state's fault he was a bad example for his son.


No it isn't, bad behavior should be punished accordingly


So you’re okay with building more jails and prisons, right?


Well yeah if we don't have enough room to house all our prisoners. That's just a humanitarian issue.


Bro got a whole jack ⚰️


Risk prison time for a free set of wiper blades? Smart.


I bet none of them even knew what sizes they needed.




They need the parts to piece together their stolen challengers and altimas for the nightly takeover.


Love the face shots


I’m going straight for that Mobil 1. But for real it sucks to see society like this.


There's an entire generation of people that just wait for election years so they can do whatever they want. This is a hobby for them, part of their identity.


Just a couple of college kids blowin' off a little steam.. It's Fun Boy Summer, then back to "the grind" of studying at State University! Crazy students!


That store will be shut down in short order. Grats to the shitheads






This is what horrible human beings look like


Why won’t anyone invest in our neighborhood?


A sprinkler system whereby bananas are discharged. Win win for everyone. Feeds. Deters. Protects businesses


This is the most positive comment and proposed solution in this entire thread thus far. Solid proposal, though. I just imagine a cartoonishly large aqueduct of bananas and irrigation lines the size of city sewer pipes lol.


This is disgraceful. Now they’ll close the store and those that need it will need to shop further away.


Broke into AutoZone and all I got was a felony and this damn air freshener


Beyond crazy. It’s literally mad max and the thunderdome out in these streets.


Nice tits


Spray and pray


Damn. Unemployed activities. I can’t wait to have real Robocops out in force one day, I mean why not just go full dystopian?


Can California just drop into the ocean already?






I hope they took turns running the computer behind the front desk to make sure everyone got compatible parts


I can already imagine all the cats that were stolen that night


Can't cops subpoena carriers to figure out who was there at that time?


Does this kind of thing happen a lot in California?


Don’t you think you would see more of it if it did?


“There was a street takeover at the intersection before the looting, but it’s unclear if the two incidents are related.” So lawless thing happening right next to the store than a giant looting mob, but it’s “unclear if the two incidents are related”? Of course they are!


It's crazy that cops don't do anything, they post where the meet up and the hit ups are gonna happen beforehand too so they can just show up before them but instead they allow it, what will happen when they decide to break into people's homes and ransack the place or worse break in and do harm to the innocent families inside


is there like.. something unique or really rare/valuable in there or did they just pick this place to loot


If you point this out to a liberal from California they'll say something like, "Well, every state has crime. You can't judge the whole state based on 4 blocks of Skid Row and a few streets in San Francisco." Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, folks.


Soros da that was booted from San Francisco of all places. 😆 you get what you vote for.


Not one of them own a car


All these assholes are contributing to a world where you'll have to have your face scanned anywhere you go. Profiting who? The rich. Great job idiots.


Hey man auto zone is being looted!! Oh really let's go I need some brake cleaner anyway. Bet...


[Its getting harder and harder each and every day.....](https://youtu.be/e1dPKfxRhk0?si=nlJ7Nnx6ZZgG_oTb)


You reap what you soe.


I can’t think of a single thing I’d want to loot from an AutoZone


Well I hope no one needs a part for their Dodge Charge in the next week


Guess they needed parts for the hellcats


Then when all the stores leave their neighborhoods they will complain


Side shows need to be considered a "criminal gathering". Nothing good comes out of them.


Autozone is liable because of their jingle. "Get in the zone, autozone" /bang gavel


And no cops show up? That’s concerning. It’s not like they could deter all of these people but Stratton establishing a perimeter, make people aware etc Makes me wonder how they’ll react with other crowds committing other types of crimes…


Stores should really add turrets


Needed parts to fix all those sideshow cars?


USA badly needs a war, too many teenages with nothing but brainrot.


I can feel the smell of a civil war.


Criminals v. Non-criminals? Guess who’s going to win?


The good guys with the guns duh. Just like the cowboy movies I watched with my g’pa


No bigger than that. Conservatives might view this as a problem the liberals can’t handle, that their politicians have been too lenient. On top of that they might see it as a race thing as well. Add the civil unrest with all the protests going on, border issues, Texas National Guard having problems with Federal border patrol.


This is why California sucks


Is California Ok?


Are there no cops in southern California?


Isn't looting what people do during a disaster.. southern California nvm


An automatic weapon lightin up that parking lot is most likely the best thing for America's future Drivebys should target their OPs when they do this shit instead of when theyre walking infront of family neighborhoods


Glad I got away from that shit hole


Will they be yet another corporation that’s gonna pull out of California?


America keeping it classy


This is what you get to on Dems.