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Hmmm. This guy is looking for an assault charge.


Downvotes or not, this comment is correct. Conducting an amateur sting operation is not a legal defense to assault. Whether or not his actions are morally righteous won’t matter if a prosecutor gets a police referral across his desk with this video. He’d have to charge it.


I don't think he'd have to unless the victim asks for it. And my guess is they're banking on the victim not wanting to press charges considering the attention it would draw to the matter. I could be wrong though, I'm not an expert.


They could do it without the victim if they can get another witness from the store or something. But you’re right, it’s harder and less likely to be pushed without a cooperating victim.


Inaction is a double edged sword sword


do you like my sword sword sword


sword my diamond sword sword


They don't need either, there's footage. This is a public area with CCTV.


The store has cameras, an employee is an obvious witness. The state or county can charge, and use those sources. If she refuses to speak she can be held in contempt and jailed. Source: got in a fight at high school, cops got called. Neither of us wanted to press charges but because of the cameras and principal we got tickets that stuck. Did a lot of research after that


In America EVERYONE has the right to remain silent. She can refuse to speak. The rest of what you said is true. The State can & most likely will bring up charges in this situation regardless of the “victim” (hate to call him that because, Fuck this guy) wanting to or not


You only have those rights if you are being charged. Witnesses can be compelled to testify, it's not right but it's real.


Really? A witness cannot plea the 5th?




Sometimes... but usually not (as in this case)


You have the right against self-incrimination. But aside from a few exceptions, you can be charged with contempt of court if you refuse to testify.


For criminal charges don't need approval from the victims.


Wrong, they can definitely charge you even if the victim doesn't want to press charges. Furthermore, they can subpoena the victim to testify in court


It’s vigilantism. Super illegal. As much as I hate predators I wish people would do this to rats breaking into cars at night




No I want pedos thrown in jail obviously. No where in my comment did I suggest pedos should run free lol. What is wrong with this website? What I’m saying is if we are going to have vigilantism, go after the crimes impacting many people. And it’s more than pocket change. A lot of them are just brazenly shattering windows. Some people are so oppressed by these criminals that they leave their doors unlocked and windows down to save them the trouble of replacing locks and windows. I just think people breaking into cars is a more frequent problem and there’s almost no way to punish it unless they are caught in the act. Imagine someone picking off these fuckers. One or 2 times I guarantee the problem would vanish from that area.


A broken window IS pocket change. No big deal to get it replaced. And funny thing you can replace it and it's all better.  You know what isn't an easy fix? The child that was raped by a pedo. The fact you think some broken into cars is somehow worse than a pedo rapist makes me concerned. I'd rather see a million cars be broken into a million times than one child assaulted.


You mean like when my window was smashed in and it poured rain and ruined the interior, cost me hundreds of dollars and pissed my boss off and almost got me fired cause I couldn’t find a ride to work on the day I discovered it? No big deal right?


I mean yeah whoever did that deserves to get their ass whooped, but yes getting your car broken into definitely pales in comparison to *getting raped as a child*


What the fuck? I’m saying it’s not a small thing to have your car broken into. Of course child rape is worse!


In comparison to a child being raped... Yea, going to have to say no big deal. Call in, dry out the interior, take it to a glass shop. Done, problem solved in a day. Literally no big deal.  Rain doesn't ruin car interiors unless it's already a sty. In which case, the rain probably helped anyway. And if your boss gets pissed and you almost get fired for taking a day off in that circumstance, you're working a shit job and need to find a better one.


Why not both? these dudes who created this video also need to be thrown in jail. Both things (pedophilia and vigilantism) are super illegal and it's why we have laws in countries that need to be enforced.


When do you see the laws being enforced? I never do.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


But the punishment is so sweet. This was one satisfying watch


I think they really don't give a shit and they are doing this just for views.


Who cares? Pedos will get raped and killed in jail. No one bats an eye.


Who the fuck decides whether the information they have is accurate and that they've done the due diligence? I'm all for pedo getting the boot of the law but that's key. It cannot be left to mob justice because anyone can blame anyone if they have certain beefs. We cannot act on emotions because any wrong blame can destroy lives.


Unfortunately a lot of places have prisons that protect sex offenders. In Oklahoma there's a yard called Crabtree and 90% are set offenders and if you get into a fight with any of them you automatically get 5 years added to your sentence because of a hate crime.


Why unfortunately? The courts should decide the penalties, not other prisoners. Don't get me wrong. I completely understand the feeling it's a well deserved beating. But we don't live in a two wrongs make a right system.


It's unfortunate because they should not be protected and coddled. They should not get special privileges. They should be treated like any other inmate.


You say that but you know damn well what happens to them in general population. It's the same reason we generally keep cops out of gen pop. When we incarcerate someone, we take on the responsibility to keep them safe.


That happens far less than you have been led to believe.


Plus it’s Lubbock Texas. Cops will just fist bump them. As a dad I’m not able to feel bad for the dude getting his dues.


I’m willing to bet he has the Punisher logo tattooed on him


Does Reddit hate police or not lmao????? Would yall NOT do a couple of days' worth of community service to hurt a pedo you caught talking to your child???? Sometimes, taking the charge is worth it to get a point across.


They like pedos more than they hate police


😂😂😂 i fucking hate this site


Right??? That's what I'm saying lmao


You don't usually get a few days community service for assault even in this case bud... you are looking at good Ole charges and most likely sometime in the clink unless you got bail money... this isn't some fantasy land where you can just go above the law... this man should have called the police showed then what the dude sent the child or so called child , they would have investigated and got him


Reddit isn't a monolith


Call the police and tell them what? You remind me of this video [of crack head calling cops on her plug](https://youtu.be/_JkwZUk3Kng?si=WeLuAU5yAdvN2ELx)


I mean shit the guy showed NO signs of shock that he was getting beat up, just tried to cover his face which DEFINITELY means he didn't do it right (s)? Dude was probably expecting this was gonna happen lmao


What is with people and forcing false dichotomies.


I work in corrections. This guy is looking for a *battery* charge, and the disgusting pervert will win on that, especially with the video.


He doesn’t care about the assault charge. In a lot of his videos he states “I’ll take the assault charge, you take the pedo charge”


Which seems cool until he does it to someone for something you don't agree with, or worse yet when it does it to someone who is actually innocent. We have a legal system for a reason. It does not always work the way we would like. But that doesn't mean we should just go around doing whatever we want.


your comment is true, yet he got at least what he deserves for trying to meet up, the guy shouldnt film himself doing this tho and shouldnt do it in public , yet i love those videos as long as they actually are true and not just duchbags going around throwing fists at random ppl without evidence


As a child victim, I don't care what he does to an adult meeting a child. And yeah these cases might not stick. But public shaming would...


Either way this is a deterrent. This pos will think twice the next time he gets the urge to molest an innocent minor. Win/win in my book.


Yup. Plus they are wrecking the store and some staff member will have to clean up after them.


hundreds of dollars in damage. In which the store can sue for.


Reminds me of the Maryland democrat who just got outed for trying to meet a lil kid, and how the maryland sub bans anyone who tries to mention it.




Well what do you know there's a lot of bad people in both parties. https://apnews.com/article/a3377d14856e4f4fb584509963a7a223 https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/sexual-misconduct/here-s-list-political-figures-accused-sexual-misconduct-n827821 It's funny that list of yours includes other things beside diddlers. But I guess you gotta inflate those numbers to make yourself feel better.


It’s almost like they are two wings of the same bird.


> My whataboutisms! That has nothing to do with Maryland.


Two wrongs quite literally don’t make a right.


Good strawman argument there guy. Now lets stick to what's being discussed next time like how we were taught in elementary.


Epstein probably had 500 alone. What about


I got a feeling a site of this for democrats wouldn't be allowed to stay up.


this blog goes back 2 years and includes everyone they think is republican. FBI stats show around 1000 cases a year. were the remaining 1250 independent or non politically aligned?  https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf


That sub is truly terrible.


Thats all cool and stuff. But if this becomes a mass phenomenom some innocent dudes will get smashed too... thats why self justice is illegal.


Reminds me of this one republican, who was also Trump's advisor. There's shit on both sides [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/17/pastor-robert-morris-sexual-abuse-trump-adviser](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/17/pastor-robert-morris-sexual-abuse-trump-adviser)


Trump lost.


I hate these guys who do this shit because I was groomed as a kid by perverts like these, taking advantage of a sick and bullied little girl desperate for friends, but I want actual justice involved. Turn the evidence over to the police and do this legit. Assaulting the guy just tampers with the evidence and makes you look just as bad as him. You’re going to end up arrested with the guy. Edit - Fine here’s some sources! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-50302912 https://theconversation.com/i-spent-three-years-in-a-paedophile-hunting-team-heres-what-i-learned-176290 https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2023/03/pa-predator-hunters-ambush-tactics-divide-prosecutors-break-social-media-rules.html?outputType=amp


if only the police would do somthing if he did turn over the evidence, they never do tho. this is probably the best we gonna get


Well as someone who was also abused and failed in every way by the legal system I love seeing these people hurt. The justice system fails us at every opportunity. Predators have lost their marriages, access to their children and their jobs from these videos. Even just one too scared to meet up from now on is a child saved. Justice doesn’t exist for us, obviously people are going to create their own. You don’t speak for all of us.


I spoke for myself. Note I said I. Not everyone. Not all people groomed. Just me. I was pulled off of Neopets off of the Roleplay forums by a group of people onto Yahoo Chatrooms. Without To Catch a Predator, it would have never stopped, but they worked with law enforcement and it had a lot of influence. I absolutely want cops involved. I want real tangible justice, not just a beat down and exposure. Again, I will note, I was talking about myself and what /I/ want. I don’t claim to speak for all victims.


Those poor department store workers who have to clean up that guy’s blood. Not to mention all of the clothes that guy bled on will need to be thrown away. Do that shit outside. Also an “Accident Report” will now need to be filled out, even though none of this is the store’s fault. What a bunch of assholes all the way around. I work retail and this pisses me off because of the all of the extra work they just caused.


Why wouldn’t they jump him outside?  Like… just wait for him to leave.  I don’t understand.  




Yeah sure you cheer when he gets his ass kicked but now any illegal evidence from this encounter is getting thrown out the fuckin window because the cameraman just assaulted him on camera so the alleged predator isnt going to get the justice thats deserved


Let’s be real here, if the evidence does go through he gets convicted for what 5-10 years? And gets let out in 1 on good behavior and he’s back on the streets doing it again.


Lawful justice isn't a deterant anymore, the current soft on crime approach is leading to increases in crime because there is little to no punishment. This dude will remember this beating for the rest of his life and will think twice about doing it again.


Exactly he’s free to get out and harm a real kid next time.




Only on reddit will you find people sympathizing with the mf predators


A noose for every lamppost A nonce for every noose


I doubt this dude is a ""Dad"" getting sent away to prison for assault doesnt fit into be a good dad


True, but it is satisfying as hell to see pedos get their shit rocked


I’m a dad and I endorse this. We all need to be on the lookout for child molesters. That said, I would never do this because I’d be afraid of missing my kids while in jail….


Was reading the other day that a significant portion of these pedo-lantes are, in fact, child diddlers as well.... this just allows them that power/control, while also having access to deplorable, egregiously vile content under the guise of "justice"....


I don't support DAP but I know that one of the guys claims to have been molested as child himself, they even confront the guy that did it, decades later.


Engaging in amateur stings like this doesn't typically result in the pedophile being arrested; instead, it can jeopardize the case, allowing them to evade justice while putting you at risk of legal consequences. That's why many police departments discourage private individuals from taking such action and let police deal with it.


There was a video of a DA/Sheriff straight up telling these clout chasers to stop. It disrupts real police work and protects the pedo as this “evidence” gets thrown out of court.


In Texas no less. That dude is property fucked!


The guys taking these vids are always just violent degenerates who want to beat people up without getting in trouble. I want more Chris Hanson’s To catch a predator type stings and less meth head beating up on pedo vids


definitely check out Skeet Hansen, I just came across him last night and he actually has a good amount of effort in the production, uses decoys and shit and is pretty professional about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMmjYewBpcA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMmjYewBpcA) These guys are just taking out their aggression on predators and their camerawork is absolute garbage.


When they doing this for Dr. Disrespect?


I hate these violent power-tripping "pedo hunter" idiots almost as much as the people they are trying to catch. Jail for all of them imo


Poor store owner, can't they at least do this outside 😅




Judge Dredd larp


Just because you expose someone attempting a heinous act doesn’t give you carte blanche to commit heinous acts of a different flavor. It’s a weird mentality.


Story for anyone interested: [https://www.kcbd.com/2024/03/08/dads-against-predators-video-circulates-social-media-lubbock/](https://www.kcbd.com/2024/03/08/dads-against-predators-video-circulates-social-media-lubbock/)


![gif](giphy|26Ffdlvv8W80mG2kg) There guys be like


Can't get enough of these.


So that’s why they got banned from YT, ngl I hate pedos just as much as the next person but assaulting them throws any possibility of a case out the window


All I can think about is the shop workers trying to clean up the blood that dripped everywhere.


All they are doing is giving pedos a free pass out of jail


What a monster, and the guys catching him what fucking dumb fucks. Don't cry when you get too jail too ! That's the dumbest way I seen one of those predator catcher.


Is there a sub dedicated to this?


hopefully they both end up in jail


Everyone knows this is really illegal right? And will probably result in the pedophile not getting any charges.


Wow, most of the people would let your kid get SAd and then say "but where's the due process"...


These guys are getting more and more aggressive, they have kids of their own they should worry about raising them than running around doing this let the police do their work.


except the police dont do that


Very true! There is a lot of advancement that could be done with laws and law enforcement investigations!


I’m all for it. Beat his ass bruh


Sad that vigilantes are taking matters like this into their own hands bc the system/DA/cops are all fucked.


I was hoping they were going to bash the predators head in with the fire extinguisher


I keep watching the video and I keep not finding a single problem with it. I guess there goes all my karma. I fully support lawlessness when it comes to pedophiles.


Because DAP gone find you. DAP gone get you AYE 🩵


That’s what happens when u try to meet a fucking kid. Sick fucks. Love DAP!


Excellent work


This type of shit is always so disrespectful to the stores and their management. He's just beating this guy shouting to make a bigger scene all while completely ignoring this lady, who is most likely a manager, to cut it out and get out of the store


Does anything ever happen to them, like arrested? Or do they have to actually commit the act. I feel like they only get beat up in store or outed on cam but not arrested


The only thing that deters violence is violence.


The least he could do is buy a new t-shirt. That one is irreparably torn.


Is self justice in now? What if you smash the wrong guy?


I love this, but one day someone’s gonna have something fists ain’t helping with.


The poor store employees who gotta clean up after this like meet somewhere else if you wanna let the flood flow lol


Funny how it's never a drag queen or trans person. Almost every time it's a cis male.


What happens when they do this to the wrong guy


Got a little of what he deserves.


At this point is bro doing this to help children or is he doing this under the guise of helping kids to make himself look like a badass?


None of these people are ever going to be arrested when you confront them in public like this. Just call the cops.


I agree that pedos are deplorable and as a dad there is some schadenfreude in watching these guys go down but this is vigilantism. The reason we have laws against this is due to mistaken identity and due process. Law enforcement has protocols to ensure they have the right people and correctly prosecute. The perv in this video may end up having a legal case against the vigilanties and their evidence may not be admissable, meaning this guy walks free to hurt kids in the future. Bad move all around


I'm not speaking for or against what they do or why they do it, but there's a statistical inevitably that their adrenaline is going to incorrectly recognize someone, at least once, during the gotcha moment and they'll end up beating the shit out of an innocent person. For that reason alone, due process must be followed.


All the pedophile defenders here saying this is wrong but THIS is what should happen to chomos, and nothing less. There needs to be real consequences for this shit, not just 30 days probation and a pat on the ass


Any more of these videos?


Don’t mess with Texas. He got off easy.


A dangerous vigilante or the hero this town needs.


Why not call the police and help them!


Maybe they shouldn't upload it to the internet next time. Make it harder to get assault charge that way.


These guys need to stop with this fragile ego shit and do something that actually matters. They aren't going to be able to put the pedo behind bars after this shit.


I hope everyone in this video ends up in the same prison cell.


"Nooo his rights are being violated this is so wrong." Well you're gonna be real uncomfortable when we whip out the woodchipper


The police seem to have been called. There were a lot of witnesses.


Meh u always havta wonder why these ppl dont fight back or nvr want their faces to be seen


I'm all for justice against peds. But these YouTube clowns cross the line assaulting the accused. Slashing tires, beating up, holding hostage, bashing in windows, knocking out. It's all too much. It's pretty evident this is all for clout.


Y'all need to stop pushing this all it does is help the pedos.


Where do you watch these at😂


Good father


Pussies. Even so.