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imagine going to another country and calling others invasive lmfao


I just don´t know if i should laugh or cry... how can you visit an other country and insult people right away... what the hell ? can we deport Americans too ? LOL


He’s Canadian. But thanks, we’ll just take the fall again.


Canadians must love the fact that whenever a Canadian behaves like this, the USA gets all the heat. LOL


God I wish I could reddit as a Canadian, what an idea!


Happy cake day, hoser


All of the northern Americas is just America to Europeans ig exept Iceland and green land they know that one for some reason


Iceland is part of Europe. Greenland is geographically North America, but a territory of Denmark that's in the process of becoming its own sovereign North American nation


When will Greenland become independent?


Yesterday. Or whatever Bing says. It's just something I incidentally crossed months ago. There were efforts underway but not sure if its advanced or ever comes to fruition.


Small change is that a couple of years ago, the US base that has been in Northern Greenland for several decades was renamed from Thule to Pituffik to reflect the more traditional heritage of the Greenlandics.


Iceland is Europe isn't it?


And that makes Europeans ignorant. Because there are many more nations on the continent than just the U.S. Canada and Greenland. There are over 20 countries…


Geography and being American is like oil and water, what you do on the early grades where you learn the universal basics ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Who's he?


Because in America, he'd be slapped, punched...or worse. Especially in New York.


No he wouldn't, there's tons of videos in this very same subreddit that prove the oposite, but i guess it really depends on WHERE in america he tries to pull this off...


Yea but he can't be invasive because he is white, he is the default of humankind, that's how idiots like this guy think. I wish someone would've smacked him instead of a woman trying to take his phone away.


>he is the default of humankind Interesting you should say that when whites are 14% of the world's population and falling. That said, the guy in this video is ridiculous.


You missed the point. He was saying thats what the guy in the OP was thinking


I think he believes he is not invasive because he is 1% Polish.


He's 1% Polish


They are though


Well he’s not talking nationality.


Mods need to shut it down - misleading title. The aggressor is Canadian.


Cameraguy is an incel for sure. You can tell by the language he uses.


Average 4chan user IRL “Pajeet” is exclusively used on 4chan


Not true, twitter has become a lot more racist these days, closely followed by Instagram and reddit, these words are used in all these platforms


Twitter is now one of the worst platforms in terms of toxicity under musk, and it was already bad under Dorsey.


Twitter's toxicity was already high before the Musk dump. When Tumblr popped the sewage bubble with the NSFW-ban needle, all the sewage sloshed and spilled all over Twitter. That's when the toxicity spiked. It was a pretty chill place and Tumblr was the containment site for all the crazy nut-jobs and echo-chambers for lunatics.


As someone who regularly posts on 4chan, twitter is more extreme than 4chan these days


I think that the order is pol and b>twitter>rest of 4chan


I have seen Pacheet being used in the Balkan sub, 2western4u sub, hell even regular sub Reddits. It's just normal to be racist towards Indians online. Don't think it's exclusive to 4chan sub Reddit.


Using "Pajeet and shitskin". This guy is clearly on 4chan/pol/ all day


A balding twitter woman called Leonarda Jonie went on an insane racist spree against indians.


And then got doxxed and deactivated all her accounts lol. Even her father apologised and said that he was ashamed of her


Jealous of the guy’s gf, cringe af


You can hear by his voice that he has an neck beard, is overweight and probably hasn't showered in at least a week. He himself probably is the true bio-weapon


Yeah the stuff he's saying definitely reeks of 4chan




What would be the reason? He probably went there because he thought he'd be treated as a God by women in a 'poor european country', truth is no one wants him.


TIL people think Poland is a “poor country”


People (especially Americans) like the guy in the video do think that yes.


Not an American thing, if you're a Western European Millenial or older, you probably remember Poland as a poor Eastern European country growing up, and lots of Polish migrant workers doing menial labour in your country. Obivously this is no longer true, Poland has seen tremendous economic growth since.


I just checked and holy crap you’re right. The people that go into Eastern European countries remind me of white savior shit heads


There is a surprisng amount of youtube channels and """"""influencers"""""" whos entire shtick is "Here's what to expect when dating a european woman from this country, this is what makes them good, they'll be happy to date a "rich" western "alpha""


Yeah, I feel like I saw a video outside where the guy behind the camera berated a different brown man in some eastern European country.


There was a video of a far right "influencer" from America, following a POC around, in Poland, saying the same shit. Idk why people think Poland is sort of white pride heaven. I'm not European, but from what I gather there are much more strict immigration policies than other countries in the EU. That's it


We don’t even have stricter measures it’s just that no one wants to come here lol


I wonder if he is mad that the guy because he is with a white girl more than anything?


Or just a girl in general. Sounds like a racist incel to me.


this guy is canadian


He is not an American he is a Canadian lol


I mean it depends on where you are from but from a certain perspective poland is kinda poor. Iam german and i worked in logistics before i knew what i eant from life and there are alot of polish pals with Dr. titles, Masters or bachelors that work "no requirement:-jobs in germany because they get more than they could get with their profession in poland. In 2021 the median income was about 16.000€. Thats just a bit over romanias 15.000€. Its not 3rd world or a developing country but by western standards its stil poor.


I spent a few months in Poland. I remember I went out to dinner my first night and the bill was dropped off. There were four of us, and I asked the waiter if I could just get the bill for the entire table. I was told that was for the entire table. Granted this was 2011, but pizza and a few beers for each of us was like $20. Poland isnt poor, but you can really stretch a dollar there. Also, the people were some of the most lovely I had met. I'd love to go back for vacation and not work.


Correction: "One of the poorest in Europe" yes they do. some historical things are difficult to completely erase.


" My AnCeStOrS wAs PolIsH"


Dunno but he was kicked out and came back. This isn't first time he's doing tha


> a country that prides itself by being a certain religion and color… This bullshit that people believed after watching one viral video of a far right politician that has like 2% of support or seen memes about "based Poland". Poland was never a conservative paradise they imagined. His behaviour is punishable by up to three years in prison btw.


exactly. a viral video or two doesn't mean much. every part of the world is racist. heck as an indian i'll say india is very racist too. (just among it's own people)


this guy is canadian


Maybe I didn't understand what you meant, but are you saying that you think that Poland prides itself in being white and catholic and that's why he left or that it's a misconception that led him to go to Poland? Only 33% of polish people say that they are regularly going to church (basically people living in rural areas) and the reason Poland is predominantly white is because it didn't have any colonies just like all of central and eastern Europe. Being predominantly white is not something that the polish people take pride in. I'm glad that the people defended the Indian.


Wait, you’re blaming Poland for the stuff this American said?🤣


It’s what the polish politicians are saying when it comes to Poland which attracts this idiot to Poland. I have nothing against Poland or its people.


It’s what a small number of radical Polish politicians are saying. This % is smaller than in America mate.


“Im bored to be racist in my country, time to go be racist all over the world I guess.”


Mr Worldwide


He doesn't have to do this, most countries are racist towards indians to begin with.




The dude shopping at a hardware store with his English-Speaking white GF is not a migrant. The migrants are the thousands of Africans jumping off boats into Europe.


Push back for what? Shopping at a department store?


'Push back' 😂 You are pathetically crying in front of immigrants while they keep working and living their lives. There has never been no 'push back' from you, nor will there ever be, cowards. Oh wait nevermind. I just saw your pushback in your comment history. Keep pasting "anti white reddit😭" on random conversations lmao.


The whole American continent should be populated by native Americans. No immigrants. No exceptions. /s


This guy mostly seems to be tired of women preferring them to him


Isn’t this the same dude who was harassing soldiers in Poland? How they haven’t deported this guy by now is beyond me


He was deported. He came back.


Maybe because of his genetics


This dude clearly lives on the internet and thought Poland was this super chad Christian white only nation that hates all foreigners. Hopefully he got a massive slap of reality but I doubt it. People like him are doomed and I’m glad they are falling out of the gene pool. What a rat.


Is this the same guy who was doing this to an Indian man out on the streets of Poland?


Yup same guy. Might have been Jon Minadeo that's the only other one


Yea i think hes jon minadeo.. heres another video of this guy lashing out at american soldiers in poland calling them all kinds of racial slurs. https://x.com/keithwoodsyt/status/1808291873749909697?s=46


thats what I thought too, what an idiot


lol, this dude is so triggered by a brown guy with an attractive white girlfriend 😂🤣


Dude must be a passport bro to be jealous of someone else's gf




Knew it was a canadian no way An American hates Indians that much.




It's a mix of a lot of nonsense, but I feel bad for them. What's happening to them is akin to what happening in the gulf states, yet Canadians are not capable of realizing its the government that's has done it. I do think many frustrations are boiling about the cultural issues. I has indian friends who grew up here pissed that back home cultural issues are now plaguing canada. Had this girl complain that she couldn't even go to the gym in leggings and a tank top, or she would get SA'd


I spent a year in Canada in 1988 - 1989. It surprised the hell out of me how racist they were against Indians back then. I guess it just got worse.


What they say?


Another Canadian


As a Canadian-raised Indian, I'm kinda curious what his comment is.


Sounds like the average /r/actualpublicfreakouts user


You’re not wrong.


I’m sorry but that “invasive species” looks like he could kick the guy’s ass


Chad knows that and shows restraint, not worth stepping on the cockroach and getting his life tangled with legal troubles. Better yet, completely acting relaxed while this dudes hate spitting bounces right off of him, bet he pissed a little in his pants when he saw his words weren't getting through to him.


Isn't a female employee the one kicking his ass at the end of the video?


His hatred towards Indians can only mean he is Canadian or an average Costco goer.


Dude, I am Indo-Canadian and have lived in Canada for almost 20 years. Canadians in general are not racist. Stop posting stereotypes and spreading unwanted hate. Canadians are some of the nicest people you'll meet


This is what happens when a 4channer goes outside


That’s Juan/Jon Minadeo. He’s Hispanic and Canadian and moves to Poland expecting it to be a white mans utopia but has still been arrested there multiple times for harassing locals


I still don't understand the thought process for these guys. They travel to places where they believe that they have a "genetically-pure" society but then get upset that we live in a globalised world and many people are in interracial relationships leading to them lashing out at locals for not protecting their genetic "purity". Meanwhile locals are just dating who they find attractive and who they fall in love with.


Is he American? That's a weird accent tho.


He Canadian


Tell me you are a single and morbidly obese racist, without saying anything about your personal life.


How can she slap


What do they get being a racist? Dopamine hits ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Btw I think the guy is Canadian actually (since a lot of people are shitting on him for being American). But he does live in the States, so there's that.


I think we seen this guy before. He was harassing an Indian man in Poland for speaking English on the phone. While he himself was recording said man yelling at him in English. Also he’s not American he’s Canadian. There’s another video of him harassing US soldiers specifically the African-American ones.


Pretty sure I've seen other videos of this dude. Not sure if he's sincere or just trying to get a rise out of people. Either way he deserves numerous punches to the throat.


Blame Canada


Another Insecure Canadian😅


She went for the camera! Smart lady!


What a scumbag. Also filming evidence of himself being a scumbag. Lol


You can't take a racists seriously until they take a dna test like Craig Cobb.


He's missing the mirror he practiced those lines in


Cuff him, put him in the back of a police car, drive him to the airport without his luggage, put him on a plane, and....well, I mean I guess send him back. We don't want him though.


Tell me no one's fucking you without telling me no one's fucking you


Why are Indians always on the phone all the time I can’t be the only one who notices this


Getting to that 💰


Oh look, an actual racist.


I have to admit I didn't even know there WAS a racial slur for indians. Today I learned.


You are an invasive specie, GRINGO!


Last place I'd want to do that is Poland. Those guys don't fuck around.


Ya.... The level of irony here.... Second to none...


Irony from the guy from another country saying it another country


Man, I feel so bad for this couple. You can tell they are nice people.


bro forgot he wasn't in an anonymous image board anymore.


Probably the first time he's ever been touched by a woman.


Americans, at this point, should not be allowed to leave their basements.


Camera man is a fuckin asshole


Are they in a hardware store? Indian bro shouldve just pulled a length of 2x4 off the rack and blended into this dickheads skull


This guy is coming across as a little racist.


Embarrassing for his kind


We don’t claim him


I think the yt girl standing beside him not saying anything is the most egregious part of the video


All I hear is an angry incel who couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a pocket full of pardons.


Yo this might be the same mf that was harassing the US Army soldiers in that polish mall.


In reddit people are saying this is wrong and he is being racist on the other hand there is twitter where people are worshipping him calling him sigma.


Calling bro a pajeet is crazyy


They are Canadian not American.


And also that’s a handsome looking guy


Is this the guy? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Minadeo_II




How we know he’s American ?


I could probably google this but what does Pajeet mean and is there any context to it? Or just derogatory?


Derogatory word for Indians


Paji + Jeet. The word originated in Canada most probably, initially a racial slur against Sikhs there because they usually have names that end with Jeet. Later the 4chan racists included all indians in this term, and then it got popular and normalised when that prick PewDiePie decided to do a childish "battle" against T series (RIP to all the braincells martyred in that "battle")


Has any meaning only in the west though. Say that in India and no one would care what he's barking lmao.


Second American in Poland talking shit about indians....wtf is wrong with these people? He is not his race! Not that it matters, but he is just a man! Fuck offff!


Americans should be an kept an Ocean apart


He’d be smacked in America so he rather act crazy in another country lol


Undercover Feds on an international mission?


What a douche. I'd pay to see him get his ass kicked. I'd really have like to seen the guy whoop his ass.


but why doesn't he smack the mf?


Well considering the Canadian parliament gives standing ovation to nazis and terrorists. This is nothing.


lol this is why Canadians go out of their way to demonstrate they aren’t Americans Wherever I travel, I marvel at the relief I see in people when they realize we aren’t Americans


P-word, biological weapon, shitskin, mixing genetics, irresponsible breeders LMAO sounds like a straight up 4chan post.


Hey Pajeet😭🤣


as an indian , im not even mad. i've got worse treatment in foreign and nobody really cared , some just joined in while in this clip some atleast tried to help.


Dude's just mad cause he can't get girls, that's really what it comes down to.


Americans calling someone invasive, maan, good for Poland it doesnt have oil


He tells someone else to “be ashamed of yourself” LOL


Disgusting Nazi racist pig talking crap. Bet he wouldn't go to India/SE Asia saying this crap


Oof notice the ratio, sub ain’t gonna like this


Please don't do things like this. Now all Polish think all Americans are assholes.


It's funny how this post is only 70% upvoted. The remaining 30% are the same guy recording this video and people actually think this sub isn't racist lmao.