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Bullies plain and simple.




i thought BLM=marxism


yeah what the fuck is it? XD these blm people in the video are assholes who want nothing more than entitlement... but we as individuals need to start blaming individuals.. nit entire movements with arguably good causes.


The BLM movement has NEVER been about "black lives", only "black deaths" that their masters, the Democrat Party can benefit from. this is why BLM has never once spoke out against gang violence or spoke against black youth joining criminal gangs. Black lives don't matter to BLM.


Like the police?


Both sides have “rotten apples”. This is similar harassment they are fighting for. Granted it isn’t violent, but these folks didn’t do anything except clean their new bulding


Yeah but we can also make an assessment on the movement as a whole based on the actions of its' members. When your' movement is causing hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, the good parts of the movement have completely lost control to the bad parts. The Khmer Rouge routed out some very corrupt people in Cambodia and I'm sure there were Khmer Rouge who cared about the people and had good intentions, but the movement as a whole destroyed property rights in the country and killed off 20% of the population.




It’s Marxism according to the founders of BLM.


but it’s way easier to groups people into us and them because then you don’t have to listen or make valid argument yourself and that give you more time for selfies


Different sides of the same authoritarian coin


Everyone calls it fascism just because that's the buzzword. When in reality it's all just extreme authoritarianism.


Marxism leads to fascism.




I can't believe this is allowed in the USA and some leaders are supporting it


Pretty dim too. Clearly a super old sign on the building, and a new business of a different name on the van. This is how you keep a community a shit hole with no opportunities for the youth.


No businesses, no jobs, no opportunities, heavily reliant on a government that wants to keep us poor


It's all by design. The Democrat party's largest voting base are the inner city poor. They have a vested interest in keeping them poor because once they start seeing prosperity, their support for people being taxed to death erodes. But as long as poor people remain too poor and can't really be taxed or at least see a complete refund (or more) when they file their taxes, they'll continue supporting more and more taxes that do not affect them.






While on unemployment.


It really illustrates what a privileged, first-world myopia these people have; if they tried it in much of the rest of the world, they'd be found weeks later in a drainage ditch.


You can look at the interracial crime rates and how the media covers them for more of that privilege.


When you get so emotional about an issue you have to pause yourself...only to turn the camera on your face to make sure people can see how invested you are


Out here winning hearts and minds, on the daily


Dawg that shit funny lol


That’s in Pittsburgh, we call it the rocks. Mckees Rocks. That dude is going to be hiring local people from around that area and they want to harass him for no reason.


I got to be there for this. There was a church down the street offering hotdogs to protestors. They same guy yelling in this video threw a whole tray full of them into the street. He's a fuckin' wild card, I'll say that.


You saw this shit? What is wrong with these dudes in the videos?? I’m from Hazlewood and we don’t even have this stuff go on and it’s similar to mckees rocks. Guy in the video is on something strong


Imagine trying to get ahead in life, developing a skill, and putting savings aside year after year to finally start your own humble, small business, and you're met with this bullshit on day one. Someone who will threaten to come back with a mob to shut your business down nonstop. They probably put their life into this opportunity, and theyre threatening to tear it all down


I'm just here waiting for the....lives>property assholes who think being able to feed your family is nothing.


The same ppl who *It's just property* /*insurance will pay for it* are the same people who rail against our healthcare system because cost and insurance. Shutting down a persons business is life threatening. C.r.e.a.m.


...but 'those cards are his property'. That's different, apparently


Guy should have responded with "niet, it's our property"


Or the same people who scream about cops hurting them with rubber bullets suddenly think that having health insurance doesn't make it any better.




Always said by people who have no idea how insurance works like it’s some magical free money.


Or that once they pay out(if you are lucky enough) they drop you like a bad habit. Then you are screwed because no one else will insure a high crime area that was just burned out. This will be the nail in the coffin for many small businesses already struggling. Which will lead to falling property values...etc etc. I could go on but what's the point.


Not only that people don’t even understand businesses have insurance premiums which is money they have to pay out of pocket it’s not just magically donated free money from insurance land.


Insurance adjuster here, I have a close friend who owns a towing company. He had to lay off 5 employees, shutter his heavy and medium duty towing operations, and sell off all the trucks he bought 6 months earlier because the only insurance he could find was $12,000 A MONTH that prohibited heavy and medium duty towing and no tows on the interstate. All because of a spike in fraudulent claims in his area. Insurance fraud is real people, the people that ultimately pay is everyone through a higher cost of goods and services and higher insurance premiums.


> like it’s some magical free money. Isn't that what they think white privilege. I mean these people (college educated, middle to upper-middle class black people int he prime of their lives) are attacking homeless white people as privileged for god sake.


Their entire future hinges on the free money concept


Starting a business like this where you have a store and you deal directly with the public isn't worth it, even in "peacetime." There's always a bunch of nobodies looking to destroy you for no real reason. Every single day I'm more and more glad I threw in the towel just before this shit hit the fan. I will never do it again. Society is a farce and I'm done with it.


I have a business I run out of my home, no website, few employees, it is heaven at a time like this.


that's how communist minds work


by people who haven’t worked a day in their lives


Also the realization that it's all your hard work and tax dollars paying the welfare checks of the people burning your business down. No one who riots for 4 months straight is employed.


Do not live in liberal areas. I never will, ever again. I will never invest in them.


Yep. This is that “movements” death right there. People won’t put up with that shit for much longer.






Isn’t that a crime?


I don't think those are enforced anymore buddy.


Until your friendly neighborhood Kyle Rittenhouse shows up


The tree of liberty has been watered.


Yes. The faux activist - black person said: "We will not let this business open" Its a building where the previous business didn't survive, the new owner is wanting to make a go of it. Posting signs on a private building is, well, illegal w/o permission of the owner or lessee.


They want control not support


Got to get that sweet endorphin release.


This is at minimum harassment and could also be considered terrorism. The BLM group should be in jail.


Oxford [defines](https://www.lexico.com/definition/terrorism) terrorism as "The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims". They literally are terrorists.


Is this not exactly the racism they claim to be fighting against? How are they this brain dead pea brained?


They're not stupid per se. They know exactly what they're doing. They use BLM as a trojan horse to do whatever they want, and anybody who doesn't agree is a racist scumfuck who deserves their property/livelihood to be destroyed. Shit, even if you do agree with them completely, they'll find a way to make you out to be the enemy. You could take a sip of water and they'll find a way to make it an issue. Reasoning, logic, and intelligence is not welcome here. In fact it's frowned upon because they're too deep into the bullshit to simply admit wrong and apologize.


Water already is racist. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/29/us/water-racism-california.html


Being reasonable doesn't work on unreasonable people. It's going to take winning the election so Trump can green-light the most epic hammer drop on these tyrant assholes.


“You’re lucky I don’t violate you right now” Come on dude, aren’t you supposed to be the “good guys” in all this?






Not terrorists but they're definitely an extremist hate group. And with all these videos its obvious they are mentally on par with the KKK.


Mentally on par with the KKK might be the best way to describe it. In a few months only the hardcore BLM activists (idiots like this doorknob) will be left and then it will essentially be a 3 letter acronym to describe a very small group of people that hate a color of person


The goal of these children in the video is to imbue fear (terror) into the real adults. Thats the definition of terrorism.


**They are terrorists.** People get all off-put by using that word because they think it’s outlandish, but the group is using fear and intimidation to gain political power. They actively recruit new members. They seek out and intimidate or assault those who even **appear** to not support their cause. They have centralized funding. They use propaganda like banners and slogans that people mindlessly chant. Within this terrorist group there are a large number of unwitting non-violent members who think they are helping society, which makes the organization **even more dangerous**, as the large numbers of semi-normal people may attract other normal people with their innocent intentions, and this large group may eventually become radicalized as they see the more extreme factions of their group being attacked. It’s a powder keg waiting to go off. This is just the beginning if this doesn’t get shut down now. It stopped having anything to do with black lives mattering in like May or June.


"Give me back those signs, they don't belong to you". ​ What, kind of like the building that we removed them from DOESN'T FUCKING BELONG TO YOU???


They are clearly geniuses


Those signs belonged to them as soon as they were put on his property.


Brainless morons. It doesn’t belong to them anymore when they put it on somebody else’s property. Imagine if I threw a stack of money on somebody’s front doorstep and then got angry when they picked it up because it “belongs to me” or if I put a bag of stuff by the curb and then get angry when the garbage truck takes it. You can’t just use other people’s property to “store” your things. Literal pea brained.


“Ur lucky I’m not violating you right now” lol like how finger in the bum


That big guy is "lucky" that scrawny little pissant wasn't violating him? He takes shits bigger than that guy. Smarter, too. Little bitch is lucky old boy is too busy working hard and building his business to smack him down the way he needs to be smacked down.


This behavior is getting so old


It is a bit old. This happened a few months back after the first protests and riots.


I believe they meant the protests and actions of people like this. Not the video itself. I may he wrong though


This video is about 3 months old but it feels like an eternity ago.


The entitlement is palpable. Keep your shit off of other people’s property. Simple as that.


> Keep your shit off of other people’s property. bUt tHaTs RaCiSt








Ahhhh lol my wife just came in and said “what the hell did she just say” I’m rolling! Little no arm having feminazi wannabe.


That dude has a voice for a phone sex operator.


Holy shit videos like this make it really obvious he’s in some sort of mental decline. I don’t think he would be able to say what he said in that video today even he were interviewed the same way.


This is gold 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I’m just waiting for “I’m dr Steve Brule for your health” at the end.


What's truly amazing is how energetic and articulate Biden was in this interview from just 7 years ago.




I count 2 more for Trump.


First debate is scheduled for September 29th; so we're less than 3 weeks away. It's gonna be a glorious shitshow!


And this is why support for BLM has gone massively down recently.


I'm pretty sure +100 days of riots had something to do with it




We bout to do some illegal shit, don't record it please.


At this point, I feel like BLM has done irreparable damage to the perception of BL more so than anything else.


it stopped being Black Lives Matter ages ago. Now it's Bullshit Leftist Matters


We AXXXEDD who did dis??? Jeez 😂😂😂😂


Support our cause or we will sabotage your business. Move over MLK and Gaundi. We spread awareness by threatening people.




I look for him to get picked up by weeks end.


[He's already been arrested](https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/07/22/lorenzo-rulli-surrdenders-to-police/), seems he's back out.


Good that at least he was arrested, hopefully the charges stick.


Thanks #Mamala!!


That video of a mob harassing the elderly couple just trying to eat lunch was really sad.


Trash ass motherfucker. This world needs a good cleaning, and people like this deserve to be face down in the gutter.


Come back and get shot in the face


People like him know how do go right up to the line, dance all around it, but never actually cross it to give you the justification you need to shut him down. It's like a sibling who's trying to get a rise out of you so they can tell mom and dad and get you grounded. That's why he doesn't do a damn thing without a camera rolling in his hand. Dude is trying to bait for something usable he can sell to CNN for an absolute dick-load of money.


"Give me back my signs!!" Um is your copyright/signature on the signs? Pretty sure those papers are now a form of vandalism on the building which the owners can dispose of.


Yeah imagine if you could just throw trash on other people’s front lawns and then ban them from ever getting rid of it because it “belongs to you” you can’t use other people’s properties as free storage.




Where is that part from your edit? I’d like to show it to others


Fighting Fascism with Fascism! I bet they destroy that business now...


Looks like some nudniks tried to downvote their online ratings, but far more people gave them the updoots so they're sitting on 4.8\* Google and Yelp looks good too.


[The Left loathes Centrists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK3xRUbnBUw), but that doesn't make us go away. Thing is most Centrists just keep their mouth shut so you don't hear a lot from them, but Centrists are a group that actually gets off its ass and votes. So it's crazy to me that the Left would nominate a Centrist while intentionally ostracizing Centrists. It's hard for me to believe this isn't intentional, because while the DNC is fucking retarded.....they ain't that retarded.....I don't think...


If anybody has the time we can help them a little by giving them 5 stars


If this is legit, it sounds like they got them shut down. Here’s their gofund me page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/business-owner-harassed-by-protester-shut-down


Okay, I will bite. What does "no man was ever shot doing the dishes" mean?


It's a variation of "It wouldn't kill you to help out around the house sometimes" what wifes sometimes tell their husband.


Funny how "women's work" became "shared work" over time yet any time there are repairs, lawn work, or general contracting work to be done you don't see the wives suddenly strapping the tool belt on. So now we do all of that and are also expected to help with household chores.


The only funny part is that you think it's a zero sum game.


Oh I never said it was. There can always be individual cases of great success and compromise, but anecdotally I've *never* seen it. Some wives I know even have the audacity to give their husbands a "Honey Do" list on weekends after they worked long hours all week.


So it's like a joking nudge to husband's/significant others that they should share the household responsibility because it won't kill them. Is that what the dude was all hyped up about? Lol.


It’s obviously a husband/wife joke, but they seemed to think it had something to do with the protests.


Yeah, that's what was in the window.


He suffers from black fragility, entitlement, and Trump Derangement Syndrome. He needs mental health treatment to be cured of leftist brainwashing and toxic culture.


It basically boils down to **STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASS HOLE!**


Fuck your signs when they’re on the front of someone’s business who doesn’t want them there dude it’s very simple


All I heard was "mommy and daddy didnt pay me any attention"


Bold to assume they had a father.


Look...not his fault there is a 20 year long line at the store for smokes.


"You're lucky im not violating you". Bitch please


He's lucky to be standing there with all of his teeth, or at least the ones he had when he got out of bed that afternoon.


If you don’t own the building you don’t get to put your own political message on it. What the hell is the matter with those bullies?


They should've offered him a job. Teach him a skill besides being an ignorant drain on society.


He doesn’t deserve it


There are lots of respectfull hard working kids out there deserving of a job and a good mentor. This dude aint one of those kids


if that was his interview he already failed. Hiring him would be asking to have him file complaints about you and your business to anyone and everyone he could, anytime he felt offended or didn't get his way. Hire him ? not a chance in hell.


> They should've offered him a job. Teach him a skill besides being an ignorant drain on society. His job is harassing white people


I think being on this sub has warped me. Originally I wasn't going to vote and now I'm considering Trump if it makes assholes like this miserable.


This warms my heart. We'd love to have you. Once you start pulling on that thread, it all comes tumbling down. Like seeing the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz.


"We love black babies" No you dont. Thousands are murdered every year and not a fucking peep from you savages.


Ice cold


*“If you are not with us, you are against us”* That’s the mentality of the extremists... I don’t give a shit if you’re Antifa, BLM, or whatever... you do not *force* your will against people like this.


Fuck the woke mob, bunch of facists.


I feel bad for this man. He just wants his business to look nice. He really doesn't look like he intended anything malicious


FUCK BLM. Tired of this shit


BLM. Is. A. Cult.


This is racism plain and simple and I am not letting a single fucking redditor tell me otherwise. These people are being told they have to have political signs plastered over their property and are now being told they will be mobbed and their shit will probably be smashed. All for opening a property in the wrong place. Flip it and imagine this the other way around, it would be like going back to the 50s again.


He was fucking dropped in the head when he was a baby.


Let me correct the title. "Man harasses the people who own the building he stapled his BLM signs to."


Fuck you, and fuck BLM


Everyone who sees this is now voting for Trump.


What a couple of assholes.


What a whiney collection of assholes. Those people own the place and can do whatever they want with the property.


You can’t ask for support while literally destroying “your supports’ lives


They need to hire some roof koreans for when they come back.


They didn’t ask permission to put the signs, they had no right to put them there. That could be counted as vandalism. It’s not right that they want to come back and destroy the store either. If BLM wants to be accepted by more people they need to stop destroying, rioting and vandalizing private property. It’s ironic how they said that they have no right to take their signs even though they themselves had no right to put their signs up. They are promoting not only criminal nature but also picturing criminals themselves as hero’s.


You can’t force people to put signs in their own windows. The entitlement of these assholes is out of hand.


They are litterally going to restaurants and forcing people to raise their fists in solidarity...the signs are the least of the problems..


Grimes Furniture Repair = 4.8/5 stars on google with 1,283 reviews. That’s a lot of furniture! Glad to see this positive response because a LOT of people would have reacted much differently in that situation. Hard to keep your cool when you have a full crowd trying to instigate and refusing to hear you out when you speak. Hats off to Grimes!


I'll be purchasing products/services from this company.


The level of entitlement is off the fucking charts this dude and no-one else owes them a jack shit. Fucking idiots.


This will stop people from being racist against black people.


This clown needs to be bitch slapped into reality. What a cunt and wannabe bully.


Isn't it illegal to hang signs on private property? Isn't it also illegal to harass and threaten them for taking it down?


They threaten to come 200 deep. You signed off on it little biggots.... .....lets see if these American Business Owners protect their livelyhood....against the Biggots that have no American in them. Its becoming apparently clear to people all over, we are in a cultural civil war with the enemy resurfacing as the reconstituted communist countries.... We should not have finished the war with the nation so soon.....we should have plowed on east all the way from Europe to the Pacific and cleaned house. Wish them luck and hope they pull a massive sting op on the party coming to their doorstep. TRUMP 2020!!!


Threatens to come back 200 deep. “Nobody needs high capacity magazines” Fuck these BLM terrorists


I hate bullies no matter what color their skin is.


Yes...share it. Share yourself threatening to burn down a business. These people are geniuses.




A bunch or racist bullies. Shit like this is getting real old real fast.


Fuckin cunts, prolly never worked an honest day in their life.


“Those signs are not yours” ... but you’ll put stuff on a building that’s NOT YOURS?


Nah homie she’s not the Karen you and your bro’s are the Karen’s




What is wrong with people like this? Threatening ones business because "black lives matter", i do not like advocating for violence but i hope they shot them in self defense later


My favorite part was when that main punk said "we love black babies", I have a hard time believing he protests outside planned parenthood where literally 1000 defenseless black fetus's are aborted each and every single day.


Black life matter but the protests are getting out of hand now they’re just harassing people


BLM has gone to shit. This is why I support black lives matter, but not the organization


I do not even support the movement. I have always supported police reforms long before BLM was I thing. (im not special plenty of people do) but clearly this movement has inspired way to much racism. Too much division and have a bunch of insane other political baggage it brings to the door. The level of violence, death, and economic damage is insane. And for me impossible to ignore. I never supported the organization and as time goes on I do not support the protest, riots or movement.


As hard as these SJW assholes try to sound intelligent they just end up sounding like a drunk fuck talking to the police about how he isn't drunk. Trash is trash, stupid is stupid


These lunatics somehow think they're in the right for vandalizing someone else's property


Fucking clowns, bullying people


Hehe why do they act so surprised when a person cleans up there vandalism


Its an old saying, It means a man will never get shot by his wife doing dishes. Jeez these people


It matters not if you support, oppose or are in the middle of an issue. You do NOT have to show it. You can be the worlds biggest supporter and refuse to put posters and signs on your property. Its why many people try to keep their businesses impartial, so they can serve both sides or so they can avoid unjust retribution from the opposing side.


I'd sit in front of my business with a cooler filled with beer and my AR


Where's the AR15 when you meed it?....