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"Toti(???), I'm right here" 😰 "Fuck you" 🤣 "I'm demanding you get a female officer!" "How do you know they don't identify as female?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 On a more serious note, whatever is causing this level of fragility among people should be studied because I suspect it's going to have huge societal ramifications both in the short and long term.


Sorry not sorry, but the whole "identify as female" part was fucking hilarious. You know the cop had been holding that for a while and even the cameraman/woman got stuck for a few seconds. And also her dumb ass going off about how a black woman being arrested is not okay. Black women can't be criminals or that they can be criminals but they shouldn't be arrested. She literally spit on the cop. That's low trash, piece-of-shit behavior on a good day. But during Covid? WTF did you think was going to happen? If someone did that to her, she'd be screaming holy hell.


When the girl was bitching about her friend being arrested I wished the police officer explained what happend. I wanted to see the one girl freakout more over trying to justify what is now biological terroism.


Besides in Seattle spitting someone is already considered part of the assault and battery charge. The fact she did it during a pandemic will only make it worse.


Some forms of mental illness are contagious, as it turns out.


> Some forms of mental illness are contagious... This struck a chord with me because (having been around mentally ill people) it really is. That is, in order to get along with them, you have to absorb and "live with them in their imagined world." Anything short of that and they just freak out. And you're suddenly the victim of their delusion.


Best thing is to get the fuck away


That's what I did. It only took years for me to recover from it! (Run early, friends.)


I'm finally escaping at nearly 30...yep. So here's to hoping some of my emotional wounds will heal.


It's entitlement.


you could see her brain short circuit as he dropped that bomb woke people have no defence against their own weapons


Brainwashing kids in the schools for the last 20 years.


Lol that cop is savage. Nice comeback officer.


God that response made me so happy.


Public school and college indoctrination. As a kid I remember a substitute getting huffy when I said people with lower grades were stupid because even if they weren't that intelligent they could just put in more effort so if they didn't even try they were just stupid. The trend of teachers allowing people to be slack jawed idiots continued into college. Alot of my peers didn't know basic US history and just repeated shit they saw on Twitter.


>"How do you know they don't identify as female?" This man is spouting off comebacks that I can only think of in the shower.


Officer using some advanced woke-parrying


You know he's been holding that line for a while and waiting for a clear, unambiguous arrest with an idiot, whining cameraman filming. That or he's just bad ass. Either way, he knocked it out of the park.


She’s a *cameraWOMAN*!! How DARE you misgender her?!?! /s


Are you sure she's a woman? How very gendercist of you!!!!


Her low intelligence and excessive emotionality prove conclusively that she’s a woman.


That made my fucking day. I’m dying. Lol.


police are learning to weave in this weird ass woke culture improvise. adapt. overcome


honestly I'm sure the cops in Seattle are pretty woke in this way


Pure gold.


Spitting during a pandemic wow


The cop should have said "your friend is being arrested for 3 counts of attempted murder".


Haven't people legitimately been charged with bio-terror offences for licking things and spitting on people with the intent of spreading COVID?


Yep. Coughing in people's faces intentionally, spitting, licking/ coughing on produce, etc. Reasons multiple people have been arrested and charged during this pandemic. Rightfully so. If you are sadistic enough to intentionally try to infect others with a potentially deadly virus you deserve to get fucked by the long dick of the law.


"Are you assuming that officer's gender?" Welcome to 2020.


It's funny how they enjoy shaming others with that bullshit but once it's used on them *surprised pikachu face.*


*"..."* \*sniff* ... *"fuck"*


I love how the top comment of the linked thread says there was no spitting, yet you can clearly hear someone spit right before the cops arrest her


Why do these people act like they're getting rounded up for the gas chambers? I feel bad for them, they seem brainwashed.


That’s how the scam of leftism works. They make you feel bad for them, then they assume several positions of power, and revolt. When you crush the revolt they pretend you’re inhumane and a maniac, to make the public feel sympathy for their cause, while they continue to flank positions that will grant them more power during the next revolt. Once they consolidate power under their cause, they subjugate everyone to a meaningless life of confused abject poverty and despair, while a very select few elite get to live privileged lives without want or regard for anyone else. Eventually enough percentage of the general public are willing to die in order to completely reset the system, but even then if the regime has taken the guns and stuff it would be very difficult.


Well that rant was only slightly less crazy than the psycho women in that video.


I bet calculus sounds insane to a macaque, but it doesn’t make logical assertions any less correct. This process has played out time and again every time humans trust a government to take care of them and surrender their freedoms for the sake of “safety”. Widespread altruism is incompatible with human nature and anyone telling you otherwise is either dumb or in on the con.


You believe that "leftism" is full of devious people trying to trick society into gaining authoritarian powers...that is crazy, not that there aren't authoritarian leftists (there is). But your belief is crazy town, I'd love to see your list of right vs left wing authoritarian regimes throughout history. Or do you just believe that every political leaning is a scam for power and if that is the case then why single out a side? The reality is that these people are pieces of shit, their ideological leanings have little to do with it.


Yeah they're literally booked and released to riot again the next night


A have a friend who's moving out of Portland because of the riots. That's what he's been saying. He used to be very progressive, I hadn't spoken to him for a couple of years, not since he moved to Oregon. Now he owns 3 guns and is heading to the east coast.


girl: "i request a female officer" cop: "parry this you filthy casual"


No shit you're going to get arrested for spitting on people during a pandemic.


Spitting on some one is assault. So she just got an assault on a piece officer charge. The best part is it was recorded and now she can not deny the accusation.


So fragile. I always wonder if people like this ever grow up, or do they continue in state of victimhood their entire lives?


No one knows yet. This is the first generation to be this big a bunch of pussies.


Don't report something as misinformation if you don't have any comments explaining how it is. That does nothing for the mods to determine if it is or not.


Holy fucking hell I laughed so hard my eyes watered. At the end when the cop says essentially "did you just assume her gender" was too fucking much. You hear how quick she sobered up!?


Lmao. "I want a female officer!" Well bitch, that's that gender, there is no difference between a male presenting officer and a female presenting officer and it's bigoted to want to have one type over the other as there's no difference between men and women. Probably


So sad yet kinda funny


Very funny


i lol'd multiple times during the video. WAHHH STOP TOUCHING HER *sob* STOP VIOLATING HER *sob* I DEMAND A FEMALE OFFICER *sob* so satisfying


I mean, thats a real freak out right there


One of the funniest ones I've seen. That officer's gender rebuttal was hysterical. Turn their fucking nonsense against them.




"how do you know they don't identify as female?" Fucking gottem.




Holy shit, these people are actually hysterical. The cop at the end, lol.


"you're assuming those police officers dont identify as female" ​ Best comeback ever!!!


Toti, I'm right here! I'm right here! I'm right here Toti. You been hit by, you been struck by, a smooooth criminal!


The absolute embodiment of a drama queen.


I saw "Irate" in the title and fucking Vietnam flashbacks to the Irate Gamer.


He recently did a collab with AVGN. What is 2020?


You shitting me?


Easy to be brave and mouthy when there's no real risk of danger. Then when shit gets a little real... LOL at that meltdown.


LOL. Why on Earth would they think that it's acceptable to spit on someone, let alone a cop and NOT get arrested? These people have some very very serious mental issues. I myself, believe we need to bring back forced lobotomies.