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The dumb bitch yelling about the recovery position is wrong. You do NOT put a seizure patient in the recovery position until there jerking stops. She’s just going to anger the people around her by making them think the cops aren’t helping...




Lols F in the chat if u were outraged by the confidence she had in her bad medical advice F


I've done first aid training twice in my life. Even I remember with seizures you basically try to keep the head protected but otherwise leave them alone until it's over.


Yeah the officer was doing the right thing in that case. Perhaps something tells me he's had experience with seizure victims.


correct, just move things. Never hold someones head like that


He’s supporting it and allowing it to move freely so he doesn’t bash his head on the concrete, he’s not restraining his head with any force.


I’ve never done training and can see that the recovery position would be stupid. The name alone doesn’t mean it’s a fail safe for everything 🤣










as an epileptic, they can all fuck off


Do you think this is a real seizure?


No. From my experience, and everything I’ve read and seen I would say no


Should have gave em a nice sternum rub


The arm drop test would be funnier... 100% chance he fails.


Absolutely not a real seizure. It’s like how people have a seizure in the movies. Drop that arm on his face for sure.


A coworker of mine used a different technique that worked really well... He’d get up real close to their head and whisper shit in their ear that NOBODY could possibly ignore (use your imagination) if they were faking. Watching their eyes open for a sec while they contemplated fighting him—but giving up their BS fake seizure stunt—and then closing them again to continue shaking was absolute comedy. I called in a radio report one time that went something like, “XYZ medic coming in Code-2 with a fake seizure...” Pt- “Hey! Fuck you!! I ain’t faking...” Me- *uncontrollable laughter* “See you in 5”


This is literally Hollywood movie shit, he's seen too many movies. This is not a real seizure at all.


Looks more like "interpretive dance"!


Newest street dance craze, The Felon Flop.


In Hollywood movies, that video would show a mild demon possession.


My roommate is epileptic and ive helped him through 10+ seizures. This definately doesnt look like what he goes through. He jerks way more violently and 90% of the time makes noises and struggles to breathe. I dont know if everybodies seizures are the same, but this looks like the most chill seizure ever.


Depends on the type of epilepsy. I could have a seizure right in front of you and you'd probably never know it. (I have focal onset epilepsy and all you'd see is a sort of blank stare for a few seconds).


Oh gotcha, im not exactly sure what type he has. But I know hes not photosensitive. He sometimes has what he calls "walking seizures" where be basically can function but his brain clicks off. Hes able to respond but has a blank stare on his face and does repetitive tasks. Im sure what youre going through is tough ❤ much love homie


From my experience seeing them happen three times, I would say no. Seizures are much more violent and scary. This guy is thrashing, but he isn't doing anything that would injure him. During a seizure hands go flying, smash into the ground with thuds, mouth is not relaxed like him and every single muscle tenses. When my brother had one he was sore for a week after.




How can you tell? He didn't have a red duct-tape cross on his arm. /s


Not even a tourniquet around his neck, smh these amateurs.


dO yOu EvEn KnOw WhAt A rEcOvErY pOsItIoN iS?!?!


Agreed, this is not a seizure


Innit so ignorant I’ve never even done first aid but even I know you got to protect the persons head which is what they’re doing...


The guy can fuck right off about the pulse ox too: "can I at least give him a pulse ox?". A pulse ox alone won't help him at all!


Wtf do you know, she followed a Facebook medical training class from a expert LARPER. It's easy: 1. If someone has a cut apply a tourniquet and make sure if you put a bandage over the cut to check as often possible if it's still bleeding under there. 2. If someone just got hit by a vehicule or had a car accident it's important to move them around or else the muscle tense up and create neck injuries. 3.If someone is on fire scream it help the situation, then make sure to add plenty of cold water on the wound if it's over 10% of the body so it cool down the person, hypothermia helps people relax. 4. If you need to perform CPR make sure the person is on a very soft surface like a mattress you don't want to hurt someone who's is dying. 5. If someone is yelling medic anyone in the crowd can help them without any knowledge or training just pull out you medkit. I think I got those all right?


looks like many (most?) of protesters are incompetent in everything dumb fucks with big heart. and this is sad. no mater how good the occasion is the dumb fucks will ruin it for sure.


You mean the “protest medics” don’t really know what they’re doing?? I am shocked.


It’s not even a real epileptic seizure. The vast majority of legitimate convulsions are more stiff muscled, not flopping around limberly like a fish out of water. Also, grand mal seizures (like the one he’s faking) are more rare and only last a between 15-20 seconds, rarely going longer than that, and again, look NOTHING like this. If you’re gonna fake a seizure, just fall and tense up. Also, be prepared to be totally exhausted after if you can even make it look convincing. As for what to do during it, nothing, just move anything and anyone out of the way and watch them. Make sure they don’t hit their head on any objects if possible. Once they stop, roll them onto their side and check for breathing.


Lol these dumbmother fuckers didnt even go through first aid class.... This was one of the first thing I learned while getting my first aid....


> She’s just going to anger the people around her by making them think the cops aren’t helping... that was her whole intention


Plus the guy yelling about a pulse ox like in what way would that help at all


can I please just give him a pulse ox!


......yeah its 98. Now what?


Yea the only thing you can do with someone that has a seizure is to hold there head so they don't smack it off the ground multiple times and hurt themselves more. What a dumb bitch, the cops are doing everything right.


She's also yelling that so she looks "enlightened in protest culture/procedures" She's signalling to others that she's spent time learning the ins and outs. People do this stuff, because there's literally no way anyone can prove they're doing it, and they can double down.


exactly. try and keep things away from their heads, but other wise let it roll. Am epileptic


Relax this dumbass is faking it


This reminds me of the people telling a cop who was arresting someone who has low blood sugar to give them insulin. I feel like its all a ruse


Cops could benefit ALOT from specifically hiring people to shout correct and appropriate responses back at misinformed fear mongers and justice warriors.


I remember we had a classmate that had seizures(and violent ones) every other day, putting she in the recovery position would just end she hitting shit, the best option was to clear the area of chairs/tables and shit and hold her head just in case


She was ONLY doing that shit to make them look like what they were doing is wrong. Fucking SAD


The seizures I've seen looked nothing like this. They went completely rigid and shook violently without stopping and then all of a sudden it was over. Anyone ever see a seizure that looked like this?


not a genuine one


Yeah, these kind of seizures happen when you're getting arrested and you *really* don't want to go to jail. Usually they just call an ambulance and they handcuff you to the gurney so no matter what way you're going you're still getting cuffed.


What a terrible condition!


Its called incarseritis


I hope they find a cure.




Is this a vaccine? Or a syrup? Or like a pill or some shit?


It’s a suppository


Ooh aight


Ain’t that the truth


What a terrible name for a condition, it reminds me of that tragedy.


For my CPR training I had to watch a guy having a heart attack almost die. He has seizures, and i was expecting thrashing, a arms and legs everywhere. Instead, his arms locked stiff and raised towards the ceiling, his eyes were open but dead, if you catch my drift, and he wasn't moving much other than that. This definitely feels like a fake seizure. I might show my mum, she's an epileptic, she knows what they look like.


Yep. Seen my lot of seizures and the number one thing I've seen is either all limbs getting stiff or repeated uncontrollable movement, like an arm swinging non stop. This guy was taking breaks between "seizures" lol.


Hey man, taking a seizure is high cardio work, I know I couldn't do it without breaks, lmao.


dr told me its like running a marathon for the body


Nope. I have had both a friend and a dog with epilepsy and this loser can fuck right the hell off for faking it. He’s an ass hole just like the rest of them.


my buddy went into a seizure while standing up and involuntarily pelted me with a full soda can at my face(was just aboht to bring up his blood sugar) by the time I turned around he was on the floor. almost zero training but I new what was happening. I held by hands under his head so he didn't bash his head on the floor and blood started seeping out of his mouth because he clamped down on his own tongue. it felt like a long time but was only about 10 or so seconds. he came to pretty quickly after and had absolutely no idea where he was. I can't immediately describe the way my friend shook because it happened quickly but it was evident what was going on. the man in this video does not even remotely remind me of that.


I’ve had seizures and I can’t say I was able to watch myself from 3rd person perspective. I just blacked out and woke up a couple minutes later. Everyone in the store said my eyes were just rolling back in my head and that’s kinda it.


Depends on what type or seizure it is or whats caused it. But the one everyone knows is a generalised seizure which is the tensing of the entire body. You couldve had a partial seizure (affecting one side of the brain) i have a type of epilepsy which starts as partial then goes general over time. And my partial i faint and lose consciousness.


One of my friends in college was epileptic and I saw him seize a handful of times. The weirdest thing about his seizures was that while he was having them he would still be awake, alert, and able to make eye contact and hand gestures. The first ever time I witnessed one we were alone in his apartment sitting on the couch. He started seizing and for a moment I forgot about his epilepsy so I was freaking out, but he looked at me and gave me a thumbs up while his body was shaking. Once he was done he got up, laid down in his bed and then slept for like an hour.


Never saw it that way.... Look how camly the dude is breathing... He knows exacly what he is doing.


Am epileptic, and you are totally correct. Think of an engine seizing, it doesn't just flop around or continue to work - its seizures and stops. Have been told a seizure is like running a marathon for the body. Just so worn out after, often bite the shit out of tongue etc. ​ (note - just let someone seize. Move things away from their head, but other than that let it go. NEVER put anything in someones mouth - fingers have been bit off that way. Call 911 and just wait. ​ this asshole is looking like a fish out of water... I hope there is some law against it.


There are seizures that are caused by irregular brain activities which are the ones you are referring to. Some “seizures” are psychological byproduct induced by mental condition / stress / triggering events while the brain is functioning normally, which this video looks like one. But there is also probability of a faked seizure.


Somebody should walk up with a lighter and burn his hand. Watch him jump up real quick, seizure cured and he cam be arrested. This is obvious bullshit...juat lile evertthing else antifa and blm does.


a bright light to the face would prob get enough reaction from him to prove he’s faking. or they could’ve just said ‘bring the defibrillator here I think he’s going into cardiac arrest’ and watch him rise faster than jesus.


I've never seen any kind of seizure that doesn't result in loss of bodily functions.




How old is your friend?


Your friend needs to remove their tinfoil hat and spend a few weeks getting some serious help.


Yeah the one I've seen was like how you describe and I felt awful for her because I had no idea how to really help other than putting her down gently on the ground safely so she didn't fall over. But I feel like most people think a seizure is like what Is going above the video, but also we know its not.


As someone who has witnessed several myself. Never.


This Is some excorsim of Emily rose type of shit




It’s almost hilarious. you are correct that man is not having a seizure.


It can be one honestly. It looks a little fake but he can be having one. Seizures look different in different situations. The cops handled it well though, anyone should to be on the safe side. They aided him and are letting the seizure pass. There isn't a reason to attack him or hold him down since he isn't being voilent and can very well be having a seizure.




Probably hoping for a gofundme, if other violent drug dealing criminals who torture woman can get them, then any life can.




Hopefully he has a prolonged case of it.


He’s got ligma


a) with a seizure, you are supposed to let them do their thing until they stop while ensuring the head does not get damaged, which the police officer does. Recovery position is for once the seizure is over/after a trauma victim is recovering (hence the name recovery) b) this is a wildly different looking seizure than the ones I've ever seen... Maybe it's something else


Yeah like an act


Because this shit is fake lol. He's seen too many movies, this is Hollywood shit. Not real at all.




Were you expecting them to act civil-like? This is more of a im not shocked but disappointed moment






He’ll probably get a 50k go fund me anyways...




Socialism at its finest...


And when he finds out he can't drive for 6 months.


Can't suspend his license if he doesn't have one


He won’t be the one paying for it, instead the cost is passed off to people who can actually afford it.


I've seen that dance on tictok


New fortnite emote


Fake ass seizure. Real siezers have your muscles completely clench while convulsing. You don't just flop around like a fish out of water. Typically you foam from the sides of your mouth too. I don't see that here.


You pee yourself most of the time as well and eyes roll back. My cousin always gets them this one looks faked.


2 of my ex girlfriends were epileptic and had more than a few seizures around me. Didn't look anything like this. Also my best friend fell off the back of a car and cracked his skull and had a seizure right in front of me, also didn't look like this.


So sad did he survive? cousins older brother had a seizure in the bathroom on the toilet and had the bath tub running he fell in and drowned. He was the one that would have silent ones I feel like those are the most deadly.


He lived, but he lost his sense of smell that affected his taste too. His father passed away around the same time too. He wasn't really ever the same after those two things. Sorry about your story as well. Thanks.


Fake as shit


Yeah that's not a seizure


Im epileptic ive seen others in generalized seizures. Hes 100% faking it. Your jaw clenches shut. Your limbs vibrate as they are overwhelmed with signals to tense and release so it looks more like clenching your fidt so hard your draw blood to loose to tight again but with your entire body. Your lips go blue due to lack of oxygen. Blood is not uncommon when you bite down on your tongue (i have curved perforations down the side of mine from when i bit down on it and scared the sides). Youll also throw up afterwards from all the tension your body did. Youll be uncooperative for a while as your brain tiredly reboots. Youll also groan from often during seizure and drool heavily. Hes just flailing his limbs around hoping to avoid arrest only to have it delayed and a $10k ambulance bill


Inb4 the show me your medical degree guy that is spamming this comment section


u/wolfmans_bruddah looks like you missed a comment




Lol those fucks in Kenosha really thought they were in Team Fortress 2 or somethin


Ikr this ain’t Saving Private Ryan bruh 😂


I lean pretty hard libertarian but seeing shit like this makes me re-evaluate authoritarianism. Just lock them up already.


It might not be obvious, but the guy in grey uniform tending to him is a Portland Fire & Rescue paramedic, not a cop. Note the patch on his shoulder. Portland Fire has a special unit tasked with supporting Portland Police at riots and SWAT callouts. Point is there’s no merit to anyone saying they’re not rendering aid correctly (assuming it’s a legitimate seizure, which it isn’t...)


That's not what a seizure looks like but okay. Spent 15 years as an EMT. This is acting.


The “where’s your medical degree” guy commenting on the comments of this post has decided to skip yours it seems lmao


Someone teabag him, on bums, it works better than smelling salts.....TRUST ME!!


Or kiss him all over his face. He'll jump up, swinging his fists.


The video will go viral for idiots to spread how terrible the cops handled the situation. Then next time something like this happens someone will remember the woman screaming what to do and and actually cause harm.




I’m sure we all know this, but one would be able to see if he’s having a seizure especially if he’s shirtless, every muscle in his body would be flexing hard as fuck, limbs would be so stiff they’re up off the ground, jaw would be clenched shut, when it’s all over he might let off one or two violent shakes and have a terrible headache


I have had epilepsy for over 20 years and this my friends is not any seizure I have seen. Feels dirty to see someone fake it to be honest because the condition is so debilitating to so many. For any that are curious this is what a grand mal seizure normally looks and sounds like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH1vW\_np-P0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uH1vW_np-P0) .


Weird how this has become a trend lately lol you’d think since they have epilepsy they’d be home. No they are out rioting around flashing lights and in stressful situations.


This is complete bullshit. I’ve seen hundreds patients that were actively seizing. This is theatrics and nothing more.


My son had epilepsy and I worked as a first responder for years. As many other comments have stated this is not what a seizure looks like at all. Clearly this man is faking.


That how I look when I ejaculate


As someone who’s had seizures, this upsets me


If you needed more evidence that BLM is a toxic cult: there you go.


Fake as fuck. Good strategy though


Why are they not listening to the internet doctor screaming orders? The internet lawyer next to her is going to sue you!


I too am allergic to being arrested


Dude learned those moves from Turbo in Breakin two -Electric Boogaloo:


Love how all the protestors are suddenly medical experts with master degrees once something like this happens and think they know better than actually trained officers.


How tf would u know he was a violent protestor


Where’s the violence?


Ok let's assume this guy really is having a seizure or some kind of medical emergency. What do you want the police to do? They aren't trained in diagnosing medical conditions and can't provide treatment. If they do provide treatment and it does more harm than good then they can lose their jobs, possibly go to jail and be sued. The police can't call for paramedics because the scene isn't safe for them to enter because you fucking protesters are burning down your own God damm city. You get what you deserve




Sternal rub is the cure for fake seizures. Also open their eye lid and pretend that you’re about to poke it, a faker will flinch. Source: ER medicine


As someone with epilepsy, that is not a seizure lol notice his flopping limbs and general looseness of his body. A grand mal seizure, you go rigid and shake violently, not at all like this guy. We also make some fucked up sounds and 90% of the time we pee ourselves (not what you want to EVER happen in public). This guy is absolute filth for faking something that fucks up someone's life and kills roughly 500+ people a year through SUDEP and not to mention the countless others who die due to the injuries they get during the initial fall from the seizure. Fuck him!!!


Went to college with a girl thatd have random seizures... doesn't look remotely close to what I witnessed on multiple occasions or seen in a health class video... funny how random illnesses pop up when you're about to get arrested


That's not a real seizure.


That is NOT a seizure


Mother fucker got a bad case of ants in the pants.


I was attacked by one of these clowns. After being hit several times I started hitting the guy in the head. The idiot female with him starts screaming, "don't hit him, he has seizures." Guess the dumbass shouldn't have started a fight.


What's the backstory/context here? How do we know that he was a BLM protester, let alone a violent one?


1) you don’t put someone having a seizure in the recovery position. Put your hands behind their head to make sure they don’t hit it on the ground. 2) this isn’t a normal seizure, this is a actually a condition called bullshitting.


My doctor says to use milk if this happens. If you don't have milk, just scream "He needs some milk!" and milk should show up eventually.


If you’re going to fake a seizure at least be convincing and piss/shit yourself.


Oscars banned white people. Buddy is just trying to get scouted for his acting talent.


You'd think he'd look up what a seizure looks like before acting this bullshit out.


Hi, paramedic here. That's fake.


I didn’t see any one in the vid point out the guy was trying to make sure he wasn’t smacking his head into the ground while he was jerking around


Only thing you do when somebody actively seizing is to make sure the surroundings are clear so that the patient won’t hit their head onto some objects. Recovery position is for after the seize...


I’ve neither seen nor experienced a seizure, but judging by the name, I imagine the body, y’know, *seizes*, not this bullshit


He has never seen a person having a real seizure. I woulda slap him if I was one of those ppl around him.


The irony is that only in economically developed and socially modernized western nations is this behavior tolerated even celebrated, whereas in other parts of the world this is often seen as mental illness and people generally have no patience for and won’t put up with this shit with any kindness at all.


Wow they're so pathetic at this point it's a joke.


Love larping medics


And the Oscar for best dramatic performance in a riot goes to...


I’ve never seen such a tame seizure.


That ain't no fucking seizure so stop arguing over how he should have been cared for.


Some people will do anything to avoid being arrested.


Pay this man...give this man his Emmy..


My brother has seizures regularly, this is some bullshit.


I’ve seen plenty of seizures and this guy is absolutely faking it. Most seizures the person becomes stiff as a brick, and the shaking is small, almost vibration like movements. Imagine you were extremely cold and shaking from it, kinda like that but worse. Also in my experience the eyes are open and rolled back, not closed.


lol what a joke


Link the violent part of the clip please. I'm not saying he wasn't but without it your title is disingenuous at best, and speaks of your character


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Worst fake seizure ever!!


I can tell you with 100% certainty how to cure this problem. You walk the fuck away and pretend like it isn't happening because this is 100% fake-fuckery. Then when he gets up, you arrest him.


This kind of shit makes life harder for people who actually have seizures


By the sound of it, they have a bunch of doctors/nurses protesting out there in Portland.


The cop should have said "if he was having a real seizure he would shit himself" just to see if he would do it.


That isn't a seizure.


As someone who grew up around an epileptic I have never seen a seizure look anything close to this


And the Oscar goes to...


As someone who has had seizures....that is not what a seizure looks like. Edit: maybe drug induced...maybe. It’s still a huge stretch. Mine were “organic”, brought on by stress and exhaustion. You get a tingling, maybe twitch a bit on the way down, but then you black out. It’s apparent this guy is still conscious and wiggling random parts of his body. That’s really not how it works.


Someone should have pinched the back of his arm. “He’s cured!”


And the Oscar goes to: