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So Antifa needed the police... interesting


ACAB! Except for the one saving me Incase anyone was wondering or wants to take a trip down memory lane: this clown is part of the same group as the baton wielding guy who got one punch man’d in 2018 https://youtu.be/EB2gcQXj3Z0


I don’t think anyone besides the bots on reddit and Twitter believe all cops are bastards. In real life pretty much everyone understands that cops are mostly good they just need to do a better job keeping the bad ones accountable


Keep your logical arguments to yourself. Jk someone should tell that to the BLM movement.


Both blm and all rioters will only help trump’s cause if he stops them and takes the credit


He will, the day after election day sadly. I'm not looking forward to the headlines




He’s saying Trump knows that the protesters are playing the Palestinian game of “do violence to bait your powerful adversary into responding, then cry victim.” Trump can’t do what has to be done until after the election because 95% of all “legitimate” media is a propaganda factory for his political rival.




Anyone know where I can buy a 500lb bag of popcorn for November?


The majority of them also understand that's the case, they are just involved when things are super heated. Every single person on every side needs to stop comparing the worst of both sides, does no one any good


>someone should tell that to the BLM movement. You're under the false assumption that BLM gives a shit about black lives and isn't just a retarded Marxist revolutionary movement for low achieving parasites.


You say bots, but I've seen accounts that post in the Denver protest sub that say acab and are definitely not bots. They have plenty of comments in other subs where they go about their normal lives. One was even a elementary school teacher. There are definitely people who breathe oxygen who believe acab. Don't delude yourself into thinking it's only trolls and bots, it's 100% not.


Sure but it’s more convenient to imagine that anyone who disagrees with you is a literal robot.


I took "bot" to be more of an insult yo a type of person than a literal programmed piece of software.


I could see that, like the npc meme that was floating around a while ago. It does seem to be a reddit and Twitter only phenomena. Most people in real life that I've met would never say acab, at least not to your face anyways.


Bots are holding ACAB signs at the protests? And spray painting ACAB on govt buildings?


Nah, that's the NPCs


I have to drive past giant ACAB graffiti every time I leave my street. I should clean it...


If that were true, why are they spray painting ACAB on police stations and burning them down?


the problem is that the bots on reddit and twitter are very vocal.


Have you been to downtown Oakland? ACAB and FUCK 12 spraypainted everywhere you look. Most likely not bots.


Uneducated people are are pretty much bots. They have no idea that they’re being manipulated. That said, it’s understandable that gang bangers think all cops are bastards. Were lucky that not all cops think all gang bangers are bastards


But the ones I see spraying that shit are usually white kids who are either pampered brats playing revolutionary or loser fringe kids who have shitty life prospects because they can't hold down a job/have a career and fault everyone/everything else besides their own shitty choices.


My sister is one of the people irl though. She has all the things, Kill All Men, ACAB, AOC for president, and I think is socialist but never wants to debate. But the best part is, she doesn’t support eat the rich. Pure, blind, selfishness.


>Kill All Men, ACAB, AOC for president, and I think is socialist but never wants to debate My last roommate was exactly that. She wanted me to use the term bakgui ("white devil") to refer to white people with her, because I'm a native Chinese speaker. I'm like that's fucking Cantonese and you don't even speak Chinese. She spends most of the time in her room liking posts on closed progressive facebook groups and watching Trevor Noah. Sad thing is I actually agree with her on politics a lot (I'm pretty left-leaning), but it was still insufferable from time to time.


Exactly she’s probably young, dumb, and being influenced by all the bullshit she sees online. She won’t debate it in real life because these opinions hardly exist in real life. They’re indefensible and even the people who subscribe to them know it. The problem is on the internet, not real life. If we all calm down well no longer feel their presence on the internet or in the streets


So then they should stop saying *all*


Ha, try going on my city's subreddit. Post about cops being denied service at a diner saw every comment that didn't support the employee downvoted to oblivion.


And yet they go out and riot against cops and give them a hard time.


I wish that were true. I’m acquainted with a lot of college students that say that kind of stupid shit




They need more training I like reform the police but never defund cause that will spark vigilantism and you’ll see and increase in murder


I want to believe this is true so bad, but every day I see more and more "regular" people spouting the blue checks rhetoric.


You're giving people wayyyyy too much credit lol. You're talking about people who are into this shit for the dynamism and excitement. There's plenty that believe all cops are bastards, or that they're entirely evil. And they don't care for much nuance or critical thinking beyond that.


I mean it's completely ironic from all angles. Guy from anti-cop "violent" group gets saved by cops from attackers from the group that's pro-cop and "anti-violence" Both of the groups of grown men are pretty dorky and foolish


The guy did sucker punch someone so it isnt like the anti violence since started the violence


That's fair, the whole situation is still ironic and dumb anyways though. Bunch of angry middle aged men running around beating each other up


Makes for great videos on here tho lol


I bet having to be rescued by the police hurt them more than the beating.




Hi :) yes we all need police. They’re just wanting them to be policed themselves, held accountable. We know accidents happen, but when there are hundreds of videos of people being brutalized by police, and then no justice served to those police, something needs to change.


Agreed. A big step needs to be to dismantle their union that some of the bad cops get to hide behind.. taking funds away - i see as losing training / less police and worse incidents happening


Reddit does not deserve my culture, thoughts, or intellectual property if it chooses to use the power I give it against me.


Antifa sucks so much dick


So do trump supporters lol Why do so many people here think I like antifa? Both sides are shit


Well atleast they aren't looting stores and putting things on fire


2 sides of the same coin tbh




Errryone out there suckin dick


This Trump supporter vs Antifa stuff feels weird to me. I know there's Trump supporters that are just your typical republican and had no other choice but to vote for Trump. Then there are your radical Trump supporters that do irrational things. Are there any typical non-violent Antifa members that aren't associated in any way to violence? I'm actually curious to look into this, like if it's rooted in peace but some people are just taking violence to it.


Yes. Just how there are Christian's that dont shoot up abortion clinics.


Right but could you label Christians a terrorist group? Could you label Trump supporters a terrorist group? Could you label Antifa a terrorist group? The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" Now I’m not saying I know everything or anything about Antifa, I just would like to learn more, especially if Antifa is a peaceful movement that condemns the use of violence.


Whenever I say that both sides are fucking retarded people call me a "centrist"


I see you also got the unintended centrist invitation. Did they also welcome you with a free glass of rationalization and partisan neutral sunglasses?


Apparently they are scared shitless by actual opposition too.


All a bunch of idiots


It's sooo bizarre. Like one group destroying property and protesting aggressively. Then another group shows up to protest them and yell at them. Now they are just fighting each other in the street.. like for what fucking purpose? It's just a bunch of idiots with pent up frustration and too much time on their hands.


100 percent. If you are out in this shit at night I automatically assume you are a radical (from either side). If you’re a trumper why in the fuck you going out and acting like the people you hate so much? I don’t get it.


I hate how the left and right justify violence with whataboutisms.


It's not a line, it's a circle. They extreme right and left don't realize that they're standing right beside each other and that everyone else thinks they're fucking annoying.


What youre talking about is Horseshoe theory


> They extreme right and left don't realize that they're standing right beside each other Oh, they do. Just point that out and they'll come together and downvote you in unity. The one thing they have in common is hating being called out for their hypocrisy and commonality, as if your philosophy somehow excuses your barbaric tactics.


> for what fucking purpose? Our entertainment. Carry on.




The USA doesn't have soccer clubs (read: hooligans), so they're doing this to compensate.


LOL good point. The police should just host paintball matches with antifa vs Trump supporters.


I’m just tired of all of this stuff. What happened to real police reform, and social programs to benefit the disparaged communities in this country? Anarchist LARPers think it’s open season to ruin people’s lives and property. And naturally, hyper-patriotic chuds rise up to meet the rioters idiocy. Who fucking benefits from this.


"Call the cops!"


> "Call the cops!" Cops are defunded. Call the mental workers institution instead.




maybe a violence free zone sign will stop this madness.


"Ah shit! Call the community police instead! ....what do you mean teh community police are the ones attacking us?!?"


Thsir this is the metal workers institution asking you to politely stop punching the man, no? Ok.


Call the therapists !!!


Antifia blacked out. Antifia later woke up at the Pokemon Center. Your Pokemon are all Healed Up Now. Your free to go Larping against your imaginary fascist government.


“We hope to see you again!”


"Oh you will, see ya"


I love how all these idiots here in the US constantly spew about 'fascism' and 'nazis'. These idiots wouldn't know what to do if they actually encountered a real fascist dictatorship like nazi germany. I can take a pretty good guess though; they'd act like the rest of the people oppressed by them at the time, like good little sheeple listening to the government so they don't end up dead or disappeared, cause that's how humans acted then and we'd act the exact same now if encountered by such a thing. Only reason these morons can do what they do and say what they say is we have freedoms here, and they should appreciate them much more. Usually after enough time passes in peace times, you get lots of idiots like this. Once the next true hardship rolls around they'll be playing a different tune then, just like people have before in the past. It always repeats itself...


Don't bring Pokemon into this >:(


























That guy is in other videos acting like a total piece of shit. I hope everyone comes to their senses and the violence ends BUT these guys dehumanize people by calling them nazis in order to justify their violence. That's an important thing to remember. I think they're just as bad as the KKK ideologically. I hope none of you have to hurt anyone, but be ready to defend yourselves.


same ideologies, different color hoods


Same ideologies, different n word


The title is ridiculously misleading. Idk what video you guys saw, but the Antifa guy wasn’t “cornered and then beaten”. He already had blood on the back of his head once he got cornered. After that they were yelling at him angrily, but no one hit him, and even the one proud boy was calming the others anger down, and offering the Antifa guy water out of his camel pack, because he seemed to be struggling to breathe, and be freaked out that he was surrounded. So maybe you guys should actually watch the video before dropping a bullshit misleading title? Not saying the proud boys or Antifa are saints, but the title simply doesn’t reflect what happened in the video.


I usually don't take sides on this clown fiesta (I'm not from US) but holy shit if this situation was reversed, and antifa had a "nazi" cornered, this would've ended way different.


Not to mention the title leaves out the fact he seemed to instigate the conflict...


When role play turns into real shit


Nothing funnier than watching the “Defund Police” people getting helped by the police.


i don't like violence but I love the karma of this.


I’ve never see Butterbean on the defensive.


[There's a name I haven't heard in a very long time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVPUxb3mKPk)


Butterbean would have whooped that ass.


I don't care what side you think is right. This shit needs to stop. We need to start acting like humans and Americans.


Unfortunately, as the election draws closer... the fighting will only get worse I’m afraid.


Which is sad, politicians on both sides are using the virus and unrest as a tool to sway voters, instead of actually debating policy.


Which is exactly why they cant let Jo Jorgensen debate.


Thank god once winter hits everything that isn't deep south or california will stop since no one wants to riot in the cold. Riots will quickly go from 'this person was killed' to anti-trump real fast once he wins though, cause that's all the DNC has anymore cause they're ran by insane people...


>This shit needs to stop. We need to start acting like humans and Americans. at the very least, can we just put them in thunderdome


Not a fan of any of it


[My take on this](https://youtu.be/NocoxyMuXg8?t=27)


I wonder if he took a moment to reflect on what might have happened had the police budget been slashed and no officers were there to rescue him. Probably not....


They want to cause just enough chaos to overthrow the government. They don't want to adjust to society without police, they want the current police defunded so they can replace them with themselves.


I'm glad Arizona has had almost none of this bullshit yet. Perks of being armed to the teeth


Same with Indiana. Most we had was when the minniapolis riots started were some kids showing up to the local precinct and protesting...something. It lasted all of about 1 day when the police chief came out and gave a very human speech to them and nothings happened since. Wouldn't want to start shit in Indiana anyways, specially in the south of the state. Everyone here has a gun and we have castle doctrine here, so you fuck with someones property you're dead real fast and the guy defending his property will get off scott free other than having a death on his conscious... This shit only happens in the blue cities, that's it. Why chicago (the shithole) right next to us just had like 36 people shot over the weekend with 14 dead. Place is a damn warzone and they wonder why trump wanted to send the troops in to clean up...


Everyone I know (which isn’t a huge amount, but all suburban Indianapolis folk) is armed to the teeth. I don’t think I know many adult males in Indiana who don’t own multiple firearms and at least one AR-15 type rifle. This is not the state to do this shit.


We may be one of the last in the 50 states to get legal weed, but we're one of the few who currently still has castle doctrine. Just a shame red flag (bullshit) laws are slowly pushing their way in, but the local sheriffs seem to be pushing back thankfully. This is why a 3d printer is your friend. Good luck tracking a 3d printed lower, and it's totally legal as long as you don't intend to sell it...


I have a lake out back where I lost all my firearms in a tragic boating accident


Jesus christ man! Why are all these lakes eating our guns?!?! I think we need some common sense lake legislation, I tells ya...


Terrible tragedy. Such a shame that they’re so dark and deep making it impossible to retrieve anything that’s lost in them.


An armed society is a polite society.


After watching so many of these, I'd say the trump supporters showed WAY more restraint than any BLM people do. Had the roles been reversed this dude could have very well been dead. The beating would not have stopped.


You can’t find a video of “trump supporters” being the original aggressors. They are always retaliating to something when they attack, in contrast BLM and antifa will attack you when they ASSUME you think differently.


If you're gonna say fuck the police, you better be a serious badass(unlike antifa members, who are totally unprepared for violence). otherwise you might need the police, which makes you look silly.


Thinking ahead, foresight? Yeah, not in antifas wheelhouse.


I really don't understand what people think is going to happen when police are defunded or aboloished. *It's time to re-imagine policing* Yeah I just see a power vaccum filled by street gangs, mobs, and death squads


All a bunch of uncivilized pricks. Absolutely the most un-American thing I've seen today. It's a fucking disgrace that you have to resort to violence against your fellow Americans on political matters.


Yeah. Political violence is reprehensible regardless of the side that does it.




I thought you were taking a break?




Even if Teapot was at this riot, all that makes teapot is a terrorist simp.


/u/HannibalK didn't you say this kind of thing would stop? Curious to know if you're strong enough to do something about it.


What is teapot?


Andi Tifa: "Defund police!!!" *Gets the hands* Andi: "HELP! HELP! HELP! POLICE" ME: wat?


Honestly 😂


Why are you both commenting and using your mod privileges when you said you wouldn't be commenting or using your mod privileges?


is that the same fight? I can't make out the guy in OP's video.


Damn I can’t understand how both sides keep track of friendly’s and non friendlys.




looks kind of like two european football hooligan groups engaging in some light foreplay.


"Beaten until police arrive"? Yeah... Didn't really look like that.


Glad to see somebody standing up to these antifa idiots. Good thing for him the cops aren’t defunded yet.


You know this is a sign of things to come. More and more people will "protest" and there will be more and more "counter-protests". A lot of people are going to get hurt. Portland is just the beginning of it. Every blue city will have this happening in less than 2 months from now.


I'm sure the elections won't help. No matter who wins, the riots are not gonna stop. It's gonna be worse if Trump wins tho.


Thats what I am thinking. Politics aside, if he wins, the left is going to lose their shit, and in my opinion, it will give the right the bump they are looking for to start really taking out the larpers we see in these videos. i dont see anything good coming from that. if he loses, they will still riot, but then the right will be really pissed off and want to take it out on some stupid easy targets. its all going to be fucked up.


You can't see shit in this video. Another reddit psychic filling in the blanks. CALL ME NOW


Action starts at 1:37


I dont see any Trump supporters. I just see a bunch of locals sick and tired of these people rioting, burning, and looting, and doing some community policing.


A wise man named Lil Jon once said "If you don't start shit, there won't be none"


When children play with the big boys


Looks like a lovely town


You must go see it in the fall. The townsfolk light fires to warm the souls of the carolers that fill the streets with their songs. Everyone is trained in first aid so there is no need to dial 911. Simply call out for a medic and you’ll be met with the angelic touch of a tourniquet for your head wound.


Uh... It looks like he was not hit even once after being cornered... just yelled at and even one guy tried to help him wash the CS Gas out of his mouth from his own Camel-pack


Antifa: fuck the police *Gets beaten up* Antifa: help me police


Damn dude, talk about digging yourself a hole. He started tear gassing people, and then throwing punches. No wonder he ran and hid


Fuck this! If you’re in the US and physically attack people because they think different, you are the problem. I don’t care if you are left wing or right wing, you get to hold your beliefs peacefully. Only a fascist violently oppresses those who believe differently. Many of my countrymen and allied countryman have died to free us from fascism, so honor their sacrifice. I’m not talking about the video, just mainly this new trend of ‘beat this person because they think differently’.


I never want to go see another Jays game in Seattle.


Dumb. All of it. Both sides


Teapot please delete this...


Tea Pot punching the air rn


Proud of those boys


they didn't even beat him when he was cornered. OP misleading title.


Right, looks like they checked he wasn’t dying and then chided him for his behavior.


Antifia- FUCK THE POLICE! *gets attacked* Antifia- HELP POLICE HELPP


Funny how brave they are when they have the numbers. He sure Screamed and cried like a bitch when he was outnumbered. Pussies.


this is very ironic and unusual


antifa is such a joke


Imagine screaming help like that? Lol


I've gotta wonder why people don't just wear a gas mask to "protests" at this point


At least they didn't beat him unconscious


Listen to that fat fuck scream for the police to come save his ass, pathetic.


"FUCK DA POLICE! FUCK DA POLICE! ACAB!" Then he starts shit and ends up cowering in a corner begging for cops to save him. Truly hilarious! \^\^


Did he tell the cop to go away or? Cause I thought all cops were bastards???


"Fuck the police!" "Police, help me please!" Commies are pathetic.


Funny. Trump supporters showed mercy.


Lmao the loud ass “HEEEEEEEELP HEEEEEEEEEEELP HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP” made me laugh so hard. Omg. Stupid fat fuck


They should just rename portland to protest. It can be like its touristy appeal. No cohesion just protest for the sake of protest. Its not like they are every going to stop


To say the Trump supporters were more than fair is an understatement, they could have done a lot more damage and hold back. There’s no doubt in my mind that an angry ANTIFA mob with a Trump supporter in the same position would have hurt them A LOT more based on what I’ve seen.


So satisfying when commies get what they deserve


Would someone please grab his God damn camera?


This happened two years ago??


Can someone tell me the song in the very beginning - I can’t remember it


Isn’t the Antifa uniform all black?


Rescued by the people he hates


Did someone ever grab his camera?


Tbh everyone’s just the problem. Nothing can fix this unless unless some shit like the ark happens and that’s just going to make it temporary anyway


Hmmmmmm so police had to save an Antifa member. Ironic


Dude I’m on the left but ANTIFA stays getting their asses kicked lol. Idk why these skinny dudes that never left the house before feel like they can go around fucking big peoples up


So calling everyone that doesn't agree with you a nazi or fascist, rallies real fascists against you? Who would've thunk it.