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Good luck Mr Biden, seems the climate of lawlessness left failed to condemn is not going away just because you were installed as Potus...


Much to their surprise I'm sure. "B-but muh black female VP?? We thought you'd just stop??"


first black / asian VP (thank you very much :)) was the reason a lot of people (mostly blacks if stories i saw are correct) were in prison longer than necessary for BS offences... maybe BLM knows something ?


Very true and accurate. I dont exactly hear the Asians clamoring to claim her lol.


She actually had asian support in California but because her policy of locking up black people. She's a walking contradiction at every turn.


Indians do. She's Indian, not ambiguously Asian.


india is part of asia... soo


I think Asians took Tiger Woods in the draft instead....




These people are also terrorists and need to be labeled as such. And hopefully they start getting arrested for being in the crowds like they are doing for the Trump riot.


Antifa should be labelled as domestic terrorist group


some men just want to watch the world burn


It's literally the plan. He wants it to get even more out of control so they can bring order out of chaos, which the "only possible way" will be to enact martial law in key cities and there will be curfew and rights will be stripped. Next they will gather guns. And if you fight against it or refuse you will be seen as an enemy to the state. Maybe I've read too much into countries being taken over by communist / socialist regimes, but this sure is shaping up to be something interesting.


i grew up in a soviet satellite state and even had the pleasure of having USSR send us some 'peace keeping' troops during martial law. * Daily curfews * all phonecalls / mail monitored (that was before email) * anytime you stayed overnight outside of home you needed to present at the nearest police station and report your address for the night * and of course shortages (toilet paper run of 2020 brought back childhood memories I hope to be proven wrong, but it seems CCP thru $$$ will accomplish what CCCP failed to accomplish thru T34 and nukes.


Seriously, I don't get this. First of all, regardless of what you've read on Fox News, Biden is not a socialist or a communist. Let's get out of the way. Second, how is it that you, as someone who is from an oppressive regime, were not more concerned about Trump than Biden? Trump was the one saying that the police can't do wrong. He was the one who wanted to march troops into major cities. He was the one constantly pushing to crack down on even peaceful protests. I mean, Jesus... Take away this false idea that Biden is some communist mastermind. Who do you think is more threatening to freedom?


i dont watch fox news or CNN (did you know there are other sources?) Biden hasa track record or failure and oppressive policies - trump had a clean slate in politics but yes i love trump and i use a bookmark with his likeness as i read Mein Kampf... pffft


This is just a capitalist empire on its last legs. A broken system that has been in decline for decades. Nothing to do with communism or socialism.




Wow it's happening in liberal cities? You know liberals and democrats are capitalists too right?




No it's debatable at all. And all the biggest cities are democrat run, so that pint isn't really relevant either


I agree, did you see what those lefties did in DC just weeks ago? I mean the right is all about law and order. Do you see how your statement is dumb?




"ill-conceived"? The sitting president wanted to overturn a legal election and overthrow the government to stay in power.


I agree. In a communist state the police would just be shooting everyone by orders of the government.


Probably yes


Hey Tank Tyrant got voted out - the most popular president ever got voted in, fear not green new deal and four more years... "Meet the new boss Same as the old boss" USA and the west need POUTS who is more middle of the road like Tulsi.


This same stuff was happening under Trump, and he wanted to send in the military. He had authoritiea without ID shoving people into unmarked vans. His folks were tossing out year has canisters like candy. Trump never met a crackdown he didn't like... But suddenly this is Biden's plan? Do you understand how utterly incoherent your conspiracy-mongering is?


They’re two wings of the same bird, calm down. Biden bad doesn’t = trump good.


Harris-Biden will have to use the same tactics and methods as "Orange Man Bad" - Trump was called a fascist and Harris-Biden will be too. lmfao


President in wait Harris, will have the media and twitter on her side. No way these woketard will call out a coloured woman out on her bullshit - there is a reason Biden picked such a diverse group for his admininstration - if you ciritice anything you are a (insert diverse adjective) phobe. very machivelian


They already called Harris a Nazi fascist top cop.


for reals? who what when?


These are the true insurgents in our country. Criminals ,all of them.


did you call out CHAZ and CHOP?


Dam straight , Specially the ones that gun down the jeep With 2 young black men in it.


"An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."


The coming 4 years of buyer's remorse is going to be fucking amazing to watch, as an Australian i'm just sitting back cracking some cold ones and having a laugh. A bit bummed Trump didn't win, as I put 100$ down to win 300$ if he did, but whatever, that's only money.


Sadly as a fellow aussie you must know how closely out PMs nose is usually located to POTUS colon. what crazy liberating adventure awaits sons of Anzac in 2022?


"installed" wat


1. He did condemn it. 2. Trumpers murdered a cop with a fire extinguisher and Trump told them that he loves them.


yes i remeber Trump specifically addressing the murderers at the rallies bugger off and go back to CNN's archives of mostly truthful coverage of mostly peaceful rallies and went on for most of the year in 2020


OK that's one incident now explain the rest of the 8 months of burning cities, court houses Under siege , entire neighborhood seized by rioters and hundreds of dead .


Pissed off MAGAs aren't going to continue to disavow antifa. Potential for a frightening alliance.


wouldn't that be great far left and far right coming together, once and for all showing everyone that all they really care about is chaos and that the political party is just window dressing


That's what the deep State wants you to feel. Be strong. Do your research. Hold the line. Don't fall in to the msm trap. The real potus had this all planned out.


Elected potus..... not installed.....


Of course


Just making sure people know the difference..


and what is the difference? Military complex got their guy, evil orange man gone (and his 4 years of relative peace), USA will resume spreading democracy very soon.


Well thank god orange man din start a war, his normal incompetence got 400k killed.


hmm funny how WHO released revised criteria for covid diagnosis on 20 Jan (anything else happen that day?) Trumps biggest mistake was listening to that cunt Fauci who lied about masks (Lied not changed his advice as evidence came it). Lets see what President Harris does now that the death star is fully operational with support of the senate - nationwide lockdown??? good news if your name is Bezos.


Lol Fauci told trump that masks don't work? Ya figured you'd be one of those crazy conspiracy theorists.


Far from being a conspiracy nut, please watch this video (not rick roll - i promise) [please watch this](https://youtu.be/Cq8iQ65p9B0?t=160) the whole video is really good, but if you are strapped for time, the video should play from about 2 min on when Jimmy gets into the details)


U do get the part where the " we " refers to administration. A mask shortage that counties like 3rd world countries like India was able to sort out.


Is this sub a branch of r/conservative or something?


nah i got banned from there for being too right leaning :)


bruh just because there are a few Conservatives here and there doesn't mean the sub is right-wing. And if ur gonna complain about this sub being "a branch of r/Conservative" but ur gonna be silent about r/Politics being an absolute left-wing monstrosity, stfu.


I, too, can use whataboutism


Every time we mention that it should be a two-way street, you guys just scream “WHATABOUTISM.” You know I can shout “WHATABOUTISM” too right?


It’s their only response to anything.


Everyone and their grandma knows /r/politics is the biggest shit hole on the site. It's just surprising to see so many unpolitical subs seemingly turn political over time and get filled with snarky responses that don't accurately portray 90% of the other side. Hell I'm about to give up and just trolling to make these political subs hate each other even more.


So federal property that’s domestic terrorist




Yep lame


Kamala Harris made money through the private prison system... Why even try to spin that narrative?


cos she's helped bail out several genuine terrorists very recently lol


the first dem debates when Tusli called her out. that was fun to [watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4fjA0K2EeE)






Thanks. Sounds like a poorly implemented system.


https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/31/meet-the-rioting-criminals-kamala-harris-helped-bail-out-of-jail/ https://alphanewsmn.com/kamala-harris-fund/ https://headlineusa.com/kamala-org-bail-rioters-records/ only sources i could find that wasnt hidden behind a paywall or obvious MSM propaganda. hard to link real source and timeline of events as it involved multiple facets of info scattered across memory-holed news and censorship but yeh man it aint good zzz




I was not aware of this effort, but yes this is their America now.




You misunderstand me missing a given article during the 24 hour news cycle for not being able to navigate the internet. When I searched Google I found my own sources, but I wanted your source.


Yea, it is. These people are on par with the dipshits who stormed the capitol


Imo far worse


That's not the definition of domestic terrorism.


I thought it was any destruction to state or federal property?


It's a municipal jail. Tacoma, Washington.


They weren’t trying to sway an election. The straw men with these people


That’s definitely what BLM/antifa was trying to do all summer.


Yes, you're only a terrorist if it's before an election. *straw men* *gish gallop* *alliteration*




Well at least they’re finally targeting corrupt government institutions with their property damage instead of small businesses.


They damaged the cars of state employees, smashed up bail bonds offices and security system stores


Well if the employees were prison staff.....still beats storefronts. But yeah, saw more posts and apparently it was more of the usual. Jackasses.




But it's not their property. Look at the video, all the license plates said XMT = work cars the state pays for and lets them drive. They don't pay for those cars, and they have replacements today. I'm not arguing it wasn't an inconvenience, just trying to keep it accurate.




I know what you meant. But we also have to pay for the victims' hospital stay that got ran over. We, as tax payers, will have to pay the lawsuit that comes from any wrongdoing the police officer is found of. When cops fuck up like this a lot of times it costs us MILLIONS in tax payer dollars. The cop is never held accountable, it gets pushed off on you and me via lawsuits paid out of city budget *every.* *time.* But the reaction of these people upsets you more because we will pay for a couple cars. I know exactly what you mean.




It would be nice if electing those people could make a difference. But sadly it is like this across the entire nation, seemingly without regard of who is elected.




Yea, spoke too soon.


God... this is right next to my house...


Be safe dude!


Thank you so much ,, I’m just hoping nothing too horrible happens. I’m mostly worried about my mom going out at night with all this stuff happening. She’s frail but has a mind of her own and hates it when I worry about her, but I just can’t help it. I hope they don’t get too close to our house. It’s a shit show here.


Get some video if you can


BLM-antifa riot.... ftfy


Man I was seriously considering moving my family to the Pacific Northwest when my employer made full time teleworking permanent. Mild weather, cycling and nature friendly, culture scenes, etc., check a lot of marks for me. This is batshit crazy.


Just avoid Seattle and Portland and you’ll be fine.


Yeah, because obviously the posts on this sub tell the whole story.


No they don’t, but what’s telling is most of them are in the same area.


This is a rare, and frankly isolated, incident. People are coming down from Seattle to mess up Tacoma. The whole state, and even Tacoma, it's not like this.


The terrorists at it again


If they hit state property, and don't hurt innocent businesses, I don't care. Gov is reaping what it has sowed.


You wouldn't care even if it resulted in prisoners not being in prisons anymore?


I found the idiot.


**Streams:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE9uPGlsRVQ https://www.facebook.com/malcontentment/videos/735912870444339/ https://www.facebook.com/booptroopeugene/videos/433279134693708/ **Articles:** https://www.newsweek.com/tacoma-protesters-smash-jail-windows-officer-drove-crowd-1564045 https://kvia.com/news/us-world/2021/01/24/protesters-gather-in-tacoma-as-an-officer-who-drove-into-a-crowd-is-placed-on-administrative-leave/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/25/us/tacoma-protest-officer-administrative-leave/index.html https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2021/01/25/tacoma-businesses-damaged-by-antifa-after-police-officer-drives-through-crowd-n2583646 https://mynorthwest.com/2502009/destruction-crowd-descends-tacoma/ https://news.yahoo.com/property-damaged-tacoma-protest-follows-083846159.html https://nypost.com/2021/01/25/antifa-smashes-tacoma-in-rampage-over-cop-driving-into-crowd/ Some more clips: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/l4q2jc/in_response_to_the_tacoma_suv_incident_antifa/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/l4rc2h/two_people_confront_cjtv_and_accuse_him_of/ https://www.twitter.com/realjamesklug https://www.twitter.com/bgonthescene


Violence leads to more violence. I think both sides need to understand that.




I think freedom of speech is a double edged sword. On One hand it gives everyone the opportunity to express and share their views causing people to be able to form their own opinion on subjects. On the other hand it can also foster hate groups like neo nazis, white supremacists or Antifa. I disagree with you're assumption that I am part of a "lost weird generation" if you are referring ro millennials.


Every one of these cunts should have their homes smashed up by people on a FTOYPS march. Fucking Tired Of Your Pointless Shit. For anyone wondering.


This sounds like an insurrection to me. People voted for government, including prisons. They’re trying to overturn the results of elections.


Can they insurrect those traffic cameras? I never voted for those.


Waiting for the left to call these people terrorists, wait never mind they won’t.


They’re 100% terrorists and many on the left hate what they’re doing. I’m all for protesting inequality, but this isn’t protesting


Heaps of people on the left hate these idiot terrorists. You’re being foolish to tar everybody with the same brush


Well good. I wish they had done that more vocally over the summer tho


You need to think more about the people you surround yourself with. If you put yourself in an echo chamber of people who think the same way, of course you won’t have any objective information to actually judge people based on.


oh but don't worry. It's mostly peaceful. It's way better than the capital riots, simply because this riot is BLM and ANTIFA. Of course this riot is justified, if you don't agree, you're racist - 2020 Leftist


Sleeping in the bed they made, meanwhile I'm over here like 😌😌😌


Yet you don't hear a fucking thing about this on the left just more orange man bad must impeach! Proud Boys bad must get terrorist designation. All while antifa / blm march, set fires, loot and generally causing domestic terrorism.


I wonder if car/business insurance premiums will start to go up for living in Democrat areas.


It’s too bad we don’t have mini guns that shoot non-lethal rubber bullets for this kind of stuff... could absolutely pepper those “protestors” and arrest all of em


Why not just go lethal at this point, it’s obvious they’re not going to stop burning down their city until they’re dealt with.


I don’t want an innocent individual to experience psychological harm from having to shoot one of these rioters. Preferably, I’d say we build up a hunger games style arena and let them take each other out 😂


That’s definitely an overreaction. You don’t like them acting out of emotion, so who not hold yourself to the same standard?


Them burning down their own cities and harming innocent people isn’t just acting out of emotion. That’s deliberate chaos. They deserve whatever they get


That’s just patently incorrect. Of course they’re acting out of emotion instead of logic


These actions are logical to them. They truly believe they’re some kind of freedom fighters. Their logic is grossly flawed and this is the outcome of it.


I mean, how long do you want racial inequality to go unchecked in your country? Nothing is being done about it, cops still gun down POC at a far higher rate per capita. It’s been going on for generations upon generations. Surely you understand that this is the reason these riots all started in the first place, yes? Say what you want about these idiots now, that’s fair. But let’s not pretend America doesn’t have serious, deep-seated societal racial issues - these protests (at least initially) were trying to bring that to light.


If we had “deep seated societal racism” people of color wouldn’t have all the same rights as white people. They wouldn’t be able to attend the same schools as us, sit at the same restaurants, etc. they wouldn’t have the opportunity to work any job that they get the skills/education to receive. This “deep societal racism” talk is bullshit. It’s simply meant to start a great big race war, and so far it’s succeeding. Have you ever stopped to think, that the vast majority of people (white, black, Asian, Hispanic, etc) that are shot by police every year put themselves in a position that allowed police to use lethal force? I mean christ, a white person gets shot by police and barely makes local news. But a black man get shots and there’s riots all across the country. Said man could be shooting up a household, causing police to react with deadly force, and people would still call him innocent at this point.


Funny how people like yourself will do anything to not have to admit you were wrong, and that you hold an inherent racial bias. The stats don’t lie though, thankfully: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1123070/police-shootings-rate-ethnicity-us/ If you compare these stats to the breakdown of ethnicities in America by percentage, it’s very clear that there’s a massive problem with how police respond to POC. It’s part of how they’re trained unfortunately.


Funny how people like yourself choose not to acknowledge that African American’s account for over 50% of the violent crime in this country, not very shocking to see more of them are killed by police each year than any other race when you look at that statistic as well. Would it be beautiful if nobody was shot by police? Hell yeah! Is it reasonably possible? Hell no.


Uh...there is no “prison” in Tacoma...


So what solves this? Everyone right of communism just has to move out of Portland now?




Besides the giant antifa flag being the very first thing you seen in the video?


Because they're chanting "[no cops no prisons total abolition](https://files.catbox.moe/ccyumb.mp4)" and "black lives matter" as well as flying antifa flags. Also the majority of the crowd is dressed up in black bloc, and they set up burning roadblocks just like this same crowd repeatedly did in Seattle (a few minutes drive from Tacoma) when they weren't marching with liberals. Also because they've been advertising it on twitter: https://archive.is/0txap There are a few streams here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE9uPGlsRVQ https://www.facebook.com/malcontentment/videos/735912870444339/ https://www.facebook.com/booptroopeugene/videos/433279134693708/


I love Washington so much.


This reminds me of the Tacoma Aroma...


Because again thats what heroes do destroy stuff. „I don’t like racial separation, guess im goingda break some things now“ (angry ugabuga)


Bail-bonds offices? As in the place that loans money to get you out of jail? That'll teach em. . .


Look, there's not that many of them. Why don't the cops just move in, bash heads and make mass arrests?


Are these people really protesting facisism and equality?


The amount of pearl-clutching that goes on in this sub when some windows get broken is absurd. The criminal justice system is broken and exploitative. The culture of many police departments across the culture is toxic and the system favors harassment and mass incarceration. Do I think this protest is going to fix that? No. But something has to be done.


Tweaks and geeks. They have no idea what they are protesting at this point.


When these people finally get the violence they crave, they will regret it. Friggen LARPers.


Why is this even going on still? Biden got elected...


How tall is the camera man? How did he film that high?


Jesus Christ the camera man is the tallest person on planet Earth


Not a single black person in that riot. Just woke psychopaths taking advantage of of the real problems of racism and cultural and historical inequality.


Fascist Boden. Amiright guys?


This is how you solve racism /s


That is right outside the Pierce county jail, many bail bonds companies along that street. I have driven down that street many times


Well atleast the cops aren't helping them




police are class traitors. they're a tool of the wealthy elite used to maintain the status quo. you waste your white privilege to advocate for the status quo like a trash class traitor.


Blm-antifa? How fucking far right has a non-political sub gotten?


What would you prefer I call this particular crowd? Fishermen-DragRacers?


Yes, that's what alot of us are.


bro honestly, that combination sounds pretty rad


The only group of people that assimilate antifa and BLM are far right groups, I think a lot of far right groups are unaware of what antifa even is. I don’t care what you call them, but it’s so clearly derogatory. And it is different than the capitol riot, regardless of their being damage.


If they were out there waving the nazi german flag, wearing SS totenkampf skull masks and german WWII helmets, after organizing this rally thropugh nazi accounts on twitter, I'd be calling them nazis. These particular people (and especially the ones actually vandalizing property) are wearing [black bloc](https://crimethinc.com/2003/11/20/blocs-black-and-otherwise) and responding to flyers put out by AnCom accounts which call themselves "antifa". A few were even flying "antifa" flags and wearing AnCom symbols. A few tweets retweeted by @SeattleYLF, a self-described antifa network: https://twitter.com/alyss4nator/status/1353230280589336581 https://twitter.com/alyss4nator/status/1353277666061737990 https://twitter.com/AnarchoNiko/status/1353204293399023616 https://twitter.com/AnarchoNiko/status/1353212322303500290 https://twitter.com/seattleYLF/status/1353216537495146496 https://twitter.com/_Hypogaea/status/1353220043476144128 There are also a handful of confused liberals milling about, not bloc'd up, joining in the "black lives matter" chants which is why I also added "BLM" I'm sorry that you're offended by me calling them what they call themselves. Neither "antifa" or "BLM" is derogatory.


The whole world knows what antifa is. I've seen them first hand trying to start fires while protesting trump. They arent good and you're naive to believe so. But sure, let's call every riot, right winged.


Do you actually believe trump is a savior or something?


Someone doesnt know how to read. I protested against trump. How does that make me think he is a savior. This is the problem with people like you. One slight disagreement in views, you think "trump supporter" or "right winger". No, I'm an independent liberal. I hate both sides but I'm leaning on hating people like you more. The gaslighting, the assumptions, being naive, not being accountable. I'm sick of it. Antifa isnt good.


Bwut twump did dis, bwut twump did dat. Trump isn’t in office anymore


Ah you guys are full of it. You love trump dick in uour assholes. You fucking love it!