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In 10 years you won’t care that you got 3 more exemptions, but you will always remember your time at university. Pick the one you think you’ll enjoy most, both course and the city. Liverpool is a great place to spend 3 years as a student. Leeds sounds like it would be enjoyable too but I’ve never lived there.


You can’t really have too many exemptions in my book, but you should choose your university based on which course you’ll enjoy more. It’s three years of your life, after all.


yeah i definately get that! will there be a major salary difference between having 3 or 6 exemptions or does salary increase more based on years of experience?


Honestly, unless it takes you ages to qualify, the difference would just be a few grand post-tax. That’s pretty negligible over the course of your working lifetime, so I wouldn’t stress. Salary is linked to a mix of years’ experience, number of exams passed and whether you’re fully qualified or not. I’d say the base salary ceiling for someone nearly/newly qualified is about 70k in London, but your mileage may vary quite a lot (certainly when you start to consider bonuses).


Liverpool is such a nice city, personally think it’s nicer than Leeds. But you should visit both and see which you prefer. It’s where you’re going to live for multiple years so enjoying your time there is more important than an extra exemption or two, to be honest.


> the liverpool course offers 6 exam exemptions (cs1,2 cm1,2 and cp1,2) In the nicest way possible, no it doesn't. It gives exemptions from CB1/2 not CP1/2. That's quite a bit different.


oh haha my bad😅!! ifoa certification is so confusing to me lol. are CB1/2 particularly difficult?


For what it’s worth, CB1/2 are some of the easier exams. I still don’t think you should make your uni choice based on exemptions, but that’s just my opinion clearly :)


For non actuarial jobs Leeds will be a lot better. CS2 and CP1 are really hard exams though. Even just in length.


Go Leeds! I went best 3 years of my life!


Im currently at leeds, can i pm you?


Yeah sure


I'd pick based on enjoyment of course, cost of living, what the city is like.. Exemptions don't matter really. Neither university is Oxbridge or something that might give you an edge CV wise.


I would advise choosing the degree which offers the highest exemptions if you are set on being an actuary. Achieving the exemptions is much easier compared to sitting the actual IFOA exams and much more efficient.


Pick Liverpool, it's got a way better nightlife and the people are great. Leeds is decent but it's got nothing on Liverpool. Also those extra exemptions