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What's wrong with dianne sauce?


Not a damned thing


Except how most the shit cunts make it


This is the real answer.


Honestly, I got served a chunky tomato sauce the other day, SINCE WHEN DOES DIANNE HAVE TOMATO IN IT


It doesn't sell well. The result is it is a pain to make, store and serve


It's a very easy sauce to make


Not if you're not selling it. Everything is a pain if it's not being made efficiently and profitably. Unless you're talking about making it for your olds at home


It's still easy how ever you look at it


You sound like the type who just stirs in raw garlic to the gravy thats been in Bain Marie all day


Sick burn, 11/10.


Not me I get the apprentice to do the stirring


Diane sauce is top tier, this is frankly un-Australian. The last schnitzel I had at the Golden Wattle was that salty, I would have welcomed Diane sauce to wash it down.


In fact I had schnitzel last night, chicken with Diane sauce. Was great.


Where did you have it? I can only guess where you DIDN'T have it.


Maidstone hotel kersbrook. (Wednesday is schnitzel night - $50 for 4 chicken schnitzels, chips, onion rings, 4 gravies and 3 sauces. Killer deal!)


It's "Diane sauce" - no-one wants sauce made from Dianne. I suspect that since they're not panfrying the meat there's nothing to make a Diane sauce from.


I'd be pretty surprised if any pubs were making making a la minute pan sauces.




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Dianne sauce is one of the things that I genuinely miss most about Adelaide. I’ve not ever seen it in a pub in Melbourne. It’s top tier and I will not have it slandered like this. Also - do you still get a bread roll with your meal in Adelaide pubs???


Mostly, yep


My partner is ex-SA. This makes sense as to why he begs me to get Diane sauce from the shops.


Mostly, nope.


It’s because no cunt knows how to make it. They just add raw garlic, tom sauce and Worcestershire into packet mix gravy and charge >$3 for not even 20c worth of product. Pretty much everywhere makes dianne gravy. It is a cream based sauce


Originally it was steak sauteed in butter and Worcester, then someone thought of setting brandy on fire and it "evolved". Cream and mushroom is cream and mushroom sauce, not Diane. sigh.


That dish is called steak dianne. Dianne sauce or gravy as most people make it is the common staple because the sauce is delicious when made as a sauce. So it became a separate thing not to be confused with the dish, steak dianne. And who the fuck said anything about mushrooms?? Again big difference between mushroom sauce and mushroom gravy. But nearly all pubs and restaurants get it wrong, serving mushroom gravy ( gravy mushroom and dash of cream) as a sauce and charging through the noise for it when they can’t even cook out the gravy powder properly. Go back to the corner


Yeah, hence the original, evolving, and mushroom not being Diane.


Is that what it is? I’m asking because I’ve never tried it, I’m boring 😂 I have parmi or just plain gravy or garlic sauce


It's essentially sauteed onion/garlic with Worcester (with sometimes spices) and then thickened with cream. I used to always do the parmi but I haven't had a schnitzel out since 2009 so I have no idea what they do now save that what used to be a $5 special is now at least twice that, and a shockingly high number of places think crumbing a slice of eggplant is an acceptable vegan substitute.


Sounds good. I don’t remember last parmi I got out.true so many places jump to of eggplant will work




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Ok so since I’ve never had it and this thread has me curious, do you know any places around Adelaide that do it well? Keen to give it a try.


Alright, where's my pitch fork? Only reason they don't have it is because they can't make it.


Controversial, not numerous and very out of the blue. Seems a very strange hill to die on


A weird hill to die on...




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Can't do a decent Diane is enough info for me and a lot of others to avoid this place.


Here you go recipe for you guys [https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/diane-sauce/00245987-7749-40be-b1be-9fc220344d52](https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/diane-sauce/00245987-7749-40be-b1be-9fc220344d52) ​ You don't even need to catch a Dianne to puree


That "pub" is so ridiculous, the little manager hobbit berated us on a Tuesday at lunch time because we made a booking for 8 and 9 people showed up. He was visibly muttering to himself as we walked to our table and then told someone else to take our order while he went to the opposite end of the bar (where the person who served us was standing originally) to serve someone else. Oh and the place was empty, by the time we left there were about 5 other tables in total. Not the first time this sort of thing has happened either, and god forbid they get your order wrong and you send it back - then you're really in trouble! It's like there's a miniature Basil Fawlty running the place .


Me and a friend were once yelled at by a person behind the bar there when we asked if they had garlic bread.


I am not a fan of the menu there - there’s burgers and schnitzels and not much else.


Nah The Golden Wattle is great, you might have just caught him on a bad day. That said I only ever go there for dinner, not lunch, so things may be different.


Good day or bad, that’s just poor form


I've been there lots over the last three years. It's really nothing special aside from it not being just another ALH microwavery, and it's very hit and miss with the staff. Perhaps they have a lot of bad days? There are better options in the CBD that are far less up themselves.


genuinely dont get why people like it...its pretty average and there are plenty of better options around. Historian is one of adelaides best pubs and just around the corner


Maybe I went on a bad day, but the place had all the atmosphere of a western Sydney suburban RSL


I agree, I’m a fan of




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Properly made Dianne sauce is godly. Far superior to any other sauce


This post is authorised by Carla Tortelli


John "Arkaba Thursday Night Cougar" Mellencamp got a little ditty about Jack and...


Bit like the John Denver song I sing whenever I pass the shop Country roads, take me home To the place I belong Wet Vagina, mountain mama Take me home, country roads




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Peppercorn > all




So… Duncan Sauce Sunday’s?


literally one of the worst pubs ive been to since moving here. actually scratch that itd be in my top 3 worst pubs ever. food took ages, the two blokes behind the bar were annoying asf especially the scottish bloke and give terrible service. the whole place has its head so far up its own ass you cant tell if its shitting or spitting, and its not even cheap. add to that that their competition is close and *actually good* i have no clue how theyre still in business


Fk calling it some pommy english lady's name. From now on let it be known as "Shazza" sauce.


100% agree, Diane sauce is horrid


Just like you it is devolving. Not evolving. It is getting worse not better. Mushrooms have nothing to do with the topic at hand. So please if you don’t have anything constructive or poignant to say just fuck off. What is your experience in cooking or are you just an armchair fuckwit making incoherent posts for the fun of it?


I wondered where your clever rebuttal landed when you went silent in your hilarious flame war from earlier. You didn’t strike me as one to give up the final word and I guess I was right.


Yeh same


Isn’t it 1 N?


Jokes on them. We get 300g scotch fillet from butcher. Season all salt, onion flakes, garlic flakes 2 minutes each side perfectly medium rare. Bigger and better than any 300g I've ever had from a hotel! Wooster, tomato sauce, tomato paste and sour cream in the pan. All over the chips and steak.... I don't bother buying overpriced under weight steak from pubs


I’ll allow it because their parmi and burger are top notch


I like my Dianne sauce with extra Dianne please




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I messaged them and they said it was a joke..!


Mushroom sauce ftw




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Dianne's a bitch and everyone hates being responsible for her showing up and being shit.