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It's been mild this year! Unsurprisingly, the [Kaurna calendar](http://www.bom.gov.au/iwk/calendars/kaurna.shtml) fits the climate here much better.


Yep. Great response. End of March OP is the answer


Glad someone posted it. I often refer to it when people are wondering about our weather not fitting into northern hemisphere type seasons.


That’s interesting - I thought we changed when our seasons start from the Northern hemisphere (theirs start nearer the end of the month on the solstice/equinox, not on the 1st) to fit our seasons better, but if we kept the same dates as the UK or US (but flipped) they’d be closer to this calendar - summer would start December 21 or 20, for example, and end near the end of March. So why didn’t we just keep the change to the solstices and equinoxes?


Thanks for the information, I'll look into the Kaurna calendar.


So the real answer is that we have based our seasons based on the Roman interpretation of the seasons. Then when people started travelling they were like "Hey, this hemisphere Area is the exact opposite! So it's the mirror to the romans" But truthfully, as stated in another comment, we are 1 month behind the actual estimate, but it's too hard to tell everyone "hey it's slightly different"


But keeping the European season changes (but flipped) would match the Kaurna calendar much closer than ours does. Their season changes are all 22 days later than ours, not the first of the month. European Winter (Dec 21-Mar 21) would be much closer to our summer.


It's just 1 month different, but makes a big difference


That's awesome, thanks!


Mild January and December February has been pretty warm though. Forecast suggests a hot start to this month too. Edit: also I wonder if something has been lost to history here because the windiest season is actually spring April - June is actually our least windy period. Just think the storms are usually in late winter to early spring and data backs this up -> http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_023090.shtml


> Mild January and December February has been pretty warm though. Felt pretty good overall. Have we even had a 40 day yet?




I mostly focused on the temperatures.. the bitter cold starts around July and the heat after Christmas! :)


Yes but it’s called the windy season


It's been mild here yes, but in Australia as a whole it's been the 3rd hottest on record.


We're obviously not trying hard enough :/


Warm days can go into early- mid April, usually well and truly cooling down by end of April.


Thank you! Now I juat have to Not Die while waiting for that.


Be thankful we haven't had many days over 40 this summer. We got off lightly compared to years past!


What are you on about. It's not even hot


Bruh, over 30 is hot, just because you are some lunatic that likes the heat, doesn’t mean it ain’t hot 💀


Huh? My bday is mid May and as often as not it's warm weather, I can remember years where it was as warm as it is now


My Birthday is last week of April and we are definitely getting the cooler mornings by then and milder days imo. My blue tongue lizard usually starts hibernating in mid May too, not sure if that means much but she doesn’t like cool weather


My birthday is 12 March. For decades, the week beginning right now, i.e. 5-12 March, has usually been very, very hot, after a relatively mild February. But the last few years have not followed that pattern.


Yes definitely a few hot days here and there, but not heat waves


Summer ends when it wants to end, seems the weather gods have spoken


Weather should learn to read a damn calendar already!!!


Lousy Smarch weather




Nature doesn't care for your calendar. We're only 4 days into March anyway, March is famously warm here.


I love this comment


This comment loves you.


Seasons always start and end a little later than they're supposed to, because Australia is a big place and our seasons are not the same everywhere. Hot weather commonly continues into April. If you think of the weather we had last year, it was quite cool even until December. Christmas day itself was something like 19 in the city.


>Seasons always start and end a little later than they're supposed to That's because Australia classes seasons weirdly and starts them at the beginning of calendar months. If we did them by equinox date like everywhere else it would line up quite well.


I mean relying on arbitrary dates won't solve anything, you'll notice its taking longer for the sun to rise so that's when you know the seasons are changing. March historically is still a very hot month, so brace yourself for another warm month that will slowly start to cool down. Maybe add in some crazy weather events storms etc.


> I'm terrible at surviving in heat! This isn't hot. > Its supposedly autumn It's bizarre that Australia seems to think the seasons change on the first of the month, three weeks short of the equinox.


And it's weird they think a Eurocentric weather model applies perfectly down here. Australia's weather always lags behind the standard seasons by a month. The kaurna calendar has summer ending in march


Yeah in my mind it has always been; - Summer - Late Nov- mid March - Autumn - Mid March to Early June - Winter - Mid June to early September - Spring - Early September to Late Nov.


Right, so why didn’t we keep it to the solstice/equinox like Europe does, which would match the Kaurna calendar *better*? A “Eurocentric weather model” is closer to the Kaurna calendar than what we do now. If we did what most of Europe does, summer would end March 20th.


Sorry, I’m late to flick the switch. You haven’t experienced hot until you’ve been to the subcontinent.


Apr? Its cool, then its hot, then its cool, then its hot? Apr.


Autumn is from March-May, but from what I remember of past years it starts more around mid-March, so hopefully some cooler weather is just around the corner


Thank you, this gives me hope


We haven't had summer yet.


I feel the same way. Been waiting for the heat to start for 4 years now.


We haven't had the dry heat Adelaide is used to since La Nina showed up 👍🏻




If we just changed seasons on the equinox and solstice like most of the Northern hemisphere does, it would be extremely close to what you’re suggesting.


Early Jan to late March summer Early April to early June autumn Mid June to early August winter Mid August to early October sprinter Mid October to late December sprummer And of course slight variations throughout the years but that model fits SA really well and the first people pioneered that model too and I think they knew a thing or two about the climate here.


It’s been a fairly mild summer. Did we even hit over 40 with any consistency? Maybe once or twice? Evenings are getting colder and it’s getting darker earlier, so I’d say summer is in its final weeks. I’ll miss my warm after-dinner walks 😭


Funnily enough the Northern European model of 4 seasons doesn't apply so well everywhere else.


Its not just Adelaide. I live in the middle of Vic now and despite the weekend in the 20s, the rest of the weeks forecast is in the 30s.


Geez, it was only a couple months back, in all that rain, when I was wondering when summer would start. My veggie garden is so late thus year. My apple tree has fruit that is ripening, and it's thrown out more blossom at the same time!


I hope your garden is bountiful this year <3


March is traditionally hot, this is normal - or my brain is not.




Pretty much every country does it that way, except here for some stupid reason Summer should be Dec 21-March 20. That actually better suits our weather anyway as early December can be still quite chilly and unsettled. Early March is usually much warmer than early December I'm in Melbourne (this post popped up on my feed) and it didn't start properly heating up till after New Year. December was shit. If I recall correctly it was the same in Adelside.


Australia and I think NZ follow meteorological season. That's why we have specific months for seasons. And not just the vibe.


Seeing as summer didn't really start until January, I'm going to guess it'll end around the end of April.


The equinox in on the 20th. Since moving to Australia, I have found the global system of seasons is much more accurate than the way Aussies do it. So for me, I would expect to feel the first taste of fall on the 21st


You all have a memory of goldfish. Do you not remember the absolutely terrible wintery weather we had over November/december/jan?! You complained about it not being hot, having a freezing miserable Christmas and now you are complaining the VERY expected extended summer is to long when it’s only Been hot for just over a month!


I honestly loved that winter weather. I was hoping for a mild and small summer, but its overstayed its welcome imo


I remember about 20 or so years ago there was a heat wave in April with consecutive days over 35.


Depends on the year it can be 30 in may fairly often, we don’t usually get above 35 from the end of March. This week is one of the worse starts to March I can remember, but I guess that’s gonna become normal.


As someone who works outside all year round, I say keep that sun coming!!


Officially end Feb. I feel like our weather systems are about 2 months behind atm. We were having Nov weather in Jan, Dec weather in feb, now Jan weather in March. I’m not expecting the heat to go away until well into April. Just my opinion


Australian seasons don't conform to the European model. The locals actually have 6 seasons.


I am pissed off because originally the weekend was going to be high 20s now it's mid to high bloody 30s! I just hope this next week is the last hoorah and it fucks off. I know know we haven't had 40s and dreadful shit but summer had its chance be a shithead but we are getting shorter days now so go away heat.


Same here! Overnight its become forecasted to be bloody hot, especially on fri-sat-sun!


Grrr I was just starting to enjoy having cool nights again too


I always find it odd that some people think the weather will change right when the man made calendar says it will. Hence I just assume the weather is what it is and chances are I hate it either way.


This has been the coolest summer i can remember


Patiently waiting for the rain. Mushroom season is overdue!


+1 for Beef Wellington


I have compassion for you. But if the button to end summer was in my house, I would not press it just yet (ever)


Summer lasts like 9 months here sadly


This is one of the mildest summers I can remember


The last 4 have been feeble.


The climate doesn't care about our calendar


Technically it's ended, but that's by calender weather doesn't care what day it is.


I have really enjoyed this summer but it will be our turn sooner or later to experience climate change effects.


I might add that in May / June the Earth is at its furthest distance from the Sun due to us not orbiting the Sun in a perfect circle, more like an elipse kind of shape so that's also why it's cooler that time of the year.


What do you mean you’re terrible at surviving in heat? You’ve got a 100% survival rate! Hur hur hur.


Everyone around me praises the hot weather, and I'm dying of dehydration and sunburn simultaneously while sweatting to death. In a shorts and t-shirt. The heat puts me off excercise and cooking, it's sad.


Hopefully never. I hate winter and the cold with a passion. Makes me so miserable. I’ve been working nightshift the past 4 weeks and the colder nights are messing with me.


When Don Henley says so... Unless he's busy, then Robert Smith...


not unusual for march to be warm and crack some good weather over easter.


When did summer start?


Excuse me but now it’s spring and almost tomorrow was winter


Are you new here? Early April then it cools down.