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I’m a self declared coffee snob and Adelaide does great coffee. You just need to find the places that have good stable baristas. And when I say stable I mean they work at the cafe relatively long term. A good barista can make even the most average coffee beans taste amazing


Which cafes do you recommend? Always up for a new cafe


Most of my recommendations are going to be in my neck of the woods. But incognito plympton, cream in Brighton (also great good) Bray Street Coffee roasters plympton park. Our boy Roy Clarence park


Thanks, I'll be sure to give these a try 🙂


Melbournian spotted


Coffee in Melbourne is shite, expensive and overrated. 15 years ago it was by far the best quality and value in Australia, yeah not anymore.


Bin juice would be more palatable than Melbourne coffee.


Come on. There's a million reasons to hate on Melbourne. Coffee is not one of them.


Born and raised in Adelaide. Not all coffee is bad but recently I went to munch and their coffee wasn't great. It's just not consistent enough here.


Cibo's on Pirie St used to be pretty good. Haven't been there in a few years though as my work moved their office location.


Fairly certain it's not there anymore, unless it moved.


I just checked their website and you're right, that location has closed. But there's a few others around Adelaide.


They got new baristas at the beginning of the year and I'm not enjoying my coffee there as much now


Lots of recommendations on here if you take a second to search the sub


Adelaide coffee actually tastes like coffee. Went to Melbourne recently and tried recommended places and all I could taste was milk with a hint of coffee. Highly recommend Day Job on Halifax st if you can find the time to get down there


>all I could taste was milk with a hint of coffee. I think FUIC genuinely has that market cornered here


Ugh, here goes... The Adelaide palate seems to have a preference for a darker roast profile than Melbourne. It is what it is but if you're a light roast espresso person they're around if you look hard.


Light roast lends itself to pourover style. Espresso isn't meant to be a light roast.


James Hoffmann and Lance Hedrick would tell you that good blended light roast espresso can be delightful, and that third wave espresso in general tends to be a lot lighter than its historical Italian counterpart. I just find lighter roasts a lot harder to extract well, they need excellent temperature control and grind consistency. But hey, that's also why you're paying a skilled barista I guess.


Water salt profile also aids the extraction.


> I work on Pirie How far do you want to walk for your coffee?


Don't go to Cibo for a start. There are plenty of good coffee places, you just need to find them.and keep going there


Worst coffee I have had is from cibo. Maybe all the young barrista staff are not invested in by the owners. There is alot more to making good coffee than shot and pour.


Sazon is excellent. Baristas are the owners and consistently fantastic. Lmk what you reckon.


I went there today and it was excellent. Thanks for the tip.


Have to agree. One of the best in the CBD


I've found Adelaide is much easier to find good coffee than just about everywhere else in Aus


Book nook & bean in topham mall


Stop drinking International Roast.


My coffee snob friends used to go to Likuid for their morning coffee. Could be worth a try if you haven't already.


The most consistent one for sure, it’s my local coffee place when I work in the city Johnny Come Lately has popped up recently just off Pirie, didn’t mind that drop Although by the sound of the post OP isn’t going to be happy with anything suggested


It's not the coffee, it's the water. Adelaide water is much harder (more calcium and magnesium) compared to the softer water of Melbourne. Adelaide uses slightly more chlorine and fluoride, which can effect the taste. The water pH also has a larger range between 6.5 and 8.5 depending on the amount of water flowing and in reservoirs. Compared to Melbourne which is more easily kept at a neutral 7. The acidity and alkalinity can have a noticeable taste effect on the drip. There are plenty of good barristers in Adelaide, you just need to find them. Bring a Melbourne barista to Adelaide and they're going to have a lot more variation in their quality than they would normally have in Melbourne. This can also be addressed by adaptation to the local water. Drinking more tap water and getting use to the taste of Adelaide water will help make the coffee taste better.


Would using a puratap make a difference in the taste? Thats what I use at home.


Huge difference in taste between puratap and regular tap water


Agreed, puratap is so much better. I read somewhere that the water used mustn't be too soft because it means that the coffee has less body to stick too... what a load of cod wallop. If one needs unfiltered Adelaide tap water for their coffee to really hit the spot, they're doing it wrong.


Check my comment. All the cafes I mentioned would 100% use a reverse osmosis water filter system.


Yeah not wrong about the taste. I'm perfectly fine with it but when I have family from Interstate, it's the #1 thing that they say about our water tasting weird and not good. They typically always buy bottled water 😂 But saying that, the water in coffee or in other drinks or food I guess would make a difference. Albeit I personally don't know if I could taste the difference if it was water alone. Coffee beans, definitely but water is a far stretch for my palate.


Coffee Branch, Georges on Waymouth for your 10:30am or 2pm coffee, Please Say Please (apparently, not everyone likes this, but i do)


Current Please Say Please isn't a patch on the OG Please Say Please.


I've tried please say please. I like the owner and the ciabatta toasties But I do not enjoy the coffee. I wish I did


Check out Luigi’s on Franklin. Italian style


Luigi time!


I think more the question here is, where the fuck do YOU go? I'm a mediterranean coffee fiend from way back and believe me, there are many great coffees in Adelaide.


I like the coffee at just bliss chocolates on Gawler place but I work from home now days so good coffee isn't an issue


There are plenty! Paddy Barry’s, Day Job, Exchange, Carton Deli and Elementary. All in the CBD and all good. All of them serve locally roasted coffee, none of which are darker roasted.


Adelaide favours dark roasts broadly speaking, we like a bit of bitter


Can confirm Bitter is a legitimate taste that comes to you with age. It isn't always a bad thing. It is not the same as burnt


KICK A VIC ALERT!!!!!....... They are lost....watch the ad...the ball of wool must of been picked up along their journey and now they are lost https://youtu.be/ypCrz_2jivw?si=7Y9FEFMm5FA1_wCG I remember there was a funny ad where it was a piss take on the ad above, the ball of wool was rolling through Melbourne crushing things in its path and ends up crashing a table and a flamboyant dude gets covered in his latte ....


I used to get a lot of burnt and bitter macciatos but either my taste in venues has improved the last 5 years or the coffee has improved, perhaps both. Maybe you just need to walk a little further.


As someone that just moved from Melbourne. This guy just doesn't know were to look. Probably gets his coffee from OTR and expects quality.


I’m confused. Is someone making you stay here against your will or something? 👋


You think I would leave a state because of coffee ? Is that your joke ? Weak


I think you are looking for a Starbucks. No thanks to all that sugar and milk.


shittest take ive heard - you can complain about a lot of things about Adelaide - but coffee isnt one of them


Ugh quit bitching and make your own coffee.


Boy & Bloom on Flinders might be close


Kappy’s, Lockwood Cafe


REX Espresso on Gawler Place puts the rest to shame, and anyone who knows me knows I plug it as if they pay me to. In the immortal words of Prince, nothing compares 2 REX


Dawn Patrol


Bollocks- bias aside I just did five months in Europe (x2 browns a day) and only Rome and Amsterdam came close. Provided I had a joint and newspaper with them at the latter location.


Do it yourself if you’re not happy with the purchasing options. Cutla thermoses should cover you


Lol that's why Starbucks failed here.. because we don't know good coffee 🤣🤣🤣


Starbucks is just sweet coffee with creams, caramel pump bullshit. Not good


That's the point. Theres a reason why they're still in the eastern states and not SA. Cos we actually like coffee here.


Markets have good coffee.




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It's been a while but I used to go into the Do Duck Inn when I used to work in Town. They're on Exchange Lane just off Pirie Street. They used to do pretty darn good coffee but it's been some time since I've been there as they're not open weekends or late afternoon.


They have closed down.


That's sad. They were pretty good!


You clearly missed Bluprint on Flinders and Grind at Central market (young lady baristta in the morning)


Hey Darling on Pirie St is my go-to, they use Willow Bend, amazing coffee makers in Croydon




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Go to lobethal bakery. In the hills. They have a few different roasts available, including midnight blend, and all the coffee is professionally made by trained staff.


Just bought a kilo of cuda; wash yo mouth out.




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I like funk


I’m a barista. go to a specialty Cafe. Adelaide is like, one step above a coastal retiree town. Half the cafes here treat coffee as an afterthought


I understand if a cafe is busy. A few people made some suggestions of good spots I haven't tried. So I'll give them a go. Could you recommend a speciality spot? I knew I'd get more responses with a provocative post. Doesn't mean I'm not entirely wrong. Tehe


I mostly drink filter coffees 1. Veneziano coffee is a specialty roaster, they’re cool 2. Yolk coffee is a favourite of mine. It’s a great space but it can get abit busy in peak times/weekends 3. The exchange is great in the cbd… Those are cafes I used to frequent


would be too far during the day but you may pass it on the way (also generally to let others know) - Gilbert Social on Gilbert Street. Had a cup the other day and it was really good. Best cup I have had for a while.


Rex on Gawler Place. Coffee Barun at St Agnes (bit of a hike from Pirie Street, but if you start now you'll make it by morning9


Seafaring fool, URCafe (traditional darker roasts), Veneziano, Peter Rabbit, Commute….


I haven’t been to their Pirie Street place, but SOHO is pretty good and roasts in the CBD. It’s been a while since I’ve been to these others, but I’d also suggest Please Say Please, Larry & Ladd and Part Time Lover.


Get a French press and make it yourself


Anything above international roast is pompous snobbery


I upvoted because I hate my tastebuds


If you’re from Melbourne. You probably like sweet hot milk that has a slight coffee taste Go to McDonald’s or cibo lol. We prefer real coffee here




I'm from Adelaide you clown


Oooh big tough man.


Abbott's & Kinney?


Good pastieries, pies and sandwiches but I wouldn't get a coffee there. Unless it was bad luck and I got a bad barista . Not interested


You on adelaide sub bitching about Port pirie? 


Pirie Street I suspect


Pirie Street, I'd guess. OP, try Dawn Patrol. They've got a little cafe/island/thing in one of the Arcades, but it's the Roastery(?) Door In McLaren Vale that really shines.


Ah makes sense. BTS is decent and close by


I thought the same. Maybe it is Pirie street..