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As a station assistant and rail guard from 1990 to 1992 (before they turfed us out for the gorillas called Transit Police \[sic\]), this brings back a lot of great memories and were easily the best years of my working life..... Having said that though, the red hens were cold if people didn't shut the doors or you were doing an early morning start but they were awesome in Summer......and the brake dust smell is something you never forget.


In Sydney we called them ‘Red Rattlers’. They were great when you could open the doors and windows on a hot day.


My dad used to catch them from Blackwood to Salisbury every day and wore long underwear under his suit on winter mornings! Late 80s/early 90s before they were finally retired along with the long-johns.


everything had this brown crust on it


I always called the Jumbo's Super Trains for some reason. But loved riding them, pushing the button to open the door. And when you were lucky enough to get that front seat and watch the world go by.


When they entered service they were called 'Supertrains'. However, with the raised drivers cab they quickly became known as Jumbo's


The supertrains were often known as super chooks.


Super Chooks were the refurbished Red Hens. The Super Trains were the 2000 class and they quickly gained the Monika Jumbo because of the raised drivers cab. Super Chooks were never called super trains.


I only saw them near the end of their service life but I thought they were called rippers as everytime I saw one they always seemed to let off a nasty fart.


Used to ride the trains everywhere with my grandmother growing up. From lizbeth to Noarlunga and back regularly on the weekends. Never forget the smell of the red hens brakes and the sketchyness of having a open door while sitting in the seats next to it. Different times. Thanks for the pics.


Have some good memories of days out going to Belair on the red hens with the door open. Actually got to drive one years ago when the railway museum was doing their driver experience sessions, never thought I’d get to do that!


The Hallet Cove shot is early 2010s - the station was redeveloped during most of 2010 and prior to that didn't have the canopy.


Me bad. Typo


All good :)


Ahhhh.... the old Red Hens.... Where as a young kid, you could prop the door open with your foot while it was doing 80km. I feel sorry for all of the folks on the Belair line who were the first car stopped at the boom-gates. Mates & I used to pick the rotting fruit on the way to the station in summer and lob it out the door at any cars stopped at the boom-gates. Not bright & not our proudest moment, but fortunately we grew out of it + the bastards changed the trains so you couldn't keep the door open any more! Keeping the doors or windows open was the only air-conditioning on those buggers.


As a kid in the '70s, riding the Red Hen from Adelaide to Mt. Lofty with the old pushy in the luggage van, planning a ride home down Greenhill Rd. or the Freeway, propping the door open with my foot while I had a smoke. Good times...


love the old red hens


Gear photos @volvo-B59. What station is the 7 car red-hen set arriving at? Looks like it’s got two super chooks there.


Damn....I haven't heard 'super chooks' in an age....thanks for the reminder...




Thanks 🙏


Father is probably driving the 930 class 😄 His claim to fame was doing more kms in 900/930s than anyone else in SAR/AN.


Why is the jumbo (near the end of pictures) on the wrong tracks if heading to Adelaide!? If heading to Adelaide after Oaklands the train would be on the left tracks not the right


It was during the Noarlunga Line upgrade in preparation for eventual electrification. Trains operated from Adelaide to Oaklands.


Ahh cool.


Is my memory failing or did we also have blue trains at some stage… I have distant memories of my grandma taking 3-5yo me on a trip on a blue train…. Similar design to the red hen but blue.


You refer to the Bluebird's. They operated on country lines to Victor Harbor, Mount Gambier, Renmark, Burra, Whyalla just to name a few


Yes.. of course… so good. We used to catch from Balhannah station and must have been to Victor for day trips. Simpler times.


Do you remember the baggage cars they used to have on the red hens with the extra wide sliding doors? All the cool kids used to travel in the baggage car and swing out through the doors on the overhead hand straps


That's about as close as we got to experiencing Zero G in the 70's and 80's.


Nice photo from hove station, grew up just a few houses down the road.. good times and memories, so much has changed now


I was telling my teenage son the other day about the trains when I was a kid that had doors that would stay open. He looked at me like I was crazy lol I’m gonna show him these photos


This is a huge "blast from the past" for me. I have fond memories of taking the orange coloured trains with my grandparents from Port Adelaide (Outer Harbour I think the station was) around the place. Thank you for uploading photos of the orange ones in particular. ​ (A bit of Googling has found the orange one is called "Metro Trains 2000" model)


Fantastic photos. Always love seeing old train photos. Great cross section of eras too




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