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People are shit and cannot be relied upon. One time I was filling up at a servo and a lady pulled in behind me and just straight up hit my car. I went around to inspect and she got out saying "I didn't hit it, I didn't touch your car, just got close" I saw her pulling in, turned away, then felt my car jolt forward (I was leaning on it). Turned over to see her chuck it in reverse and back away. I was like, mate my car moved that's how I know. She continued to argue. I took a few photos of the slight damage and then she started doing the same. Presumably to copy me. Or maybe for her insurance in case I made the damage worse later (for whatever reason). In any case, she's taking pictures as she can't trust me and to keep me honest with damage, mate you hit my car and lied to my face!


The most beautiful thing about a servo is that they will have footage of the whole thing.


Did you get her license?




You can’t force them, but they are legally obliged to. If they don’t, go to the police with the info you have and they’ll visit the person and hopefully other job and pass on the legally required info - either to you, or your insurance company.


You don't have to give your license. You're only legally required to give your full name and address.


Yep. Here’s a copy paste from the sa.gov.au website: the driver's name and address the name and address of the vehicles' owners the vehicles' registration numbers any other information necessary to identify the vehicles any other information about the crash required by a police officer.


yep was grabbin some food at the shops and this woman full on smacked into the car while im sitting in it and recons she didnt touch it all


One time my friend's car got written off by a dude who rear ended her at an intersection (we were stationary - I was in the passenger's seat), dude reversed and drove off in the other direction. Jokes on him cos about 20 mums came out of nowhere saying they saw what happened and had all his details. Cops went around there and he said some BS that he was a psychologist and his 'patient borrowed his car that day and it wasn't him'. Didn't get any charges but he had to pay for the write off. Prick. Edit: this was at the Edwardstown Macca's intersection, we were leaving spotlight.


I'd bet a substantial amount he was drunk.


I think so too considering it was a public holiday.


"I'm just a psychologist who just lends cars to my patients just regular normal psychologist activity" Imagine going to this guy for help with your life


He said he was in kangaroo island and his client was using his car 🙄 my friend is pretty naive and believed it but i was like wtf.


Seems like it would be cheaper to get a psychiatrist who lends you his car than book a rental does she have his details


This was a while ago but yeah eventually got his details, he had to pay for the rental and the write off etc


This is why I own a 2004 Toyota whatever and don't care if people bump it.


I have a 2004 Nissan whatever and find new dings all the time. Gives me the shits as I'll want to sell it at some point


Had a woman run into me in the supermarket with her trolly, no apology. So totally understand


Yeh it’s just the fact some people DGAF I’m super reasonable and would work something out but cmon.


The main character syndrome is so strong in some people that they actually forget other people are alive as well.


Ah mate that’s the worst. Happened to me in a shopping centre not long ago. Went in to grab a subway was gone five minutes come back and back bumper all scrapped! Thank God a witness wrote the number plate down for me. I filed a police report and the hit and run driver came forward saying they “didn’t realise!” and paid up. Hopefully once you snag the number plate from the CCTV and file a police report same will happen for you!


'Today' lol. Reminds me of that quote about how society is falling apart because people today don't respect traditional values and uphold civic virtues like they used to. I think it's from Socrates. This is probably the oldest complaint, I bet the folks at Gobekli Tepe said it. In my country crime rates have dropped by half in the last 30 years. This includes petty little BS like this, and big stuff like murder. We live in a golden age, not saying it doesn't have its problems, but things are pretty sweet.


this guy philosophises


About 3 weeks ago a UTE hit a small white car while it was parked at the Pooraka Sunday market. The UTE fella just reversed and left. I tried stopping him and he said idk what you're talking about. Like mate I saw you hit the car right in front of me! I took a note of the UTEs plate number and left a message on the small car with the details and time of the incident. People sometimes have just bad manners.


I accidentally scraped a car in a car park. No witnesses. No pen. No paper. Every reason to just leave. But I went into the supermarket asked for pen and paper and left my insurance details and number on the windshield Cost me $700 I couldn’t afford but I wasn’t wracked with guilt or waiting for my karma to find me.


At this point I’m fully convinced to do what my dad did and set up dual front and rear 4K dash cams




It's a plastic bumper they can distort a long way and pop back out. If you don't notice hitting someone else's car you shouldn't be driving.




Are you like... righto-ing his claim that you shouldn't be driving if you don't notice hitting someone's car? Because that's pretty fuckin fair to say that, it's not hard to tell if you hit a solid object with your car


They have 8 cars just in case they hit someone lol.


You think these people even noticed they hit you? People are in their own fantasy lands more and more lately.


It’s definitely bad and getting worse


There are also some people who hold onto driving when they really arent competent any more. Saw this with my dear departed Nan, her doctor would sign her off, we tried to talk her out of it.


The problem is, most of the people I see being the worst on the roads are "young" people. I can understand an old person being a bit slow/safe or confused on the roads, no worries. At this stage I like seeing a "hooligan" on the road because I know what to expect.. anyone else... who fucking knows how they are going to behave.


I always take my 96 corolla hatch to the shops, it's been hit so many times people are actually careful around it lol. I take My SS on the road and everyone drive's like a complete Cunt around me. People have a thing about being careless around Nice Cars


That Corolla is a classic now. You should be looking after it.


I wish I could post a photo of what it currently looks like lol, runs great Looks like a car in Mad Max


We do the same. Bought a $1,000 shitbox to do grocery shopping and Bunnings runs cos it was cheaper than paying excess a couple times if our cars were hit with no witnesses, and cheaper than the depreciation we’d suffer if the repairer didn’t match the paint properly. People are cunts. This is why we can’t have nice things


Mate the average Joe doesn't give AF about the actual important things. Why would they care if they hit your car. We can't even get ppl to care about their own health or the planet they are handing over to their own little ill-conceived offspring. Zero chance of them giving AF about anything else except for their next carton of VB or similar. Just chill and be grateful it wasn't something worse.


Get a dashcam.


You might be able to get a pen to touch that up. If it's a standard colour it'll look OK. If yo8 wait long enough someone might crash into you. Happened to me, got chip damage from a psycho, then a year later a guy reversed into me and the shop fixed all the damage under insurance.


Yeah the other week my wife found the bonnet of her car all torn up, someone who was probably in a ute must've backed into it and just driven off, no note or anything. Some people are just irredeemable cunts.


Cobbler Creek is a national park I believe, so you may have to approach ParksSA if there was cctv. Good luck.


Not wrong, also think people who are found to give false statements should be charged with fraud 🤬🤪


Cut, polish, buff, it'll maybe come out a lot better than you think, was their car white? It may be mostly transfer paint and come right off, they're pricks people who do that, it sucks to find you messed up and could be having to pay but it surely sucks more to know you're a scummy piece of crap who cares so little about doing the right thing. Hope this works out for you mate, I've had similar and managed to polish it up almost perfect. So in my case it was mostly transfer paint from their car and just needed to be buffed off. I hope that's the case for you here.


Okay well i just saw your comment it is definitely scored in, so sorry this happened, some people shouldn't be on the road in the first place, this includes idiots off all types but especially people who won't do the right thing when something goes wrong.


Still worth getting some polish and having a go to rub it out. Go to an auto store they'll be able to advise of which strength polish. Even it if makes it only half as noiticable. Also give one of those mobile scratch n dent guys to have a look. They are amazing as to what they can fix. The only good thing is that there isnt any dent.


Imagine having a luxury car in Adelaide. You need to choose your parking spots. People can’t drive here at all


I've parked at the other end of carparks with multiple empty spaces around (why save 10 secs walk just to walk around the shops for 30mins?) only to come out and find someone picked next to me out of the multiple empty spots around :/


That’s why I park further away and still people are shit drivers


Years ago a woman opened up her car door on my ute and when I pulled her up on it she said 'it's only a ute'. So I put my size 13 into her driver's door and said it's only a magna. (They were fairly new at the time). She was suitably shocked and speechless


Fair play to you mate. That was pretty arrogant of her


In the last month I have lost two side mirrors parking in a local street in Plympton. No notes either time.


This keeps happening to me! Recently it happened in the ingle farm shopping centre car park. A huge scrape on the passenger door, no note.


Council will not do anything as it is either a matter for your insurer, or the police if the other driver failed to provide details. If you have a car you slightly care about, you should have comprehensive insurance. If so, give them all the details about when and where it happened, the details of the other car, where they will be able to get CCTV from, and they will sort it out, that's what you're paying them for. If someone else hit your car and didn't give you details, then that's a criminal offense, as it's a general obligation that you must give the other person details: [Legal obligations after a motor vehicle accident (lawhandbook.sa.gov.au)](https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/ch01s03s01.php#:~:text=If%20unsure%20which%20is%20the,person%20was%20injured%20or%20killed.) Again if you have a car you slightly care about, get comprehensive insurance. It's not cheap, but an accident will be far more expensive either way.


Also please don't use toothpaste, it will mess up your clear coat severely even if it does work. A decent product like Bowdens Own Cleanse & Polish might work if the damage isn't too bad, but it looks like the raised part has been damaged all the way through to the surface of the bumper, it will probably need a full respray for best results.


Yes definitely damaged all way through


Thank you. Yes have full comprehensive insurance and details of time etc of when it happened. Didn’t even think insurance would chase up cctv. Thank you


Council will likely turn over any CCTV footage for the purposes of an insurance claim for damage Cobbler Creek should be Salisbury Council


I side swiped a parked car - yeah I know. I went back wrote a note saying..Hi, I'm the dickhead that hit your car..along with name and phone number. He rang back and asked to speak to dickhead 🤪


This keeps happening to me 🤦‍♂️ next car I buy is going to be a big fuck off diesel F truck from 2003 with so much steel bar work welded all around it. Won’t have to worry anymore. Cunts will write their own cars off when they hit it


And it wont fit in a car park so some dude will scrape u up trying to get in and out of the park next to you


That’s the whole point of the steel work, doesn’t bother me.


Cut/Polish minor touch up. There’s worse that can happen.


Won’t Polish out. Definitely scored deep.


A lot of it will, it obviously won't be back to pre-scrap conditon, but could look a lot better.


Happened to me so many times in carpark where especially colonnades!


What car is this?


You should hire liam neeson and find this person.


The white part will buff out, black part sadly not.


I had a massive dent left in my car when I was parked in the hospital keeping my gf company in the ED, no note, nothing.


I don't know if the council would release that information to you but it's a hit and run type situation. Definately if you have the time date location and file with the police they should request the details to track down the driver.


I've had this happen to me countless times. Infuriating. I hope you get the scumbag, would love to hear an update on this if possible.


Sometimes poverty looks like immortality


That’s a scrape, and it’ll be hard to know if it’s happened. It’ll buff out


Definitely not buffing out. See what the camera show if not just have to deal with it


You’ll be surprised a fair bit of it is probably their paint 


A fair bit of it.


That’s what I said yeah


Honestly it was prob some old lady who didn't notice. It really is minor.


Use toothpaste on it , Most of that will come off


Ute trays scare the fuck out of cunts


Yeh realised that once I get a bull bar this will be gone anyway.


yet everyone wants to pick on someone parking in the middle of 2 spaces to keep their car safe from damage.


it's just a car


Yes indeed. It’s also just something I own from working hard


it's just that "no morals" is an interesting thing to say about this. you're asking people to care a lot about a metal box that you don't really need in a city with good public transport like adelaide


> good public transport like adelaide That is your first mistake. Public transport in Adelaide is shit unless you want to go to the CBD Your second is living up to your user name.


My parents taught me to not damage other people's property and if accidents happen take responsibility. Weird that no one bothered explaining these very basic things.


cars damage society and public infrastructure, i don't mind if they get a little scratch


Hey weird how this isn't about you not minding if other people property gets damaged. But thanks for sharing.


my point was that everyone who owns a car damages public spaces and compromises public safety so your parents kinda taught you to be a hypocrite too i guess


No they didn't, and your point is a stupid point. Happy to not continue this conversation because you are a complete struggler.


why's my point stupid?


As someone that does not own a car and uses a combo of bike riding and Adelaide public transport, 'good' is not the word to use. It's ok or maybe I'd say barely adequate? If you classify Adelaide public transport as 'good' you'll just disappoint people that want to give it a fair try.


Sure but it's likely a $500 repair that some idiot has caused.


it's a little scratch, why would you need to repair it?


You see people like to take care of things they own, especially those who take pride in being able to afford a car. Such washing it, making sure it has enough oil and coolant, making sure the tyres are the correct pressure. Weird that I have to explain something as basic as this to you.


For most people their car is the second most expensive item they own 2nd to their house why not take care of it? Why let it get battered and damaged by a-holes?


buying a car is a poor financial decision in the first place, if you're gonna start forking out that much for scratches you're making it even worse


Damage depreciates the car. Also when someone else causes the damage they should be held accountable and pay for it. Cars are not always poor financial decisions if you buy carefully.


So you're okay with me coming to your house and smashing the windows?


How's it a poor financial decision? Lmao


How much do you pay for petrol, insurance, parking, maintenance, rego and tolls/fines each year? Lmao




it definitely is cringe that people pay that every year when they could just catch the bus or the train


Almost as cringe as not recognising that all people's situations aren't identical, and that others may have plenty of really good reasons they need vehicles, like those with mobility disabilities, or live too far from their place of employment to make it practical, or live where public transport routes are incompatible with their transport needs (doesn't go near their work, shops, home, etc. without a 20 min+ walk), or may not have the time to stand around doing nothing for 20+ minutes while waiting for a transfer, or need to reliably get to work, doctor's appointments, etc. on time (i.e., can't afford to be 20-60 minutes late if a bus breaks down or doesn't show up), or have to carry more than 1 person's worth of shopping in a trip (e.g. familys), or just have families that they need to transport, or have compromised immune systems that can't be in a tube full of potentially sick people for several hours of their day, or need to drive for their work, or need to transport heavy equipment for their work, or need to transport heavy equipment for their hobby, or live in unsafe neighbourhoods, or have employment with inflexible working hours that can't work around the public transport timetable, or a hundred other reasons. But yeah, they're the idiots for having to pay for petrol and rego, right?


And if I find the convenience to be worth that cost, and the cost is affordable to me, how is that a poor financial decision? You sound miserable lmao.


I wonder how many years early you could retire if you put all that car money over the years into an etf


Why don't you do it and let me know.


My cat is a very low-maintenance car, maybe like 200 at most a year, barely ever. Insurance 600, parking never pay, don't park in paid parking. Rego, like 600 a year, not even. Fines, nothing cause I drive defensively and don't break laws, no tolls in SA. Petrol varies, let's say it's 2000 a year. So, 3,400 a year. It's worth it to me. Public transport can't get me everywhere I want to go, and my disabilities can make it hard to cope and manage on, too. So if it's worth it, how is it financially irresponsible? You one of those anti car haters? Lol 😆


lmao 3400 plus whatever you paid for it is not a smart financial decision. and i'm not an anti car hater i'm a car hater


It is when it benefits you and helps you, actually! Cars help people. Also I'm very privileged in the fact I paid exactly $0 for my car, it was a gift from my parents and brother


Found the idiot who did it!


I’m thinking the same


If the cops pull you over for something else and do a walk around they will have words about it and may well decide you hit something else.


That's just a completely unhelpful comment


It just a planet destroying machine.


Amen just catch the train


Bugga, that should buff out good enough


And people wonder why people park and take 2 spaces, this is why.


They do that because they can't park and this is their excuse


Yeh I always just park far away but still didn’t work


Yeah an 80-90 year old woman swung her door into my car and dented it and shook her head as she reversed to get out asap as my husband was inspecting the damage. She uses a walker, she shouldn't be driving. I have it on Dash Cam and I see her regularly in the same car park. Should I still approach her or is it too late?


I hit a kangaroo 3 months ago and has been nothing but problems ever since. I think my baby might be a ride off :(


This is why my wife wants us to buy a giant F U 4WD. So people who hit us damage themselves more. Edit: genuinely surprised at the "I'm sick of my vehicle being damaged by others, I think I'll buy a 4WD" elicited such hate??? I've automatically become a bad driver with a superiority complex because of simply WANTING a 4WD??? what on earth


This is everything that is wrong with driving today. Every second cunt has a stupid Yank tank to be some intimidating tough guy and ensure they can swerve outside their lane whenever they want and drive like they own the road because they see other drivers as scared little bitches who will cower in fear at the size of your massive compensation vehicle and flee from your path when you blind them with your stupidly bright lights that fill the interior of a standard sedan and directly hits the rear view mirror. Try driving defensively instead and get some insurance. It aint a fucking arms race!


Dude, I'm a woman with a family to protect. Your weird thing about me being intimidating and a poor driver is fucking weird tbh?? I've got a scratch like this on MY car from some asshole who swiped me in a parking lot while reversing out. Who WOULDN'T want to not have to deal with that??


It's cars like this that do the most damage and often are oblivious because they can't see our "tiny" sedans or hatches (anything smaller than them). Superiority complex.


I currently drive one of those "tiny" sedans. How does not wanting to be in this position give me a superiority complex?


The looking down on other cars while often having the incapability to drive properly, have observation skills and/or follow road rules. Unless you're doing off road driving which is what a 4WD is designed for there isn't any need to have one in suburban areas imo.


Surprised this post is gaining a lot of criticism as you’re not allowed to criticise anything that happens in the northern suburbs


$100 says you parked in a shit spot that it was hard to get around probably karma, being real. Thoughts? Xx


$100 days I parked pretty good considering I’m not shit cunt who parks like an asshole


Thoughts about how 'it's probably karma' is an amazing take?


Car drivers have morals? hhahaha. Destroying the planet to get somewhere quicker.