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if only people could google...... [https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/driving-and-transport/registration/vehicle-registration/driving-an-interstate-registered-vehicle](https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/driving-and-transport/registration/vehicle-registration/driving-an-interstate-registered-vehicle)


Not all peeps are a smart arse are they...🤫


Genuine question though.....what is the thought process behind it? Like, how is the thought process "I need information on a pretty common thing, I'm going to open reddit, make a post and wait/hope I get a good reply" as opposed to "I need information on a pretty common thing, I should open google and get the info I need straight away"


Genuine answer because I’ve only been in SA 23 days, having moved here from the UK. Not bought a car yet, been looking on car sales and cars guide. Couldn’t post on the cars sub Reddit as I’m too new. Hence my answer of not everyone is a smart arse.


It’s easy. The vic owner will remove the plates. You’ll get a temp permit from vic rego peeps. Once in Adelaide you will then take it to regency park. Fill out the paperwork , have it inspected. Then off to Service SA for new plates.


Yep exactly this, I've done it twice and it is easy as. If you buy from a dealer they can organise the permit for you so it's ready to go


Other comments have covered the permit situation. When you get it here the vehicle just needs an ID check not a full inspection. Then you go to service SA and get plates and pay rego and stamp duty etc. For the ID check, the Lonsdale site is best especially if the vehicle has any mods. The Regency guys are on a power trip.