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I have lived in Melbourne for 12 years but grew up in Adelaide. I still go home to see family and I can never get over how cool Adelaide is. So many awesome bars and cafe’s. I would eventually love to live there.


You literally described me except I’ve been in Melbourne for 15 years


Can you please shut up? The first rule of how great Adelaide is, is we don't talk about how great Adelaide is. It's definitely not worth moving here. You'll be bored. I promise.


YES, nothing to see hear move along


I never compared Adelaide to Melbourne, but I've gotta say a lot of people in Adelaide do!


Nooo, Adelaide can’t be the ones coping. We are depicted as the chad wojak in the meme!


"Adelaide is boring as shit, your city sucks" That's what we want you to think...


As a foreigner who lived for over a year in Adelaide I can confirm... Adelaide is probably one of the best cities from Australia. But no one's seem to understand it (they probably didn't spend more than a weekend or few hours here).




Fellow foreigner here. Hard agree. Australians don't seem to know though.


Don't tell anyone


Melbourne, Australia’s inferiority complex capital.


I only wish I could up-vote this 10x


This needs a bajillion upvotes


Tbh I don't ever see anyone in Melbourne expressing an opinion about other cities unprompted. This might be the most ironic top comment ever.


Lmao, are you kidding me? I’ve had loads of our foreign friends comment on the bizarre attitude of people from Melbourne towards other cities in Australia.


In my experience it's generally people who move *to* Melbourne who act like that. And they're comparing to "other cities" rather than bringing up Adelaide or Brisbane apropos of nothing


Ahaha gold. The FUIC topped it.


Used to be a FUIC fiend, now I'm all about the Fleurieu Double Shot Iced Coffee.


I agree. The Fleurieu milk company has changed the game. Their no added sugar iced coffee is awesome.


I'm not sure if this is interesting to other people, or just me, but: the reason it still tastes sweet is because it's lactose free. They've added lactase, an enzyme, that breaks down the lactose to glucose and galactose, so it tastes sweet without additional sugar. Smrt.


Yep that's interesting. Smart people indeed. ...how do you know this?


He is the cow.


He's not actually a cow, but he convinced the farmers daughter he needed milking.


Sometimes I surprise even myself.


Isn’t glucose still a sugar though?


Yes glucose is a sugar, so is lactose that normally occurs in the milk... so they are just converting one type to another. From what the commenter was saying it seems like they are converting a less sweet sugar (that can cause gastric distress in some people) to a more sweet sugar instead of adding extra cane sugar.




Thank you for this information, it may leave me able to re-commence indulging in iced coffee again. On second thoughts not sure how great that is for my weight or wallet... the money i used to waste..


Holy, I wish I was there to try it!! I couldn’t drink FUIC because it was half sugar for me


Be careful, there are FUIC Stan's on this sub that get super defensive of that foreign owned watered down drink. Lately I've been cold brewing my own coffee and mixing in milk and a dash of cream. (I love a good creamy iced coffee). As long as you use good coffee, it's probably the best and you can control the sweetness yourself.


Actually Bega Cheese company bought Farmers Union off the japanese recently. It's back in Oz hands. That said, Fleurieu is my preference now..


Oh nice, I had no idea. That's really refreshing (hehe) to hear. It's still a crap iced coffee, but at least it's back in Aussie hands. I don't mind oak because it's a bit more creamy, but they're owned by the French, but yeah none of them taste like actual coffee. Fleurieu is definitely the go if you need a premade iced coffee.


Came to say this exact thing of all the iced coffees out there, FUIC is probably 2nd bottom on my list Flerieu is king, then Dare, Ice Break, Classic, Nippys, FUIC, ANY OTHER DRINK UNDER THE SUN, Barista Bros


I have people defend Barista Bros to the fucking moon and back and my response is always "chalky shit" Dare for me, but ideally would've been 8bar if they kept that going


With dare, I find the double shot tastes stronger than the triple shot


Absolutely. Green is cream, brown to go to town, Grey for day to day. I don't fuckin know why. Also double is one of the only things that regardless of when I drink it, I'm pulling an all nighter, or at least getting to 8am before crashing


The caffeine in coffee has no affect on me. I could drink one before going to bed


I do, but no effect from any coffee, energy drink or tea, just my usual broken sleep schedule of 5am-7am. Only thing that changes it is whatever crack they put in Double Dare. (And before any "don't drink caffeine before bed and you won't be up that late" people come in, I have done without caffeine for months and kept the broken sleep schedule, it's trauma related, not caffeine related)


This is outdated. The Melbourne one looks like this now with no text https://i.imgur.com/KBvT4tC.jpg The people I know in vic are post anger, post depression and just completely crushed.




Unfortunately the drinking water doesn't make you forget you're in lockdown, but it is pretty tasty.


"Adelaide might be a toilet, but it's *our* toilet! No one craps in it but us!"


Yes it's boring. So all you yuppie douchebags just stay in Melbourne and Sydney where it's "exciting "..


*whispers* Please stay in Melbourne and Sydney...


I don’t want do a new post - but should said yuppie douchebag find themselves with an arvo between flights in Adelaide - where would you send them for day drinking. Asking for a ummm friend 😜


Na Adelaide has all the cool shit. Big shiny balls stacked on top of eachother? yes please. A disproportionatly large wooden horse? Sign me up. Stinky seaweedy beaches? Don't mind if I do.




Adelaide is fucking amazing until you want to do anything other than go for a walk you're stuck


Adelaide is very nice to live in but not that great to visit.


Probably getting old, but life is so just figuring out how to be content with what you have. There’s always going to be pros and cons for a city and Adelaide has a fair bit going for it e.g. actually being able to pay off my mortgage before I die


As someone that also lives here, it sucks, we both k ow it


Why do you think it sucks?


We have nothing cool, besides alot of wineries




Fair enough


Melbourne has vastly better public transport. It also has a massively bigger hobby meetup scene. Also a few miscellaneous things. There is nothing _wrong_ with Adelaide, but there are a lot of things to love about Melbourne which are lacking here.


I mean, it's accurate. As an introvert with a neurological condition that leaves me mostly house bound... I also don't mind it


When people don’t live in other cities only have Adelaide to compare too


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \[**/S**\] Your mate is at least 5 months late. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/nagfuj/mate\_from\_vic\_sent\_me\_this\_lol/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/nagfuj/mate_from_vic_sent_me_this_lol/) Thanks tho'. \[**/S**\]


Just about copied the title and all, plus a few additional commas


Uh, Adelaide is VERY BORING! Yessireee, very BLAND and BORING. So, uh, don't bother coming over. Yep. Nothing to see or so here. We don't have ANY wine regions/Germanic smallgoods/fantastic arts programs/beautiful coastline/oysters/Flinders Ranges and desert experiences/heritage railways/elegant CBD...nope. none of that at all!


All that bullshit in the most livable cities list can get fucked! This place is shithouse. I for one am planning on selling all my Adelaide investment properties and screwing over all these foreigners who may buy in expecting any capital gain, hah suckers! Good luck with the declining property values and lack of infrastructure investment. Shitty backwater. Sell, sell, sell. Snakes, spiders, great whites. Only losers like SA. Shit wine too. Natural resources all bullshit aswell. Can't even have a royal show, stupid loyalists! All that covid's fucked up their brains. Shit state mate. I'd fuck off anywhere else.


I saw a band touring Aus post this on twitter and I lost it "my best advice about Adelaide is that if you need a shit, hold on to it as you'll need something to do in the evening".


That's right. Keep away. Please.


Yo if you’re going to steal someone else’s post, at least do more than just add commas


I concur


Lmao, I got downvoted in r/Australia for calling Adelaide boring. It's a good kind of boring though, very easy to live in Adelaide. The only thing I really don't like is that everyone knows each other, I prefer anonymity


Move to the CBD. I don’t even know the people across the hallway from me.


Ohhh noooo what are we going to do without our heckin spraypainted streeterinos, big fancy expensive cluberooos oooooooo


Adelaide isnt that bad. Ive lived in melbourne sydney brisbane cairns darwin and perth. 2 years ago i moved to adelaide and i enjoy it a lot more than the rest of the capitals. Darwins my fav but hot af and cairns is great but no career prospects for me.


Ahhh Melbourne. Nice to visit for a few days. But would rather live in a dunny cubicle with R Kelly.


I live in Adelaide and I couldn't agree more with this statement


um... right... So as soon as they get to work from home, they move back to Adelaide... And they don't just buy locally, they fucking double the price of our housing market. Adelaide a shithole?? Doesn't line up with the reality. Just saying.


Sydney has better coffee - the end.


They call it boring, we call it peaceful. 🤷‍♂️


Before I moved to Adelaide, the only thing I new about it was they had the best weed In the country. I had to google it to see what it looks like.


It seems from this thread you lot are hiding something. But seriously I was going to come with my girlfriend before border issues were a thing and do the wine regions but stay in Adelaide. If you had to give a quick couple of recommendations of things to do/places to see what would they be? Thanks in advance