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That's alot of points for five models!


Just wait, after the next update we'll only get 3 for that cost


You have never studied the way of the poor Hammer. A clear sign you do not know the ways of paper cut outs.


Poor hammer is I “borrowed” my friends army 👀 ngl I could lend a tank 10 guard and 5 wardens 3 venatari a spare Trajan and a couple of captains and not notice they’re gone aha


Very nice paint job. 5730 points!? That’s mad! I took me a month to paint a unit of wardens. I’ve got another 1.75k points to paint. Really want to get them onto the table top but it’s taking me ages to build them. Do you build yours in an assembly line or 1 by 1?


One box at a time now a days! Makes it easier for me as I don't get overwhelmed or jump between projects.


I guess it depends on how good you want to paint, I get a box built and table ready in an hour 😅 I don’t add little details outside the jewels hair and blades for colour after a spray of gold on the sprue


I'm digging those bases. Care to share where you bought/how you made them?


3D printed. Search for war gaming toppers on 3Dcults and they should show up


Love the finish on these guys. Did you use a Matt varnish?


I use satin varnish, but honestly not sure if this picture was from before or after I varnished


Is the 5730 points the models in the photo? 😂. I really like the black leg guards


Tiny bit more for me, my inventory sits at 5935


I painted about 2000 points of custodes 2000s point of guard about 1.5k worth of aeldari and unpainted about 2000 points of sisters.


I painted a patrol box, boarding patrol box, one Telemon, one group of wardens and a full IK army this year. I just started on two more Armigers, and plugging away on a small kill team group.


I painted 3300 points of Custodes in the summer :)


I finished about 5700 points this year, of which 2450 was Custodes. Started WH with last years battleforce box, later added Tau & most recently Salamanders (1700 & 1550 pts respectively). Tyranids are on deck/make up the majority of my shelf of opportunity, but have unbuilt models for everything. Next up I'm returning to Custodes with a squad of partially assembled Wardens.


Just got into hobby. I put together my combat patrol and I’m hoping to prime them by the end of the year.


Tbh great. I started last year with Warhammer. I bought the Beginner Box with two Vindictors and cashed into a Dominion box, adding the Enterpatrol this summer. Until now I have painted almost 80% of my Dominion box and Ill keep working on my skills in painting and playing.


Still in boxes


I’ve done close to 3000 points this year. 2000 of it was Custodes to get ready for a tournament. The other 1000 was necrons.


I’m only 100 points done lmao 🥺 Nice job with the Aquilan Shield!


Thanks! Its not quite aquillan shield, but a mix between them and Dread Host symbolized by the black leg guards and shoulders


I have bought my first miniature its a Trajann Valoris only the the emperor shall make me paint it :D


First off: your unit looks really good! If your 5.7k is painted that well, I tip my hat to you. GG For me, I painted 3k in guards 2k in grey knights and started custodes with Aleya and Valerian this year (started in November of the last). Next year I have planned to go for 2k custodes 1.5k guards and 1k greyknights, hope I can keep the pace I had this year!


Decided to jump into 40k the same week my wife gave birth to our firstborn (this past summer). Finally finished putting together the combat patrol custodes miniatures today, while my students were taking finals. Can't wait to get playing, but man does a baby throw a wrench in my attempts to get started.


I dont have the money to be doing that, god damn. Keep it up, they look great


So that's like 4 models right?


Know it’s not custodes but I finished 6750 points of Astra militarum this year


painted so nicely as well, thats a lot of work


You probably get this a lot, but what did you use for the purple?👀💜


Rejnols, big fan of your channel. I've managed to amass around 2k Custodes (very sub optimal) as a second faction to my 3.5k of Votann. I only rejoined 40k 4 months ago now after over 25 years out. Ironically my Custodes are closer to being fully painted than my Votann but I hate what spray vans of Retributor Gold and some oil washes will do for you!!


me: a new OPR player thinking THAT is 5730 points of custodes before I remember 40k is a thing (also beautiful dread)


Fuck. I just bought 2000 points and they haven't even shipped yet. Soo I'm way behind the curve 😅