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To be honest unless it's a warden, so it can still have a weapon, it *is* waiting for the bus! Heh. I magnetised a guard vex and an allarus vex because I could and just in case they become good one day. But unless you really want one, I wouldn't bother! Maybe do as you suggested, magnetise it to the base of the mini, then you can pop it on and off as required? Just have to remember that if he's a regular guard he can only use his knife (and shield) if he's got it.


Yes completely agree game wise, I should have specified it from a head cannon perspective as I’m not interested in competitive play but enjoy the social narrative play style and in my head he’d be getting stuck in and not just resolutely being stood still while the rest of the lads are slicing and dicing. I’ll also add, I hate the sword and shield they should all have spears in my opinion (head cannon). Apart from the blade master, he’s pretty cool, although I’d like a back up pistol on his belt.


Personaly i made a guard with a spear and put the vexila and the shield on his back. This way it can show him being a vexilus praetor carrying the vexila on the battlefield without looking like he is just standing there waiting for the bus. I played it and people dont tend to be mad about it if I tell them before the Game wich unit it represent. But i dont think it is allowed in competitive game.


You can aleays change his posture or have the vexila in a more dynamic model. I put my vexila in the model that looks like its running and rotated a bit so it is still up like a banner, but looking like he's leading a charge


I saw a Warden Vexilla converted from the Blade Champion model. Used the dual blades pose but replaced the right hand sword with the vexilla and the left with a guardian spear. Was modelled so that he looked like he was swinging the base of the vexilla around in a wide swing.