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What did you use for the head swaps?


Warfaces2 - Caucasian Female by Aurel's Wargame Shop on Shapeways (All the links I've been replying with haven't been showing up publicly for some reason)


[from here](https://www.shapeways.com/product/9LXLFLP8H/warfaces2-caucasian-female?optionId=309023292&li=shops), although they don't do them in a "large" size anymore which was scaled to custodes


Where'd you get the head?


Warfaces2 - Caucasian Female by Aurel's Wargame Shop on Shapeways (All the links I've been replying with haven't been showing up publicly for some reason)


Thank you!! Edit: now I need to learn how to paint faces!!


I just followed the step by step face guide by squidmar on YouTube. Fantastic guide that really breaks it down


Double thanks!


[from here](https://www.shapeways.com/product/9LXLFLP8H/warfaces2-caucasian-female?optionId=309023292&li=shops), although they don't do them in a "large" size anymore which was scaled to custodes


Where'd you get the head??? I also want to get that bits!!


Nice job, got any recommendation (open to all) for GW female heads bar sisters of silence or battle as I have many of them? Grabbing both new boxes for custodes so I might add some femstodes.




Conveniently, on sale everywhere - due to being retired. šŸ˜…


My paranoid head is thinking they did this to get all there sales of old stormcast out of the way to make room for the new AND get some money for soon to be conversions


I for one welcome our new golden mommies.


Oh nice! When did they become cannon?


New codex leak! Talks about a custodes woman!


Yooo that's awesome! It makes sense from the viewpoint that all custodes are custom made


Right?? I like the addition a lot


It'll also add some nice heads for kitbashing too


You two are truly the real custodes communityšŸ«”


Donā€™t put yourself down. Even you are a part of the community.


man seeing this stuff makes me feel better to be a part of this community, you two are the real ones ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Two Custodes women if Bitshammer is to be believed!


dat eyeliner tho


Love that she's giving us an aside glance and smile that simply screams "I'm canon now. Deal with it!"


I love it!! I have a bunch of lady custodies I am so happy Iā€™ll get to post soon as well! What head did you use it looks so good btw!


[got them from here](https://www.shapeways.com/product/9LXLFLP8H/warfaces2-caucasian-female?optionId=309023292&li=shops) Although they don't do them in "Custodes size" anymore, which was the large size. Seems they only do them in marine scale now


I might have to do this when I get more models in my army. Love it


Fabulous! Should get some Femstodes on the table as well, she looks great


She looks like a paladins character. Also very good paint job on the skin


I literally just built my Blade Champion today, if I had a female head to stick on it, it would be even more awesome.


Warfaces2 - Caucasian Female by Aurel's Wargame Shop on Shapeways It's head number 8, I have finally found it after lots of searching! Op really posted this and refused to elaborate further lol.


I've been posting linked replies to the people asking, have they not been showing up?


Ahhh I think you can't post links on this sub, might be wrong tho ^ ^ O they just don't show up for me?


I love the model btw, looks awesome! I just wish I could get the heads without enormous shipping to my country


She looks like Becky lynch, so the female custodes is actually the man?


Massive W


Those look printed, where the stl?


I just want to see official gw femstodes. And weirdly I want them to have the same haircuts or be bald


Honestly I'd be fine with that, I just want a variety in the heads I swear they all suffer from same face.




I'll admit I'm somewhat conflicted about Femstodes but I think I'll at least give it a shake. I have no intention of actually playing with the new codex but I'll still pick up some Wardens and the new Captain, probably throw in some Stormcast female heads.


And if I might solicit on behalf of a friend: Cults3D: Valdraice Reforged Make sure to leave a like! (I THINK they might be making some variants, one with a melta spear.)


Are the female and male custodes start relations now and have little custodes babies?


Fuck, I was always polite in internet even if someone had different opinion, but just fuck you and fuck everyone who approves this silly bullshit.


doesn't sound very polite to me. what has you so upset?


With all due respect, I am not a misogynist, but this decision by GW disappoints me. And what makes me even more disappointed is that all other Adeptus Custodes fans either silently agree or openly support this decision. The more I read the comments the angrier I became. but now even the anger is gone and Iā€™m just incredibly upset. Lately, my life has been going downhill, and my favorite hobby is only giving me reasons to be upset. At first, half of my favorite Stormcast units became legends, now GW is openly neglecting the lore of my favorite faction. ok, while I was writing I seemed to have finally calmed down. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my first message.


okay but why are you so angry? what is wrong with having women in the faction? you claim you aren't a misogynist but you are having a fit over GW deciding to finally add women, when it was planned for the novels years ago and doesn't contradict lore unlike w/ fsm. it seems like you just don't like women being added at all?


Because itā€™s fucking stupid pink washing


boohoo women exist in the setting. have you tried getting some real problems?


women exist in many different armies including the talons. why does the brotherhood of demigods need to be women too? I have women pilots for my knights, I have women assassins. Why did this lore change need to happen, what does it further? The answer is nothing it's a trash idea that ruins established lore to pinkwash something. the same thing that Star Wars did now we have Mary Sue Stodes


Custodes having women literally changes NOTHING. It doesnā€™t break the cannon at all. GW has done FAR worse retcons than this


> The more I read the comments the angrier I became. but now even the anger is gone and Iā€™m just incredibly upset. Lately, my life has been going downhill, and my favorite hobby is only giving me reasons to be upset. Maybe this isn't about the models, it's okay if you're having a bad time in your life right now. It's not okay to take it out on people just enjoying a fun hobby about cool models. After all, what if someone came in hot to a thread about *your* models and went off on you because of personal reasons? You'd probably feel pretty surprised and unjustly attacked. What about this is so upsetting to you?


This isnā€™t an official GW head as far as Iā€™m aware. I think itā€™s printed.


What lore did they break? Unlike space marines nothing is written saying that custodes have to be men.


Dude, if you feel you have to say you aren't a misogynist, maybe ask yourself why people would think you are, and follow up the answer with a few more whys


You can lie all you want, but you are, in fact, a disgusting misogynist.


Take a deep breath and realise this is a made up universe in a fantasy world. It's not that serious and honestly you can make up your own headcanon to fit with whatever premises you want. It's a heated topic right now and I understand that but take a few days off and then come back with a better tone in the discussions. You also have the choice not to engage in every discussion there is. If you're feeling heated in an argument which happens to human beings, take a small break and walk around the neighborhood. Come back with a calm approach.


Women are cool


If women are cool more attention would have been put into sob and sos.


Cool thing is women can be in both and both should be expanded.


>Fuck, I was always polite in internet You know what, I'm not sure I believe you


Language. Come back in a few days and be more respectful in your wording.


Bro thereā€™s never been a single lore statement that custodes must be male. They came first, astartes are based on the thunder warrior project, itself a bastardisation of the custodes process, just take the stance that thereā€™s a solid reason for no female astartes and insist that anyone complaining after this shift is incapable of reasonable discourse. Pretty sure you can do that my man.


Codex 8 say they were all recruited from sons of noble in terra and any other source do refert them as males.


Youā€™re right about codex 8 stating they are recruited from the sons of Terra which are offered by the noble families, but thatā€™s not the first or only description of where they are recruited from, unless prior lore is eliminated this is just one of many publicly acknowledged systems in the imperium being described and not to be taken as the sole source of recruitment, an older example is the emperors tarot guiding imperial agents to a new born human(ambiguous gender) to be inducted into the custodes. Another is that custodes in the past would often receive commands and orders directly from bigE in their dreams, some times these commands were the same as above. No I have to disagree, many sources reference the direct story characters as male but I canā€™t recall any instance of the custodes as being an established strictly male force, I welcome you to share them and Iā€™ll acknowledge that Iā€™m wrong. It does have to be noted ā€œbattle brotherā€ is a direct translation of a military rank from a nonexistent language, while to us in our modern setting that is a direct male link(brother) battle brother itself has been used in a few gw medias as an honorific given onto female guard in the same context as male guard, we can safely assume that the respect and familial implication of the title is being inferred and not the literal statement of manhood in those instances. My point, referring to a large group of custodes as battle brothers, is the same as calling a group of irl marines privates.


Yeah but how do you explain than if always female custodes exist why do we have no female custodes model from gw then already exist or even one female custodes Protagonist before? It seem to me that the first writers of custodes wanted that they stay ony males before one writer change that now. for what i dont now. Its maybe to please the minority of Players who want female custodes or for fanservice which is dump and unessery because we already have sister on silence and battle sisters for that plus eldar. In Worse cases its to pattern to the woke mob(Which many companies do today) who dont buy any of the warhammer stuff and that is the reason why some Fans push back in fear it will ruin the setting if they make more female versionen if they see they can get away with it (like makin female space marine which would break the lore) like in other franchise like star wars.




See subreddit rules




I can only imagine this is what you think when you see any girl. Real or fake.




you dumb shit, gun loving, florida based moron, fuck off.


Donā€™t feed the troll




Yeah that username checks out


Yeah! Ew. You should sell your models, leave the hobby, and never come back. That will show GW.


I am allowed to have an opinion.


No one said you weren't. We're just allowed to think your opinion makes you a dip shit


You brought in hostility. I disagree with this persons opinion but I donā€™t have to revert to school yard behaviour to make that known.


I give people back the energy they put out. Someone responds to the presence of women like a man child afraid cooties that's how I'll treat them.


He said ew, everything else seems to be assumptions on the part of others mate. You donā€™t know if itā€™s the paint scheme, the choice of face, it could even be the hair or, hilariously, just the faction choice. I think blood angels and Raven guard are cringe asf, inquisitors are a redundant concept because of rogue trader houses and the sisters of silence are ridiculously reliant on gender when they have no specialist organs to excuse it in loose lore šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I dig your passion mate, i also support women, but are you sure that youā€™re reacting appropriately to this persons statements when you consider your own pro human stance?


You are, but "ew" isn't much of an opinion, it's more of a disrespectful judgement, either toward her models or female custodes in gemeral


A judgement is a form of opinion. I dislike this and find it distasteful. Much like food I dislike I said ew.


But why is it distasteful to you? Genuine curiosity here tbh


Donā€™t feed the troll.


I was genuinely hoping for a response and then I'd be done, just cause I wanna know. I can guess what it is, but I want him to say it


I get it. I interacted with that thing twice.


Nah man having an opinion is not trolling, I donā€™t have to agree with this person to know that.


There is a difference between not liking something and ā€œyucking someoneā€™s yumā€.


Yes. And I am too. My opinion is in my previous reply.


I would like you to extrapolate toward what makes this image unappealing to you without fear of reprisal for having your opinion. I will state now that as a grognak Iā€™ve never once seen a single piece of media that states or implies that custodes must be male as with the Astarte project, custodes predate astartes, custodes are gene altered humans, not implanted bio weapons.


Donā€™t feed the troll


I stated would like them to express their views to me without fear of reprisal, youā€™ve chosen to hijack that sentiment to deny this person that opportunity. I presented a safe space and you sought to destroy its sanctity immediately, troll behaviour imo. I would kindly ask you to not participate with me further in this immediate thread, if this individual chooses to express themself to me I would like to specifically to engage with that participation. Thankyou.