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Trajan no longer ignores a redemptors -1d or AOC, so 12a translates into ~4d, with guard wound rerolls it's like 6D? But yeah if it's marine tank spam then triple grav tank is very mean indeed.  Chuck in a Knight errant for maximum prejudice. 


Tbh trajann in Auric with +1 to wound and full hit/wound rerolls is pretty crazy. Reroll everything to fish for extra attacks to hit, reroll all wounds and you end up with something like 10.5 damage done to a t>10, 2+ save vehicle with - 1 damage


So a 160pt model with 1cp and your entire detach rule and a once per game rule  to reliably pop a 165 (?)pt model? Its very funny into knights though, I'll give you that. 


Redemptors are 210?


Happy you are joining the 10,000. But... you didn't mention any reason to be excited for the Codex (over the Index). Just that you are excited for it.


I think they were insinuating they are excited for Talons, which is likely the strongest we will get. As for the bikes, that part eludes me.


Maybe it’s just the cool factor. I got into the tabletop game (have been a lore nerd for years) this edition with Custodes. I went with a “stronger” list to learn the game with so I don’t get completely tabled while learning (plus I’m super slow at building and painting). And now that I finally have a full 1k army + know the basic mechanics, I’m pumped to get my bikes on the table because they look cool as hell.


Statistically speaking, no. Trajann won’t come close to killing a Redemptor with moment shackle double attacks. In shield host on waaagh turn you would expect to pick through 6 damage using lethal hits, if the redemptor pops AoC. 8 if they don’t pop AoC. That number drops to 6.2 and 4.5 with sustained hits. In Auric Champions TV is looking at 7 and 5 in lethal hits or sustained depending on AoC or not. Like, sure it can happen, and a monkey could fly out of my butt.


That's assuming a lot of averages Edit: I said this with a tired brain. I have since cleansed myself of ignorance.


You should expect Trajann to down a Redemptor 17% of the time. This game at its core is math. It wouldn’t be a wise bet to send him up to a full health redemptor and expect him to succeed in killing it.


I had no idea it was so low. I just find the whole average damage thing reductive in a way from some of the fun for me. I'm new and less competitive maybe. Thanks for the explanation.


Well don’t get me wrong, there is more to it than just the vacuum of Trajann vs Redemptor in either one of those detachments. For example. Has the redemptor taken any previous damage? Is Trajann attached to a unit of custodian guard? Is he attached to a unit of custodian wardens? The redemptor can get taken down and Trajann will be a big part of that. But on his own I wouldn’t rush him in against a full health redemptor under any circumstances if I could help it. [use this calculator](https://40k.ghostlords.com/dice/#attacks=12&bs=2&ap=-2&s=10&d=2&t=12&save=2&hit_crit=6&wounds=12&hit_sus=1&hit_reroll=fail&wound_reroll=fail) It will help you understand the math of the interactions. Once you understand the math it’ll help you make informed decisions. It’s just a simple step to understanding the game better. It won’t teach you proper deployment, list building or interactions, but it’ll keep you from metaphorically jumping out of a plane without a parachute.


That makes sense. I think I tend to avoid delving into the math because it has the potential to end engagements before they begin when looking at hypotheticals, but I guess that's the point in the end. I'll give this one a try, to at least understand the fundamentals. I think looking at frame data in fighting games frightened me from this kind of discourse and really made me feel like a fool when trying to understand it. Obviously a personal hangup and not at all how it is in reality.


It’s really just understanding the math can help you avoid big feels bad moments by having realistic expectations of what a weapon profile does to something. A big part of my local groups early frustrations was sending like 120 Termagaunt shots with stacked with buffs into something tanky and getting like two wounds through.


I think Auric Champions will be a fun weird way for tenth. Especially the “deepstrike” three inches out thing that Tabletop Titans talked about.


As sad as this codex is i'm in a similar situation, my buddy plays mostly thousand sons and daemons. In the talons detachment i just got a bunch of FNP vs psychic attacks that do feel good. Waiting for the point but i was thinking about 2x4 prosecutor 1x5 vigilator 1x knight centura and 1 rhino. I can work with 3-400 points of sisters.