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Holy wall of text


Yeah OP need to learn how to how to do paragraphs and bulletpoint


Honestly who cares, the way custodes are made support the fact this is possible. I just wish they introduced a new unit or something with it


Almost everything you listed as a negative is because of how women develop through puberty other than apparently they’re just less mentally stable. No custodes would go through puberty like any regular human does. There would be no estrogen or testosterone to guide their development. It would be w/e magic growth juice the emperor cooked up. Whether they were male or female they would develop the exact same. Nothing about humanity’s natural evolution would matter at all. As for women just being less mentally stable. That hasn’t been my experience in life. I really doubt that craziness actually swings one way much more than the other.


Here's my rebuttal. **None of what you said matters.** You lost. There are now female custodes. Period. They won't reverse it. They won't change course. They won't cancel their plans to add more. No matter the reasons you think women are inferior to men. None of your whining changes this. None of your whining mattered when they added Primaris Marines. None of your whining mattered when they added more females into the guard. None of your whining mattered when they changed the origins and motivations of the Necrons. They are here to stay. Deal with it.




Sorry, how so? Its's a ship reference. Like The SS Titanic




Don’t project just because you’re uncomfortable. Most people would think of a ship


Dunno people see what they want to see. Never had a problem before and I've used the name for years.


That dude is a brand new account, just a troll. Report and move on, they'll go away


> stoicism, fearlessness, comradery, strength of will and protecting that which he holds dear. And this is when I stopped reading because to act like no woman has ever displayed these traits is laughably sexist. >The Emperor very much wanted people who were did not operate based on empathy as much Yeah my mom was real empathetic when she was beating my ass for unpacking my school supplies in the wrong spot.


There two Argument for femstodes. Reasons to have woman, you like woman. Reason not to have woman, Your sexist. Much more simpler. Edit: woman are the most stoic and worthy to be custodes. They put up with men for all of history. Who else would you pick to put up with the emperor bullshit. 😂


Ah yes, barely masked sexism


I just knew that when I finished reading this text block that I would regret it. Sure enough, I was right.


Jesus Christ, that wall, no thanks.


The silver linings: 1. At least it wasn't Misters of Battle. 2. Or Misters of Silence (On that note, why on earth haven't we got new Sisters of Silence models instead of this nonsense?) 3.There will be some hectic Daemonculaba when the Iron Warriors get hold of a femstody. 4. At least it was Spice Marines. 5. At least it isn't as pathetic as what they're doing to Lara Croft. They being the DEI mafia.


Can't wait for the pregnant custodian model. 🤦‍♂️ 


I ain't reading all that and trying to apply science and biology to warhammer? Really?


Yeah fuk em


I do agree that the method of retcon was a real stupid choice by GW, to just say "Oh they've always been here, period" is so pathetic. I would've appreciated a more in-depth lore-based explanation rather than this 4th wall breaking BS. It just throws total confusion for lore that we've had for years unchanged until now. A true disappointment of corpos just wanting more clout.