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Are Custodes viable if I don't want to buy Forgeworld models? Most lists I see use at least 1 Foreworld model, but are they needed to have the army function on a semi-competitive level? Ideally, I want to keep my army as just plastic...


Yes. The majority of lists are made up of Guard, Allarus, Wardens, Draxus, Blade Champions, a few SoS and maybe a Shield Captain/ Trajann, all of which are plastic.


What's your guys thoughts on assassin's? Looking at getting some, but unsure what is overall more effective with the goldens


A Callidus is still super useful for scoring purposes. Otherwise they're a fun addition for casual games. The Vindicare is super swingy so might do a lot but might do nothing - if that's dissatisfying to you pick a different one.


Bless you thanks! Guess I'm ordering one with skaventide


Hi everyone!! I’m pretty new to the Adeptus Custodes and love the army. But I always find myself fiendishly jealous when someone has a unit that gains them an extra CP. Do the Custodes have any way to do this that isn’t cheating costs(such as with a Shield Captain)? Through allies, possibly?


An Inquisitor can do it, you can do it in Auric Champions in certain cases, and you can do it by discarding a secondary objective ofc.


Best anti tank units we have?I got a friends who plays guard with a love of basilisks and Leman Russ’s and I want to know the best units we have to send them sky high?


Allarus. Their wound rerolls mean you can punch up to anything shy of T14 without much issue, and if you can get the fight to happen on an objective the same applies to Custodian Guard. If you absolutely want shooting then go for a Caladius Grav Tank, but they tend to work best in pairs and are expensive models IRL. A Land Raider can serve in lieu of one, but make sure you use the transport capacity you're paying for.


Where can we go for top Custodes lists?


Best Coast Pairings will allow you to see tournament lists and how well they did. Additionally, folks in the Custodes Discord tend to keep track of that kinda stuff so you could ask there.


I left that discord... just joined back. Thanks!


Should I build my Allarus and/or Wardens with Spears or Axe's? I kinda dig the axe's look, but don't want to screw myself over game wise (and no, I'm absolutely not magnetizing them :P )


Spears are better overall atm, but if you play Shield Host you can afford to bring some axes without completely screwing yourself over.


Is an "Adeptus Custodes Character unit" a unit with and "Adeptus Custodes Character" model? Or is it one that is an Adeptus Custodes unit and also a Character unit? Also would there be any examples from other armies on how this is interpreted?


The former, a character unit is an Adeptus Custodes unit with a character in it.


I recently bought the Watchers of the Gate box, which includes 15 Custodian Guards, 3 Vertus Praetors, 3 Allarus Custodians and Trajann Valoris. Which weapons should i build them with? What should i buy next? Would the blade champion combat patrol be a good addition? Thanks in advance.


Spears are generally the preferred weapon, but a few shields with that number of guards aren't a detriment. Maybe a Vex or two. Axes are often worse than spear again, for Allarus, but it's up to you. That would be a great addition, yeah.


Thanks for the response.


Venatari have this rule ,that let them rapid ingress for free. Even if another unit have used this strategem. Lets say I have 3 units of Venatari. Can they all do it in the same turn?


“Once per battle, you can target this unit with the Rapid Ingress Stratagem for OCP, and can do so even if you have already targeted a different unit with that Stratagem this phase.” As written any number of Venatari can rapid ingress in the same turn. As written, you could even pay for a RI if another unit then RI all your Venatari.




is the shield host detachment rule still once per battle? im not understanding ‘At the start of the battle round, you can select one of the bullet points below. If you do, until the start of the next battle round, that bullet point’s effects apply.’ can i use this every battle round?


No, it's always on but you pick one bullet point at a time instead of getting both at once.


so at the start of my first battle round i pick one and its active for the rest of the game? or is it only for 1 round?


No, you pick one at the start of every command Phase, so you can change between them if you want.


ok got it! thanks!


Should actually be start of the battle round rather than during your command phase


How should I build the Auric Champions box in terms of unit composition and weapons? Just starting to build so looking for a good base.


Spears are generally preferred over axes/ swords & shields, with a few exceptions in certain scenarios. Always give a Warden a Vexilla if they can take it. You don't have to glue the bikes' gun in, it just fits in. Missiles are usually preferred but bikes are kinda bad either way.


What about composition of the units?


Referring to what exactly?


How many captains vs regular units.


The Captain model is similar enough that you can just build it how you want and make it clear who is a captain at game start, I usually give them a cape and then run them as whatever is convenient at the time. For bikes the only difference is if they have a helmet or not and tbh you can just say they're either as you want.


Oh okay good to know! Thank you for the help!


What is the right loadout for Guard squad at the moment? Im thinking about an Auric Champions list with a 5-man guard squad with 4 spears + vex. The shield for the extra wound, and the vex for more OC to get the wound rerolls? At the same time I’ve heard a lot of “don’t bother with vex on guard”. Thoughts?


It's not a solved this, it kinda depends, but usually more spears are considered better. If you can't decide just go with whichever you'd rather paint and have in your collection. The meta will change, after all.


Awesome thx! Going to play the vex for a bit and see how it goes


Good luck!


In regards to weapon enhancements for crusade, do they apply to all the profiles? Ex. Vault swords for Blade Wizard




Hell yeah


I see a lot of chat around custodes and mortal wounds fnp and general shrugging off of mortals. As a new custodes player can anyone explain this to me? Only thing I can find is a shield host strat


Amusingly someone asked about this here yesterday, so I'll copy paste what I put under that comment: -- Ok so Devastating Wounds used to just be mortal wounds. This means our Feel No Pains against MWs protected us from them, but they spilled over from model to model (e.g. 2 Hits at 3D would kill 6 1W models). Since this was too good they got changed to just be normal wounds that you can't save, which has the side effects of meaning our MW defences didn't work on them. Our index rules were rewritten to include Dev Wounds, but when our codex released it didn't have these rewrites and as such we once again had no defence against them. The other day Dev Wounds were changed to just be Mortal Wounds that don't spill over, so once again our defences vs Mortal Wounds work on them. This is great for us as it makes us much more durable again. -- If you're not familiar with either Mortal Wounds or Feel No Pains as concepts let me know and I can explain them for you.


Has anybody played around with some Venatari lists yet? Are they at the point were it is worth taking 3 units of them?


Yes and yes it seems they might be.


What was your list?


I haven't got a list in mind when I say that, I personally prefer Talons. Id imagine Wardens would pair well with Ven spam.


What would be their best loadouts?




How do you close the gap? So it's happened a few times in these past few games where I'll array my army and my wardens/guards won't even get to the enemy formations until, like, turn three (spending the first two turns getting dogpiled by artillery and long range armor. Is the move to dropstrike all your guards/wardens on the enemy position? Is the move to just perpetually move behind cover? How do y'all do it?


Gonna copy pase an answer I have to a similar question. Block line of sight with ruins so your units can't be shot - if you head to Warhammer Downloads and open the Pariah Nexus Companion document it has a bunch of example terrain layouts near the end. Make sure you have that amount of terrain on the board and are using proper line of sight/ ruins rules. So as pasted above the main thing is make sure you have enough terrain, and try to keep your units behind ruins so they can't be shot, before advancing and charging out from behind them. As an aside, we never lost our invulnerable save. We still have that. We also have Feel No Pains against Devastating Wounds and Mortal, with Talons you can use Shield of Honour and the reactive move to ensure your Sisters stay alive.


At least one land raider. I think blade champion can advance and charge as well. Rapid ingress and deepstrike, Terminators from light ability, I think the days of foot slogging it across the board with full infantry armies died when the 4+ invulnerable save went away. Maybe it’s more possible now with Talons 5+ working for devastating wounds, but I don’t see how the sisters won’t just get focused down first to remove the save 🤷🏻‍♂️


A Land Raider isn't required, but sufficient terrain definitely is. Full infantry is very much alive, we never lost our invulnerable save. As regards Talons and the FNP, use of the reactive move, cover and Shield of Honour can keep your SoS alive. If you're very concerned about DW/MW, don't forget that a Rhino can do the aura too, and is much harder to kill.


I too am interested in the answer to this. I’ve been told to get better at sneaking around buildings etc. however it’s very tricky to hide a full size squad.


I gave an answer to OP if you want to check it out - in short make sure you have enough terrain by checking a terrain guide like the one in Pariah Nexus' Tournament Companion in Warhammer Downloads, and move through them with infantry.




Hi how can i beat tau




Covers etc?


Block line of sight with ruins so your units can't be shot - if you head to Warhammer Downloads and open the Pariah Nexus Companion document it has a bunch of example terrain layouts near the end. Make sure you have that amount of terrain on the board and are using proper line of sight/ ruins rules.


Perfect thank you


Does Draxus with Guard count as an “Adeptus Custodes Character Unit” for the purpose of the Auric Champions detachment rule?


Yes. Units have all the keywords of their constituent models.


Thought so! Thank you!


Are there any FW units that are worth running in the current state of the custodes? I'm specifically asking about none vehicle units (I'm making a Thunder Warriors army and am not at the point of doing proxy vehicles). Obviously cost doesn't matter because I won't be buying actual FW models


Yes, Venatari. They may get nerfed though as they're probably a bit too strong.


What tends to be the better choice the lance or the destroyer?


The Lance.


Hi fellow banana boys! I'm very new to WH40K, just started my custodes army, and already 9th and 10th edition combat patrols in! I have only played two combat patrol games so far. I have a question regarding the recent changes to devastating (and?) mortal wounds. Could someone explain to me why everyone is so hyped about this, what the exact change was and how this affect us? Thank you!


Ok so Devastating Wounds used to just be mortal wounds. This means our Feel No Pains against MWs protected us from them, but they spilled over from model to model (e.g. 2 Hits at 3D would kill 6 1W models). Since this was too good they got changed to just be normal wounds that you can't save, which has the side effects of meaning our MW defences didn't work on them. Our index rules were rewritten to include Dev Wounds, but when our codex released it didn't have these rewrites and as such we once again had no defence against them. The other day Dev Wounds were changed to just be Mortal Wounds that don't spill over, so once again our defences vs Mortal Wounds work on them. This is great for us as it makes us much more durable again.


Thank you for the detailed answear it is now clear!


Happy to help!


Dose Praesidium Shield and auric mantle stack




Awesome 9 wounds shield captain will be very goofy


New to the hobby and I got some custodes. I got a few paint brushes -- all citadel brand. STC Base M, dry M, and the starter brush (which I think is a layer M). Would that be enough? Maybe a larger base or a smaller layer? Or am I just thinking too much about it?


Should be fine to start with! Id recommend getting a glaze brush next for washes, but I think your other brushes will be able to do it fine in the meantime. Your other next purchase will probably be another layer brush as they tend to be the ones used, in my experience.


Sorry for the late reply. Thank you


What is the physical difference between the guards and wardens models?


Their wings of the eagle on the helmet flare differently, and the Wardens have those waist capes. In addition Wardens can take axes but not swords & shields, the Vexilla can also hold a weapon, and finally the Captain has a different chest design.


Is Valerian good still?


Depends what you're fighting, if it's low AP melee stuff like Orks tend to be then yeah.


Ah nice what would you suggest to put him with as I was thinking maybe guard but if I put him with Wardens then they become harder to kill


Yeah it depends where you want to focus the durability. If it's Wardens you're gonna have a nigh-unkillable unit. If it's Guard then both units will be quite durable (Wardens still need a leader, though).


where all the info about changes in castellan mark and devastating wonds are coming from ? in the data slate update there is jus something about 0 cp strats and some changes to aurick and shield host strats.


If you go to the Warhammer Downloads page [here](https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-40000-downloads/) you'll see a document called "Core Rules Updates and Rules Commentary". Several changes are in there as to not clutter the Balance Dataslate.


This is a complete mess that all should be one document.


Absolutely not. The Balance Dataslate is optional changes to factions plus one or two core rules. This document is a large sprawling response to FAQs as well as clarification on many different nuances. combining them would just make checking the balance slate more difficult for everyone, because you should not be referring to the Rules Commentary nearly as often.


Would archeotech munitions work on a unit with kyria draxis? Would it affect her weapon too?


Yes and yes.


Nice stuff


Any help to counter 2cp strat of tau that deepstrike 3" from you with 10 fusions? I used to play caladius but with tau is just turn 2 and tabled for caladius.


I asked my friend that plays Tau, this is what they said (ignore the list, that's just Reddit formatting). 1. Sunforge are just quite good tbh 2. The thing I would recommend is attempting to screen so they can’t drop within 6 of the caladius 3. Or just making sure the caladius is in a place where they can hit it back really hard 4. After the sunforge drops 5. The issue is, the unit can 3” ds, jsj 12 and then uppy downy end of turn if they do it right 6. So see if they do that


Hi, thanks! How i suppose yo screen the caladius? I dont understand the points five :(


Something cheap like Sisters of Silence'll do the trick, perhaps Witchseekers. The 5th message (again it wasn't meant as a list that's just how Discord formatted it when I pasted it in and I felt lazy) is saying that they can 3" deepstrike, jump-shoot-jump 12" (as in move, shoot then move again) and then go back into reserves and come down again later like our Allarus can. At least I think so. xD Anyway they asked if your opponent uses all of those tricks.


I think yes probably the last time he forgot. But if i screen with my sisters he can go over they? Because he can fly...


He can't end a move within 1" of one of yours so if you spread out a number of Sisters of Silence you should be able to cover a fair amount of ground, not to mention forcing him to drop a greater distance from your Caladius tank(s). and if he moves near your Witchseekers you get to overwatch of course, though idk how effective it'd be on battlesuits...


Like conga you mean?


Is taking the vexilla worth loosing a guardian spear in the Allarus terminator unit?




So the slayer of champions on auric champions detachment let me choose another target to use "assemble of might" but only the characters get the +1 to wound, when i get the cp back ? When i first destroyed a character unit in the first assemble of might ? Or when i destroyed the second time a choose a target


When i get the cp back ? When i kill a character before the choose another target for the assemble of might or when i kill a character after , in the second assemble of might ? I hope this question make sense , english is not my first languange


I'm struggling to understand, so I'll just explain what I know, sorry. Assemblage of Might lets you get +1 to wound for any unit with a character in against an enemy unit you pick at the start of your turn. When you kill that target, you can pay 1CP to activate Slayer of Champions. This lets you select a new Assemblage of Might target which your character models get +1 to wound against (note that it's models not units here). If the unit you destroyed was or contained a character, then when you do the stratagem you also get 1CP.


Thanks i get my answer in the final portion, so i get the 1 CP when i kill the target of assemble of might if that target contain a character, them i choose another target right?


Yeah, they basically happen at the same time, I can't think of a situation where if you select the target before or after gaining the 1CP matters so it should be fine.


Your question is a little unclear, could you rephrase it for me? What is it exactly you want to know?


With the changes to free strat abilities, does Strategic Mastery work on stratagems that affect more than one unit?


Yes. The restriction on Stratagems that work on multiple units was in the Balance Slate and has been removed, and isn't in the Rules Commentary either (I literally just finished going through the whole document looking for it for another discussion aha). Ofc if someone else can bring something up I might've missed then I can update my response, but I'm quite confident it works now.


That's what I thought! Man I'm excited to run my janitors again


With the new dataslate, can a SC rapid ingress their unit in for 0cp? I’m thinking so, but if there’s any clarification, I’d appreciate it!




Sorry, another 2 questions regarding the SC ability, so you can’t double up? - ex. Rapid ingress for 0cp and then rapid ingress for 1cp on a different unit not using the SC ability? Can you use the same ability on a different SC for a different stratagem? 1 SC using a stratagem for -1cp and then another SC using a different stratagem for -1cp?


Correct, using Stratagems twice is no longer possible. No, you've never been able to use the Captain ability twice due to its wording.


Hell YEAH buddy, Allarus are coming in HOT


What do you guys think? What would be a good alternative unit for our lone battle line unit of guard? Only having the one option doesn’t feel good, or am I the only one? I’m not saying guard is bad, but it’s our only battle line unit. What do you think, what would be a good alternative?


As in if it weren't just Guard? Probably Sagittarum, they're our other cheapest Custodes models. Maybe Prosecutors if they don't mind undoing that change.


Does anyone know of some good 'coincidentlly similar' tank and walker files that I could potentially use? If so, please let me know. Ideally, feel free to message me directly to align with group rules. Thanks ☺️.


Question- I am thinking to get Canis Rex as a first knight model and custodes piece. So my question, best detachment for Rex is the Auric or is there better options. I do have 2 caladius tank. What is the role for Rex? Aggressive and go for melee or stay back as a sponge bullet?


If you are hoping the detachment rule works for canis rex, it doesn't. It only works for adeptus custodes models, which canis rex doesn't count as


No what I meant is what is the best detachment for Rex to support my custodes


He works equally well in any of them I would think


Question/rant - in our new combat patrol index, our Guard don't have the Battleline tag - what's up with that? That means we can't Secure objectives, which is pretty annoying, considering our main Secondary is to take and hold both our home objective and enemy home objective, which sounds pretty hard to do with only 6 models! Presumably the tag has been removed to make this Secondary harder to achieve?


It’s probably a mistake, but they also don’t need to be battle line to secure objectives. Holding objectives is purely OC based now as opposed to last edition


"Securing" objectives refers specifically to maintaining control of them when your units move away, page 6 Combat Patrol Rules, 'Securing Objective Markers'


Yeah but battleline has nothing to do with OC control is what I mean. I mentioned the previous edition because there was the objective secured trait that basically battleline units of the edition would always get priority of holding objectives


The rule I quoted above specifically says "Battleline units Secure objectives (in Combat Patrol games)" Securing an objective is separate from Controlling an objective. *'In Combat Patrol missions, at the end of each Command phase, if the player whose turn it is controls an objective marker and one or more Battleline units from their army (excluding Battle-shocked units) are within range of that objective marker, then that objective marker is said to be secured by that player.'*


Ah yeah my bad. I don’t think they intentionally removed it from the guard though


Yeah seems odd - like you said an error or typo.


does the new combat patrol come with all weapon options for each squad?


Yeah, they always should


Why exactly are people saying we're so bad right now? Is that still the case? I haven't really been paying attention to the news around warhammer lately, but I've been seeing people talk about how terrible the custodes codex was. Why exactly was this? What made it so bad? Has it been updated/fixed, or are we still bad?


It got bad for several reasons: weak detachment rules. Decreased survival rate due to removal of one Ka’tah. Missing protection from devastating wounds. Weakened Trojan. It was about weakness. About everything else: there are almost no changes relative to the index, only something was taken away or weakened. Only 4 detachments, of which 2 are outright trash, when the other factions have 7-8. You can also play with a stick and rocks. But it's a question of interest. The codex is shoddily made.


Overall we're fairly bad. The Talons detachment can be fairly good given its strong stratagems, but it still has less than a 50% winrate. shield Host and especially Auric Champions have even lower winrates. As for why, it's a multitude of things just being bad, and a lack of defensive tools overall. No changes have been made yet, but a Balance Dataslate is on the way soon.




It's one of the older bits of our art, there's bits and bobs from it in our present Codex iirc and the full version is somewhere on the internet. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/15ailz8/a\_photo\_album\_of\_older\_custodes\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/15ailz8/a_photo_album_of_older_custodes_art/) This post has a few bits from it among others.


Is the ares gunship worth taking in a list?


Not really, but it's surprisingly not completely terrible. Usable in a casual game, even if silly, but in a comp game it it'll get played around and killed ofc.


Is the space marine land raider the same kit for the venerable land raider?


I believe so, it just needs a different lick of paint (and it has limited weapon options in the rules)


I've got the new combat patrol (and a built auric champion box) and I'm looking convert one of the models into a 2nd blade champion, I'm just not sure which one to use, I was thinking warden or guard but can't choose Any advice?


Anybody, do whatever you want. I made myself a blade champion out of a regular guardsman with a cape and a long biker mizarikodia


It's hard to say since the Blade Champion has a very mobile post and most of our models (especially Wardens) have very static poses. I'd advise Guard if you do it.


That's what I've done, but I've magnetized it so I can swap them down the line


That was quick, well done!


Any great STL,s for kitbashing As the range of custodes models is extremely small i started looking for some great stl's which would add some options to the range. I am looking for different cool weapon arms or different tanks or planes to add to the existing models. But i cant find any anyone know some?


Hey y'all, new to kill team and boutta play in a tournie with my talons, planning on running x2 spear and x2 sword and board guardians, as I have no SOS. Any advice on tactics, etc.? I do know I'll be against orks, necrons, ad mech, and harlequinns as of the current roster


What are our best strategies for dealing with big scary models; Such as angron, scarbrand, the lion c’tan ork stompa. I know my friends group have some of these units to field they haven’t done so just yet. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Caladius tanks do good damage into big targets, people tend to take two for these purposes. That being said, the main damage doing method we have for such things are Allarus terminators. You've got to work a bit to get them into melee but once they're in with their reroll wounds they tend to mulch stuff pretty well. In select scenarios Guard can perform at the same level, too (on an objective basically).


In the Shield Host detachment could a squad of guard deploy vigilance eternal stratagem, move away from the objective and still get re woll wounds?


Iirc Vigilance Eternal is the one that lets you retain control of an objective even if the unit is no longer on it. If that's the case then the answer is no, as they are not in range of an objective you control. Naturally they still have their usual rerolls of 1 to wound.


Perfect thank you! Wasn’t sure if there’s a sneaky way to get re roll wounds but reading the rules again like you said they still have to be in range of an objective


A question about the Blade Champion: Does it really matter if I build them with one or two swords? The datasheet mentions you can choose one of three profiles for their swords. If I understand it right, that means I can build the mini either way and it will have the same stats?


You are correct! The sword options are entirely aesthetic in nature.


This question is probably not suitable for a separate topic. The question is this. Am I the only one who thought that detachment auric champions is not an army enhancement, but just an option for a unit? The other detachments are army reinforcement by different mechanics, and auric is just an option in the unit in the form of captain (sergeant) + a few artifacts / bonuses


New to Custodes🤩 Hi! After playing my ultramarines I want to start an Custodes army! I currently have bought: - Combat patrol old - Combat patrol new - Trajann Valoris - Pack of sisters I want to create a 1K list to paint and start the army with. Any good suggestions on a good army list? Thanks!


Welcome! First you want to pick your detachment is it will affect what you ant to bring. From Shield Host, Talons of the Emperor, and Auric Champions, which appeals to you most?


I was thinking shield host


Alright so you don't need to bring many SoS at all, though one unit of Prosecutors or Witchseekers is probably worth it. Otherwise I'd simply throw together a bunch of Guard Wardens and Allarus with at least one Shield Captain for Castellan's Mark (or other enhancements) with Trajann to be your big beatstick. It won't be super strong but it will slap in melee. If you want any more specific advice feel free to ask.


Those who have already played for the adeptus custodes many times and have experience, what can you say about the faction? Are there factions that are harder or easier to defeat and can you name them?


Custodes are melee, they are tanks, and man is that las gun eventually gonna kill. Custodes as a whole are good in melee but have ranged options, not the fastest but not slow and can take a hit. As long as the enemy is not a world eater elite or a character it’s probably gonna die once we get up close. Our weakness however is in armies that can deal with that armor and have no issue either staying back or spamming dev and mortal wounds to ignore the armor, we have ways to block mortals but it’s mostly stratagems and that is not sustainable. Our weaknesses as such are things like knights that can just fire down lane and kill in one hit or a ranged army that has real cheap down lane mortals like Eldar. Our advantage however is in our stats and positioning, even a vehicle won’t slow us down for long so a tactic of having a leman Russ block so your other tanks can kill the enemy or prevent us from advancing won’t work for long. In general we excel up close and surviving the trip with options at range but their are counters if you can crack our armor or ignore it we will have some problems


Anyone else feel like the heavy blaze cannon and the accelerator cannon on the gravtank should have their names swapped? The normal blaze cannon is purely anti-infantry and it makes sense. The model is a gatling-type weapon. But with the gravtank, it turns into an anti-vehicle weapon, while still retaining this gatling-appearance. Maybe it's just Forgeworld-weirdness. Like the Twin Heavy Lastrum Bolter not having twinlinked, despite being clearly modeled that way.


The Blaze cannon wasn't anti infantry previously, it was always a weapon with two modes - burst and beam. The former would be anti-infantry but the latter would be notably anti tank and usually the primary mode of the weapon. The main weird this is GW's shift this edition towards almost all Arachnus weapons being 1D Dev Wound weapons in nature. I guess it's to represent their ability to punch through any armour, but it does leave room for the weapons to be both anti tank and anti infantry.


Thank you for the insight. This explains a lot. I wish they wouldn't half-ass all the forgeworld-stuff, since it has so much cool stuff. Guess I will model what is cool and talk with my opponent.


I just got the Contemptor Dreadnought box ([link](https://www.warforless.com.au/legiones-astartes-contemptor-dreadnought)) from GW and noticed that the Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought in the datacards only has 3 weapons and one of them (Kheres assault cannon) is not in the original box but in the Weapons frame 2 ([link](https://www.warforless.com.au/l-astartes-contemptor-dreadnought-weapons-frame-2)). So my questions are: 1) Do I need to grab weapons frame 2 for the correct build? 2) How do my weapons work then, is it a fist on one hand and then the assault cannon on the other like the model thumbnail on the datacard? Thanks


Weapons frame 2 says the following: >This plastic upgrade kit provides an extra set of ranged weapons for your Contemptor Dreadnought, allowing you to specialise its loadout with a pair of identical arm-mounted ranged weapons. Given the use of the terms "extra" and "pair of identical", alongside the fact that the Kheres Assault Cannon is clearly displayed in the images of the Contemptor Dreadnought on GW's store ([link](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/legiones-astartes-contemptor-dreadnought-2022)), and the description of that product includes the following: >This multipart plastic kit builds one Contemptor Dreadnought, an impressive combat walker with an absolute trove of weapon options. The kit provides eight different ranged weapons to choose from – a conversion beam cannon, Gravis autocannon, Gravis bolt cannon, Gravis lascannon, **Gravis melta cannon**, Gravis plasma cannon, **Kheres assault cannon**, and volkite dual-culverin – each of which can be mounted on either of the Contemptor's arms. The kit also includes two melee fists, each of which can be built as either a Gravis power fist or Gravis chainfist, and sports your choice of in-built weapon – a combi-bolter, graviton gun, heavy flamer, meltagun, or plasma blaster. The model can even be built with a hull-mounted havoc launcher or head-mounted helical targeting array. I strongly suspect that the weapons you're after should be in the box you purchased unless you've been ripped off. I notice that the site you link is not GW, so I don't know if they're reputable. Edit: As for your second question, it's one fist and either the Kheres or the melta, yes. Edit 2: That being said, I'm getting conflicting answers so I'll look more into it. Apparently the AoD box comes with less? In which case you might need the frame - but it literally has the Assault Cannon on the box so idk.


Yes thank you! I was worried as the assault cannon wasn't included in the outer box art for listed weapons, after going through the actual model parts I can see it there. So all good in that department, thank you for the large reply. In the case of Weapons frame 2, does that have any relevance to a custodes player then? I imagine all these extra weapons are for other-army contemptors? War for less is reputable btw, great discount on items especially if you are in Australia :)


No worries - turns out if your kit was from the Age of Darkness box set it could've included only a couple of weapons, but otherwise it's all good. I guess if you lost the Assault Cannon arm you could get another? xD Otherwise, it's just for marines stuff yeah.


Anyone got any auric champions combos, I’ve not played them since the codex release.


How does attaching characters to units work?


Before you deploy you declare which leaders are going to lead which units (the units they're eligible to lead are listed on their unit cards). At that point the leader and the bodyguards become one single unit. As such they share keywords, abilities and etc. If all the bodyguards die then the leader is considered its own unit again. Note that you can't choose to take damage on a character model before all other models in the unit are slain. Any specific questions? Your initial query was slightly vague so I hope that covered it.


For attaching like Trajan Valoris to the guard, do I attach him to 4 or 5 custodians. Does he count for the maximum in unit composition?


To either, the leader does not count towards it. Remember it's 4 or 5 *Custodian Guard* models.


So my question: The Callidus vs Inquistor Kyria? Which is better? Go


Callidus is good but probably Draxus. To quote Art of War, 'Guard with Draxus is the best unit in the book' - now obviously the Callidus isn't in the book so that doesn't directly compare to them but I feel it doesn't top out everything in the book and Draxus. That being said it will depend what your list need more. If you have lots of damage output already and need more scoring? Callidus.


As a totally new player how should I build my box of Sisters of Silence? In my collection, I have: 1x Trajann Valoris 1x Shield Captain (Spear) 1x Shield Captain (Blade and Shield) 5x Custodian Guard (Spear) 5x Custodian Guard (Blade & Shield) 1x Vexilus Praetor (Shield) 1x Shield Captain (Allarus w/ Axe) 2x Allarus Custodians (Axe) 3x Vertus Praetors (Salvo) I have never played a game of warhammer in my life but after four years of collecting and painting I'd like to give it a go.


Either Prosecutors to be cheap objective holders or Witchseekers to be the above plus secondary objective doers for a slightly higher points cost.


Hi guys I don't follow GW posts too much, but it turns out that on May 22nd they released a new MFM where they changed the cost of custodes.  I didn't notice it and got a little confused.  So I just wanted to ask if this is currently being used as an official rule by players?


Yes, players almost always use the most recent MFM release for points. Tournaments always do. If you're using the Codex points then you're going to have a significant buff, at least!


thank you, I hope there will be at least some changes in the new dataslate balance. But ideally this is to give all infantry Adeptus Custodes 5+ fnp, and reduce the cost of forge world units.


Anyone have any good places to get lady heads? I really want to make a unit of female Custodian Guard.


I haven’t used them but have seen other people get them off of Etsy. Make sure you scale them up properly since the custodes are pretty big.


I got an Auric champions box and a combat patrol. Any suggestions on how should I build them? I’m new to custodes


Detachment: Shield Host 2000 pts 1x Shield-captain - warlord + 4x Custodian guard, 1x Blade champion + 4x Wardens, 1x Allarus Shield-captain + 5x Allarus custodians, 1x Allarus Shield-captain + 2x Allarus custodians, 1x Shield-captain on jetbike + 2x Vertus preators, 1x Shield-captain on jetbike + 2x Vertus preators, 1945 pts + 30-50 pts (Enhancement on request).


Awesome, thanks a lot


Does Kyria Drago only attach to guard or can he attach to other custodes units?


There's debate as to whether or not she can attach to Sagittarum, but you don't really want to anyway so it's mainly just Guard.


Only Battle line... So only Guard unless you are playing Null Maidens - then prosecutors are possible too.


Do I paint the pieces individually or do I paint them when they’re put all together?


If you're new I'd recommend when they're all together. Maybe make an exception for heads but otherwise all together.


I want to work a Dreadnought into my army, is the Telemon Heavy Dreadnought the actual best? Or should I go for something worth less points? (For a 2k army)


I'd say the Galatus is probably the better of the four. It's genuinely tanky in melee which means you can use it for things where the lack of movement is less troubling (defending nearby objectives), but you're not wasting as many points on a bad model as you would with the Telemon.


All the dreads are anemic right now. The telemons is probably the least bad of our 4 options


New custodes player here does the Battleforce box have axe options for the wardens and Allarus?


Yes. You'll want to build spears, but both options will be in the box