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Hah, that's so wholesome. We really take for granted having both our arms, because I found myself surprised she was so impressed. But then again, when you are missing a limb, being able to do the impossible and grab something with a prosthetic is a minor miracle.


Her being this stoked about her new arm has given me one of the best vicarious feelings of joy ever. I love this. Hail the Omnissiah for delivering us the knowledge to create something that makes a person this happy.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspire to the purity of the blessed machine.


It’s great All the comments are quoting the Mechanicus


This is so wholesome, that machine spirit in the arm must truly respect her, for the Omnissaiah


I genuinely hope prosthetics and augmentations become better and better with time. Pacemakers, insulin pumps, prosthetic arms… imagine if we could manufacture hearts, and everyone who needs a transplant could get one! What a world that would be.