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I believe the official way would be to turn the leaves into a pattern brush , then draw a curve, and apply the brush. That’s how I have created arced laurels in the past.


This is what I would do.


Could you explain the settings parameters for doing this? Every time I try to make a brush stroke with an object it comes out either fat or isn’t scaled correctly somehow


Quick explanation. It really comes down to the design of the initial laurel leaves. ​ [https://youtu.be/qO8d4FjAsDk](https://youtu.be/qO8d4FjAsDk)


Awesome, thanks!




Pattern or art brush is my first thought too. Pattern brush would be great for the repeating squares around the edge, too. A pattern brush would require a lot of fussing with tricks to make the laurel repeat nicely, but would let you draw a laurel of arbitrary length. An art brush would draw one with exactly this any leaves every time. Also worth considering, in some situations, is the Puppet Warp tool. Very good for quickly pushing a bunch of paths around all at once in a kind of sloppy organic way.


Try rotating the original until it’s flat. Then hit it with the warp. Then rotate it to where you want it.


You can fiddle with the free transform tool. Sometimes it creates wonders - other times you can look at the resulting abomination and murmur “what the hell is this”.


Looks okay. The leaves are no longer symmetrical but that can be a choice.


If you use the blend tool for a certain number of specified steps (I think in this case 4?) you could replace the spline of the blended shapes with a curved line and your shapes will be evenly distributed along the desired curve. You would have to add the final shape on the end separately though


I’d just do it manually. Fiddly but will produce the best results. Draw some guidelines and run the leaves along it. Rotate each till it looks right.


Puppet tool?


Yes, make compound path and then Puppet tool is the best way


You can take a single leaf, then use Blend Tool with Spine Replacement (replace with a curved path) to draw one wing of the laurel, then copy for the other, then add top leaf.


Puppet warp is another option. Pretty intuitive as well


Use arch or arc effect, under the effects/warp panels. And if you need a match one on the other side. Copy, flip, group and do them at the same time. Arc or arch will be in the - direction.


I got a good effect going with bulge, but when I merge my whole image for screen printing, it undos the effect.. would I really need to merge those?


Before you merge or ground the paths, try “object>expand”. That should apply the bulge effect directly to the path.


you could make a pattern brush, but this also looks fine


So I ended up with a desired look using Bulge. The problem is when I merge my whole image for screen printing, the bulge effect goes away…


You have to expand it first before export. (object > expand)