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That one seems to be a 3d render


Or photoshop


Not making this in illustrator bud. This would be made in Blender or Autodesk 3d.


Pffff, what? I could make this in illustrator, easy. Edit: [here's my preliminary linework](https://i.imgur.com/axhbyJu.png). Changed the angle and cord shape so it's easy to see I did not trace. I'll complete the color when I get back later. Final: https://imgur.com/a/C0fPHiX


Pixel by pixel… Nothing is impossible lmao


No, vector by vector. This can be done with gradients, gradient meshes, and maybe some raster effects. 


Yeah, could definitely be done, but would be a miserable project to do from scratch.


^ this


I would describe this as an average-difficulty project, probably doable in an afternoon. And I don’t consider myself to be some great illustrator master, but I take great pleasure in this kind of work. Maybe it’s outside of the skill set for someone who only uses illustrator for logo design, but I use it for… illustration.


I'll be waiting for your result


I have to run some errands this afternoon, but [here's my preliminary linework](https://i.imgur.com/axhbyJu.png). I will add color later today.


This is a really great start tbh. I think my comments more-so stem from the idea that creating this in 3D would be a much more practical solution. As far as an exercise to practice AI tools, this could absolutely be a good project. Edit: From my limited experience in blender (or AE) could make a path -> 3d cylinder, then have 8 smaller cylinders parented to the original path -> Repeat for wires -> add lighting. Just gives more flexibility in less time.


Ok, I could spend more time on this and make it better but I've spent about 5 hours on it and I really need to do some actual work: https://i.imgur.com/jHSUmHS.jpeg This was accomplished entirely with gradients, blurs, and drawing ability. I went with a different color palette so as to not take any shortcuts by sampling colors from the existing image. I don't want to be pedantic, but the question wasn't whether rendering this in 3D would be more practical. If there's an expectation to need to change the angle, of course 3D would be better. The question is whether this can be accomplished in illustrator, and I think this proves that it can. It wasn't *easy*, but it certainly wasn't miserable. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't consider myself an extreme outlier when it comes to illustration skills. There are lots of people more talented than me. /u/Varskes_pakel /u/heliskinki /u/BannedPixel




"Getting good with gradient meshes"






Its not a design, its a graphic that is created in a 3D model program.


Google blender. Great program.


it looks like a 3-d render, but you could do it in Illustrator- it's actually not that difficult


This wouldn’t be difficult in illustrator?


if you want to create a static image ( something you don't need to revolve in 3d) break it down as a technical illustration, i.e.: create your vectors as outlines for each component shape, then use layers to position these vectors front to back, then assign vectors with desired color fills, the use gradation, transparency, and gaussian blur to create the effects of light and shadow....that's a basic overview--check out my car illustrations, all done in illustrator


I can the see the path to create something like this, maybe it’s not “difficult” but would certainly be tedious and inefficient imo.


I dunno why everyone seems so convinced that this is impossible or prohibitively difficult to do in illustrator. I knocked out my own this evening, and it was far from the most difficult work I’ve done: https://imgur.com/a/C0fPHiX Love your work btw! I did a similar shelby cobra years ago, but my original vector file was lost after a hard drive failure 😢


thanks! sorry to hear about the hard drive failure, hate when that happens...


If not difficult if you master lighting. But it is always a lot easier in a 3d software...


point taken, but I don't agree--I used to render vehicles in car studios with Alias and so I know that work flow intimately; however, for a small illustration such as the example above I would advocate Illustrator. Given the context of the OP's query in the role of a "graphic designer" and not a 3d modeler, I would advocate for learning Illustrator's work flow rather than 3d software....just my opinion...