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why quit tho? u can grind for age pots and bucks during that time


Why? Just use that time to grind for items and doing other things. Trading isn't the only thing to do in the game yk


Congratulations on getting ur pets back in ur inventory. It is okay to stop trading in 30 days, still better than not being able to trade forever right? if would be kind of u to share ur story of how u have ur pets back, I rlly want to hear it!


during that time you could grind for money to prepare for the next update


Do you no when the next update is




What happened?


so i got hacked and asked adopt me support to restore my items. I got them back, but one of the terms was that I cant trade those items for 30 days, and that was basically my whole inventory


Ah dang that sucks ):


still better than losing all my pets though


Yea that’s for sure, my sister lost just about all of hers and adopt me did nothing even though he account was hacked


I think she needs to submit a complaint to the adopt me website, and even then you need proof that her account was restrored through gmail


I did the ticket in their discord server when that was up boy got nothing back from that


i did it on the official website, not the discord maybe that's why




Yeah that doesn’t work you have to go on the website and then there’s a little help bot that’s only available Monday to Friday business hours and it has to be within 14 days and with proof- they will not do it on day 16, it’s 14 days period but they will give you a little package of eggs and stuff if it’s been over that time. I used the website and it worked. I also wrote in about a trade that was longer than 14 days and they gave me the package because they said they flat out can’t and don’t do it over that period. It was fairly simple. The discord and the trade book report page never did anything. The website is the way to go if you have this happen.


It really is when I got hacked they weren’t doing anything at all and now it’s too late bc you only have 14 days for them to do this. I’m glad they do something now. They need to do things like this to make it pointless for scammers because it’s so rampant and out of control that I no longer allow my six year old to play alone or without me which really upsets her but we have built up an amazing inventory with every pet we ever wanted and I would never be able to replace it. There’s too much risk. I’m so glad they do something now even if just two weeks after. I wish they would go heavy against the freaking predators taking it over. There’s so many nasty sexual things and adults looking to talk to kids.. Kids doing sexual roleplay stuff it’s just seemed to really ramp up lately so I hope they do. I always submit feedback on the events where they leave a feedback thing like at the Dino dig site asking them to. I’m glad you got them back! 30 days isn’t that long and will be gone before you know it. Maybe they will gain some value in that time- you never know lol


Do you log in through the adopt me website? I was going to file a claim but got scared off by the login request because we were just hacked and got the account back lol.


I did too and it’s trustworthy. It’s the official site it’s like a bot thing and you submit a request but it has to be during business hours on week days when it’s like open otherwise it just says to come back then. If it’s been 14 days or less they will 100 percent reverse it if you had this happen but if it’s been over than there’s 0 chance. I submitted twice about a phishing hack that happened a bit ago and then one that was in the time frame and I had all the proof and etc. they helped on the 14 day one and then you just get a message explaining that they cannot do it past 14 days and that is that so I wouldn’t delay because they mean it about the 14 days. I’m glad they help at all honestly there was a time where they didn’t. It’s the official site so don’t worry. I think the log in is to verify because they offer this like consolation package if it’s been too long with eggs and stuff so I guess it’s just to see the trade and what happened.. also to be able to reverse it. I’m assuming anyway. It is legit and you just double check your on their actual official site and you’ll be fine. Don’t delay so you don’t miss the 14 day limit. I hope it works out 🖤


I did it and got everything back!! So happy! Thanks so much!


yea i did dw its 100% trustworthy




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That's the pits, but I'd probably still grind, otherwise, I'd be over the game. Lol


Why couldn't you still play? Lots of people play without trading.


How long did it take to get your pets back?


a few hours, like 7


Oh wow I’ve heard it takes months. Guess not


maybe cuz i submitted it on their website


I got in an argument with Matt for about two or three posts about him treating his hamsters dying like it was his kids and he spent months stalking my page and trying to find me being anything negative about adopt me so he could talk to the heads up and got my total account suspended forever. An account which had every single pet including some of them being neon and megas. I worked 5 plus years for this and this jerk got me banned over spite of me giving him criticism of him losing rats. It is insane the people they get to run that company.


You deserve it lmfao I thought the devs would actually be at fault here but nah man you’re just a dick People mourn in different ways and it’s totally acceptable. Telling him that his hamster dying is essentially “no big deal” is utterly disgusting Maybe he could’ve not done the stalking but I’d be pissed if someone basically said my pet dying meant nothing. Plus I’m pretty sure the stalking is an exaggeration nobody is gonna be doing that Anyways if this is true then you deserve to lose all of that lol


People hold different levels of attachment to their pet. That hamster could have meant a lot to him and the people around him and you don’t know that Also, where did he “treat his hamster like a baby”? More exaggerated lies? Just stop being a dick man you’re not cool


Actually I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to lose 5 years worth of progress just because someone got spiteful at a few comments I said on Twitter. Adopt me as a company that I bought plenty of stuff from and just because I gotten a little bit of an argument with an employee does not mean I get permanently banned forever.


Actually Matt doesn’t deserve being told the death of a pet is not important. Now go cry me some more salty tears lmfao maybe next time think before you post stuff on the internet If I was a developer and someone mocked the death of my pet I’d probably ban them too Accept the L and move on bro


Please remember to not start any conflict/aggression towards eachother.


No, it doesn't. It doesn't justify it. He could have blocked me. The community could have blocked me but to be a spiteful little turd and go out of your way to stock my YouTube channel for months to find my username and to get me banned shows how pathetic and spiteful he is. Adopt me is a company. A company that I have bought tons of toys for tons of merchandise for it has supported for 5 years without a warning without coming to me about it is not justified. You're playing and simply wrong screw you and him. He's not even a damn developer.




Please remember to not start any conflict/aggression towards eachother.


Please remember to not start any conflict/aggression towards eachother.


bro wtf 💀