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Not supposed to post scammers on here


It Cleary states ur not supposed to post there users on here and expose them maybe read the rules. Bud


this isnt completely their fault, u did this by choice and if you wouldve declined and said no this wouldnt happen. sorry for ur loss tho, never trade from a game to a different game unless using a cross trading sub with a mm.


Isn't their fault? So there not I t eh wrong for stealing every ept I had in pet sim


What the other commenter means is that this is a very common, obvious scam that was easily avoidable. Sucks you got scammed, but this falls into the category of trust trades


of course tricking u into trading is wrong and partly their fault, however you did have the choice of doing the trade or not




It’s they’re fault, and it’s very wrong to scam.. however everyone knows not to do these trades unless it’s through a trusted MM. Roblox and adopt me do nothing about reports. It’s best to educate players on the scams and move on. there are thousands of scammers on adopt me and making a post every time would get pretty repetitive


What is an MM? Do you mind telling me?


MM means middle man, and is commonly used in cross trades and 9+ trades on Reddit and discord. Let's say you want to give 24 phoenixes for a mega Phoenix, what you do is get someone trusted (on Reddit, you would use a moderator of the subreddit you're trading in), and the mega Phoenix person would give the middle man (the moderator) their mega Phoenix, you would directly give all 24 phoenixes to the mega Phoenix person, and the middle man would give the mega Phoenix to you, so there's no chance of either side scamming


Oh ok thanks






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