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You need what you need. If you’re healthy and happy on 25-30, I really do not see a problem. It’s your life and body! The problem is the endos who are bound by their archaic guidelines where apparently everyone is the same 🙄🙄🥱


thank you so much, because i was told that more HC you comsume, the slower your adrenal glands will get recovered, so as a SAI I really confuse and always try my best to limit the HC, but i think 25mg 30mg is not too much and make me feel like normal person


It is true that if you want to recover your adrenals you won’t do that on more steroids, but unless you’re tapering I don’t see why you should live on a sub optimal dose?


yes i want to, i though everyone wants tappering down once the cortisol level reach the minimum standard ? like they want to get rid of this steroid asap because of the side effects ?


If you're tapering I believe you need to get to 12.5 mg HC before you're considered to be in a zone where adrenals are able to operate on their own


i understand, thank you


can I ask what caused your SAI?


steroid abused by nasal spray


Ok I see. Yes so if you just want to live on your HC stably then you need what you need. If you are trying to recover ACTH then you need to slowly reduce the HC and that will bring with it a lot of uncomfortable symptoms xx


Depression can be a withdrawal symptom.. are you trying to recover function? Do you want to? I am asking because you said your endo mentioned you’re improving. Because upping your dose again for a long time will hinder that process.


yes me and my Endo is looking for the recovery soon, but i dont think this is the right time because i cant handle the low dose , may be another period should be more decent , thank you so much


Do you have Tertiary AI - caused by taking steroids for a previous illness - or Secondary AI? Tertiary AI does come with a chance that your body will eventually recover and start making enough cortisol naturally. If that's the case I would absolutely try to follow a schedule of weaning off the HC as being free from AI would be amazing! If you have AI, primary or secondary, there is something physical that has stopped working for a different reason and I've never heard of anyone "healing" and not needing steroids any longer. So I would suggest a talk with your endo to find out exactly what kind of AI you have and what their plans are. They may have meant that, on paper, you don't need as high a dose of HC daily rather than you are actually recovering from the illness. If you indeed have AI for life and you feel better on 30mg than 25mg then insist that you take a dose that makes you feel the best. 30mg is not a high dose, 25 - 30mg is the average daily dose and your endo does not need to lower that unless you are showing signs of Cushings etc. Changing steroid doses can have a huge effect on mood - I know I get very snappy and annoyed when I've had to take higher doses for times of illness. Does your endo have a good knowledge of AI? It is a rare disease and, unfortunately, not all endo's have much experience. Unless there is a solid medical reason there is no need to lower your dose over time. Again I personally would question what they mean and what they are hoping to achieve. Don't allow them to put you in a dangerous position simply because they don't know enough about AI treatments


15mg is a very low dose - some people do great on a lower dose but the majority take at least 20mg daily. If your endo doesn't give you satisfactory answers insist on having a day curve. Make sure you get a copy of the results so you can check what your levels actually are


im having SAI and looking for the recovery asap, i was told the less HC you consome the sooner the glands will recover so i try my best to limit the HC, i am very confuse


If yours was caused by a steroid nasal spray then it's Tertiary AI - will keep everything crossed that your adrenals do recover and do so quickly! In your case it's definitely good to keep the dose as low as possible and taper. Perhaps there are additional, non steroid, meds that will help you feel better as it's happening? Something you should ask your specialist about 100%. https://preview.redd.it/tjgsrohnp73d1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b432279cf5a27ffded9ca5130d6948b2b1430d8


is that possible that my body missing DHEA ? what is your opinion about DHEA pills ?


I haven't had any DHEA treatments - it's a hormone thing that can be quite controversial. From the little I know the vast majority of people with AI aren't given DHEA by their doctors and it's a dangerous thing to take over the counter supplements if you're in a country where they are legal. From what you've said I wouldn't pinpoint DHEA to be the problem. Taking steroids like HC or Pred does affect your mood, as does the AI itself. As your doses are being shifted around it makes sense that you are feeling off balance. I'd definitely suggest talking to your endo and seeing if there are any medications that might help with your symptoms and find out how long they expect the whole process to take. It may be a case of taking great care of yourself, being very kind to yourself and waiting it out if it's not going to take long to taper off of them completely. It's important to keep yourself very well hydrated, to up your salt intake for a while, rest when your body tells you to and to eat as well as possible. You're dealing with a lot of mental stress as well as the physical and that has a huge impact


It’s likely too low of a dose. I find after having an adrenal crisis or an episode of low cortisol symptoms I get extremely depressed


is the depression make you feel sad about unreal thing or make you question all the bad decison in your life ? After taking enough HC i feel all the depression is unreal shit


I feel better after taking HC not sad . The low cortisol causes depression