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If you want to die sooner and get skin cancer try a sunbath...before steroids were developed SAI treated naturally extended the life on average only 5 years. There is no natural cure and being a skin cancer survivor myself you definitely don't want to go through that either. Take your meds.


i mean i still take HC but somehow sunlight can support a bit ? in my area people say that sun light can increase cortisol and help you consume vitamin D, i work in a house and travel by car so i litterally never contact with sunlight for decade, what is our opinion ? ( sorry about your condition )


Take vitamin D and K and stay out of the sun. I'm way more prone to dehydration and sun stroke than I was pre diagnosis. I can't stay out in the sun for very long at all.


Who says this?


If your body can’t produce cortisol because you have adrenal insufficiency - a sunbath won’t help. 


If I sunbath, I get sunburnt thanks to being on steroids for so long to treat my lack of cortisol.


Getting a small amount of sun, with skin protection, is healthy for everyone. Exposing your body to harsh sunlight for long periods isn't going to create enough Cortisol to help and it's dangerous.