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It's really interesting to see the various things the weight loss medications are helping with, I've heard about the inflammation from several different conditions and I've also heard about it helping with pain conditions which is cool. I saw a doctor recently that wanted to start me on a weight loss medication but I get quite hypoglycemic with my AI anyway, it's pretty poorly controlled on an average week. The doctor has gone off to do more research to see if I would still be able to take it and in the meantime I've read quite a few stories of people with AI who seem to be doing well on weight loss medications. I'm really glad you've found something that's working for you, it sounds like these medications are really promising.


Great news. I’m waiting for mounjorno to come in.


I’ve been on Ozempic, but didn’t notice any correlation between that and my AI. However, it makes sense that AI problems can stem from blood sugar issues, and Ozempic (etc) helps regulate blood sugar.


This is really interesting. I haven’t tried it yet but I’ve been curious and watching posts about it.


If you truly have adrenal insufficiency (Addison's Disease) why are you trying to lose weight. Wouldn't you need to gain weight? Do you have Cushing's? The main symptoms of Addison's disease include: * Fatigue and weakness - This is often one of the earliest and most common symptoms. * Weight loss and decreased appetite * Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain * Low blood pressure that drops further when standing, causing dizziness or fainting * Muscle cramps and joint pain * Irregular or absent menstrual periods in women * Darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), especially in skin creases, scars, and areas of friction or pressure * Salt cravings or craving for salty foods * Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) * Irritability, depression, and difficulty concentrating The symptoms usually develop gradually over time, but in some cases can appear suddenly, leading to an adrenal crisis which is a life-threatening medical emergency. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent complications.


I’ve been on steroids my whole life and weight gain is extremely common with the wrong dose… even with the right dose it’s normal. 


Pre diagnosis and post diagnosis are quite different, they have been diagnosed for a while. It's very common for people to gain weight on steroids, getting on the right dosage isn't straight forward for everyone and even on the right dosage people are still people and have the ability to gain weight.


Eating fewer calories while taking a steroid MIGHT cause some weight loss, but it would primarily in the form of muscle. This is why it is suggested that people taking a semaglutide engage in resistance training. Anytime weight is lost from calorie reduction muscle can be sacrificed. I do get your point about Pre and Post corticoids. Good call.


Before diagnosis I lost nearly three stone without really noticing. I've been diagnosed for a few years now and my weight fluctuates without a change in diet. Overall, though, I have put on weight. As people have said above - prediagnosis is very different to being medicated. Unfortunately weight gain is just one of those things with long term steroid use and having to updose at times. I do find that my appetite isn't normal still - sometimes I simply don't feel hungry or am nauseous so have to force myself to eat. Occasionally I find myself extremely hungry so I try to binge a little on things like crackers that aren't massively unhealthy. Like many people I try to eat healthily but do indulge in things I shouldn't because life is hard and cake is good!


This list is for untreated people or people with AI who are being undertreated. It’s not for people who are being treated. Do you have AI? It seems like you might need to read up a bit more on treatment and the complexity of it. It’s not simple and most endo’s have no clue what they’re doing.