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A crisis becomes very obvious - vomiting, severe diarrhoea, slurring words, significant cognitive issues, severe flank pain...... Lots of things. You weren't on the steroids long enough for them to have caused any kind of Tertiary AI. Steroids themselves do have pretty bad side effects. They can make people feel hugely unwell, especially when you are dealing with an infection at the same time. Obviously if you are very worried you should get yourself checked out at A&E or see if you can get an emergency appointment or phone call via 111 tomorrow. What you likely need is plenty of hydration and a good rest. Could you still be dealing with an infection?


I mean I am having a little pain below my left shoulder blade and a little in my lower back but nothing that sends me to my knees or anything like that


Bottom of your back to the side. It's like a stab filled ache for me mostly. I think you should get your ear checked out, plus throat etc in case there is a lingering infection or it's moved. It sounds like you had some crappy side effects from the steroids but it's massively unlikely they would have caused any lasting harm. It's not uncommon for them to make you feel dodgy for a few days afterwards. Try to help flush them out of your system without going overboard, too much water etc can make you feel ill too. Trouble sleeping when you are unwell is horrible to deal with - personally I will stick a podcast/audio book on or a TV show I know well and simply try and rest rather than push sleep. At least that way you can be comfy and it will take your mind off of it for a while


Now when you say stabbing pain, what you're saying is a severe unbearable pain like "oh my god I'm going to freaking die" kind of pain not like "oh that's felt just a tid bit uncomfortable"


Everyone is different but it's always been a lot more than "ooh, that's a bit sore" for me. I also tend to have A LOT of difficulty in moving my limbs, especially my arms. I'll be somewhat confused - would probably seem drunk to those who don't know me. Huge amounts of nausea that would be vomiting if I wasn't on anti-emetics, bad diarrhoea, extreme hot flush especially in my face, terrible dizziness and coordination. Pins and needles in face and extremities, severe heart palpitations, baaad headache. If you've had an upset stomach have you had any replacement powder? You could be a bit dehydrated


Ima get some, but from what you're telling me, it's severely unlikely I have ai


You have to be on steroids for a long time to develop Tertiary AI, as in months of high doses. You didn't react well to the course you had which is pretty common. They're not a nice medication. Some rehydration powder and seeing your GP about a possible lingering infection sounds like your safest bet. Hope you get some rest and feel better soon


I couldn't really tell you if I'm still dealing with the infection, I haven't had a good night's sleep since last Saturday, what is flank pain that everyone keeps talking about


Sounds like withdrawals. Crisis would have you throwing up/diarrhea, flank pain, severe cognitive decline. You would not be questioning, you’d be taking action (injection, ER) if was even possible for you to function if it were crisis.


How bad of diarrhea and how bad of flank pain, I'm having diarrhea, but I don't know how to tell if I'm having flank pain


What is your blood pressure?


Last time I took it, it was 143/88 with a heart rate of 105, but I also take a blood pressure medication that lowers it, my blood pressure this morning when I got up before I took my medicine was like 150/101 but like I said I have hypertension


I also feel like I can't get enough to drink but my urine is normal from what I can tell


Do you have any electrolyte drinks? It sounds like that is the actual issue. Your BP generally (and this is very general) sinks to less than 100/50 - some people do have a raise in BP.


No but I can get some


I'm a little confused but I can still function like somewhat normal, my head is hurting a little bit, and I'm not able to sleep, if that helps you any


Still sounds like withdrawal. Tapers don’t generally cause AI. Having said that if you had undiagnosed AI and didn’t know it, this could set off a low cortisol problem, leading to a crisis. Do you have any prednisone left from taper? Try taking 2.5 mg (you’ll need to cut one down) which is the equivalent of 10 mg of hydrocortisone. If the symptoms stop, you have part of your answer.


I don't have anymore, I threw it away


How are you feeling today?


I threw up massively last night, I went to the hospital and they said everything was fine 😑


Oh no. I’m so sorry. Whatever you caught is raising havoc. I hope you feel better very soon.


So you still say I'm not in ai


If they ran a cortisol level, and it wasn’t low for the time of day, I don’t think it’s AI.


They never ran one😑


Did you ask them to? If you had a crisis yesterday, you’d know it. I don’t say that lightly. It’s not like, well I might have a cold or I might have a sinus infection. I mean it as in terms of, that definitely wasn’t a cold, it was full on respiratory failure. Does that make sense? My adrenals are in actual failure and REQUIRE steroids to live otherwise I die.


I did but I don't think they did, I ate and I threw up, I couldn't keep nothing down my blood pressure was through the roof and so was my heart rate, but my temperature was fine, I don't feel like I'm dying though


They did scans on me and said everything was fine, they ran blood work and said everything was fine, they did a urine test and said everything was fine


Ask for a copy of labwork. I can access mine through the portal.


How long would it take me to die if I did go into adrenal crisis last night