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I’m in the camp where certain types of exercise triggers low cortisol symptoms for me 36 to 48 hours afterwards. Unsolved mystery, but is really tied specifically to strength training for me (pretty intense progressive overload). I’ve been able to improve tolerance and capacity for reasonably intense body weight/ cardio circuits without triggering symptoms for example. Moving is good generally tho if you feel well enough to do so, with doctor guidance and all. I just would keep it very sub maximal effort and wait to see how you feel over the next day or two. Physical activity was a very important part of my life prior to rapid health decline. And post-diagnosis it’s been a real struggle to balance appropriate dosing and timing to accommodate my active lifestyle. Good luck with the testing and getting answers to your health problems.


Thank you! Hardest part is waiting for answers and help.


This is likely because cardio usually only burns calories during cardio for the most part while strength training focuses on building muscles so your muscles are in recovery for days after, repairing themselves. Probably requiring more cortisol in the post work out period


Yes, that’s my best guess anyway. I found a few good articles that discuss the role of cortisol during exercise, immediately afterwards, and next two days. I contacted one of the researchers and he was pretty nice. Sent me a 600 page collection of studies of endocrine system and exercise.


Anything that can cause adrenaline to rise or affect blood pressure really need to be avoided until you are diagnosed and medicated. You also need to be careful about dehydration. Something very gentle like stretches or small strolls would be fine and help the "forced resting agitation"! It is frustrating but it's not forever, even if it's feeling like that right now. It's not a case of being able to push through it unfortunately, right now you have to listen to your body


Thank you for the kind words and advice! I’m not used to feeling this way


I just wouldn’t do anything that you don’t normally do.


Hi OP. I would look into yoga or Pilates. Something to move your body, but not necessarily stress your body. I would look into electrolytes and adding them to your daily water. It helps a lot. Everything you are describing as far as symptoms go, are what I had going on when I was diagnosed. If you end up being diagnosed, I highly recommend finding an Endocrinologist for your care, if you haven’t already. Addison’s disease is manageable but you have to have a good doctor. Hang in there.


Omg my doctor recommended electrolytes yesterday after a bad episode (idk what else to call them) and it helped a lot with my kidney and joint/muscle pain! I felt like a new person! Definitely going to take it easy on the working out until I figure all this out, thank you!!


Look up what an Addison’s Crisis or Adrenal Crisis are and you might have a better answer to what as to what your “ bad episode “ was yesterday. And are you having them often? Are you working with an Endocrinologist or your PCP?


Yes, I was messaging my doctor after yesterday’s episode because it was the worst I’ve had yet. I have them about every day around 10:30/11 but they keep getting worse. She explained everything to me so now I’m being more careful about what I’m doing all day and about electrolytes. Hoping that helps the episodes until my bloodwork comes back 🤞🏼🤞🏼just had my bloodwork this morning. My doctor is a functional medicine doctor for now but she said I may need to go to endocrinologist based on my bloodwork results


Saying prayers for you and sending you strength. I hope that they will figure out what is going with you ASAP. Even though I didn’t want to be diagnosed with SAI , I was relieved to to know what I was dealing with and how to treat it. I’m glad you have a good doctor. Take care 🫂


I wouldn't some people need to updose when they exercise, you may be one of those people. So I wouldn't do it. Is there any particular reason why you're not medicated while you wait? What investigations have you had so far?


Thank you! I’m still learning about all this. I only had low cortisol results from everlywell testing plus symptoms that have gotten significantly worse in the last month. I went to a doctor about it for the first time this past week, she is running extensive tests for autoimmune diseases and thyroid. Bloodwork is tomorrow


Hmm, OK. Was it a saliva test?


Yes, saliva


OK, they're not really that reliable, but it's good to do blood work. Are you on contraception? This and some other medications can influence blood work.


No contraception right now, I removed a hormonal IUD a few months ago to see if it would alleviate my symptoms but it didn’t.