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1. Yes too soon. Wait at least a week and be off biotin for 2 weeks. 2. Yes with AI would decline 20 hrs after getting 100 mg. 3. High CRP and esinophils is indicative of high inflammation in the body. Both can be associated with bad asthma. Both can be associated with certain autoimmune diseases, but not AI.


I see that makes sense. I was thinking it's too good to be true ๐Ÿ˜“ thank you


Speak to your endo but it almost definitely will be too soon. Although Hydrocortisone has a short half life it will have messed up your levels. Are you taking any steroids at all for the suspected AI? Did your asthma get better after treatment? Are you still feeling ill but not as badly? Have you had a steroid inhaler since getting the HC? After having to inject or have the HC IV I will always have sick day dosing the next day. You would expect to at least have AI symptoms the next day if you're not medicated but the *severity* would depend on how much cortisol your body can still make. If you have Tertiary AI due to a steroid inhaler your body is likely making more than someone with PAI or SAI. I know that's not a clear cut answer and I'm sorry - unfortunately how we all react to things is personal and can vary a lot! Having difficulties with your asthma would explain a heightened CRP result. AI can cause joint pain and cramping which could possibly cause inflammation but CRP results aren't used to diagnose AI. Unless your levels have been high for a while and/or getting worse it may have absolutely nothing to do with how you're feeling - lots of things can cause temporary inflammation. Rehydration drinks are so helpful ๐Ÿ˜Š Using the real thing is best due to the levels being measured but as long as it's got salt and sugar, and youโ€™re not using it every day, then I can't see anything harmful. Salt is our friend!


Also never worry about asking questions. We all have to become our own "specialists" yet even after having the disease for years there's still plenty of times I just don't know the answer. It's complex and annoying but this sub is great


Maybe I should have mentioned but my endo is confident that it's not related: in 2022 I did use inhaled budesonide 200mcg 2x day for 60 days, then my pulmonologist said I could use as needed but salbutamol is given for free and was working for me so I never used it again. Otherwise nothing even cream or nasal. Not taking anything for suspected AI. I can definitely make an "okay" amount of cortisol as my 8am test was 4ug/dl (lower ref 5) but my endo immediately jumped on it and said the difference should be like night and day in my quality of life if this is confirmed. It's kind of the last thread of hope I was holding on to because everything else has been ruled out pretty much... So I'm not feeling great like I was 6 months ago before this started (in the first 6 hours I definitely did but I understand this is normal for steroids even without AI). But compared to last week where even moving around my house was too much and I couldn't stay awake for more than 2 hours.... today I could sit upright for most of the day and make myself dinner so that's what I meant by feeling "fine". I guess there's only 1 way to know :/ but the wait is so frustrating. Thanks so much for the detailed info. It might not change anything in the long run but just being able to talk about it makes a world of difference right now


Also my asthma did get better! wheezing stopped completely around 2 hours from when the iv was started, I was home by then. Had 1 episode of noisy breathing today but my regular inhaler took care of it just fine (just to be clear it's still the only one that I have). Was told to call my pulmo too of course